3 research outputs found


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    The provision of clean water is an urgent need that must be realized in order to solve the problems that continue to be faced by people living on peatlands. The purpose of this research is to process peat water into clean water using nanofiltration method by ceramic membrane based on clay, activated carbon nanoparticles of Oil Palm Empty Fruits Bunch (OPEFB) as an additive and iron powder as a reinforcement. Peat water is first neutralized by addition of quicklime then processed through various microfiltration methods with sponges with pore sizes, namely 0.5 µm, 0.3 µm 0.1 µm and activated carbon and finally processed through ceramic membranes made from OPEB activated carbon nanoparticle additives. The pressure is set at 1 bar, 1.5 bar and 2 bar. The raw material for peat water from the Telang River is acidic with a pH value of 4.1 and contains TSS 147.5 mg/L, Fe 0.33 mg/L, Mn 0.56 mg/L, Zn 0.02 mg/L, NH3- N 0.58 mg/L, NO2-0.19 mg/L, PO4-3 0.264 mg/L, and BOD5 12.1 mg/L. It was found that, the greater the transmembrane pressure difference and the longer the operating time used, the better the permeate yield. The difference in pressure of 2 bar gives the best results in reducing the levels of contaminants contained in peat water with an average percent rejection reduction of TSS 91.89%, Fe 70%, Mn 93.2%, Zn 95%, NH3-N 68, 6%, NO2- 70%, PO4-3 38.14%, and BOD5 91.99%

    Penguatan Organisasi dan Kelembagaan Ekonomi dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Ummat di Kota Palembang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia, khususnya masyarakat di Kota Palembang, telah menyadari adanya kesadaran untuk beralih dari aktivitas ekonomi kapitalis tradisional ke aktivitas ekonomi Islam. Sudah ada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro dan Keuangan Islam (LEKIS), seperti Baitul Mall wa Tamwil (BMT), Koperasi Warmart Veteran Utama dengan 212 Mart, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi Mahasiswa Islam (LEMI) dan HMI Alumni Real Charity (ANA HMI). Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk penguatan kapasitas dan kelembagaan ekonomi islam yaitu dalam rangka pemberdayaan ekonomi ummat di Kota Palembang. Setelah pelatihan ini, rata-rata indeks pengetahuan terkait penguatan kapasitas dan kelembagaan ekonomi Islam peserta meningkat pesat. Terbukti secara statistik nilai Asymp.Sig = 0.00 lebih besar dari α = 0.05

    Metal Pillared Bentonite Synthesis and Its Characteristics Using X-Ray Diffraction

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    Modification of bentonite by the Al/Fe metal oxide pillarization process was carried out with metal oxides. The bentonite pillars were successfully characterized using an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectrophotometer. The results of XRD characterization showed the peak diffraction angle (2θ) in metal-pillared bentonite was 26.84° at 698.98 cps. Meanwhile, in thermally and chemically activated bentonite, the peak angles were marked at 20.64° and 26.7°. There is a shift in the peak angle after activation and pillarization. XRD patterns showed dioctahedral smectite and quartz accessory minerals