960 research outputs found

    The Ecoregional Approach to Research in the CGIAR

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    Report of a joint TAC/Center Directors working group on the implementation of the ecoregional approach by the CGIAR. The document also contains comments by the center directors and by TAC. It was discussed at TAC 60, at a technical consultation organized by SPAAR in April 1993 (report in the collection), and a work shop following the CGIAR meeting of May 1993 (not reported). These discussions were considered at TAC 61. The report describes the evolution of the ecoregional concept during TAC's review of CGIAR priorities and strategies. The approach was seen as a means of conducting applied and strategic research on sustainable production in regions defined by ecological type, drawing on global research for that purpose, and strengthening cooperation with NARS and internationally. Responses from centers are summarized. The paper explores a research model for this purpose, and discusses possible operational models. It also discusses IARC measures to incorporate the ecoregional approach into their medium term plans. The working group doubts that any single operational approach will suit all regions needs. Annexed to the report are a synthesis of TAC's views of the concept, an overview of current and proposed center activities, and the terms of reference of the working group

    2012年から2017年Q1 におけるAppleのiPhone開発アプローチ

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    1.はじめに 2.世界市場におけるAppleの出荷台数の推移 3.製品ラインナップとプライシング 4.商品性の矛盾 5.製品開発と部品調達のジレンマ 6.製品開発と業績のアンバランス 7.結

    Optimization of DNA extraction from human urinary samples for mycobiome community profiling.

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    IntroductionRecent data suggest the urinary tract hosts a microbial community of varying composition, even in the absence of infection. Culture-independent methodologies, such as next-generation sequencing of conserved ribosomal DNA sequences, provide an expansive look at these communities, identifying both common commensals and fastidious organisms. A fundamental challenge has been the isolation of DNA representative of the entire resident microbial community, including fungi.Materials and methodsWe evaluated multiple modifications of commonly-used DNA extraction procedures using standardized male and female urine samples, comparing resulting overall, fungal and bacterial DNA yields by quantitative PCR. After identifying protocol modifications that increased DNA yields (lyticase/lysozyme digestion, bead beating, boil/freeze cycles, proteinase K treatment, and carrier DNA use), all modifications were combined for systematic confirmation of optimal protocol conditions. This optimized protocol was tested against commercially available methodologies to compare overall and microbial DNA yields, community representation and diversity by next-generation sequencing (NGS).ResultsOverall and fungal-specific DNA yields from standardized urine samples demonstrated that microbial abundances differed significantly among the eight methods used. Methodologies that included multiple disruption steps, including enzymatic, mechanical, and thermal disruption and proteinase digestion, particularly in combination with small volume processing and pooling steps, provided more comprehensive representation of the range of bacterial and fungal species. Concentration of larger volume urine specimens at low speed centrifugation proved highly effective, increasing resulting DNA levels and providing greater microbial representation and diversity.ConclusionsAlterations in the methodology of urine storage, preparation, and DNA processing improve microbial community profiling using culture-independent sequencing methods. Our optimized protocol for DNA extraction from urine samples provided improved fungal community representation. Use of this technique resulted in equivalent representation of the bacterial populations as well, making this a useful technique for the concurrent evaluation of bacterial and fungal populations by NGS


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    We investigate through direct molecular mechanics calculations the geometrical properties of hydrocarbon mantles subjected to percolation disorder. We show that the structures of mantles generated at the critical percolation point have a fractal dimension df2.5d_{f} \approx 2.5. In addition, the solvent access surface AsA_{s} and volume VsV_{s} of these molecules follow power-law behavior, AsLαAA_{s} \sim L^{\alpha_A} and VsLαVV_{s} \sim L^{\alpha_V}, where LL is the system size, and with both critical exponents αA\alpha_A and αV\alpha_V being significantly dependent on the radius of the accessing probing molecule, rpr_{p}. Our results from extensive simulations with two distinct microscopic topologies (i.e., square and honeycomb) indicate the consistency of the statistical analysis and confirm the self-similar characteristic of the percolating hydrocarbons. Due to their highly branched topology, some of the potential applications for this new class of disordered molecules include drug delivery, catalysis, and supramolecular structures.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure


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    筆者による論文[1]にて,サプライヤーの発注方式の評価法を提案した。すなわち,不確実な環境において,生産に必要な部品の発注方式に関して,従来のコスト中心の在庫補充方法ではなく,在庫切れに加え,フレキシビリティ(柔軟性),ロバストネス(強靭性)などのリスク面の視点をも加味した評価法を示した。また,発注方式の評価に際しては,発注・在庫シミュレーションモデルを作成し,3つの購入部品を対象に,内示変動なし/内示変動ありの場合について,種々の発注方式の比較検討を行い,評価法の妥当性の検証と発注方式の性能確認を行った。本論文では,これらの評価法の枠組みを利用して,在庫補充の運用ルールの見直しと新しい発注方式の提案による発注方式の強化策を探る。補充タイミングの在庫目標量設定ルールと補充タイミング決定ルールの見直しによる発注方式の性能確認を行う。補充タイミングの在庫目標量の設定を内示の3日分から1.5日分に変更したときには,在庫切れを発生することなく大幅な平均在庫量の削減(コスト削減)が図れることを示す。補充タイミング決定ルールを指定日の在庫量が在庫目標値の 1/2 から 1/3 になったときに補充すると変更した場合には,平均在庫量の削減と搬入回数の削減が図れることを示す。新しく毎日発注方式を提案し,性能評価を行い,優位性を示す

    Mixed axion/neutralino cold dark matter in supersymmetric models

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    We consider supersymmetric (SUSY) models wherein the strong CP problem is solved by the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism with a concommitant axion/axino supermultiplet. We examine R-parity conserving models where the neutralino is the lightest SUSY particle, so that a mixture of neutralinos and axions serve as cold dark matter. The mixed axion/neutralino CDM scenario can match the measured dark matter abundance for SUSY models which typically give too low a value of the usual thermal neutralino abundance, such as models with wino-like or higgsino-like dark matter. The usual thermal neutralino abundance can be greatly enhanced by the decay of thermally-produced axinos to neutralinos, followed by neutralino re-annihilation at temperatures much lower than freeze-out. In this case, the relic density is usually neutralino dominated, and goes as \sim (f_a/N)/m_{axino}^{3/2}. If axino decay occurs before neutralino freeze-out, then instead the neutralino abundance can be augmented by relic axions to match the measured abundance. Entropy production from late-time axino decays can diminish the axion abundance, but ultimately not the neutralino abundance. In mixed axion/neutralino CDM models, it may be possible to detect both a WIMP and an axion as dark matter relics. We also discuss possible modifications of our results due to production and decay of saxions. In the appendices, we present expressions for the Hubble expansion rate and the axion and neutralino relic densities in radiation, matter and decaying-particle dominated universes.Comment: 31 pages including 21 figure

    InterviewerとPresenterとしての学生 ─英語教科書の学習内容を活用したタスク型アプローチ─

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    A long-standing aim of Japanese education policy for the 21st century has been for all adult citizens to achieve a communicative competence in English. With Japan due to host the Summer Olympics in 2020, this aim has become ever more pressing. However, despite the efforts of policy makers, success measured against international standards has proved elusive. Congruent with this aim, and in response to the, thus far, disappointing outcomes, new approaches to English education are being introduced at all levels of the education system. This paper is presented as an empirical case study, comparing various approaches to teaching non-English major students at one Japanese university. In the context of a common syllabus and testing policy, with minimal allowance for any variation in L2 proficiency, and a requirement to cover a limited number of textbook-determined content areas, four different approaches to teaching, ranging from a single teacher, PPP approach, to team-teaching a TSLT approach were examined. Making use of a self-assessment survey, results indicate a favorable response to task-based activities, with participants expressing improved motivation and a recognition of the relevance of the set tasks. The respective roles of teachers in a team-teaching environment and the practicability of such an approach are also considered

    Wigner's DD-matrix elements for SU(3)SU(3) - A Generating Function Approach

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    A generating function for the Wigner's DD-matrix elements of SU(3)SU(3) is derived. From this an explicit expression for the individual matrix elements is obtained in a closed form.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 22 pages, no figure

    研究の科学性を高める要件 : 科学の思考法と研究方法を中心として

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    はじめに 序.学問における科学の位置 1.人間と自然との関わりの変遷 2.オーギュスト・コントによる人間の思索の分類 3.学問の三つのカテゴリー 1.近代科学とその思考形式 1.1近代科学誕生に到る思想と行動 1.2近代科学革命とその後の発展 1.3科学の基本的思考形式 2.科学的方法の発展 2.1科学的方法の基本手順 2.2帰納法自体の発展 3.科学でとらえる真理 3.1再現性,客観性 3.2社会科学での真理 3.3実在論と反実在論 3.4真理は変化する 4.論文掲載・公開の学問的意義 4.1新たなアイデアや発見情報の提供 4.2再現性確認の呼びかけ 4.3避けるべきこと おわり