84 research outputs found

    Psychological treatment of postpartum depression: A meta-analysis.

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    Postpartum depression is a widespread and disruptive depressive disorder seriously affecting the lives of new mothers and their families. We conducted a meta-analysis of controlled and comparative studies of psychological treatments of postpartum depression. Seventeen studies were included. The mean standardized effect size of all psychological treatments compared to control conditions was 0.61 (95% CI: 0.37-0.85). Several subgroup analyses were conducted. Studies with waiting list control groups had a larger mean effect size (0.96; 95% CI: 0.63-1.29) than studies with a care-asusual control group (0.41; 95% CI: 0.25-0.58). No definite conclusions can be drawn about the longer term effects. Too few studies were available to draw conclusions about the relative effects of psychological treatments compared to pharmacological and other treatment

    Microfabricated Reference Electrodes and their Biosensing Applications

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    Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing trend towards miniaturization of both biological and chemical sensors and their integration with miniaturized sample pre-processing and analysis systems. These miniaturized lab-on-chip devices have several functional advantages including low cost, their ability to analyze smaller samples, faster analysis time, suitability for automation, and increased reliability and repeatability. Electrical based sensing methods that transduce biological or chemical signals into the electrical domain are a dominant part of the lab-on-chip devices. A vital part of any electrochemical sensing system is the reference electrode, which is a probe that is capable of measuring the potential on the solution side of an electrochemical interface. Research on miniaturization of this crucial component and analysis of the parameters that affect its performance, stability and lifetime, is sparse. In this paper, we present the basic electrochemistry and thermodynamics of these reference electrodes and illustrate the uses of reference electrodes in electrochemical and biological measurements. Different electrochemical systems that are used as reference electrodes will be presented, and an overview of some contemporary advances in electrode miniaturization and their performance will be provided

    Discourse and Inuit Identity

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    KrÀnkande behandling ­ En studie av likabehandlingsplaner och förebyggande metoder och arbetssÀtt

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    Under vÄr verksamhetsförlagda utbildning vÀcktes vÄrt intresse för hur vi i vÄr kommande profession skulle bemöta bÄde de verbala och fysiska krÀnkningar vi tyckte att eleverna ofta utsatte varandra för. Enligt styrdokumenten Àr kravet stort pÄ att lÀrare ska kunna hantera dessa situationer i bÄde förebyggande och motverkande syfte. Vi kom dÄ speciellt att intressera oss för den i skolorna nyinrÀttande likabehandlingsplanen som regleras i Lagen om förbud mot diskriminering och annan krÀnkande behandling av barn och elever. Syftet med studien har varit att först undersöka huruvida vÄra VFU-skolors likabehandlingsplaner Àr formulerade utifrÄn Skolverkets allmÀnna rÄd. DÀrefter har vi studerat och beskrivit ett urval av arbetsmetoder som inriktar sig pÄ förebyggande ÄtgÀrder mot krÀnkande behandling. VÄrt examensarbete kom alltsÄ att fokusera pÄ tvÄ punkter. Vi har genom litteraturstudier försökt klargöra bakgrunden till den nya lagens tillkomst, vad begreppet krÀnkande behandling innebÀr, vilka kriterier som finns för likabehandlingsplanernas utformning och vilket utbud av förebyggande metoder som finns att tillgÄ. VÄrt metodval har varit komparativa fallstudier och analys. Med intresse har vi jÀmfört hur likabehandlingsplanerna korrelerar med de krav som enligt Skolverket stÀlls pÄ deras innehÄll. Vi har Àven analyserat likheter och olikheter hos de förebyggande metoder och arbetssÀtt vi beskrivit, utan att ha för avsikt att avgöra vilka som Àr bÀst. I resultatet synliggörs skolornas svÄrigheter att leva upp till de krav som stÀlls, bÄde ifrÄga om dokumentupprÀttande och att aktivt och genomtÀnkt vÀlja förebyggande metoder. Trots att likabehandlingsplanerna inte alltid Àr utförligt formulerade, kan förhoppningsvis kraven ÀndÄ praktiskt uppfyllas av de professionella lÀrarna i det vardagliga arbetet

    Jet and amber

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    This is the first volume charting the CAU’s on-going Barleycroft Farm/Over investigations, which now encompasses almost twenty years of fieldwork across both banks of the River Great Ouse at its junction with the Fen. Amongst the project’s main directives is the status of a major river in prehistory – when a communication corridor and when a divide? Accordingly, a key component throughout has been the documentation of the lower Ouse’s complex palaeoenvironmental history, and a delta-like wet landscape dotted with mid-stream islands has been mapped. This book is specifically concerned with the length of The Over Narrows, whose naming alludes to an extraordinary series of mid-channel ‘river race’ ridges. With their excavation generating vast artefact sets and unique palaeo-economic data, these ridges saw intense settlement sequences, ranging from Mesolithic camps, Grooved Ware, Beaker and Collared Urn pit clusters (plus field plots) to Middle Bronze fieldsystems and their attendant settlements, a massive Late Bronze Age midden complex and, finally, an Iron Age shrine. The latter involved extensive human bone or body-part deposition and bird sacrifice. Four upstanding turf barrows and two accompanying waterlogged pond barrows feature among the main excavations reported here. With more than 40 cremations (including in situ pyres), the resultant detailing of Early Bronze Age mortuary practices and the insights into the period’s monument construction are ground-breaking. This is an important book, for the scale of The Narrows’ excavations and palaeoenvironmental studies, its comprehensive dating programmes and, particularly, the innovative methodologies and analyses undertaken. Indeed, a commitment to experiment has lain at the project’s core

    A technique for supine myelography

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