390 research outputs found

    Revitalization Of Agropolitan-Based Subdistrict Development In Kapuas Regency

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    This study examines and analyzes the revitalization that is managed in the study of the alignment of Regional Government and Sectoral SKPD policies, and analyzes the Revitalization of Agropolitan Areas from the point of view of the Gap between Traditional Area Patterns and Agropolitan Patterns in Kapuas Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach that emphasizes facts and field phenomena to reveal issues related to the implementation of real estate policies. The results of the research design a policy implementation model theory from Edward III, and can be implemented in the KAFE (Kapuas Agropolitan Food Estate) project, namely the revitalization of agropolitan policies in developing superior commodity-based agropolitan areas in developing regional economies in superior local rice agropolitan areas, Dadahub District, Kapuas Regency is a policy on agropolity land of 20,000 ha in stages of 10,000 Ha and continue until 2022; and development of the economic development of agropolitan districts, which is the goal of realizing modern agricultural areas as drivers of the rural economy that are able to prosper the community. Formulation of the pattern and structure of the agropolitan area according to its function because it accelerates economic growth as a center of growth so that it becomes a center of superior local rice. Four characteristics of the pattern and structure of agropolitan areas as centers of growth, especially the existence of internal relations of various types of activities, multiplier elements, the presence of geographical concentration, and the nature of encouraging the growth of the area behind it

    Climate Vulnerability of the Supply-Chain: Literature and Methodological review

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    The increasing complexity of the present economic system and the strong interdependencies existing between production activities taking place in different world areas make modern societies vulnerable to crisis. The global supply-chain is a paradigmatic example of economic structures on which the impacts of unexpected events propagate rapidly through the system. Climate change, which affects societies all over the world, is one of the most important factors influencing the efficiency of the present economic networks. During the last decades a large set of studies have been oriented to investigate the direct impacts generated on specific geographical areas or productions. However, a smaller number of analyses have been oriented to quantify the cascading economic effects generated all over the world. The great complexity of the global economic system, coupled with methodological and data gaps makes it difficult to estimate the domino effects of unexpected events. A clear understanding of the possible consequences generated all over the world is, however, a fundamental step to build socio-economic resilience and to plan effective adaptation strategies. Within this context, the main objective of the present report is to provide an overview of the main studies, methodologies and databases used to investigate the climate vulnerability of the global supply chain. This information can be useful to i) support further studies, ii) to build consistent quantification methodologies, and iii) to fill the possible data gap.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Adaptation measures in Intended Nationally Determined Contributions from Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries

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    Due to higher risk of climate change impacts, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are identified as the two country categories in which adaptation action is most needed. To address adaptation issues, countries submitted, under the framework of the Paris Agreement, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), a vehicle to communicate adaptation actions and needs. This study performs an analysis of adaptation measures communicated through the INDCs of 74 developing countries belonging to the SIDS and LDC groups. By looking at the measures as provided in INDCs, the study makes an assessment of communicated adaptation actions and needs from recipients’ perspective. Besides categorising the types of adaptation actions and calculating total communicated costs, an in-depth analysis of information exhaustiveness in INDCs is performed, classifying the countries depending on the degree of detail in communicated information and looking at factors connected to the provision of exhaustive information. Total communicated costs amount to USD 228 billion, of which USD 141 billion are costs for specified actions and the remainder is composed of non-specified aggregates. With only 6.5 percent of specified actions being unconditional, the greatest bulk of actions are conditional on external support. Factors influencing information exhaustiveness in INDCs have been investigated through a conceptual framework that examines the willingness and the capacity to provide information. By looking at the indicators used for the analysis, preliminary results seem to indicate that countries communicating more exhaustive information are associated with higher levels of need of adaptation action, but are also associated with lower scores in terms of institutional, economic, financial, technical and human capacity. In contrast, the results do not show correlation between information exhaustiveness and political willingness to use the INDC framework.JRC.D.6-Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Food Securit

    Where are the results? Open access for research coordination projects financed by the EU

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    Freier Zugang zu den Ergebnissen von öffentlich finanzierter Forschung ist erklĂ€rtes Ziel der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission. Doch inwieweit wird Open Access in die Praxis umgesetzt? Dieser Artikel geht der Frage am Beispiel eines Teilbereichs EU-finanzierter Projekte nach: Projekte der Forschungskoordination. Ergebnisse solcher Projekte werden selten in internationalen Zeitschriften mit peer-review Verfahren veröffentlicht, sondern hauptsĂ€chlich als Graue Literatur, und stellen daher mit Blick auf Open Access eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Nach einer ErlĂ€uterung der theoretischen Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr Open Access innerhalb EU-finanzierter Forschungsprojekte, werden 26 Vorhaben der internationalen Forschungskoordination mit asiatischer Beteiligung innerhalb des 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramms (FP7) analysiert und anhand dieser die Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung von Open Access skizziert. Anschließend zeigen die Autoren einen möglichen Lösungsweg auf, um einen langfristigen und unkomplizierten Zugang zu Ergebnissen aus Projekten der Forschungskoordination zu sichern. Open access to the results of publicly funded research is one of the European Commission’s avowed goals. Yet how far is open access actually realised in practice? This article explores the issue based on a subsection of the projects financed by the EU: research coordination projects. The results of these projects rarely appear in international journals that implement peer review processes; instead, they are mainly published as grey literature and therefore pose a special challenge in terms of open access. Following explanation of the theoretical conditions for open access applying to EU-funded research projects, 26 international research coordination projects with Asian participation that constitute part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7) are analysed. The difficulties encountered when implementing open access for these projects are outlined. Finally, the authors describe a possible solution which could guarantee straightforward access to the results of research coordination projects in the long run

    Concepts and Metrics for Climate Change Risk and Development - Towards an index for Climate Resilient Development

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    The threats posed by climate change are increasingly seen as a major problem for the future of nature and humanity, and significant improvements are needed to set the world on a climate change resilient path to the future. At global, regional and local level there is an increasing demand from both policy makers and the business sector for understanding relationships between the determinants of climate change risk (hazards, exposure, vulnerability, and adaptation) as well as metrics and policy options to deal with such a risk. Meeting this demand is fraught with difficulties due to the multitude of objectives/criteria to be considered as well as the interrelated nature of the determinants of climate change, which are dynamic and evolving over time. A fundamental link between development strategies, climate adaptation planning, and disaster risk reduction has been recognized, but not characterized. In this context, climate resilient development can be indicated as one of the political priorities at global level. This report reviews the main concepts and metrics used to assess and manage climate change risk within an international context, which considers climate resilient development a central issue. It analyses in depth five climate change indices aiming at measuring all or just a few components of climate change risk with a global coverage. The review highlights that there is no consensus on concepts and metrics for a climate change risk index. A joint analysis of these indices identifies a common geography of the hot spot areas for climate change risk and vulnerability. Results show a consensus on the relevance of climate change risk in developing countries. The report highlights some open questions and gaps on conceptual frameworks, metrics, and data to build an index for climate resilient development. It identifies key issues that will be addressed to build a platform towards an index for climate resilient developmentJRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Is our attachment hurting us? : unraveling the associations between partners’ attachment pairings, negative emotions during conflict and intimate partner violence

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    Essai doctoral prĂ©sentĂ© en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie, option clinique (D. Psy)L’insĂ©curitĂ© d’attachement et l’expĂ©rience accrue d’émotions nĂ©gatives lors de conflits constituent des facteurs de risque significatifs pour la violence conjugale (VC). Cependant, les recherches antĂ©rieures ont surtout examinĂ© l'attachement de chaque partenaire sĂ©parĂ©ment dans l'association entre l'attachement et la VC, et l’examen du rĂŽle des Ă©motions nĂ©gatives en tant que mĂ©canismes explicatifs est limitĂ©. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude est basĂ©e sur un devis observationnel dyadique pour (1) examiner l'interaction entre l’attachement des partenaires (i.e. pairage) et la perpĂ©tration de VC et (2) vĂ©rifier la contribution des Ă©motions nĂ©gatives durant une discussion conflictuelle dans ces associations. Un Ă©chantillon inclusif de 178 couples de jeunes adultes ĂągĂ©s de 18 Ă  29 ans a Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ© au sein de la communautĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que l’évitement d’une personne Ă©tait positivement liĂ© Ă  la VC seulement lorsque le partenaire avait un Ă©vitement faible. Les autres pairages d'attachement (anxiĂ©tĂ©-anxiĂ©tĂ© ; Ă©vitement-anxiĂ©tĂ©) n'Ă©taient pas liĂ©s Ă  la perpĂ©tration de VC. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©galement montrĂ© que l’évitement d’une personne Ă©tait indirectement liĂ© Ă  sa propre perpĂ©tration de VC via ses propres Ă©motions nĂ©gatives lors de la discussion conflictuelle. L’évitement d’une personne Ă©tait Ă©galement indirectement associĂ© Ă  la perpĂ©tration de VC de son partenaire via les Ă©motions nĂ©gatives de ce dernier. Enfin, l'anxiĂ©tĂ© d'une personne Ă©tait indirectement associĂ©e Ă  sa propre perpĂ©tration de VC via ses propres Ă©motions nĂ©gatives lors de la discussion conflictuelle. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que d’investiguer les pairages d'attachement des couples et les Ă©motions nĂ©gatives lors de conflits offre des pistes importantes pour amĂ©liorer la prĂ©vention et l'intervention en matiĂšre de VC et approfondir notre comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans les liens entre l'attachement et la VC.Insecure romantic attachment and heightened negative emotions during conflict are significant risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV). Previous research has mainly examined each partner's attachment separately when studying the association between attachment and IPV, while the role of negative emotions as an explanatory mechanism has been overlooked. The current study used a dyadic observational design to (1) examine the interplay between partners’ attachment (i.e., pairings) in association with their IPV perpetration and (2) verify the contribution of negative emotions during a conflict discussion in these associations. An inclusive community sample of 178 young adult couples aged 18 to 29 years were recruited. Results revealed that attachment avoidance was positively associated with IPV perpetration only when the partner showed low levels of attachment avoidance. Other attachment pairings (i.e., anxiety-anxiety; avoidance-anxiety) were unrelated to IPV perpetration. Results also showed that a person’s attachment avoidance was indirectly associated with their own IPV perpetration through their own negative emotions during the conflict discussion. A person’s attachment avoidance was also indirectly associated with their partner’s IPV perpetration through their partner’s negative emotions. Finally, a person’s attachment anxiety was indirectly associated with their own IPV perpetration through their own negative emotions during the conflict discussion. These findings suggest that focusing on couples' attachment pairings and negative emotions during conflict provides valuable insights for refining prevention and intervention for IPV and furthers our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the link between attachment and IPV

    Learning Micromanipulation, Part 1: An Approach Based on Multidimensional Ability Inventories and Text Mining.

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    In the last decades, an effort has been made to improve the efficiency of high-level and academic education players. Nowadays, students’ preferences and habits are continuously evolving and so the educational institutions deal with important challenges, such as not losing attractiveness or preventing early abandonment during the programs. In many countries, some important universities are public, and so they receive national grants that are based on a variety of factors, on which the teaching efficiency has a great impact. This contribution presents a method to improve students commitment during traditional lessons and laboratory tests. The idea consists in planning some activities according to the students’ learning preferences, which were studied by means of two different approaches. The first one was based on Gardner’s multiple intelligence inventory, which is useful to highlight some peculiar characteristics of the students on the specific educational field. In the second method, direct interviews, voice recognition, and text mining were used to extract some interesting characteristics of the group of students who participated in the projects. The methods were applied in May 2018 to the students attending the course of Micro-Nano Sensors and Actuators for the postgraduate academic program dedicated to Industrial Nanotechnologies Engineering of the University of Rome La Sapienza. The present paper represents the first part of the investigation and it is dedicated essentially to the adopted methods. The second part of the work is presented in the companion paper dedicated to the presentation of the practical project that the students completed before the exam

    Three Inequivalent Mass-Degenerate Majorana Neutrinos and a Model of Their Splitting for Neutrino Oscillations

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    The mass matrix of three Majorana neutrinos of equal mass is not necessarily proportional to the identity matrix, but expressible in terms of two angles and one phase. We discuss how such a mass matrix may be stable or unstable against radiative corrections. We then propose a model with additional explicit breaking of the threefold degeneracy to account for the atmospheric neutrino data, while the radiative breaking explains the solar neutrino data, using the large-angle Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein solution. Our model requires a nonzero effective Îœe\nu_e mass for neutrinoless double beta decay close to the present experimental upper limit of 0.2 eV.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Gender and Scientific Literacy Levels: Implications for Sustainable Science and Technology Education (STE) for the 21st Century Jobs.

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    Thriving in the 21st century knowledge-intensive, technology-driven economy requires that students be equipped with the pre-requisite life skills such as those of critical thinking, cognition, information technology, problem solving and entrepreneurship. These skills are also attributes of scientific literacy. Attainment of scientific literacy at reasonable levels is therefore important. In line with the 21st century global demands, existing Science and Technology Education (STE) curricula in Nigeria were reviewed and restructured. The Basic Science Curricula at the primary and junior secondary school levels are examples of such curricula. These emphasize adequate acquisition of scientific literacy as their primary objective. The significance of scientific literacy therefore demands that their levels of attainment among pupils exposed to such Basic Science Curricula be investigated. In the present study, extent of attainment of scientific literacy at its various levels by male and female Basic Science students was investigated, using an instrument - Test of Scientific Literacy Levels (TOSL) - on students from four schools randomly selected from co-educational schools in Abia State of Nigeria. Results indicated very low performance in the attainment of aggregate scientific literacy attributes as well as in the four various scientific literacy levels. However, male students significantly performed better than their female counterparts. These findings imply that the competencies needed for thriving in the 21st century competitive global market and which are also attributes of scientific literacy  and entrepreneurship development are not being adequately acquired. Inquiry oriented/problem solving - interactive pedagogical approaches that will enhance scientific literacy attainment by youths should be implemented. Keywords: Literacy, gender, Science educatio
