7 research outputs found
Table 1 of experts and representatives interviewed
In a modern society it is generally accepted that the major cause for environmental problems is the current consumption pattern in industrialized countries, thus it is crucial to understand underlying processes and search for solutions in order to consciously progress towards sustainable consumption. In this paper the exclusive role of municipalities in promoting sustainable consumption is recognized. By analyzing the example of the situation of municipalities in Latvia, the reason for focusing on local level when dealing with sustainable consumption issues, as well as main obstacles and possibilities for municipalities' progress towards sustainability are revealed. Promotion of sustainable consumption cannot be based solely on eco-efficiency. Sufficiency strategy plays a crucial role. Since positive social environment for sufficiency dimension is vitally important, local level holds exclusively crucial role for its implementation - the potential of municipalities here is unbounded. Although local authorities already have many tools available, they are insufficiently discovered. Insufficiently exploited tools are property tax relief as support mechanism, establishment of advisory boards, green procurement, promotion of social entrepreneurship and collaborative consumption, as well as delegation of municipalities' functions to NGOs, thus encouraging nonmaterial wellbeing by strengthening social ties and community activities
Municipalitiesā role in promoting sustainable consumption in Latvia
MÅ«sdienu sabiedrÄ«bÄ galvenais cÄlonis vides problÄmÄm ir paÅ”reizÄjais patÄriÅa modelis industrializÄtajÄs valstÄ«s, tÄdÄļ ir ļoti bÅ«tiski izprast mÅ«sdienu patÄriÅu veicinoÅ”os procesus un meklÄt risinÄjumus, lai apzinÄti virzÄ«tos uz ilgtspÄjÄ«gu patÄriÅu.
Darba mÄrÄ·is ir apzinÄt paÅ”valdÄ«bu Ä«paÅ”o lomu ilgtspÄjÄ«ga patÄriÅa veicinÄÅ”anÄ un tÄs Ä«stenoÅ”anas veidus vietÄjÄ lÄ«menÄ« LatvijÄ.
VirzÄ«ba uz ilgtspÄjÄ«gu patÄriÅu nevar tikt balstÄ«ta tikai uz ekoefektivitÄti vien. PietiekamÄ«bas stratÄÄ£ijai ir izŔķiroÅ”a nozÄ«me. LabvÄlÄ«gai sociÄlajai videi ļoti svarÄ«ga ir pietiekamÄ«bas dimensija, kuras Ä«stenoÅ”anÄ vietÄjam lÄ«menim ir priekÅ”rocÄ«bas. Lai gan paÅ”valdÄ«bÄm jau ir pieejami daudz politisko rÄ«ku un instrumentu patÄriÅa ietekmÄÅ”anai vietÄjÄ lÄ«menÄ«, tie nav pietiekami apzinÄti. AtslÄgas vÄrdi: ilgtspÄjÄ«gs patÄriÅÅ”, ilgtspÄjÄ«ga attÄ«stÄ«ba, paÅ”valdÄ«bas, pÄrvalde, politiskie instrumenti, subsidiaritÄte, LatvijaIn a modern society the major cause for environmental problems is the current consumption pattern in industrialized countries, thus it is crucial to understand underlying processes and search for solutions in order to consciously progress towards sustainable consumption.
The purpose of this paper is to study the exclusive role of municipalities in promoting sustainable consumption and different opportunities of implementing it at a local level in Latvia.
Promotion of sustainable consumption cannot be based solely on ecoefficiency. Sufficiency strategy plays a crucial role. Since positive social environment for sufficiency dimension is vitally important, local level holds exclusively crucial role for its implementation. Although local authorities already have many tools available for influencing local consumption, they are insufficiently discovered. Keywords: sustainable consumption, sustainable development, subsidiarity, governance, policy instruments, municipalities, Latvi
Citizens attitude towards possible measures of adaption to the sea coast erosion in Latvia
Viena no globÄlÄs klimata pasiltinÄÅ”anÄs izpausmju sekÄm ir pastiprinÄta jÅ«ras krasta erozija. LatvijÄ Å”obrÄ«d krasta erozijas problÄmas kontekstÄ papildus klimata pÄrmaiÅÄm nozÄ«mÄ«ga ir arÄ« cilvÄku darbÄ«ba piekrastes joslÄ. LatvijÄ ir nepiecieÅ”ams valstiskÄ lÄ«menÄ« apsvÄrt iespÄjamos piemÄroÅ”anÄs pasÄkumus Ŕīs problÄmas risinÄÅ”anai.
Bakalaura darba mÄrÄ·is ir noskaidrot iedzÄ«votÄju attieksmi pret iespÄjamiem piemÄroÅ”anÄs pasÄkumiem jÅ«ras krasta erozijai LatvijÄ.
PÄtÄ«jumÄ tika apzinÄta krasta erozijas vistieÅ”Äk skarto iedzÄ«votÄju kopÄjÄ nostÄja pÄtÄmajÄ jautÄjumÄ, izdarÄ«ti secinÄjumi un veikta rezultÄtu interpretÄcija, sasaistot tos ar literatÅ«ras apskatÄ atspoguļoto teorÄtisko informÄciju. AtslÄgas vÄrdi: krasta erozija, piemÄroÅ”anÄs krasta erozijai, Latvijas piekraste, iedzÄ«votÄju attieksme pret piemÄroÅ”anosOne of the consequences of global climate change is intensified sea coast erosion. At present in Latvia in addition to climate change human activities in seashore are also important in context of coastal erosion. There is a need to consider possible measures of adaptation in national level to solve this issue.
The aim of Bachelorās work is to clarify citizens attitude towards possible measures of adaption to the sea coast erosion in Latvia.
In result common position of coastal erosion most effected citizens were studied, conclusions and interpretation of results were made bonding them with theoretical information displayed in the review of literature. Key words: coastal erosion, adaption to the coastal erosion, seashore of Latvia, citizens attitude towards adaption
Vide un ilgtspÄjÄ«ga attÄ«stÄ«ba
GrÄmata sagatavota un izdota ar NorvÄÄ£ijas valdÄ«bas divpusÄjÄ finanÅ”u instrumenta projekta LV0044 "Vides zinÄtnes studiju satura attÄ«stÄ«ba un studiju materiÄlu izstrÄde" atbalstu
Environment and Sustainable Development
The book has been prepared and published with the support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Project LV0044 "Development of environmental science study content and study materials