3 research outputs found

    Sand colour at Cuba and its influence on beach nourishment and management

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    The colour of 93 beaches in Cuba was assessed in CIEL*a*b* colour space. Study sites comprised exposed and sheltered mainland beaches and keys. Notwithstanding the limited extension of this country, beaches show real colour variability due to mineralogical differences in rock outcrops in the various watersheds, the proximity of the coral reef and the shell fragments originated in open coast or mangrove areas. PCA performed on the L*, a* and b* parameters allowed beach groupings which fitted with their geographical locations and identified those altered by beach nourishment. Sand lightness was considered by taking into account visitor's preferences, addressed to very clear sand, which is infrequent in mainland Cuba. One strongly coloured beach was found, for which a geosite institution is proposed. The impact of beach nourishment on native sand colour was studied and the beach at Varadero, probably the most popular Cuban beach, was negatively impacted by this activity. Reconstruction was necessary after severe erosion induced by Sea Level Rise and hurricanes. Recommendations for wise beach nourishment in tropical areas are given

    Color arena en Cuba y su influencia en la nutrici贸n y manejo de las playas.

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    The colour of 93 beaches in Cuba was assessed in CIEL*a*b* colour space. Study sites comprised exposed and sheltered mainland beaches and keys. Notwithstanding the limited extension of this country, beaches show real colour variability due to mineralogical differences in rock outcrops in the various watersheds, the proximity of the coral reef and the shell fragments originated in open coast or mangrove areas. PCA performed on the L*, a* and b* parameters allowed beach groupings which fitted with their geographical locations and identified those altered by beach nourishment. Sand lightness was considered by taking into account visitor's preferences, addressed to very clear sand, which is infrequent in mainland Cuba. One strongly coloured beach was found, for which a geosite institution is proposed. The impact of beach nourishment on native sand colour was studied and the beach at Varadero, probably the most popular Cuban beach, was negatively impacted by this activity. Reconstruction was necessary after severe erosion induced by Sea Level Rise and hurricanes. Recommendations for wise beach nourishment in tropical areas are given.El color de 93 playas en Cuba se evalu贸 en el espacio de color CIEL * a * b *. Los sitios de estudio comprend铆an playas y llaves continentales expuestas y protegidas. A pesar de la extensi贸n limitada de este pa铆s, las playas muestran una variabilidad de color real debido a las diferencias mineral贸gicas en los afloramientos rocosos en las distintas cuencas hidrogr谩ficas, la proximidad del arrecife de coral y los fragmentos de conchas originados en zonas de costa abierta o manglares. Los PCA realizados en los par谩metros L *, a * y b * permitieron agrupaciones de playas que se ajustaron a sus ubicaciones geogr谩ficas e identificaron aquellas alteradas por la nutrici贸n de las playas. Se consider贸 la ligereza de la arena teniendo en cuenta las preferencias de los visitantes, dirigidas a la arena muy clara, que es poco frecuente en la parte continental de Cuba. Se encontr贸 una playa de color intenso, para la cual se propone una instituci贸n geosita. Se estudi贸 el impacto de la nutrici贸n de la playa en el color arena nativo y la playa de Varadero, probablemente la playa cubana m谩s popular, se vio afectada negativamente por esta actividad. La reconstrucci贸n fue necesaria despu茅s de una severa erosi贸n inducida por el aumento del nivel del mar y los huracanes. Se dan recomendaciones para la nutrici贸n sabia de la playa en 谩reas tropicales