256 research outputs found

    Sialic acid transport and catabolism are cooperatively regulated by SiaR and CRP in nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae

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    BACKGROUND: The transport and catabolism of sialic acid, a critical virulence factor for nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, is regulated by two transcription factors, SiaR and CRP. RESULTS: Using a mutagenesis approach, glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6P) was identified as a co-activator for SiaR. Evidence for the cooperative regulation of both the sialic acid catabolic and transport operons suggested that cooperativity between SiaR and CRP is required for regulation. cAMP was unable to influence the expression of the catabolic operon in the absence of SiaR but was able to induce catabolic operon expression when both SiaR and GlcN-6P were present. Alteration of helical phasing supported this observation by uncoupling SiaR and CRP regulation. The insertion of one half-turn of DNA between the SiaR and CRP operators resulted in the loss of SiaR-mediated repression of the transport operon while eliminating cAMP-dependent induction of the catabolic operon when GlcN-6P was present. SiaR and CRP were found to bind to their respective operators simultaneously and GlcN-6P altered the interaction of SiaR with its operator. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest multiple novel features for the regulation of these two adjacent operons. SiaR functions as both a repressor and an activator and SiaR and CRP interact to regulate both operons from a single set of operators

    Acylation of the Lipooligosaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae and Colonization: an htrB Mutation Diminishes the Colonization of Human Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Haemophilus influenzae is a commensal and opportunistic pathogen of the human airways. A number of surface molecules contribute to colonization of the airways by H. influenzae, such as adhesins, including structures found in the lipooligosaccharide (LOS). A human bronchiolar xenograft model was employed to investigate the host-bacterial interactions involved in the colonization of the airway by H. influenzae. Differential display was used to identify H. influenzae mRNA that reflect genes which were preferentially expressed in the xenograft compared to growth. Eleven mRNA fragments had consistent increased expression when the bacteria grew in xenografts. On sequencing these fragments, eight open reading frames were identified. Three of these had no match in the NCBI or the TIGR database, while an additional three were homologous to genes involved in heme or iron acquisition and utilization: two of the mRNAs encoded proteins homologous to enzymes involved in LOS biosynthesis: a heptosyl transferase (rfaF) involved in the synthesis of the LOS core and a ketodeoxyoctonate phosphate-dependent acyltransferase (htrB) that performs one of the late acylation reactions in lipid A synthesis. Inoculation of human bronchiolar xenografts revealed a significant reduction in colonization capacity by htrB mutants. In vitro, htrB mutants elicited lesser degrees of cytoskeletal rearrangement and less stimulation of host cell signaling with 16HBE14o- cells and decreased intracellular survival. These results implicate acylation of H. influenzae lipid A as playing a key role in the organisms' colonization of the normal airway

    The Composition and Metabolic Phenotype of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Biofilms

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been shown to form biofilms during cervical infection. Thus, biofilm formation may play an important role in the infection of women. The ability of N. gonorrhoeae to form membrane blebs is crucial to biofilm formation. Blebs contain DNA and outer membrane structures, which have been shown to be major constituents of the biofilm matrix. The organism expresses a DNA thermonuclease that is involved in remodeling of the biofilm matrix. Comparison of the transcriptional profiles of gonococcal biofilms and planktonic runoff indicate that genes involved in anaerobic metabolism and oxidative stress tolerance are more highly expressed in biofilm. The expression of aniA, ccp, and norB, which encode nitrite reductase, cytochrome c peroxidase, and nitric oxide reductase respectively, is required for mature biofilm formation over glass and human cervical cells. In addition, anaerobic respiration occurs in the substratum of gonococcal biofilms and disruption of the norB gene required for anaerobic respiration, results in a severe biofilm attenuation phenotype. It has been demonstrated that accumulation of nitric oxide (NO) contributes to the phenotype of a norB mutant and can retard biofilm formation. However, NO can also enhance biofilm formation, and this is largely dependent on the concentration and donation rate or steady-state kinetics of NO. The majority of the genes involved in gonococcal oxidative stress tolerance are also required for normal biofilm formation, as mutations in the following genes result in attenuated biofilm formation over cervical cells and/or glass: oxyR, gor, prx, mntABC, trxB, and estD. Overall, biofilm formation appears to be an adaptation for coping with the environmental stresses present in the female genitourinary tract. Therefore, this review will discuss the studies, which describe the composition and metabolic phenotype of gonococcal biofilms

    Francisella tularensis Schu S4 lipopolysaccharide core sugar and o-antigen mutants are attenuated in a mouse model of tularemia

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    The virulence factors mediating Francisella pathogenesis are being investigated, with an emphasis on understanding how the organism evades innate immunity mechanisms. Francisella tularensis produces a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that is essentially inert and a polysaccharide capsule that helps the organism to evade detection by components of innate immunity. Using an F. tularensis Schu S4 mutant library, we identified strains that are disrupted for capsule and O-antigen production. These serum-sensitive strains lack both capsule production and O-antigen laddering. Analysis of the predicted protein sequences for the disrupted genes (FTT1236 and FTT1238c) revealed similarity to those for waa (rfa) biosynthetic genes in other bacteria. Mass spectrometry further revealed that these proteins are involved in LPS core sugar biosynthesis and the ligation of O antigen to the LPS core sugars. The 50% lethal dose (LD(50)) values of these strains are increased 100- to 1,000-fold for mice. Histopathology revealed that the immune response to the F. tularensis mutant strains was significantly different from that observed with wild-type-infected mice. The lung tissue from mutant-infected mice had widespread necrotic debris, but the spleens lacked necrosis and displayed neutrophilia. In contrast, the lungs of wild-type-infected mice had nominal necrosis, but the spleens had widespread necrosis. These data indicate that murine death caused by wild-type strains occurs by a mechanism different from that by which the mutant strains kill mice. Mice immunized with these mutant strains displayed >10-fold protective effects against virulent type A F. tularensis challenge

    Transcriptional profiling identifies the metabolic phenotype of gonococcal biofilms

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the etiologic agent of gonorrhea, is frequently asymptomatic in women, often leading to chronic infections. One factor contributing to this may be biofilm formation. N. gonorrhoeae can form biofilms on glass and plastic surfaces. There is also evidence that biofilm formation may occur during natural cervical infection. To further study the mechanism of gonococcal biofilm formation, we compared transcriptional profiles of N. gonorrhoeae biofilms to planktonic profiles. Biofilm RNA was extracted from N. gonorrhoeae 1291 grown for 48 h in continuous-flow chambers over glass. Planktonic RNA was extracted from the biofilm runoff. In comparing biofilm with planktonic growth, 3.8% of the genome was differentially regulated. Genes that were highly upregulated in biofilms included aniA, norB, and ccp. These genes encode enzymes that are central to anaerobic respiratory metabolism and stress tolerance. Downregulated genes included members of the nuo gene cluster, which encodes the proton-translocating NADH dehydrogenase. Furthermore, it was observed that aniA, ccp, and norB insertional mutants were attenuated for biofilm formation on glass and transformed human cervical epithelial cells. These data suggest that biofilm formation by the gonococcus may represent a response that is linked to the control of nitric oxide steady-state levels during infection of cervical epithelial cells

    Comparative analyses of proteins from Haemophilus influenzae biofilm and planktonic populations using metabolic labeling and mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Non-typeable H. influenzae (NTHi) is a nasopharyngeal commensal that can become an opportunistic pathogen causing infections such as otitis media, pneumonia, and bronchitis. NTHi is known to form biofilms. Resistance of bacterial biofilms to clearance by host defense mechanisms and antibiotic treatments is well-established. In the current study, we used stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to compare the proteomic profiles of NTHi biofilm and planktonic organisms. Duplicate continuous-flow growth chambers containing defined media with either “light” (L) isoleucine or “heavy” (H) (13)C(6)-labeled isoleucine were used to grow planktonic (L) and biofilm (H) samples, respectively. Bacteria were removed from the chambers, mixed based on weight, and protein extracts were generated. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was performed on the tryptic peptides and 814 unique proteins were identified with 99% confidence. RESULTS: Comparisons of the NTHi biofilm to planktonic samples demonstrated that 127 proteins showed differential expression with p-values ≤0.05. Pathway analysis demonstrated that proteins involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and purine, pyrimidine, nucleoside, and nucleotide processes showed a general trend of downregulation in the biofilm compared to planktonic organisms. Conversely, proteins involved in transcription, DNA metabolism, and fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism showed a general trend of upregulation under biofilm conditions. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-MS was used to validate a subset of these proteins; among these were aerobic respiration control protein ArcA, NAD nucleotidase and heme-binding protein A. CONCLUSIONS: The present proteomic study indicates that the NTHi biofilm exists in a semi-dormant state with decreased energy metabolism and protein synthesis yet is still capable of managing oxidative stress and in acquiring necessary cofactors important for biofilm survival. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-014-0329-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Attenuation of Host NO Production by MAMPs Potentiates Development of the Host in the Squid-Vibrio Symbiosis

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    The presence of bacterial pathogens typically upregulates the host’s production of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitric oxide (NO) as antimicrobial agents. This dramatic response is often mediated by microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) of the pathogen. In contrast, previous studies of the beneficial Euprymna scolopes/Vibrio fischeri symbiosis demonstrated that symbiont colonization results in an attenuation of host NOS/NO, which occur in high levels in the hatchling light organ. In the present study, we sought to determine whether V. fischeri MAMPs, specifically lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the peptidoglycan derivative tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), attenuate NOS/NO, and whether this activity mediates the MAMPs-induced light organ morphogenesis. Using confocal microscopy, we visualized and quantified the levels of NOS with immunocytochemistry and NO with a NO-specfic fluorochrome. When added exogenously to seawater containing hatchling animals, V. fischeri LPS and TCT together, but not individually, induced normal NOS/NO attenuation. Further, V. fischeri mutants defective in TCT release did not. Experiments with NOS inhibitors and NO donors provided evidence that NO mediates the apoptosis and morphogenesis associated with symbiont colonization. Attenuation of NOS/NO by LPS and TCT in the squid-vibrio symbiosis provides another example of how the host’s response to MAMPs depends on the context (i.e., beneficial or pathogenic bacteria). These data also provide a mechanism by which symbiont MAMPs regulate host development through NO attenuation

    Environmental cues and symbiont microbe-associated molecular patterns function in concert to drive the daily remodelling of the crypt-cell brush border of the Euprymna scolopes light organ: Inducers of daily brush-border remodelling

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    Recent research has shown that the microbiota affects the biology of associated host epithelial tissues, including their circadian rhythms, although few data are available on how such influences shape the microarchitecture of the brush border. The squid-vibrio system exhibits two modifications of the brush border that supports the symbionts: effacement and repolarization. Together these occur on a daily rhythm in adult animals, at the dawn expulsion of symbionts into the environment, and symbiont colonization of the juvenile host induces an increase in microvillar density. Here we sought to define how these processes are related and the roles of both symbiont colonization and environmental cues. Ultrastructural analyses showed that the juvenile-organ brush borders also efface concomitantly with daily dawn-cued expulsion of symbionts. Manipulation of the environmental light cue and juvenile symbiotic state demonstrated that this behaviour requires the light cue, but not colonization. In contrast, symbionts were required for the observed increase in microvillar density that accompanies post dawn brush-border repolarization; this increase was induced solely by host exposure to phosphorylated lipid A of symbiont cells. These data demonstrate that a partnering of environmental and symbiont cues shapes the brush border and that microbe-associated molecular patterns play a role in the regulation of brush-border microarchitecture

    Hexa-Acylated Lipid A Is Required for Host Inflammatory Response to Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Experimental Gonorrhea

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    ABSTRACT Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection characterized by inflammation of the cervix or urethra. However, a significant subset of patients with N. gonorrhoeae remain asymptomatic, without evidence of localized inflammation. Inflammatory responses to N. gonorrhoeae are generated by host innate immune recognition of N. gonorrhoeae by several innate immune signaling pathways, including lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and other pathogen-derived molecules through activation of innate immune signaling systems, including toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) processing complex known as the inflammasome. The lipooligosaccharide of N. gonorrhoeae has a hexa-acylated lipid A. N. gonorrhoeae strains that carry an inactivated msbB (also known as lpxL1 ) gene produce a penta-acylated lipid A and exhibit reduced biofilm formation, survival in epithelial cells, and induction of epithelial cell inflammatory signaling. We now show that msbB -deficient N. gonorrhoeae induces less inflammatory signaling in human monocytic cell lines and murine macrophages than the parent organism. The penta-acylated LOS exhibits reduced toll-like receptor 4 signaling but does not affect N. gonorrhoeae -mediated activation of the inflammasome. We demonstrate that N. gonorrhoeae msbB is dispensable for initiating and maintaining infection in a murine model of gonorrhea. Interestingly, infection with msbB -deficient N. gonorrhoeae is associated with less localized inflammation. Combined, these data suggest that TLR4-mediated recognition of N. gonorrhoeae LOS plays an important role in the pathogenesis of symptomatic gonorrhea infection and that alterations in lipid A biosynthesis may play a role in determining symptomatic and asymptomatic infections

    Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids

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    D.A.P. was supported by a National Institutes of Mental Health T32 MH70343-05 fellowship. J.R.W. was supported by a National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship.In many primates, including humans, the vocalizations of males and females differ dramatically, with male vocalizations and vocal anatomy often seeming to exaggerate apparent body size. These traits may be favoured by sexual selection because low-frequency male vocalizations intimidate rivals and/or attract females, but this hypothesis has not been systematically tested across primates, nor is it clear why competitors and potential mates should attend to vocalization frequencies. Here we show across anthropoids that sexual dimorphism in fundamental frequency (F0) increased during evolutionary transitions towards polygyny, and decreased during transitions towards monogamy. Surprisingly, humans exhibit greater F0 sexual dimorphism than any other ape. We also show that low-F0 vocalizations predict perceptions of men’s dominance and attractiveness, and predict hormone profiles (low cortisol and high testosterone) related to immune function. These results suggest that low male F0 signals condition to competitors and mates, and evolved in male anthropoids in response to the intensity of mating competition.PostprintPeer reviewe
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