37 research outputs found

    Uticaj sezone na kvalitet sperme nerasta

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    It was demonstrated that boar sperm production and characteristics significantly decrease in the wormer period of the year. As a result, the boars reproductive exploitation efficiency decrease in the wormer season. Therefore, the aim of the present paper was to investigate the influence of cold and warm season on the boars semen quality, in the our intensive pig production conditions. The obtained results clearly show that the main semen quality parameters were significantly (p lt 0.05 or p lt 0.01) higher in the cold, compared with the warm season (ejaculate volume=274ml, sperm concentration=229'106/ml, total sperm number=60'109, progressive motility=79%, and good ejaculates=96%, vs. 218ml, 208'106/ml, 45'109, 69% and 78%, resp.). In conclusion, keeping boars cool during summer and frequent observation of boars to determine if they are being heat- stressed, can significant reduce the negative influence of elevated ambient temperature on sperm production and, consequently, improve boars reproductive exploitation efficiency.Ustanovljeno je da su produkcija i osobine sperme nerasta značajno niže tokom toplijeg perioda godine. Posledično, u ovom periodu godine značajno se smanjuje efikasnost reproduktivnog iskoriÅ”tavanja nerastova. Zbog toga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ustanovi uticaj hladne i tople godiÅ”nje sezone na parametre kvaliteta sperme u naÅ”im uslovima intenzivne proizvodnje svinja. Dobijeni rezultati jasno pokazuju da su osnovni parametri kvaliteta ejakulata značajno veći (p lt 0.05 or p lt 0.01) u hladnoj, nego u toploj godiÅ”njoj sezoni (volumen ejakulata=274ml, koncentracija spermatozoida=229'106/ml, ukupan broj spermatozoida=60'109, progresivna pokretljivost=79% i dobrih ejakulata=96%, prema 218ml, 208'106/ml, 45'109, 69% i 78%). Zaključak je da rashlađivanje nerastova tokom leta i čeŔća observacija prisustva toplotnog stresa, može značajno smanjiti negativan uticaj poviÅ”ene ambijentalne temperature na produkciju sperme i, posledično, povećati efikasnost reproduktivnog iskoriÅ”tavanja nerastova

    Uticaj sezone na kvalitet sperme nerasta

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    It was demonstrated that boar sperm production and characteristics significantly decrease in the wormer period of the year. As a result, the boars reproductive exploitation efficiency decrease in the wormer season. Therefore, the aim of the present paper was to investigate the influence of cold and warm season on the boars semen quality, in the our intensive pig production conditions. The obtained results clearly show that the main semen quality parameters were significantly (p lt 0.05 or p lt 0.01) higher in the cold, compared with the warm season (ejaculate volume=274ml, sperm concentration=229'106/ml, total sperm number=60'109, progressive motility=79%, and good ejaculates=96%, vs. 218ml, 208'106/ml, 45'109, 69% and 78%, resp.). In conclusion, keeping boars cool during summer and frequent observation of boars to determine if they are being heat- stressed, can significant reduce the negative influence of elevated ambient temperature on sperm production and, consequently, improve boars reproductive exploitation efficiency.Ustanovljeno je da su produkcija i osobine sperme nerasta značajno niže tokom toplijeg perioda godine. Posledično, u ovom periodu godine značajno se smanjuje efikasnost reproduktivnog iskoriÅ”tavanja nerastova. Zbog toga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ustanovi uticaj hladne i tople godiÅ”nje sezone na parametre kvaliteta sperme u naÅ”im uslovima intenzivne proizvodnje svinja. Dobijeni rezultati jasno pokazuju da su osnovni parametri kvaliteta ejakulata značajno veći (p lt 0.05 or p lt 0.01) u hladnoj, nego u toploj godiÅ”njoj sezoni (volumen ejakulata=274ml, koncentracija spermatozoida=229'106/ml, ukupan broj spermatozoida=60'109, progresivna pokretljivost=79% i dobrih ejakulata=96%, prema 218ml, 208'106/ml, 45'109, 69% i 78%). Zaključak je da rashlađivanje nerastova tokom leta i čeŔća observacija prisustva toplotnog stresa, može značajno smanjiti negativan uticaj poviÅ”ene ambijentalne temperature na produkciju sperme i, posledično, povećati efikasnost reproduktivnog iskoriÅ”tavanja nerastova

    Uticaj nerasta i godiŔnje sezone na pojedine parametre fertilizacionog potencijala spermatozoida

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    In order to determine the more accurate fertile potential of sperm, it seems that the conventional parameters of boar semen quality (the ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, progressive motility, percentage of live sperm and of those with intact acrosomal morphology) are insufficient. Since recently, there have been numerous studies proving that protein concentration in sperm plasma has high positive correlation with boar fertile potential. The research objective was to determine the effect of boars as well as the season on the variation of protein content in the sperm plasma. For the research there were used spermal fractions of 2 boars with high (V-boar) and 2 boars with low (N-boar) protein content in spermal plasma. The ejaculates of boars were taken once a week, for a month, during one year (4 *12 = 48 ejaculates per boar). For protein analysis in the spermal plasma, the samples were prepared by centrifugation. The ejaculate volume, protein concentration and progressive motility varied considerably (p lt 0.05 or p lt 0.01) among the boars as well as in one and the same boar. The variations of the same parameters were determined also during both warm and cold season. On the other hand, protein concentration was rather constant, and in V-boars (ranged from 4 to 4.5%) while in N-boars (ranged from 2.3 to 2.6%). The season did not significantly affect (p > 0.01) protein content in sperm plasma (V-boars: 4 to 4.5% in warm and cold season; N-boars: 2.3 do 2.6% in warm and 2.3 to 2.5% in cold season). The obtained results showed that measurement of protein content in boar sperm plasma could be a useful method for their ranking, based on fertile potential of fresh semen.U cilju određivanja Å”to tačnijeg fertilizacionog potencijala spermatozoida, čini se da konvencionalni parametri kvaliteta semena nerastova (volumen ejakulata, koncentracja spermatozoida, progresivna pokretljivost, procenat živih spermatozoida, kao i onih sa intaktnom akrozomalnom morfologijom) nisu dovoljni. Od nedavno, postoje brojna istraživanja koja dokazuju da koncentracja proteina u spermalnoj plazmi ima visoku pozitivnu korelaciju sa fertilizacionim potencijalom nerastova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi efekt nerasta kao i uticaj godiÅ”nje sezone na varijaciju sadržaja proteina u spermalnoj plazmi nerastova. Za ispitivanja su koriÅ”tene spermalne frakcje 2 nerasta sa visokim (V-nerast) i 2 narasta sa niskim (N-nerast) sadržajem proteina u spermalnoj plazmi. Ejakulati su od nerastova uzimani jednom nedeljno, u okviru jednog meseca, tokom godinu dana (4*12=48 ejakulata po nerastu). Za analizu proteina u spermalnoj plazmi, uzorci su pripremljeni centrifugiranjem. Volumen ejakulata, koncentacja spermatozoida kao i progresivna pokretljivost su značajno varirali (p lt 0,05 ili p lt 0,01) između nerastova kao i kod jednog te istog nerasta. Varjacje istih parametara utvrđene su i tokom tople odnosno hladne sezone godine. Sa druge strane, koncentracja proteina je bila prilično konstantna, i kod V-nerastova (kretala se od 4 do 4,5%) i kod N-nerastova (kretala se od 2,3 do 2,6%). Sezona nije značajno uticala (p > 0,01) na sadržaj proteina u spermalnoj plazmi (V-nerastovi: 4 do 4,5% u toploj i hladnoj sezoni godine; N-nerastovi: 2,3 do 2,6% u toploj i 2,3 do 2,5% u hladnoj sezoni godine). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da bi merenje sadržaja proteina u spermalnoj plazmi nerastova mogao biti koristan metod za njihovo rangiranje, a na osnovu fertilizacionog potencijala svežeg semena

    Nalaženje parazitskih nematoda kod riba na tržiŔtu

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    When placing the fish and fish products on the trade it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of zoonotic parasites that can lead to infection of people especially if the fish is consumed raw or undercooked. Epidemiologically the most important are helminths from the group of Nematoda. The most important are Anisaxis spp. and Eustrongylides excisus. Anisakiasis is a serious zoonotic disease with a dramatic increase in prevalence throughout the world in the last two decades. The larvae are found in marine fish species most frequently in sardines, herring and mackerel. Eustrongylidosis is a disease that occurs primarily in freshwater fish species: catfish, zander and pike, a cause is a parasite of the genus Eustrongylides of which the most important species is Eustrongylides excisus. In this paper, the nematodes that occur in fish that are present in the market in the Republic of Serbia are present. Investigations of Anisaxis spp. were carried out at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine Novi Sad in the period of 2000-2013. Total of 2414 samples of imported marine fish was inspected. In 25 (1.29 % ) samples of herrings (Clupea harengus ) and mackerels ( Scomber scombrus ) was identified Anisakis spp. Investigations of Eustrongylides spp . were carried out in the period 2010-2013 at the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal. Samples were collected from zander (Sander lucioperca) and European catfish (Silurisglanis) in which the presence of nematodes was found in the abdominal cavity, muscles, the lumen of the stomach and gastric wall where the parasites were encapsulated. Individuals of zander were examined during the 2013 at the Veterinary Institute Novi Sad, where the presence of larvae Eustrongylides spp. u muscle was detected. In order to avoid infecting people with parasites of fish it is necessary to carry out continuous control and monitoring. Fresh fishes and traditional fish products must be inspected for the presence of parasites before they find on the trade. Continuous education is a key factor in combating zoonotic diseases. Avoid consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish is still the best preventive procedure.Prilikom stavljanja u promet i pregleda ribljeg mesa i proizvoda od ribe treba obratiti pažnju na prisustvo zoonotskih parazita koji mogu dovesti do inficiranja ljudi naročito ako se riba konzumira sirova ili termički nedovoljno obrađena. Sa epidemioloÅ”kog aspekta najveći značaj imaju helminti iz grupe Nematoda. Najznačajnije su Anisaxis spp. i Eustrongylides excisus. Anisakijaza je ozbiljno zoonotsko oboljenje sa dramatičnim porastom prevalence Å”irom sveta u poslednje dve decenije. Larve se mogu naći kod morskih vrsta riba najčeŔće kod sardine, haringe i skuÅ”e. Eustrongilidoza je oboljenje koje se javlja kod slatkovodnih riba prvenstveno grabljivica: soma, smuđa i Å”tuke, a izazivaju je paraziti iz roda Eustrongylides od kojih je najznačajnija vrsta Eustrongylides excisus. U ovom radu prikazane su nematode koje se javljaju kod riba koje su prisutne na tržiÅ”tu u Republici Srbiji. Istraživanja prisustva Anisaxis spp. su sprovedena na Naučnom institutu za veterinarstvo Novi Sad u periodu 2000-2013. Ukupno je pregledano 2414 uzoraka riba iz uvoza od čega je u 25 (1.29%) utvrđen Anisakis spp., kod haringe (Clupea harengus) i skuÅ”e (Scomber scombrus). Istraživanja prisustva Eustrongylides spp. su sprovedena u periodu od 2010-2013 godine na kanalu Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Prikupljeni su uzorci konzumnog smuđa (Sander lucioperca) i soma (Siluris glanis) kod kojih je utvrđeno prisustvo nematoda u abdomenu, muskulaturi, lumenu želuca i želudačnom zidu gde su paraziti bili inkapsulirani. Jedinke smuda pregledane se tokom 2013. godine i na Naučnom Institutu za veterinarstvo Novi Sad gde je utvrđeno prisustvo larvi Eustrongylides spp. u muskulaturi. Kako ne bi doÅ”lo do zaražavanja ljudi zoonotskim parazitima riba neophodno je sprovoditi stalnu kontrolu i monitoring. Sveže meso ribe i tradicionalni riblji proizvodi pre nego Å”to se nadu u prometu moraju biti pregledani na prisustvo parazita. Kontinuirana edukacija je ključni faktor u borbi sa zoonozama a izbegavanje konzumiranja sirovog ili termički slabo obrađenog ribljeg mesa i dalje najbolja preventivna procedura

    Analiza reproduktivnih parametara intrauterino osemenjenih krmača u zavisnosti od vremena čuvanja razređenog semena

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    Introduction. Artificial insemination of sows with cooled semen has become a routine practice in the swine industry and has almost completely ruled out natural mating. The storage time of the cooled semen and preservation of its qualitative parameters are of the upmost importance and depend partly on the semen extender used. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of cooled semen during storage in a thermobox with a commercial extender by assessment of sperm motility, cytomorphology, and assessment of reproductive parameters in sows after intrauterine insemination. Materials and Methods. The semen was preserved with DuragenĀ® (Magapor, Spain) extender and stored at 17Ā±1Ā°C. A total of 110 sows were included in the study and randomly divided into four groups: K1 (n=25) , K2 (n=25), K3 (n=30), and K4 (n=30). The sows were inseminated twice with semen (>1x107/ml spermatozoa) which had been stored for 1 day (S1), 3 days (S3), 5 days (S5), or 7 days (S7). Pregnancy was diagnosed by imaging ultrasound. Results and Conclusions. The best results were obtained when the sows were inseminated with semen stored for one day. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the number and vitality of newborn piglets when semen stored for 3 or 5 days was used. Intrauterine insemination resulted in a satisfactory number of farrowing's and piglets despite the fact that a relatively low number of spermatozoa was determined in each dose used. The use of semen with a higher dilution rate and its intrauterine application ensured a larger number of obtained doses from one ejaculate and indicates this would lead to a more profitable use of boars.Uvod. VeÅ”tačko osemenjavanje svinja rashlađenim semenom je postala rutinska praksa u industrijskoj proizvodnji svinja, pa je u razvijenim zemljama skoro potpuno zamenilo prirodno parenje. U zavisnosti od vrste upotrebljenog razređivača, dužina čuvanja rashlađenog semena i očuvanje njegovih kvalitativnih parametara je od izuzetne važnosti. Cilj istraživanja je analiza kvaliteta rashlađenog semena tokom njegovog skladiÅ”tenja u termoboksu pri 17Ā±1Ā°C. Materijal i metode. Seme je konzervirano upotrebom razređivača DuragenĀ® (Magapor, Å panija) i skladiÅ”teno pri temperaturi od 17Ā±1Ā°C. U ogled je uključeno 110 krmača, podeljenih u četiri grupe (K1, K3, K5, K7). Krmače su osemenjivane dvokratno semenom skladiÅ”tenim 1 dan (S1), 3 dana (S3), 5 dana (S5) i 7 dana (S7). Ultrazvučnim pregledom je vrÅ”ena dijagnostika graviditeta. Kvalitet semena je ocenjivan ispitivanjem pokretljivosti spermatozoida i citomorfoloÅ”kim pregledom i praćenjem reproduktivnih parametara kod intrauterino osemenjenih krmača. Rezultati i zaključak. Najbolji rezultat je postignut osemenjavanjem krmača semenom starim jedan dan. Međutim, nije bilo značajne razlike u broju i vitalnosti opraÅ”ene prasadi koriŔćenjem rashlađenog semena starog 3 i 5 dana. Intrauterinim osemenjavanjem su dobijeni zadovoljavajući rezultati (procenat praÅ”enja i veličina legla) sa manjim brojem spermatozoida u inseminacionoj dozi. Upotrebom semena sa većim razređenjem i njegovim intrauterinim deponovanjem, omogućeno je dobijanje većeg broja inseminacionih doza semena od jednog ejakulata i rentabilnije koriŔćenje nerastova u reprodukciji

    Clinical Evidence on Expansion of Essential Oil-Based Formulationā€™s Pharmacological Activity in Bovine Mastitis Treatment: Antifungal Potential as Added Value

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    Bovine mastitis, as a significant and prevalent health problem in dairy herds, is primarily attributed to bacterial infections. Yeasts, although considered relatively rare causative agents, have also been associated with mastitis in dairy cattle. Current mastitis treatment predominantly relies on antibiotics, with limited emphasis on antifungal treatment. However, mycotic mastitis is challenging to treat, since these fungi are often resistant to antibiotics and may even utilize them for energy. In the current research, the in vivo antimicrobial activity of the essential oil-based formulation (Phyto-Bomat), as a possible alternative mastitis treatment associated with yeasts, was studied. This study involved a total of 68 animals from two dairy farms with diagnosed mastitis, and three treatment groups were established: conventional antibiotic treatment, Phyto-Bomat treatment, and the combination of both. The findings suggest significant variations in the presence of Candida samples based on the treatment administered, and the most significant difference was noted in cows treated with the combination (Phyto-Bomat and antibiotics). Yet, it is important to note that the results reveal that, regardless of the treatment type, there are statistically significant differences in the presence of Candida samples across the examined time points. These results aim to provide valuable insights into the potential of EOs as an alternative therapy in bovine mastitis, specifically targeting yeasts. Such findings could offer new strategies in the mycotic mastitis control and reducing the occurrence of secondary infections following antibiotic treatment

    Influence of the protein content of boar seminal plasma on spermatozoa viability, motility and acrosome integrity in diluted semen stored for 3 days

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the protein content of seminal plasma on the motility, viability and acrosome integrity of spermatozoa in extended semen stored for 3 days. A total of 32 semen samples (from four boars) with high (4 mg/ml) and 32 semen samples (from four boars) with low (2 mg/ml) protein content were investigated. The semen samples were diluted by BTS at a ratio of 1:4, and stored for 72 h at 17oC. The percentages of live sperm (LS), live sperm with damaged acrosome (LDA) and total sperm with damaged acrosome (TDA) were detected by flow cytometry. Sperm progressive motility (PM) was detected using CASA. After 72 h of storage, the percentage of LS and PM was significantly (P lt 0.01) higher, and the LDA and TDA were significantly (P lt 0.01) lower in samples with high protein content than in the samples with low protein content (LS = 66 vs. 44%, PM = 64 vs. 48%, LDA = 15 vs. 21% and TDA = 29 vs. 45%, respectively). When comparing the difference between 0 and 72 h of storage, the percentage decrease in LS and PM, while increase in LDA and TDA were significantly higher in the samples with low (LS: 75 to 44%; PM: 68 to 48%; LDA: 11 to 21% and TDA: 23 to 45%) than in the samples with high protein content (LS: 78 to 66%; PM: 70 to 64%; LDA: 9 to 15% and TDA: 17 to 29%). We concluded that protein content in seminal plasma has a significant influence on progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity in diluted semen stored for 3 days

    The influence of different molecular weight seminal plasma protein content on some fertility parameters in boar s ejaculates

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different percentage of seminal plasma proteins with different molecular weight on sperm motility and fertility parameters (farrowing rate (FR), number of live-born pigs (PBA) per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination). A total of 50 sperm-rich ejaculate fractions were collected (one per boar) using the gloved hand method. The quality parameters of the semen samples were first evaluated at the farm. Further assessment of sperm quality was performed on a CASA - computer assisted semen analysis by two competent operators. Seminal plasma protein fractions were obtained by AOAC -Association of Official Analytical Chemists as a chemical method. The assessment of reproductive performance was carried out based on collected data of three parameters in selected 9696 sows: FR, PBA per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination. Protein fractions were divided in to three groups (10 - 20kDa, 21 - 30kDa and 31-40kDa) Proteins with 10 - 20kDa did not have significant effect and correlation with analyzed parameters. Significant differences were recorded in farrowing rate between samples with up to 80 % compared to samples with 10% of proteins with 21 - 30kDa. Significant differences were recorded in unsuccessful insemination between samples with different percentage of proteins with 31 - 40kDa. Results of this study have shown the effect of different percentage of certain fraction of seminal plasma proteins on boar ejaculates fertility potential

    Sow fertility after insemination with varying doses of volume and spermatozoa count

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of increasing boar's reproductive exploitation by using AI doses of doubly reduced volume and sperm count in the intrauterine AI procedure. The experiment was conducted at a commercial pig farm in Serbia in 2014. Classic intracervical insemination (ICI) was performed by using 50 mL or 100 mL volume doses containing 4 x 10(9) or 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa. The same volumes and sperm numbers per dose were used with intrauterine insemination (IUI). Each dose combination was used to inseminate 30 sows. Intrauterine insemination with AI doses of reduced volume (50 mL) and sperm count (2 x 10(9)) did not produce a statistically significant difference (P lt 0.05) in the farrowing rate (76.7%) as compared with 4 x 10(9) spermatozoa in the same volume (83.3%) or with insemination by doses of 100 mL with a 2 x 10(9) (83.3%) or a 4 x 10(9) sperm count (86.7%). The number of live-born piglets (10.82) was larger following IUI using a 50 mL volume dose with a 2 x 10(9) sperm count as compared with ICI with the same AI dose volume and sperm count (9.85). The results show that the use of reduced AI dosages provides an opportunity for the swine industry to considerably exploit the reproductive potential of genetically superior boars

    The application of EDTA-Tris and chlorhexidine in the treatment of endometritis as a replacement for antibiotic therapy in cows

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    The treatment of reproductive disorders is based on the use of the available antibiotics or antiseptic agents. Prolonged or inadequate antibiotic treatment contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistances, while the use of antiseptics, particularly in high concentrations, leads to endometrial lesions and prolonging of the service period. The present study included monitoring of: 1) reproductive disorders of cows; 2) cytological, morphological, and bacteriological laboratory analyses; 3) susceptibility testing of isolated bacterial and reference strains to the EDTA-Tris (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid-hydroxymethyl aminomethane) and chlorhexidine (CHX); and 4) an estimate of the time before onset of the new sexual cycle. The aim of the research was to determine whether the combination of EDTA-Tris and CHX in concentrations that are not harmful to the endometrium may result in the satisfactory treatment of sick animals and provide optimal service periods of reproductively active animals. Research results of in vitro and in vivo analysis showed that by using the combination of EDTA-Tris and CHX bactericidal effects were achieved at lower concentrations in comparison with the concentrations that had the same effect in the absence of EDTA-Tris. The application of CHX in a concentration of 0.05% in the treatment of endometritis 10 min after infusion of EDTA-Tris solution had a positive effect on both the involution of the uterus and acutization of chronic inflammatory processes, and it was also economically advantageous when compared to the cost of treatment and the possible presence of residues in the products