Nalaženje parazitskih nematoda kod riba na tržištu


When placing the fish and fish products on the trade it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of zoonotic parasites that can lead to infection of people especially if the fish is consumed raw or undercooked. Epidemiologically the most important are helminths from the group of Nematoda. The most important are Anisaxis spp. and Eustrongylides excisus. Anisakiasis is a serious zoonotic disease with a dramatic increase in prevalence throughout the world in the last two decades. The larvae are found in marine fish species most frequently in sardines, herring and mackerel. Eustrongylidosis is a disease that occurs primarily in freshwater fish species: catfish, zander and pike, a cause is a parasite of the genus Eustrongylides of which the most important species is Eustrongylides excisus. In this paper, the nematodes that occur in fish that are present in the market in the Republic of Serbia are present. Investigations of Anisaxis spp. were carried out at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine Novi Sad in the period of 2000-2013. Total of 2414 samples of imported marine fish was inspected. In 25 (1.29 % ) samples of herrings (Clupea harengus ) and mackerels ( Scomber scombrus ) was identified Anisakis spp. Investigations of Eustrongylides spp . were carried out in the period 2010-2013 at the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal. Samples were collected from zander (Sander lucioperca) and European catfish (Silurisglanis) in which the presence of nematodes was found in the abdominal cavity, muscles, the lumen of the stomach and gastric wall where the parasites were encapsulated. Individuals of zander were examined during the 2013 at the Veterinary Institute Novi Sad, where the presence of larvae Eustrongylides spp. u muscle was detected. In order to avoid infecting people with parasites of fish it is necessary to carry out continuous control and monitoring. Fresh fishes and traditional fish products must be inspected for the presence of parasites before they find on the trade. Continuous education is a key factor in combating zoonotic diseases. Avoid consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish is still the best preventive procedure.Prilikom stavljanja u promet i pregleda ribljeg mesa i proizvoda od ribe treba obratiti pažnju na prisustvo zoonotskih parazita koji mogu dovesti do inficiranja ljudi naročito ako se riba konzumira sirova ili termički nedovoljno obrađena. Sa epidemiološkog aspekta najveći značaj imaju helminti iz grupe Nematoda. Najznačajnije su Anisaxis spp. i Eustrongylides excisus. Anisakijaza je ozbiljno zoonotsko oboljenje sa dramatičnim porastom prevalence širom sveta u poslednje dve decenije. Larve se mogu naći kod morskih vrsta riba najčešće kod sardine, haringe i skuše. Eustrongilidoza je oboljenje koje se javlja kod slatkovodnih riba prvenstveno grabljivica: soma, smuđa i štuke, a izazivaju je paraziti iz roda Eustrongylides od kojih je najznačajnija vrsta Eustrongylides excisus. U ovom radu prikazane su nematode koje se javljaju kod riba koje su prisutne na tržištu u Republici Srbiji. Istraživanja prisustva Anisaxis spp. su sprovedena na Naučnom institutu za veterinarstvo Novi Sad u periodu 2000-2013. Ukupno je pregledano 2414 uzoraka riba iz uvoza od čega je u 25 (1.29%) utvrđen Anisakis spp., kod haringe (Clupea harengus) i skuše (Scomber scombrus). Istraživanja prisustva Eustrongylides spp. su sprovedena u periodu od 2010-2013 godine na kanalu Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Prikupljeni su uzorci konzumnog smuđa (Sander lucioperca) i soma (Siluris glanis) kod kojih je utvrđeno prisustvo nematoda u abdomenu, muskulaturi, lumenu želuca i želudačnom zidu gde su paraziti bili inkapsulirani. Jedinke smuda pregledane se tokom 2013. godine i na Naučnom Institutu za veterinarstvo Novi Sad gde je utvrđeno prisustvo larvi Eustrongylides spp. u muskulaturi. Kako ne bi došlo do zaražavanja ljudi zoonotskim parazitima riba neophodno je sprovoditi stalnu kontrolu i monitoring. Sveže meso ribe i tradicionalni riblji proizvodi pre nego što se nadu u prometu moraju biti pregledani na prisustvo parazita. Kontinuirana edukacija je ključni faktor u borbi sa zoonozama a izbegavanje konzumiranja sirovog ili termički slabo obrađenog ribljeg mesa i dalje najbolja preventivna procedura

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