25 research outputs found

    Efeito da preservação alveolar com enxerto xenógeno e selamento com biomateriais absorvíveis em região não molar: revisão sistemática

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia, Florianópolis, 2017.A preservação do rebordo alveolar limita os efeitos negativos da perda óssea que se suscitam depois da perda do elemento dental, visando resultados favoráveis para posterior reabilitação protética. Atualmente, diferentes técnicas e biomateriais têm sido propostos para uso clínico, e uma vasta evidência científica é encontrada na literatura, criando confusão e gerando dúvidas na prática clínica. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo revisar sistematicamente os efeitos clínicos, radiológicos e histológicos da preservação alveolar com osso xenógeno e selamento com biomaterial absorvível na região anterior comparados com a cicatrização espontânea. Uma busca estruturada, seguindo critérios de inclusão e exclusão baseados nos participantes, intervenção estudada, comparação e desfechos procurados, foi realizada nas bases eletrônicas PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, LILACS, ProQuest e Open Grey, assim como uma busca manual. Identificaram-se um total de 3,765 referências, depois de criteriosas etapas de seleção, resultaram 4 artigos para a análise narrativa, originados de 3 estudos. Todos foram ensaios clínicos randomizados com não menos de 10 pacientes avaliados por grupo e não menos 6 meses de seguimento. A avaliação do risco de viés dos estudos foi realizada por meio da software Reference Manager (Cochrane Collaboration). Embora as diferentes metodologias não permitissem ter um estudo conclusivo, pode-se observar que a perda óssea horizontal e vertical por vestibular e lingual é menor no grupo submetido à intervenção que no grupo controle.Abstract : The alveolar ridge preservation technique limits the negative effects of crestal bone loss, which is caused by tooth loss and consequently improves future results for prosthetic rehabilitation. Currently, different techniques and biomaterials have been proposed for clinical use, however, literature shows an extensive scientific evidence that brings confusion and generates doubts in clinical practice. The present study aims to systematically review the clinical, radiological, and histological effects of alveolar ridge preservation with xenogenous bone and sealing with an absorbable biomaterial in the anterior region, compared to spontaneous healing. A structured search, following criteria of inclusion and exclusion based on the participants, studied intervention, compared and searched outcomes, was performed in the electronic databases: PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, LILACS, ProQuest and Open Grey, as well as hand-searching. A total of 3,765 references were identified. After careful selection study phases, 4 articles were included for the narrative analysis, which came out from 3 studies. All were randomized clinical trials with no less than 10 patients evaluated per group and no less than 6 months of follow-up. The risk of bias was assessed using the Reference Manager software (Cochrane Collaboration). Although, the different methodologies of the selected studies did not allow a conclusive revision, it can be observed that horizontal bone loss, mid-buccal and mid-lingual vertical bone loss are lower in the intervention group than in the control group

    A comprehensive review on the corrosion pathways of titanium dental implants and their biological adverse effects

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    The main aim of this work was to perform a comprehensive review of findings reported by previous studies on the corrosion of titanium dental implants and consequent clinical detrimental effects to the patients. Most studies were performed by in vitro electrochemical tests and complemented with microscopic techniques to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the protective passive oxide film layer, namely TiO2. Results revealed that bacterial accumulation, dietary, inflammation, infection, and therapeutic solutions decrease the pH of the oral environment leading to the corrosion of titanium. Some therapeutic products used as mouthwash negatively affect the corrosion behavior of the titanium oxide film and promote changes on the implant surface. In addition, toothpaste and bleaching agents, can amplify the chemical reactivity of titanium since fluor ions interacting with the titanium oxide film. Furthermore, the number of in vivo studies is limited although corrosion signs have been found in retrieved implants. Histological evaluation revealed titanium macro- and micro-scale particles on the peri-implant tissues. As a consequence, progressive damage of the dental implants and the evolution of inflammatory reactions depend on the size, chemical composition, and concentration of submicron- and nanoparticles in the surrounding tissues and internalized by the cells. In fact, the damage of the implant surfaces results in the loss of material that compromises the implant surfaces, implant-abutment connections, and the interaction with soft tissues. The corrosion can be an initial trigger point for the development of biological or mechanical failures in dental implants.This study was supported by FCT-Portugal (UID/EEA/04436/2013, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000018– HAMaBICo, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031035_LaserMULTICER) and CNPq-Brazil (CNPq/UNIVERSAL/421229/2018-7

    Peri-implant tissue management after immediate implant placement using a customized healing abutment

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    OBJECTIVE The unavoidable extraction of teeth in the esthetic area can be overcome through different treatment modalities. Recently, immediate implants appeared as a minimally invasive approach to resolving these cases; however, immediate implant loading is not always possible or indicated. In these cases, an innovative approach through customized healing abutments could be used to preserve the soft tissue contour, eliminating the need for reopening surgery and the use of provisional restorations to condition the mucosal contour. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS The present cases describe a simplified chairside approach to use customized healing abutments for immediate implants placed after tooth extraction in the anterior and posterior areas in order to maintain the soft tissue contours while reducing the clinical steps until delivering the final restorations. CONCLUSIONS This technique seems to be effective to guide the soft tissue healing around dental implants allowing a natural emergence profile with implant-supported restorations, reducing the number of treatment steps. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The use of customized healing abutments prepares soft tissue for the prosthetic stage preserving its contours and eliminating the need for reopening surgery

    Indicação de biomateriais em alvéolos pós extração previamente à instalação de implantes

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    O presente trabalho descreve os processos fisiológicos envolvidos no processo de cicatrização alveolar, assim como as mudanças dimensionais que suscitam-se depois da perda do elemento dentário. Desta maneira, mostra-se a importância da utilização de biomateriais. Os quais favoreçam a posterior reabilitação com implantes osseointegrados. A presente revisão de literatura, a partir de critérios de inclusão e exclusão, propõe o estudo dos biomateriais encontrados na literatura e busca a avaliação criteriosa das suas propriedades, vantagens e limitações na indicação de alvéolos pós-extração.O presente trabalho descreve os processos fisiológicos envolvidos no processo de cicatrização alveolar, assim como as mudanças dimensionais que suscitam-se depois da perda do elemento dentário. Desta maneira, mostra-se a importância da utilização de biomateriais. Os quais favoreçam a posterior reabilitação com implantes osseointegrados. A presente revisão de literatura, a partir de critérios de inclusão e exclusão, propõe o estudo dos biomateriais encontrados na literatura e busca a avaliação criteriosa das suas propriedades, vantagens e limitações na indicação de alvéolos pós-extração

    Attitude, Motivation, Anxiety, and Academic Performance During the Learning Process in Students at Public Universities in Peru

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    The knowledge society requires universities to prepare professionals with autonomy during training. It was proposed to relate the attitude, motivation, anxiety, and academic performance during the learning process in students at public universities in Peru, comparing the results according to gender, area, and cycle of studies. The study was descriptive-correlational-comparative, quantitative, and cross-sectional. 792 students from two public universities in Peru participated, intentionally selected, applied a duly validated scale to collect information. A correlation (p < .05) was found between attitude, motivation, anxiety, and academic performance during the learning process in students of public universities in Peru, being the statistically significant correlation of direct mean level between academic performance and attitude (.445**) and between academic performance and motivation (.438**), for the variables academic performance and anxiety, a statistically significant correlation of low and inverse level (-.225**) was found. It is concluded that the student who presents a greater attitude towards science has more excellent academic performance, that greater motivation has greater academic performance, and that greater anxiety, lower academic performance

    Programa Aprendo en Casa y la Eficacia en el Aprendizaje Significativo de la Institución Educativa Primaria Simon Bolivar Lampa 2020

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    Objective: It was to determine the effectiveness of the I learn program in the meaningful learning of the students of the primary educational institution N°71008 of Lampa, 2020. Methodology: was pre-experimental design, quantitative approach, applied application level; with a population of 465 with a sample of 33 students for selection, non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used, as a technique the survey was used and the instrument was used the questionnaire with the checklist, to achieve the objectives learning sessions were designed. considering evaluations of pre-test and post-test instruments, for the analysis and interpretation of the results, the Microsoft Word, Excel and SPSS Software programs were used, for the hypothesis test the Studen t statistic was used. Results: show the results in the pre-test, 81% found that the strategy I learn at home was at the "low" level, significant learning presented the level "achievement at the beginning." However, in the Post-Test a radical change is evident in the statistical data, since 70% affirm that, while the I learn at home strategy was at a “high” level, significant learning became at the “high” level. outstanding achievement.” Conclusion: The I learn at home strategy issued by the media is effective in the meaningful learning of the students of the Primary Educational Institution No. 71008 of Lampa, since a significance of 0.000 was evidenced by the Student's t test. which is less than 0.05, that is, the alternative Hypothesis is accepted.Objetivo: Fue determinar la eficacia del programa aprendo en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de la institución educativa primaria N°71008 de Lampa, 2020. Metodología fue de diseño pre experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, nivel aplicativo tipo aplicada; con una población de 465 con muestra de 33 estudiantes para su selección se utilizó el muestreo no probabilística por conveniencia, como técnica se utilizó la encuesta e instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario con la lista de cotejo, para lograr los objetivos se diseñó sesiones de aprendizaje, considerando evaluaciones de instrumentos pre test y pos test, para el analís e interpretación de los resultados se utilizó los programas Microsoft Word, Excel y Software SPSS, para la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó el estadístico de la  t Studen   Resultados: muestran los resultados en el pre test, un 81% se encontró en la estrategia aprendo en casa estaba en el nivel “bajo”, el aprendizaje significativo presentó el nivel “logro en inicio.” Sin embargo, en el Post – Test se evidencia un cambio radical en los datos estadísticos, ya que, el 70% afirma que, mientras la estrategia aprendo en casa estaba en nivel “alto”, el aprendizaje significativo paso a estar en el nivel “logro destacado.”  Conclusión: La estrategia aprendo en casa emitida por los medios de comunicación si es eficaz en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Primaria N° 71008 de Lampa, puesto que, se evidencio una significancia de 0.000 mediante la prueba t de Student, el cual, es menor al 0.05, es decir, se acepta la Hipótesis alterna

    Estudo epidemiológico multicêntrico de doenças peri-implantares em pacientes com implantes de conexão interna cônica

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia, Florianópolis, 2021.O objetivo deste estudo transversal multicêntrico foi identificar a prevalência das doenças peri- implantares em pacientes com implantes de conexão interna cônica. Assim como estimar a sua associação com indicadores de risco e características clinicas. Pacientes com sistema de implantes dentários de titânio de duas peças unidos por conexão interna cônica (Implacil De Bortoli, Sao Paulo, Brazil) e com mais de um ano em função foram convidados para participar do estudo. Dados relacionados ao paciente, implante/próteses e manutenção foram coletados e os pacientes foram submetidos a uma avaliação clínica e radiológica. Os parâmetros peri-implantares avaliados foram: (1) sangramento à sondagem (Bleeding on probing, BOP), (2) supuração (suppuration, SUPP), (3) índice de placa modificado (modified Plaque Index, mPI), (4) mucosa ceratinizada (keratinized mucosa, KM), (5) profundidade de sondagem (probing depth, PD), (6) recessão marginal (marginal recession, MR), (7) selamento de tecido conjuntivo peri-implantar (connective tissue seal, CTS). O nível da crista óssea marginal (marginal bone level, MBL), foi mensurado calculando a distância entre a plataforma do implante e o contato osso-implante mais apical na radiografia digital pariapical. O diagnóstico (saúde, mucosite peri-implantar ou peri-implantite) foi definido em base no consenso do Workshop 2017 da Classificação de doenças periodontais e Peri- implantares para estudos epidemiológicos. Para estimar a associação entre as doenças peri- implantares com os indicadores de risco e as características clinicas foram realizadas regressões logísticas multivariadas (p <0,05). Noventa e nove pacientes com 266 implantes foram incluídos, com um tempo médio de função de 30,26 ± 17,86 meses. A prevalência de mucosite peri-implantar e peri-implantite foi de 42,86% e 11,65% a nível do implante, e 49,50% e 15,15% a nível do paciente. Indicadores relacionados ao paciente, como osteoporose (OR: 9,32), idade (OR: 0,96) e diabetes mellitus (OR: 3,97) foram significativamente correlacionados com mucosite peri-implantar. Osteoporose (OR: 12,76) e doença periodontal (OR: 2,82) foram significativamente correlacionadas com peri-implantite. Em relação aos indicadores relacionados ao implante e prótese, a mucosite peri-implantar foi associada à próteses cimentada (OR: 3,64) e próteses parcial (OR: 2,34). A peri-implantite foi associada a próteses cimentadas (OR: 21), próteses parciais e totais (OR: 19,37 e OR: 25,75), diâmetro do implante (OR: 4,66) e altura transmucoso do componente protético (OR: 3,59). Além disso, a manutenção usando apenas escovação manual foi associada com a prevalência de mucosite peri-implantar (OR: 2,99) e peri-implantite (OR: 5,02). A dificuldade de higienização alta (OR: 3,14) foi significativamente associada à peri-implantite. Com relação às características clinicas, mucosite peri-implantar foi significativamente correlacionados com presença de escore 3 de mPI (OR: 3,27) e níveis altos de PD (OR: 1,64), enquanto que a peri-implantite foi relacionada com escore 3 de mPI (OR: 16,42), KM (OR: 1,53), PD (OR:1,81), MR (OR: 2,61), e CTS (OR: 0,63). A prevalência de peri-implantite foi identificada em 15,15% dos pacientes e em 11,65% dos implantes avaliados. A prevalência de mucosite e peri-implantite foi associado com indicadores de risco relacionados ao paciente, implante ou próteses e manutenção. Os parâmetros peri- implantares avaliados foram associados com as doenças peri-implantares caracterizando-as clinicamente.Abstract: The aim of this multicenter cross-sectional study was to identify the prevalence of peri-implant diseases and to further explore its potential risk indicators and clinical characteristics in an internal conical connection implant system. Subjects with fixed prostheses supported on two- piece conical connection titanium implants (Implacil De Bortoli, Sao Paulo, Brazil) with at least 1 year in function were invited to participate. Data related to the patient, implant and/or prostheses and maintenance were collected and the subjects were submitted to a clinical and radiographical evaluation. The following clinical parameters were assessed: (1) bleeding on probing (BOP), (2) suppuration (SUPP), (3) modified plaque index (mPI), (4) keratinized mucosa (KM), (5) probing depth (PD), (6) marginal recession (MR), (7) connective tissue seal (CTS). Marginal bone level (MBL) was measured as the distances in mm between the shoulder of the implant and the first bone-to-implant contact at the periapical radiographs. Peri-implant diseases were defined according to the 2017 consensus of Classification of periodontal and peri- implant disease for epidemiological studies. Multinomial logistic regressions were performed to associate possible risk indicators and clinical characteristics to peri-implant diseases prevalence ( p <0.05). Ninety-nine patients with 266 implants were included, with a mean follow-up time of 30.26 ± 17.86 months. The prevalence of peri-implantitis and peri-implant mucositis was 42.86% and 11.65% at the implant level, and 49.50% and 15.15% at the patient level, respectively. Patient-related factors such as osteoporosis (OR:9.32), age (OR:0.96), and diabetes mellitus (OR:3.97) were significantly correlated with mucositis. Osteoporosis (OR:12.76) and periodontal disease (OR:2.82) were significantly correlated with peri- implantitis. Regarding implant and/or prosthesis-related factors, mucositis was associated with cemented-retained prosthesis (OR:3.64) and partial prosthesis (OR:2.34). Peri-implantitis was associated with cemented prosthesis (OR:21), partial and total prosthesis (OR:19.37 and OR:25.75), implant diameter (OR:4.66), and abutment transmucosal height (OR:3.59). Only brushing was associated with peri-implant mucositis (OR:2.99) and peri-implantitis (OR:5.02). High hygiene difficulty (OR:3.14) was significantly associated with peri-implantitis prevalence. Regarding clinical characteristics, peri-implant mucosite was significantly correlated with mPI score 3 (OR: 3.27) and PD (OR: 1.64), and peri-implantite with mPI score 3 (OR: 16.42), KM (OR: 1.53), PD (OR:1.81), MR (OR: 2.61), and CTS (OR: 0.63). The prevalence of peri-implantitis was identified in 15.15% of the patients and in 11.65% of the implants evaluated. The prevalence of mucositis and peri-implantitis was significantly associated with risk indicators related to patient, prosthetic/implant features, and hygiene factors. Moreover, the evaluated peri-implant parameters were associated with the peri-implant diseases, characterizing them clinically

    Minimal-time problems for linear control systems on homogeneous spaces of low-dimensional solvable nonnilpotent Lie groups

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    In this article, we are concerned with minimal-time optimal problems for the class of controllable linear control system on low-dimensional nonnilpotent solvable Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces

    The Artemisia L. Genus: A Review of Bioactive Essential Oils

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    Numerous members of the Anthemideae tribe are important as cut flowers and ornamental crops, as well as being medicinal and aromatic plants, many of which produce essential oils used in folk and modern medicine and in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. Essential oils generally have a broad spectrum of bioactivity, owing to the presence of several active ingredients that work through various modes of action. Due to their mode of extraction, mostly by distillation from aromatic plants, they contain a variety of volatile molecules such as terpenes, phenol-derived aromatic and aliphatic components. The large genus Artemisia L., from the tribe Anthemideae, comprises important medicinal plants which are currently the subject of phytochemical attention due to their biological and chemical diversity. Artemisia species, widespread throughout the world, are one of the most popular plants in Chinese traditional preparations and are frequently used for the treatment of diseases such as malaria, hepatitis, cancer, inflammation and infections by fungi, bacteria and viruses. Extensive studies of the chemical components of Artemisia have led to the identification of many compounds as well as essentials oils. This review summarizes some of the main reports on the chemistry and anti-infective activities of Artemisia. Li. essential oils from the data in the recent literature (2000–2011)