14 research outputs found

    Rapid Screening for Entry Inhibitors of Highly Pathogenic Viruses under Low-Level Biocontainment

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    Emerging viruses including Nipah, Hendra, Lujo, and Junin viruses have enormous potential to spread rapidly. Nipah virus, after emerging as a zoonosis, has also evolved the capacity for human-to-human transmission. Most of the diseases caused by these pathogens are untreatable and require high biocontainment conditions. Universal methods for rapidly identifying and screening candidate antivirals are urgently needed. We have developed a modular antiviral platform strategy that relies on simple bioinformatic and genetic information about each pathogen. Central to this platform is the use of envelope glycoprotein cDNAs to establish multi-cycle replication systems under BSL2 conditions for viral pathogens that normally require BSL3 and BSL4 facilities. We generated monoclonal antibodies against Nipah G by cDNA immunization in rats, and we showed that these antibodies neutralize both Nipah and Hendra live viruses. We then used these effective Henipavirus inhibitors to validate our screening strategy. Our proposed strategy should contribute to the response capability for emerging infectious diseases, providing a way to initiate antiviral development immediately upon identifying novel viruses

    Inhibition of Nipah Virus Infection In Vivo: Targeting an Early Stage of Paramyxovirus Fusion Activation during Viral Entry

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    In the paramyxovirus cell entry process, receptor binding triggers conformational changes in the fusion protein (F) leading to viral and cellular membrane fusion. Peptides derived from C-terminal heptad repeat (HRC) regions in F have been shown to inhibit fusion by preventing formation of the fusogenic six-helix bundle. We recently showed that the addition of a cholesterol group to HRC peptides active against Nipah virus targets these peptides to the membrane where fusion occurs, dramatically increasing their antiviral effect. In this work, we report that unlike the untagged HRC peptides, which bind to the postulated extended intermediate state bridging the viral and cell membranes, the cholesterol tagged HRC-derived peptides interact with F before the fusion peptide inserts into the target cell membrane, thus capturing an earlier stage in the F-activation process. Furthermore, we show that cholesterol tagging renders these peptides active in vivo: the cholesterol-tagged peptides cross the blood brain barrier, and effectively prevent and treat in an established animal model what would otherwise be fatal Nipah virus encephalitis. The in vivo efficacy of cholesterol-tagged peptides, and in particular their ability to penetrate the CNS, suggests that they are promising candidates for the prevention or therapy of infection by Nipah and other lethal paramyxoviruses

    Measles virus fusion machinery activated by sialic acid binding globular domain

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    Paramyxoviruses, including the human pathogen measles virus (MV) and the avian Newcastle disease virus (NDV), enter host cells through fusion of the viral envelope with the target cell membrane. This fusion is driven by the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins: the receptor binding protein and the fusion protein (F). TheMV receptor binding protein (hemagglutinin [H]) attaches to proteinaceous receptors on host cells, while the receptor binding protein ofNDV(hemagglutinin-neuraminidase [HN]) interacts with sialic acid-containing receptors. The receptor-bound HN/H triggers F to undergo conformational changes that render it competent to mediate fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. The mechanism of fusion activation has been proposed to be different for sialic acid-binding viruses and proteinaceous receptor-binding viruses.Wereport that a chimeric protein containing theNDVHNreceptor binding region and theMVHstalk domain can activateMVF to fuse, suggesting that the signal to the stalk of a protein-binding receptor binding molecule can be transmitted from a sialic acid binding domain. By engineering theNDVHNglobular domain to interact with a proteinaceous receptor, the fusion activation signal was preserved. Our findings are consistent with a unified mechanism of fusion activation, at least for the Paramyxovirinae subfamily, in which the receptor binding domains of the receptor binding proteins are interchangeable and the stalk determines the specificity of F activation. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology

    Fatal measles virus infection prevented by brain-penetrant fusion inhibitors.

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    International audienceMeasles virus (MV) infection causes an acute childhood disease that can include infection of the central nervous system and can rarely progress to severe neurological disease for which there is no specific treatment. We generated potent antiviral peptide inhibitors of MV entry and spreading and MV-induced cell fusion. Dimers of MV-specific peptides derived from the C-terminal heptad repeat region of the MV fusion protein, conjugated to cholesterol, efficiently protect SLAM transgenic mice from fatal MV infection. Fusion inhibitors hold promise for the prophylaxis of MV infection in unvaccinated and immunocompromised people, as well as potential for the treatment of grave neurological complications of measles

    Capturing a fusion intermediate of influenza hemagglutinin with a cholesterol-conjugated peptide, a new antiviral strategy for influenza virus

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    We previously described fusion-inhibitory peptides that are targeted to the cell membrane by cholesterol conjugation and potently inhibit enveloped viruses that fuse at the cell surface, including HIV, parainfluenza, and henipaviruses. However, for viruses that fuse inside of intracellular compartments, fusion-inhibitory peptides have exhibited very low antiviral activity. We propose that for these viruses, too, membrane targeting via cholesterol conjugation may yield potent compounds. Here we compare the activity of fusion-inhibitory peptides derived from the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and show that although the unconjugated peptides are inactive, the cholesterol-conjugated compounds are effective inhibitors of infectivity and membrane fusion. We hypothesize that the cholesterol moiety, by localizing the peptides to the target cell membrane, allows the peptides to follow the virus to the intracellular site of fusion. The cholesterol- conjugated peptides trap HA in a transient intermediate state after fusion is triggered but before completion of the refolding steps that drive the merging of the viral and cellular membranes. These results provide proof of concept for an antiviral strategy that is applicable to intracellularly fusing viruses, including known and emerging viral pathogens. © 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    The second receptor binding site of the globular head of the newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase activates the stalk of multiple paramyxovirus receptor binding proteins to trigger fusion

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    The hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of paramyxoviruses carries out three distinct activities contributing to the ability of HN to promote viral fusion and entry: receptor binding, receptor cleavage (neuraminidase), and activation of the fusion protein. The relationship between receptor binding and fusion triggering functions of HN are not fully understood. For Newcastle disease virus (NDV), one bifunctional site (site I) on HN's globular head can mediate both receptor binding and neuraminidase activities, and a second site (site II) in the globular head is also capable of mediating receptor binding. The receptor analog, zanamivir, blocks receptor binding and cleavage activities of NDV HN's site I while activating receptor binding by site II. Comparison of chimeric proteins in which the globular head of NDV HN is connected to the stalk region of either human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) or Nipah virus receptor binding proteins indicates that receptor binding to NDV HN site II not only can activate its own fusion (F) protein but can also activate the heterotypic fusion proteins. We suggest a general model for paramyxovirus fusion activation in which receptor engagement at site II plays an active role in F activation. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology

    Identification of a region in the stalk domain of the Nipah virus receptor binding protein that is critical for fusion activation

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    Paramyxoviruses, including the emerging lethal human Nipah virus (NiV) and the avian Newcastle disease virus (NDV), enter host cells through fusion of the viral and target cell membranes. For paramyxoviruses, membrane fusion is the result of the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins: a receptor binding protein and a fusion protein (F). The NiV receptor binding protein (G) attaches to ephrin B2 or B3 on host cells, whereas the corresponding hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) attachment protein of NDV interacts with sialic acid moieties on target cells through two regions of its globular domain. Receptorbound G or HN via its stalk domain triggers F to undergo the conformational changes that render it competent to mediate fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. We show that chimeric proteins containing the NDV HN receptor binding regions and the NiV G stalk domain require a specific sequence at the connection between the head and the stalk to activate NiV F for fusion. Our findings are consistent with a general mechanism of paramyxovirus fusion activation in which the stalk domain of the receptor binding protein is responsible for F activation and a specific connecting region between the receptor binding globular head and the fusion-activating stalk domain is required for transmitting the fusion signal. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology

    Modified multicycle viral replication assay.

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    <p>When VSV G pseudotyped viruses infect viral glycoprotein (G/F)-expressing permissive cells, multicycle replication is simulated where the initial entry is by VSV G pseudotyped virus but subsequent replication cycles are those of NiV pseudotyped virus produced after budding.</p

    NiV multicycle replication using modified assay.

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    <p>Cells were transfected with plasmids encoding NiV G and F (triangles) and then infected with pseudotyped VSV. Transfected cells were also left uninfected as a control (squares). Additionally, control cells transfected with empty plasmid were also infected with pseudotyped VSV, showing single cycle replication (circles). Relative fluorescent intensities of the RFP were measured after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours.</p

    Multicycle replication (MCR) inhibition by antibody neutralization.

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    <p>(A) Cells coexpressing Nipah G/F and Venus-YFP were infected with pseudotyped VSV-ΔG-RFP-Nipah F/G, in the presence of anti-F or anti-G rabbit polyclonal antibodies. 48 hrs post-infection, the relative fluorescence intensities (RFI) were measured (B) and the spectral emission from the cells was converted into photographs (A). The bottom panel of photographs show extensive fusion in cells in the absence of antibodies (control), while no fusion is observed in the cells treated with anti-F antibodies, and some fusion is observed in the presence of anti-G antibodies. (B) polyclonal antibodies specific for HeV F or HeV G inhibit NiV pseudotype infection. Anti-HeV G antibodies show better dose response than anti-HeV F antibodies.</p