6 research outputs found

    Laboratori virtual de psicologia bàsica: l'experiència com a clau de l'aprenentatge

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    El Laboratori Virtual de Psicologia Bàsica (LVPB) és una eina que acompanya l'estudiant en un recorregut a través d'experiments que s'han convertit en clàssics de la Psicologia Cognitiva. La plataforma reprodueix experiments provinents de l'estudi de l'atenció, l'emoció, el llenguatge, la memòria, la motivació, el pensament i la percepció. En cada experiment, l'LVPB presenta un text introductori amb alguns articles de referència on es van proposar per primera vegada aquests experiments. L'LVPB es basa en la plataforma d'aprenentatge electrònic Moodle, que permet que cada estudiant tingui el seu espai en el qual guardar les dades, els resultats i les anàlisis que hagi fet. Tota la interacció amb el sistema queda enregistrada i la pot consultar tant l'estudiant com el professorat en qualsevol moment. Això permet que l'LVPB es pugui utilitzar també com a eina d'avaluació del professor.El Laboratorio Virtual de Psicología Básica (LVPB) es una herramienta que acom-paña al estudiante en un recorrido a través de experimentos que se han convertidoen clásicos de la Psicología Cognitiva. La plataforma reproduce experimentos prove-nientes del estudio de la atención, la emoción, el lenguaje, la memoria, la motiva-ción, el pensamiento y la percepción.En cada experimento, el LVPB presenta un texto introductorio con algunos artí-culos de referencia donde se propusieron por primera vez estos experimentos.El LVPB se basa en la plataforma de aprendizaje electrónico Moodle, que permiteque cada estudiante tenga su espacio en el cual guardar los datos, los resultados ylos análisis que haya hecho. Toda la interacción con el sistema queda registrada y lapuede consultar tanto el estudiante como el profesorado en cualquier momento. Esopermite que el LVPB se pueda utilizar también como herramienta de evaluación delprofesor.The Virtual Basic Psychology Laboratory (VBPL) is a tool that accompanies thestudent on a journey through experiments that have become classics in the Cognitive Psychology field. The platform reproduces experiments from the study ofemotion, language, memory, motivation, thought and perception. In each experiment, the VBPL presents an introductory text with some articlesfor reference, where these experiments were suggested for the first time. The VBPL is based on the Moodle e-learning platform, which enables eachstudent to have their own space for saving the data, results and analysis that they haveproduced. All interaction with the system is recorded and can be consulted by boththe student and the teacher at any time. This also enables the VBPL to be used as anassessment tool by the teacher

    Ethnic prejudice, resilience, and perception of inclusion of immigrant pupils among Italian and Catalan teachers

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    In the current study we investigated the relationship between ethnic prejudice and resilience and the perception of inclusion of immigrant students among primary and middle school teachers in two different countries (Italy and Spain). Participants were 315 teachers: 75 Catalan women, 25 Catalan men, 202 Italian women, and 13 Italian men. Participants completed the Classical and Modern Racial Prejudice Scale, the Resilience Process Questionnaire, and an ad hoc questionnaire evaluating teachers’ perceptions about immigrant students and their inclusive education process. The results showed two different models: The first one, referring to Italian teachers, suggested that the resilience component “return to homeostasis” helps teachers in the creation of positive perceptions and evaluations toward immigrant pupils and their inclusion process. The second model, referring to Catalan teachers, suggested that ethnic prejudice hinders the creation of positive attitudes and evaluations, but the resilience component “reintegration after loss” helps teachers in the creation of positive attitudes. Psychoeducational and practical implications are discussed

    Ethnic prejudice and the perception of inclusion of immigrant children: the mediating role of teachers’ resilience

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    We aimed to investigate the relationship between ethnic prejudice and the perception of inclusion of immigrant children among primary and middle school teachers, focusing on the mediating role of resilience. Participants were 261 teachers, 233 women and 28 men, ages 34 to 66 (M = 51.67; SD = 8.27), recruited in primary and middle schools in Sicily (Italy). Participants completed the Classical and Modern Racial Prejudice Scale, the Resilience Process Questionnaire, and an ad hoc questionnaire for evaluating teachers’ perception of inclusion of immigrant children. The results showed an effect of ethnic prejudice on the perception of inclusion of immigrant children and on resilient reintegration. The mediation model showed that resilient reintegration partially mediated the relationship between ethnic prejudice and the perception of inclusion of immigrant children. Educational and practical implications are provided

    Psicologia del llenguatge, febrer 2010

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    Material docent de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Material docente de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"