221 research outputs found

    History and problems of the Lithuanian ethnic instrumentology: influence to the movement of revival of ethnic musical instruments and instrumental music in the 20th C. – beginning of the 21st c.

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    Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the evaluation of the process of the research of Lithuanian ethnic musical instruments and instrumental music in the 20th – beginning of the 21st cc., formatting the main directions of scientific researches, proposing new classifications of folk musical instruments and the influence of the researches and published works to the movement of reconstruction and revival of ethnic musical instruments in Lithuania. Key words: ethnic instrumentology, musical instruments, ethnic music, traditional culture, folklore movement, Lithuania


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    This process in Lithuania has begun and has been connected to national liberation movement of the end of the 19th c. The way of integration to European culture was choose and this way was continued after the World War II, when the movement of folklore ensembles in 1968 has began. The folklore music of the peasant culture was revealing of all these more than one hundred year period. The respondents of the interview made in the 2011–2013 are favorable to all current forms of revealing of ethnic music and the way of stylization and authorization of ethnic music, according to their opinion, are natural continuation and development of the traditions of ethnic music. KEY WORDS: ethnic music, folklore, movement, tradition, modernity


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    Having analysed the forms of the shapes of the ethnic musical instruments of the mankind, the data of the research leads to the presumption that the musical instruments convey the images of the fauna, mode of life, which reflects on very ancient processes of the humanity. The great part of the images of these instruments shows not only the animal kingdom and tools of everyday life, but also the ancient totemic world outlook and the means of burying – process of traveling to ‘another’ world. These means were canoes, boats and even sea ships. Connection with the water and sea propose the idea about the features concerning two cultures – fishing and shipping. The reflections and relics are evident in the shapes of the ethnic musical instruments of mankind. However, the ‘Sea’ culture is noticeable only in the civilisations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece and in the traditions of using the musical instruments of the current people living in these areas. The ‘Water’ culture relates with fishing in the local rivers and lakes and is evident in the traditions of many nations of the world. The images of the fishing culture are the most noticeable feature of the instruments of the Baltic people.KEY WORDS: ethnic musical instruments, water, sea, culture, fishing.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rh.v18i0.122

    Archyviniai fonografo įrašų lobiai

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    Recenzijos objektas: archyvinius 1908–1909 m. lietuvių etninės muzikos fonografo įrašus iš Berlyno fonogramų archyvo fondų skelbiantis 2011 m. leidinys.Tikslas: įvertinti leidinį ankstesnių tų pačių autorių parengtų 5 ir kitų panašaus pobūdžio leidinių kontekste.Metodai: analizė, lyginimas, apibendrinimas.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: archyvas, etninė muzika, fonografas, įrašai, Berlynas, Lietuva

    „Kaimo“ dvasia etninės muzikos gaivinimo judėjime Lietuvoje XIX a. pabaigoje – XXI a. pradžioje: priežastys ir pasekmės

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    The process of revealing of ethnic music in Lithuania has begun and has been connected to national liberation movement of the end of the 19th c. At this time each form of revealing the ethnic music was supported. The way of integration to European culture at the time of independent Lithuania Republic was choose and this way was continued after the World War II, when the movement of folklore ensembles in 1969 has began. It is obvious that the folklore music as the most noticeable feature of the peasant culture and the “soul” of the “country” was revealing of all these more than one hundred year period. The results of the interview of the respondents made in the 2011–2013 show that these events continue ethnic traditions and reflects the needs of contemporary society at the same time.Key words: soul, culture, ethnic music, movement, tradition, country, city. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/td.v10i0.103

    Etninė muzika : teorijos klausimai

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    The author following works of worldwide authors involved in investigation folk music made the conclusion that origin of folk music is connected with the earliest times of mankind development. Folk music is phenomena of archaic art. Following reflections of reality it may be compared with palaeolith and mesolith and also with neolith, because folk music mostly involved in these periods. Following the theory of J. Zhordanija (1988; 1989) that folk music is spread according to the biggest races of mankind, the author expands it by proving that this music is situated according to local races as well. By contesting the statements of Zhordanija also based by M. Schneider’s (1953) theory that the most important feature of folk music style is multivoices and one voice singing might be arisen from this style, the author thinks that these styles are independent and appeared not depending from each other. It is not clear why people of certain cultures used possibilities of one voice singing provided by natural acoustic gamut and others – of multi-voiced singing. By involving laws of musical acoustics the author proves that not only folk music styles, but tunes as well appeared and have been generated naturally as the folk music itself. The statements of the author contest opinion of theorists of musical acoustics, which is mostly based on studies of not folk but on academic music. Therefore folk music as phenomena of aboriginal art can not be explored and investigated following rules of academic art

    Names of the reed - pipes of the ethnic group of Northern Europe - relics of ancient cultural relations

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    Straipsnis skirtas pučiamųjų muzikos instrumentų, būdingų šiaurinės Europos etninėms grupėms, pavadinimų tyrimams. Muzikinių instrumentų pavadinimai skirstomi į keturias rūšis: vieno žodžio pavadinimai; kintantys pavadinimai; pavadinimai, kuriuos sudaro vienas sudėtinis žodis; dviejų ar daugiau žodžių pavadinimai. Seniausi yra pirmosios ir paskutiniosios rūšies pavadinimai, kiti daugiau susiję su kultūriniais substratais. Šiaurinės Europos etninėse grupėse paplitę lūpinių pučiamųjų instrumentų pavadinimai paprastai atspindi medžiagą, iš kurios jie pagaminti, taip pat yra susiję su garso, verkimo, kalbos ar žaidimo sąvokomis. Instrumentų rūšių paplitimas suteikia žinių apie pačias seniausias šių regionų gyventojų veiklos formas. Sprendžiant iš lūpinių muzikos instrumentų pavadinimų, galima daryti prielaidą, jog ne medžioklė ir rinkimas, o žemdirbystė ir kiaulininkystė buvo seniausiomis ūkinio gyvenimo formomis šiaurinėje Europos dalyje. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kad baltai, Pabaltijo, Pavolgio ir Permės finai bei Skandinavijos germanai galėjo būti senovės žemdirbiai, o dauguma slavų tikriausiai vertėsi kiaulininkyste. Kiaulininkystės veikla atsispindi ir baltų, pabaltinos finų ir komių pavadinimuose, o vokiečių, dalies Pavolgio ir Permės suomių lūpinių instrumentų pavadinimuose ji visai neatsispindi. Muzikinių instrumentų pavadinimuose akivaizdūs ir substratiniai sluoksniai: jie akivaizdžiausi suomių ir skandinavų pavadinimuose, tačiau atsispindi ir slavų bei baltų pavadinimuose.The names of the reed-pipes of the ethnic group of Northern Europe reflect the material from which they were produce mainly, while the meanings "sound", "lament", "language", "tool of playing" are evident. Approximately four periods of the origin of these names could be define: 1) the names constituted of one word; 2) changing the names; 3) names, constituted of one word, consisting of two roots; 4) names constituted of two or more words. The oldest ones - the names of first and second groups, and the names of following periods, most probably, connect with the substratum culture. The instruments are spread on the areas, where the oldest forms of rural economy of the people could have appeared. On the opposite to the prevailing opinion, the agriculture and cattle-breeding, but not hunting and gathering, were the most ancient forms of this activity. The features of substratum in the names of the instruments are evident not only in the Baltic, Volga and Permi Finns, but also in the Germans, Slavs and Baits

    Užatlantės lietuvių dainos : recenzija

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Recenzija; Jonas Balys; Liaudies dainos; Review; Jonas Balys; Folk song

    Baltai ir Baltijos finai: kaimynai ar giminaičiai?

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    Remiantis etninės muzikos duomenimis, bandoma nustatyti baltų ir Baltijos finų bendrybes bei skirtumus ir šių ypatumų atsiradimo aplinkybes. Bendri baltų ir Baltijos finų styginiai instrumentai kanklės / kantele rodo nuo vakarų ir šiaurės Lietuvos iki pietryčių Suomijos ir Karelijos plytėjusią senąją kultūrinę erdvę, galėjusią būti pamatine abiem etninėms grupėms. Tačiau etninės muzikos paplitimo skirtingumai verčia manyti, kad į šį plotą greičiausiai vėliau atėjusi kultūrinė banga suvaidino svarbų vaidmenį. Baltų ir Baltijos finų bendrybės galėjo išlikti nuo pačių seniausiųjų šio ploto apgyvendinimo laikų, o skirtumai atsirasti susidarant šioms dviem etninėms grupėmsAccording to the data of ethnic music the communities and differences of the Balts and Baltic Finns is defined and the reasons of these peculiarities are discussed. Communities are fixed by the spreading in East Baltic area the string instrument kanklės / kantele from Western and Northern Lithuanian to Southeastern Finland and Karelia. The area of kanklės / kantele could have been the substratum for formation these two ethnic groups. The differences of spreading of the peculiarities of ethnic music shows that the influence of the next cultural waves is evident in this region. The communities of the Balts and Baltic Finns could have been remind from the earliest periods of settling this area, while the peculiarities could have been appear at the time of the latest formation these two ethnic group