Etninė muzika : teorijos klausimai


The author following works of worldwide authors involved in investigation folk music made the conclusion that origin of folk music is connected with the earliest times of mankind development. Folk music is phenomena of archaic art. Following reflections of reality it may be compared with palaeolith and mesolith and also with neolith, because folk music mostly involved in these periods. Following the theory of J. Zhordanija (1988; 1989) that folk music is spread according to the biggest races of mankind, the author expands it by proving that this music is situated according to local races as well. By contesting the statements of Zhordanija also based by M. Schneider’s (1953) theory that the most important feature of folk music style is multivoices and one voice singing might be arisen from this style, the author thinks that these styles are independent and appeared not depending from each other. It is not clear why people of certain cultures used possibilities of one voice singing provided by natural acoustic gamut and others – of multi-voiced singing. By involving laws of musical acoustics the author proves that not only folk music styles, but tunes as well appeared and have been generated naturally as the folk music itself. The statements of the author contest opinion of theorists of musical acoustics, which is mostly based on studies of not folk but on academic music. Therefore folk music as phenomena of aboriginal art can not be explored and investigated following rules of academic art

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