212 research outputs found

    Contribution of DNA polymerase η to immunoglobulin gene hypermutation in the mouse

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    The mutation pattern of immunoglobulin genes was studied in mice deficient for DNA polymerase η, a translesional polymerase whose inactivation is responsible for the xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) syndrome in humans. Mutations show an 85% G/C biased pattern, similar to that reported for XP-V patients. Breeding these mice with animals harboring the stop codon mutation of the 129/Olain background in their DNA polymerase ι gene did not alter this pattern further. Although this G/C biased mutation profile resembles that of mice deficient in the MSH2 or MSH6 components of the mismatch repair complex, the residual A/T mutagenesis of polη-deficient mice differs markedly. This suggests that, in the absence of polη, the MSH2–MSH6 complex is able to recruit another DNA polymerase that is more accurate at copying A/T bases, possibly polκ, to assume its function in hypermutation

    DNA Polymerase η Is Involved in Hypermutation Occurring during Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination

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    Base substitutions, deletions, and duplications are observed at the immunoglobulin locus in DNA sequences involved in class switch recombination (CSR). These mutations are dependent upon activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and present all the characteristics of the ones observed during V gene somatic hypermutation, implying that they could be generated by the same mutational complex. It has been proposed, based on the V gene mutation pattern of patients with the cancer-prone xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) syndrome who are deficient in DNA polymerase η (pol η), that this enzyme could be responsible for a large part of the mutations occurring on A/T bases. Here we show, by analyzing switched memory B cells from two XP-V patients, that pol η is also an A/T mutator during CSR, in both the switch region of tandem repeats as well as upstream of it, thus suggesting that the same error-prone translesional polymerases are involved, together with AID, in both processes

    Women, autoimmunity, and cancer: a dangerous liaison between estrogen and activation-induced deaminase?

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    Why women are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases is not completely clear, but new data suggest that the hormone estrogen may play an important role. A new study now shows that estrogen activates the expression of activation-induced deaminase (AID), a protein that drives antibody diversification by deaminating cytosine in DNA to uracil. If estrogen increases the level of AID, increased mutations could transform benign antibodies into anti-self pariahs. AID might also contribute to cancer—particularly in breast tissue, which is highly responsive to estrogen—by introducing mutations and strand breaks into the genome

    End-bridging is required for pol μ to efficiently promote repair of noncomplementary ends by nonhomologous end joining

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    DNA polymerase μ is a member of the mammalian pol X family and reduces deletion during chromosome break repair by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). This biological role is linked to pol μ's ability to promote NHEJ of ends with noncomplementary 3′ overhangs, but questions remain regarding how it performs this role. We show here that synthesis by pol μ in this context is often rapid and, despite the absence of primer/template base-pairing, instructed by template. However, pol μ is both much less active and more prone to possible template independence in some contexts, including ends with overhangs longer than two nucleotides. Reduced activity on longer overhangs implies pol μ is less able to synthesize across longer gaps, arguing pol μ must bridge both sides of gaps between noncomplementary ends to be effective in NHEJ. Consistent with this argument, a pol μ mutant defective specifically on gapped substrates is also less active during NHEJ of noncomplementary ends both in vitro and in cells. Taken together, pol μ activity during NHEJ of noncomplementary ends can thus be primarily linked to pol μ's ability to work together with core NHEJ factors to bridge DNA ends and perform a template-dependent gap fill-in reaction

    Involvement of DNA polymerase μ in the repair of a specific subset of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells

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    The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) requires processing of the broken ends to complete the ligation process. Recently, it has been shown that DNA polymerase μ (polμ) and DNA polymerase λ (polλ) are both involved in such processing during non-homologous end joining in vitro. However, no phenotype was observed in animal models defective for either polμ and/or polλ. Such observations could result from a functional redundancy shared by the X family of DNA polymerases. To avoid such redundancy and to clarify the role of polμ in the end joining process, we generated cells over-expressing the wild type as well as an inactive form of polμ (polμD). We observed that cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR) was increased when either polμ or polμD was over-expressed. However, the genetic instability in response to IR increased only in cells expressing polμD. Moreover, analysis of intrachromosomal repair of the I-SceI-induced DNA DSB, did not reveal any effect of either polμ or polμD expression on the efficiency of ligation of both cohesive and partially complementary ends. Finally, the sequences of the repaired ends were specifically affected when polμ or polμD was over-expressed, supporting the hypothesis that polμ could be involved in the repair of a DSB subset when resolution of junctions requires some gap filling

    REG-γ associates with and modulates the abundance of nuclear activation-induced deaminase

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    REG-γ, a protein involved in protein degradation, binds to nuclear AID, and REG-γ–deficient B cells contain more AID and exhibit increased immunoglobulin class switching

    Conferring a template-dependent polymerase activity to terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase by mutations in the Loop1 region

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    Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (Tdt) and DNA polymerase μ (pol μ) are two eukaryotic highly similar proteins involved in DNA processing and repair. Despite their high sequence identity, they differ widely in their activity: pol μ has a templated polymerase activity, whereas Tdt has a non-templated one. Loop1, first described when the Tdt structure was solved, has been invoked as the major structural determinant of this difference. Here we describe attempts to transform Tdt into pol μ with the minimal number of mutations in and around Loop1. First we describe the effect of mutations on six different positions chosen to destabilize Tdt Loop1 structure, either by alanine substitution or by deletion; they result at most in a reduction of Tdt activity, but adding Co++ restores most of this Tdt activity. However, a deletion of the entire Loop1 as in pol λ does confer a limited template-dependent polymerase behavior to Tdt while a chimera bearing an extended pol μ Loop1 reproduces pol μ behavior. Finally, 16 additional substitutions are reported, targeted at the two so-called ‘sequence determinant’ regions located just after Loop1 or underneath. Among them, the single-point mutant F401A displays a sequence-specific replicative polymerase phenotype that is stable upon Co++ addition. These results are discussed in light of the available crystal structures