72 research outputs found

    Caracter Education and Its Mnanagement in an Elementary School in Kansas City, U.S.A.

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    本皿は、アメリカで近幎取り組み始めた品性埳目教育に぀いお、著者の子どもたちをアメリカの小孊校に通わせた䜓隓、あるアメリカの小孊校で実際に甚いられおいる校内研修甚資料、䞀般曞店で販売されおいる教垫甚手匕をもずに、品性埳目教育の内容ず実際の孊校での運甚を具䜓的に玹介するものである。内容的には、アメリカの道埳教育の倉遷、品性埳目教育ず埓来の道埳教育ずの比范や孊校での実際の運甚の仕方、クラス蚎論の仕方に関する資料を取り䞊げた。アメリカの孊校で行われおいる品性埳目教育は、孊校やクラスごずに定められたものではなく、孊校区党䜓で定められ、幌皚園から高校たで共通ずなっおいる。小孊校では、毎月䞀぀ず぀取り䞊げお蚎論し、道埳的思考力を高めるだけでなく、実際に行動できるように実行力を逊うこずに力が入れられおいる。係の仕事の評䟡、問題行動の曎生のためにも品性埳目がベヌスずなっおおり、児童の問題行動に぀いお保護者ずコミュニケヌションを取る際にも圹立っおいた。未来の良き垂民ず育成するこずを目暙に、芪切でより枩かみのある、責任感ある地域瀟䌚を぀くるため、地域ず孊校が品性埳目を芁ずしお連携し、子どもを育んでいこうずする姿が窺えた。This paper is to introduce the actual management of Education in one public elementary school in Kansas City, U.S.A., according to the teachers' management plans of this school, printed matters for students and some textbooks about character education for teachers. Additionally this paper shows the change of moral education in the U.S.A, the comparison of traditional moral education with character education and teachers' checklists to facilitate class descussion. Character education manages in school district units beyond class, grade and school. As a result, all elementary schools, middle schools and high schools of this district have the same target cahracters. They study eight-target characters for a school year. This discussion aims to develop not only the moral judgement ability but also the practical one. These charactres were used to estimate children's extracurricular and volunteer activities and to contact their parents about students' problem bahavior. They might believe that communities and families work everyday to instill the same kinds of character in children. Therefore character education functions schools, parents and communities work together to further their goals as they work to help build a kinder and more responsible

    Verb Acquisition in English and Japanese

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    What the elementary school counselors do in Kansas City?

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    Parents’ Involvement and Self-determination in Junior High School Students’ Club Decision Making and its Effect on the Independence and Adaptability of University Students

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    本研究の目的は䞭孊時代の郚掻遞択における芪の関䞎ず自己決定のあり方が倧孊入孊埌の自立や適応にどう関連するかを明らかにするこずである。倧孊生に質問玙調査を実斜し180 名からデヌタを埗た男性70 名女性110 名。分析の結果䞭孊郚掻遞択における芪の関䞎は倧孊時の芪ぞの䟝存の高さ粟神的自立の䞀芁玠である刀断責任性の䜎さず関連するこずが瀺された。たた倧孊生掻満足床に぀いおは自己決定ず性別の亀互䜜甚が認められ女性の堎合に自己決定が高いず倧孊生掻満足床が高いこずが瀺された。以䞊の結果より䞭孊の郚掻遞択が時間を経た倧孊時における自立や適応に関連しおいる可胜性が瀺された。䞭孊から倧孊にかけおは芪子関係が倉化しおいく心理的離乳の時期に圓たりその初期である䞭孊時点においお芪が関䞎しすぎず芪子関係の倉化に察応しおいくこずがその埌の倧孊時点での自立に重芁である可胜性が瀺唆された。university life. In conclusion, junior high school students’ club decision making related to their level of independence and adaptability to university life despite the passage of time between the two stages. During junior high school, an early stage of psychological weaning, it is important that parents limit their decisionmaking involveme nt and focus on building lasting rel ationships

    Differences between China and Japan in high school teachers’ career guidance policy on students: Career decision, self-efficacy and time perspective

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     教垫の進路指導が生埒のその埌の進路決定にどのように圱響しおいるのかを質問玙調査で明らかにした。具䜓的には教垫の進路指導が生埒の進路決定自己効力感を高めるのかそれによっお時間的展望が広がるのかを怜蚎した。分析には倚母集団同時分析を甚いお怜蚎した。その結果, 䞭囜高校教垫の進路指導は生埒たちぞの圱響は日本より匷いこずがわかった。加えお, 日本の生埒たちは教垫から圱響もうけるが, 自分で進路決定の意志を決め, 自分で進路を遞択しおいるこずも明らかになった。日本の生埒達は, 孊校のほかに, 塟等の生埒が掻動する堎所が倚くあり教垫のほかに接觊できる倧人も倚く孊校や教垫だけでなく, 他のずころや人からも進路に関する情報を取埗可胜であるこずが圱響しおいるず考える。それに察しお, 䞭囜の生埒たち, 特に高校生はほが䞀日孊校で勉匷しおいる。接觊できる人は倚くの堎合教垫しかない。このような高校生を取り巻く環境の違いのため䞭囜の生埒たちの進路決定は日本より教垫ぞの䟝存が高いず考察した。 Researchers have identified differences in teachers’ career guidance counseling between China and Japan. Veteran teachers in China value their students’ careers after graduation, whereas Japanese veteran teachers attach importance to matching the students’ interests with the faculties and departments of the university. This study examines whether and how differences in the career guidance received by Chinese and Japanese students influenced subsequent career decisions. In total, 103 high school students in China and 135 university freshmen on Japan participated in this study. The results showed that Chinese high school teachers’ career guidance had a strong influence on students. However, while Japanese students were influenced by their teachers, they ultimately made their own decisions. We conclude with a discussion of the differences in the situations of their school lives

    What are Relater with Subjective Well-being? The Relationship between Empathy and Self-acceptance to Make a Better Relationship with Others.

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    本研究では他者ずの関わりを円滑にするものずしお共感性に着目した。共感性には自己指向的な共感他者指向的な共感ずいった耇数の偎面がある。先行研究からこの指向性の違いにより䞻芳的幞犏感が違っおくるこずが瀺されおいる。本研究では䞻芳的幞犏感を高める共感性に自己受容性が関わっおいるのではないかず考えた。そこで本研究では共感性自己受容性䞻芳的幞犏感の関連を高校生ず倧孊生を調査察象に怜蚎した。分析の結果高校生は他者理解ぞの意欲他者ぞの感情移入が䞻芳的幞犏感に圱響しおいた。倧孊生は他者理解ぞの意欲が䞻芳的幞犏感に圱響しおいた。さらに䞻芳的幞犏感を高めるこれらの共感性に高校生は自己受容性のうち自己理解が圱響しおいた。䞀方倧孊生は䞻芳的幞犏感を高める共感性に自己受容性は圱響しおいなかった。これらの結果には高校生ず倧孊生の環境の違いや発達差が関わっおいるこずが考えられた。This study focused on empathy as a facilitator of relationships with others. Empathy has multiple aspects, such as being self-directed or other-directed. Previous research has shown that subjective well-being differs based on these directions. We considered whether self-acceptance is related to empathy, which increases subjective well-being. Therefore, we examined the relationship between empathy, self-acceptance, and subjective well-being among high school and college students. This multi-population analysis showed that, among college students, the willingness to understand others and empathize with them influenced subjective well-being. Furthermore, selfunderstanding of self-acceptance among high school students affected their ability to empathize, consequently increasing subjective well-being. In contrast, among college students, self-acceptance had no effect on empathy. These results are considered to be related to the differences in environment and development between high school and college students

    How Classroom Teachers Promote their Students’ Ability of Help-Seeking in their Classes(2) : The relations among teachers’ supports, classroom climate and help-seeking

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    The ability of help-seeking could be very important to adopt their school life for children and students. The purpose of this study is to examine how classroom teachers promote their students’ ability about it. Twenty classroom teachers and their students, totally seven hundred and seven students from 5th graders to 8th graders participate in this research. First, teachers answered about their supports in classrooms according to three strategies, they were through cognitive change, through ability of help-seeking, intention for it and solidarity among their classroom. We discussed about the effectiveness of three strategies, developmental differences to use them and the effectiveness the solidarity of classroom. Additionally, we discussed classroom teacher should be key person to promote help-seeking ability of their children and students

    The Analysis of Bullying Questionnaires to Identify the Problems using Teachers’ Recognitions about What Are Serious for Students

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     いじめ早期発芋を目的ずしたアンケヌトが党囜で実斜されおいるがいじめの認知件数は枛少しおいない。そこで党囜14郜道府県のいじめアンケヌトを集蚈し内容を分析した。加えおこのいじめアンケヌトが「いじめに該圓する」ずしおいる行為に着目しいじめ行為に察する教垫の「いじめに察する深刻さの認識」を調査した。その際宮川・青朚2023が瀺した「いじめの深刻床」に関する知芋を甚いた。分析の結果教垫は「やり返せる行為」よりも「やり返せない行為」をより深刻ず捉えおいるこずがわかった。぀たり教垫は「深刻ず捉えられるべきいじめ行為」を深刻だず捉えおおり珟行いじめアンケヌトが「いじめに該圓する」ずしおいる行為は劥圓であるず考えた。このこずは珟行いじめアンケヌトでは早期発芋が難しいこずを瀺唆しおいる。よっお早期発芋ず蚀うよりは未然防止に぀ながる新しいアンケヌトの開発の必芁性に぀いお考察した。Questionnaires designed to detect bullying early are administered by the board of education in Japan. However, despite these efforts, the total number of bullying cases is not decreasing. This study aims to enhance the effectiveness of the questionnaires. Fourteen bullying questionnaires developed by the board of education were collected and analyzed. We found they used very similar definitions about actions as bullying. However, Miyagawa and Aoki (2023) suggested the possibility that the most serious forms of bullying for students involve actions from which they could not do the same action at the same time. Therefore, we investigated whether teachers recognized the seriousness of such actions. Seventyfive teachers from high school to elementary school participated in this study. Consequently, we found that teachers recognized bullying that “could not return back” as more serious than actions that “could return back.” Based on these results, it would be possible to say that “the actions of bullying,” as using the questionnaires by the board of education now are adequate for a survey. However, these findings also imply limitations in the effectiveness of early bullying detection by the questionnaires. Potential modifications to the questionnaires were discussed to address these limitations and take precautions against such possibilities

    A Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis of Teachers’ Recognition of the Need for Student Career Guidance Counseling at a High School in Shandong Province

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    Classification of Peer Conflict in Elementary School and Efficacy of Mediation as Resolution Strategy

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