126 research outputs found

    An Overview of Mexico’s Citrus Industry

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    This report looks at Mexico’s citrus industry and its relationship to the United States. Information on Mexico’s citrus production, utilization and trade are discussed.Mexico, citrus industry, International Relations/Trade,

    Innovación en los sistemas de abastecimiento, distribución y recirculación de agua en un modelo de Vivienda de Interés Social Sostenible

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    Currently, there is a high systematic inequality regarding access to water, both between and within countries. In some, there is a wasteful picture and others show high water stress. This research developed an innovative response with the design of water supply, distribution, and recirculation systems (WSDR) in a sustainable social housing model (SSH) proposed by the researchers, based on a technological assessment which considers principles of spatial, environmental and economic efficiency in aqueduct cost and public service production for builders, user comfort, resource use optimization and its supply sources. In order to achieve this, the water resource of Bogota was diagnosed and technological options for saving water in new residential buildings were proposed; their viability was evaluated and their dimensions were estimated. Among the results, it was possible to project the saving of 110.03L/day or 40 % consumption of each residential unit (UH) proposed in the SSH model and 522,200L/ month in the tasks of washing and irrigation of common areas; This would result in water savings of 2,210,000 m3 /month in the urban expansion area of Bogota, equivalent to 1,361.54 Ha.En la actualidad, existe una alta inequidad sistemática de acceso al agua entre y dentro de los países, en algunos, existe un panorama de desperdicio y otros presentan alto estrés hídrico. Esta investigación desarrolló una respuesta innovadora en un diseño de los sistemas de abastecimiento, distribución y recirculación de agua (SADRA) en un modelo de vivienda de interés social sostenible (VISS) propuesto por los investigadores, a partir de la evaluación tecnológica (ET) teniendo en cuenta principios de eficiencia espacial, ambiental y económica en el costo del servicio público de acueducto y de producción para los constructores, confort del usuario, optimización del uso del recurso y sus fuentes de abastecimiento. Para lograrlo, se diagnosticó la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico pluvial de Bogotá; se plantearon las opciones tecnológicas para el ahorro de agua en edificaciones residenciales nuevas; se evaluó su viabilidad y se estimaron sus dimensiones. Dentro de lo obtenido, se logró proyectar el ahorro de 110,03L/día o el 40 % del consumo de cada unidad habitacional (UH) propuesta en el modelo de VISS y de 522.200L/mes en las labores de lavado y riego de zonas comunes; se encontró que, de implementar este modelo en la construcción de vivienda, se llegaría a un ahorro de agua de 2.210.000 m3/mes en el área de expansión urbana de Bogotá equivalente a 1361.54 Ha

    Relaciones UE-LAC: ¿Al vaivén de la coyuntura?

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    En el documento presentado hace un año, se enfatizó la poca relevancia que tenía América Latina para Europa y la importancia del dinamismo de la iniciativa privada para la interacción entre los dos continentes. Hoy día, es imperativo referirse al encuentro realizado en Madrid durante el mes de mayo, en cuya declaración (aunado a acciones tomadas por parte de Europa)I se nota un mejo- ramiento por parte de ambos bloques en la percepción mutua, y podría prever una profundización en la relación a nivel político

    Computational identification and evolutionaty enalysis of metazoan micrornas

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    MicroRNAs are a large family of 21-26 nucleotide non-coding RNAs with a role in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. In recent years, microRNAs have been proposed to play a significant role in the expansion of organism complexity. MicroRNAs are expressed in a cell or tissue-specific manner during embryonic development, suggesting a role in cellular differentiation. For example, Let-7 is a metazoan microRNA that acts as developmental timer between larval stages in C. elegans. We conducted a comparative study that determined the distribution of microRNA families among metazoans, including the identification of new family members for several species. MicroRNA families appear to have evolved in bursts of evolution that correlate with the advent of major metazoan groups such as vertebrates, eutherians, primates and hominids. Most microRNA families identified in these organisms appeared with or after the advent of vertebrates. Only a few of them appear to be shared between vertebrates and invertebrates. The distribution of these microRNA families supports the idea that at least one whole genome duplication event (WGS) predates the advent of vertebrates. Gene ontology analyses of the genes these microRNA families regulate show enrichments for functions related to cell differentiation and morphogenesis. MicroRNA genes appear to be under great selective constraints. Identification of conserved regions by comparative genomics allows for the computational identification of microRNAs. We have identified and characterized ultraconserved regions between the genomes of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and the parasitic wasp (Nasonia vitripennis), and developed a strategy for the identification of microRNAs based on regions of ultraconservation. Ultraconserved regions preferentially localize within introns and intergenic regions, and are enriched in functions related to neural development. Introns harboring ultraconserved elements appear to be under negative selection and under a level of constraint that is higher than in their exonic counterparts. This level of constraint suggests functional roles yet to be discovered and suggests that introns are major players in the regulation of biological processes. Our computational strategy was able to identify new microRNA genes shared between honey bee and wasp. We recovered 41 of 45 previously validated microRNAs for these organisms, and we identified several new ones. A significant fraction of these microRNA candidates are located in introns and intergenic regions and are organized in genomic clusters. Expression of 13 of these new candidates was verified by 454 sequencing

    El turismo accesible en la educación. ¿Utopía o realidad excluyente?

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    Los procesos educativos a nivel universitario en la carrera de Turismo deben contar con el dinamismo que esta área del conocimiento científico posee, en este sentido las carreras deben transformarse para dar respuesta a un ámbito de la sociedad que se encuentra en constante cambio, por ende las adecuaciones en los contenido, las metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje y los temas de investigación y acción deben ampliarse en la medida en que la realidad lo requiera. Tal es el caso del Turismo Accesible como área de estudio, que ha venido fortaleciéndose cada vez más, al concretarse como un contexto dentro de la actividad turística, en donde se promueve la integración e inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad, y que luego de diversas experiencias en los procesos de formación en dicha área, se ha presentado el nacimiento de un nuevo paradigma turístico y social que nos exhorta a reevaluar nuestras concepciones acerca de la Discapacidad (como visión minusvalidante para comenzar a valorar las potencialidades humanas por encima de las condiciones), así como del Turismo Accesible (como espacio fundamentalmente de desarrollo económico, para pasar a ser un espacio de promoción de la inclusión, e integración de la población en igualdad de condiciones), son necesidades que desde el ámbito educativo, de investigación y profesional se pueden solventar.The educational processes at university level in the career of Tourism must have the dynamism that this area of scientific knowledge has, in this sense the careers must be transformed to respond to an area of society that is constantly changing, therefore the Adaptations in content, teaching-learning methodologies and research and action issues should be expanded to the extent that reality requires. Such is the case of Accessible Tourism as an area of study, which has been increasingly strengthened as it has become a context within the tourism activity, where the integration and inclusion of People with Disabilities is promoted, and after various experiences in the processes of training in this area, the birth of a new tourism and social paradigm has been presented, which encourages us to reevaluate our conceptions about disability (as a disabling vision to begin to value human potentialities above conditions), as well as Accessible Tourism (as a space fundamentally of economic development, to become a space for the promotion of inclusion, and integration of the population under equal conditions), are needs that from the educational, research and professional fields can be solve

    Manual de instrucciones: humanarse en el trabajo diario

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    Diagnóstico de las relaciones entre la Unión Europea y Latinoamérica y el Caribe: los resultados no necesitan retórica

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    Las débiles relaciones entre América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) y la Unión Europea (UE) son el tema de análisis de este artículo. Al plantear un diagnóstico de su relación, el autor describe los procesos de acercamiento que se han dado a través de la historia entre estas dos regiones con el propósito de identificar las causas por las cuales estos encuentros no han progresado. Así mismo, da cuenta de la inestable agenda política de la Unión Europea y de fenómenos como el neopopulismo y la persistente inequidad en América Latina

    Algoritmos, sentencias y derecho constitucional comparado : Explorando el uso de jurisprudencia extranjera en Colombia

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    27 páginasLos resultados de esta investigación son el producto de una exploración metodológica con la que se pretende abordar la detección automática de referencias a jurisprudencia extranjera en las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Para esto se analizaron más de 6000 sentencias de constitucionalidad emitidas entre 1992 y 2020 con un enfoque de minería de datos, aplicando algoritmos de búsqueda de patrones de lenguaje, que fueron reforzados con asistencia humana. Las estadísticas (preliminares) que se presentan a continuación representan los primeros datos consolidados sobre esta práctica en el país y buscan aportar a la generación de conocimiento en el campo del derecho constitucional comparado.The results of this research are the product of a methodological exploration to address the automatic detection of references to foreign law in the judgments of the Constitutional Court of Colombia. More than 6000 constitutionality decisionsissued between1992 and 2020 were analyzed with a data mining approach, applying algorithms of semantic pattern matching, which were reinforced with human assistance. The data presented in this work are the first consolidated statistics about the use of foreign law in Colombia since the creation of Constitutional Court, over a period of 29 years. This effort aims to contribute to knowledge generation in the field of political science and comparative constitutional law, by allowing researchers to efficiently analyze extensive collections of unstructured data.Ciencias PolíticasPolitólog

    Prototipo de gestor documental web para la administración del sistema de la calidad en pymes bajo normatividad ISO 9001.

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    Actualmente en las organizaciones es muy importante tener bien definidos los procesos que se llevan a cabo para su funcionamiento si se quiere brindar servicios y productos de calidad, la norma ISO 9001 es un modelo de gestión de calidad que integra todos los manuales y procesos necesarios para el funcionamiento de la organización, para controlar los cambios y el acceso a estos documentos es necesario la implementación de un prototipo de gestor documental web, en este documento proponemos el diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación que de solución a las PyMes bajo el modelo vista controlador (tres capas). Está aplicación está desarrollada para que se adapte a los posibles cambios de mejora en el futuro

    Transnational same-sex couples: negotiating intimacy and home(s) ‘here’ and ‘there’

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    This thesis explores the ways in which transnational same-sex couples construe and experience transnational migration, intimacy, and home. The study was initially born out of the need to contribute to the young, but growing body of scholarly work in relation to queer migration studies. For long, the figure of ‘the migrant’ was founded on heterosexual terms only, thus impeding any possibility of exploring the lives of those with non-normative gender and sexual identities. During the last two decades or so, new scholarship has tried to alter this picture, arguing for a more inclusive assessment of global migration. This project aims to further the scholarly conversations in this regard, but it also wishes to go beyond the traditional economic and political spheres in which the migrant is usually placed in; hence, it promotes a study of migration that is also preoccupied with the intimate and emotional life of LGBT+/queer migrants. In this sense, this research is interested in how 12 transnational same-sex couples (that are also binational) understand and practice intimate life and home. Indeed, examining the life of these couples in migration offers a unique opportunity to delve into the intimate and domestic dimensions of transnational migration, and therefore, to show how the research participants actively negotiated and sustained family life and a sense of belonging in today’s rapidly changing and globalising world. The ‘transnational’ component will be key across this thesis, as it enables the possibility of understanding the couples’ different movements, attachments, networking and (emotional and material) practices that explicate and buttress their migratory journeys. The study was carried through the use of ethnographic techniques, namely, narrative interviewing, observation, and the construction of material culture narratives at the participants’ home(s). This methodological combination allowed for an in-depth and careful exploration of the individual and coupled biographies of the research participants. Particularly, this thesis illustrates how working with material culture brings richness and additional depth to empirical data, as well as it provides new opportunities for creativity and interaction with research participants. In the end, this research project chiefly aims to provide gay men, lesbians, and other non-heterosexuals in transnational relationships additional tools to reflect on their lives, sense of belonging, citizenship status, and the value that is politically and socially bestowed on to their relationships, families and overall personal commitments. Indeed, I wish to bring attention to the intimate side of migration; to the fact that migrants, like the ones in this research, have meaningful and on-going personal and interpersonal attachments and commitments. This is why I argue that studying this can be key to a deeper and better understanding of the phenomenon of migration in the 21st Century