997 research outputs found

    Speech Act Analysis of Madurese Wedding Ceremony in Kalidandan Village, Pakuniran, Probolinggo

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    Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of language. This study aims to describe kinds of speech acts especially locutionary act, illocutionary act, and the perlocutionary act of Madurese wedding ceremony in Kalidandan village, Pakuniran district, Probolinggo regency. The results of this study showed that the illocutionary act of the Madurese wedding ceremony in Kalidandan village, Pakuniran district, Probolinggo regency has various kinds of speech act, 1) direct speech act; 2) indirect speech act; 3) literal speech act; 4) non-literal speech act; 5) direct literal speech act; 6) indirect literal speech act; 7) direct non-literal speech act, and 8) indirect non-literal speech act.Keywords: Speech act, Kinds of speech act, and Madures


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    Along with the development of today's times and technology, films have become one of the most effective mass communication media. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the message sign of da'wah and the meaning of the message of da'wah contained in the film Failed to Ta'aruf. To answer the two problem formulations, the researcher used a qualitative approach. While the method used is the semiotic method of Charles Sanders Pierce. In this study, it is concluded that the signs contained in the film Fail to Ta'aruf are relevant to the theory developed by Charles Sanders Pierce. Charles Sanders Pierce classifies signs into icons, indexes, and symbols. Where the meaning of the sign is an unforgettable part. And the meaning of the message of da'wah in the film Failed to Ta'aruf is in the category of creed, namely istigfar. Sharia categories are such as ta'aruf, marriage, and congregational prayers. The moral category is being grateful, greeting and answering greetings, being responsible, not having bad prejudice or suudzon towards others, not expecting humans, and being devoted to both parents. Keywords: Film Semiotics, Meaning of Da'wah Messages

    A NEW SPECIES OF ANISOPTERA (Dipterocarpaceae) II

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    Some new material of Anisoptera kostermansiana Dilmy, described by the present author in Reinwardtia 3: 347. 1956, was put at his disposal by the kindness of Mr. J. S. Womersley, Chief, Division of Botany at Lae, T.N.G

    Seaworthiness in the context of the ISPS Code and the relevant amendments to SOLAS Convention, 1974

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    Perbaikan Varietas Unggul Kacang Hijau Tahan Penyakit Embun Tepung dan Bercak Daun

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    Kacang hijau merupakan tanaman kacang-kacangan utama ketiga setelah kedelai dan kacang tanah. Tanaman kacang hijau peka terhadap serangan penyakit pada semua stadia pertumbuhannya. Penyakit embun tepung dan bercak daun tergolong penyakit yang dominan. Penyakit embun tepung banyak dijumpai pada musim kemarau, sedangkan penyakit bercak daun pada musim hujan. Dari evaluasi terhadap beberapa galur kacang hijau, diperoleh tiga galur yang memberikan hasil tinggi yaitu VC 3012B, VC 2750, dan EVO 947, masing-masing dengan sifat agak peka penyakit bercak daun, tahan penyakit embun tepung, dan tahan penyakit bercak daun. Galur VC 3012B dan VC 2750 mempunyai warna biji hijau mengkilat, sedangkan EVO 947 hijau kusam, dan ketiganya berbiji besar. Galur VC 3012B pada tahun 1998 dilepas sebagai varietas unggul dengan nama Kenari, dan pada tahun 2001 galur VC 2750 dan EVO 947 dilepas sebagai varietas unggul baru masing-masing dengan nama Perkutut dan Murai


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    Abstract : This research is to give relevant information in teaching by using textbook in the classroom. Teacher uses the textbook as standardization in delivering the material. Textbook becomes the resource in teaching. there are some benefits why teacher uses textbook, there are the teacher needs standardization from the quality and quantity of the education, the teacher has to adapt the material which is available in the textbook, The teacher needs source to deliver the material to the students.This research method conducted by acquired literature study. In using the textbook the teacher should have some roles they are the roles of teacher are as a controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, resource, tutor, and observer. All the teacher roles above are to make adaption the material. The teacher should select the appropriate material, teacher should have strategy how the activity is done, teacher takes the material which is deeply needed by the students, teacher gives assessment to know how far the students understand in learning the material
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