22 research outputs found

    Scaling Theory and Numerical Simulations of Aerogel Sintering

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    A simple scaling theory for the sintering of fractal aerogels is presented. The densification at small scales is described by an increase of the lower cut-off length aa accompanied by a decrease of the upper cut-off length ξ\xi, in order to conserve the total mass of the system. Scaling laws are derived which predict how aa, ξ\xi and the specific pore surface area Σ\Sigma should depend on the density ρ\rho. Following the general ideas of the theory, numerical simulations of sintering are proposed starting from computer simulations of aerogel structure based on a diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation gelling process. The numerical results for aa, ξ\xi and Σ\Sigma as a function of ρ\rho are discussed according to the initial aerogel density. The scaling theory is only fully recovered in the limit of very low density where the original values of aa and ξ\xi are well separated. These numerical results are compared with experiments on partially densified aerogels.Comment: RevTex, 17 pages + 6 postscript figures appended using "uufiles". To appear in J. of Non-Cryst. Solid

    Small Angle Neutron Scattering of Aerogels: Simulations and Experiments

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    A numerical simulation of silica aerogels is performed using diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation of spheres inside a cubic box (with periodic boundary conditions). The volume fraction cc is taken to be sufficiently large to get a gel structure at the end of the process. In the case of monodisperse spheres, the wavevector dependent scattered intensity I(q)I(q) is calculated from the product of the form factor P(q)P(q) of a sphere by the structure factor S(q)S(q), which is related to the Fourier transform of g(r)1g(r)-1, where g(r)g(r) is the pair correlation function between sphere centers. The structure factor S(q)S(q) exhibits large-qq damped oscillations characteristics of the short range (intra-aggregate) correlations between spheres. These oscillations influence the I(q)I(q) curve in the qq-region between the fractal regime and the Porod regime and quantitative comparisons are made with experiments on colloidal aerogels. Moreover, at small-qq values, S(q)S(q) goes through a maximum characteristic of large range (inter-aggregate) correlations. Quantitative fits of the maximum in the experimental I(q)I(q) curves of base-catalyzed aerogel are presented. In the case of polydisperse spheres, I(q)I(q) is calculated directly from a single aggregate simulation. It is shown that increasing polydispersity shifts the location of the cross-over between the fractal and Porod regimes towards low qq-value.Comment: RevTex, 9 pages + 11 postscript figures, compressed using "uufiles". Proceeding of the 4th International Simposium on Aerogels (To appear in J. of Non-Cryst. Solids

    Fluctuating Bond Aggregation: a Model for Chemical Gel Formation

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    The Diffusion-Limited Cluster-Cluster Aggregation (DLCA) model is modified by including cluster deformations using the {\it bond fluctuation} algorithm. From 3dd computer simulations, it is shown that, below a given threshold value cgc_g of the volumic fraction cc, the realization of all intra-aggregate bonding possibilities prevents the formation of a gelling network. For c>cgc>c_g, the sol-gel transition occurs at a time tgt_g which, in contrast to DLCA, doesnot diverge with the box size. Several results are reported including small angle scattering curves and possible applications are discussed.Comment: RevTex, 9 pages + 3 postscript figures appended using "uufiles". To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Knowledge socialization: strategies in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology in venezuela

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    Since 2009, the Venezuelan Network of Nanotechnology has developed some activities for the dissemination of this knowledge area, and also promoted joint working initiatives between members interested in advancing in such task. This paper presents an overview of the activities of the network and other groups related to the subject, and also present the network strategies for the future which arises in the context of a broad notion of the meaning of socialization of knowledge as the axis of transformation of society.Desde el año 2009, la Red Venezolana de Nanotecnología ha desarrollado diversas actividades para la formación, divulgación y popularización de esta área del conocimiento, fomentado además el trabajo conjunto entre los miembros interesados en adelantar iniciativas en este ámbito. Este trabajo presenta un balance de las actividades realizadas por la red y otros grupos relacionados con el tema, así como también se propone analizar las estrategias que la red se plantea a futuro en el marco de una noción amplia de lo que significa la socialización del conocimiento como eje de transformación de la sociedad

    The Sol-Gel Process Simulated by Cluster-Cluster Aggregation

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    The pair-correlation function g(r,t)g(r,t) and its Fourier transform, the structure factor S(q,t)S(q,t), are computed during the gelation process of identical spherical particles using the diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation model in a box. This numerical analysis shows that the time evolution of the characteristic cluster size ξ\xi exhibits a crossover close to the gel time tgt_g which depends on the volumic fraction cc. In this model tgt_g tends to infinity when the box size LL tends to infinity. For systems of finite size, it is shown numerically that, when t<tgt<t_g, the wave vector qmq_m, at which S(q,t)S(q,t) has a maximum, decreases as S(qm,t)1/DS(q_m,t)^{-1/D}, where DD is an apparent fractal dimension of clusters, as measured from the slo pe of S(q,t)S(q,t) . The time evolution of the mean number of particles per cluster nˉ\bar {n} is also investigated. Our numerical results are in qualitative agreement with small angle scattering experiments in several systems.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages + 9 postscript figures appended using "uufiles". To appear in J. of Non-Cryst. Solid

    Small Angle Scattering by Fractal Aggregates: A Numerical Investigation of the Crossover Between the Fractal Regime and the Porod Regime

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    Fractal aggregates are built on a computer using off-lattice cluster-cluster aggregation models. The aggregates are made of spherical particles of different sizes distributed according to a Gaussian-like distribution characterised by a mean a0a_0 and a standard deviation σ\sigma. The wave vector dependent scattered intensity I(q)I(q) is computed in order to study the influence of the particle polydispersity on the crossover between the fractal regime and the Porod regime. It is shown that, given a0a_0, the location qcq_c of the crossover decreases as σ\sigma increases. The dependence of qcq_c on σ\sigma can be understood from the evolution of the shape of the center-to-center interparticle-distance distribution function.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages + 6 postscript figures, compressed using "uufiles", published in Phys. Rev. B 50, 1305 (1994

    A Numerical Study of Phase Transitions Inside the Pores of Aerogels

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    Phase transitions inside the pores of an aerogel are investigated by modelizing the aerogel structure by diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation on a cubic lattice in a finite box and considering qq-states Potts variables on the empty sites interacting via nearest-neighbours. Using a finite size scaling analysing of Monte-Carlo numerical results, it is concluded that for q=4q=4 the transition changes from first order to second order as the aerogel concentration (density) increases. Comparison is made with the case q=3q=3 (where the first order transition is weaker in three dimensions) and with the case q=4q=4 but for randomly (non correlated) occupied sites. Possible applications to experiments are discussed.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages + 10 postscript figures compressed using "uufiles", To appear in J. of Non-Cryst. Solid

    Formación y divulgación de la nanotecnología en Venezuela: situación y perspectiva

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