4,908 research outputs found

    Risks for Peripheral Arterial Disease in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Their Correlation with High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Ankle-brachial Index

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    The Indonesian elderly population has been projected to increase up to about four-fold inthree decades (1990-2020). As a consequence of this population trend, the increased prevalence ofdegenerative diseases would be inevitable; this would include the prevalence of peripheral arterialdisease.This study aims to identify the correlation of diverse risk factors, either traditional or nontraditional,with the ankle-brachial index scores, and the correlation of novel non-traditional riskfactor, e.i. high sensitive C-reactive protein with the prevalence of perioheral arterial disease in theelderly, age 60-80 years old, with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Among the 146 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and based on measurement ofthe ABI score, approximately 30.9% of them had PAD. Some traditional and non-traditional riskfactors having a significant correlation with the ankle-brachial index score, were age (r = -0.396, p <0.001 for right ABI; r = -0.509, p < 0.001 for left ABI), supine systolic blood pressure (r= -0.268, p =0.012 for right ABI; r = -0.267, p = 0.013 for left ABI), 2-hour post-prandial blood glucose (r= -0.252, p = 0.018 for right ABI), and hsCRP (r = -0.280, p = 0.011 for right ABI; r = -0.402, p <0.001 for left ABI); whereas other risk factors like obesity based on waist circumference and BMI,non-supine systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, duration of diabetes, plasma lipidsdid not show statistically significant different odd ratios. After linear regression test for risk factorshaving significant correlations with ABI, age and hsCRP were found to influence the ABI scores.Based on a case-control study, risk factors which, to some extent, had statistically significant valuesas risk factors, include older age (? 70 years old; OR = 7.737 [CI = 2.515-23.805]; p < 0.001),relatively high supine diastolic blood pressure (? 90 mmHg; OR = 6.882 [CI = 0.789-60.060]; p =0.048), and high concentration of hsCRP (> 3 mg/L; OR = 4.420 [CI = 1.287-15.181]; p = 0.013).Among these statistically significant risk factors, after logistic regression test analysis, only the age ofthe patient appeared to have significant influence on the prevalence of PAD.In conclusion, this study demonstrates a negative correlation between hsCRP and ABI score;and high levels of hsCRP appeared to be a risk factor for PAD. The age of the patient, however,appeared to be the strongest risk factor for PAD

    Street Children’s Information Literacy: A Case Study at a Foundation in Bandung

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    This study aims to gain an overview of abandoned children’s understanding of information needs, sources of information, how to obtain information, how to evaluate the information obtained, and how to utilize the information obtained. By using mixed-methods research, which involves the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; this study shows that the street children who are living in a Yayasan Bahtera shelter at Bandung have information literacy. This can be seen from their understanding of the whole information which could be obtained well.   Keywords: information literacy, information understanding, street childre

    Evaluasi Penerapan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pajak Penghasilan UMKM di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Malang Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan pajak setelah diterapkannya PP No 46 Tahun 2013. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif, sedangkan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder dengan cara wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Teknik analisi data menggambarkan secara sistematis mengenai fakta serta hubungan fenomena yang dikaji dengan cara menganalisis langkah-langkah optimalisasi pelaksanaan PP No 46 Tahun 2013.Hasil penelitian ini, secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan PP No 46 Tahun 2013 telah sesuai namun kurang optimal karena jumlah penerimaan pajak dari sektor UMKM masih sedikit dan penerimaan pajak masih dibawah kriteria tingkat optimal. Hal ini disebabkan adanya Perubahan batasan omzet pada PKP yang dilakukan oleh Dirjen Pajak tentang pengukuhan Penghasilan Kena Pajak yang baru berjalan 5 (lima) bulan setelah penerapan PP No 46 Tahun 2013. Sehingga PP No 46 Tahun 2013 mempengaruhi jumlah penerimaan pajak pada pajak penghasilan dikarenakan adanya peraturan baru yang dikeluarkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk wajib pajak yang telah melebihi penghasilan 4,8M

    Classification of Several Skin Cancer Types Based on Autofluorescence Intensity of Visible Light to Near Infrared Ratio

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    Skin cancer is a Malignant growth on the skin caused by many factors. The most common skin cancers are Basal Cell Cancer (BCC) and Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC). This research uses a discriminant analysis to classify some tissues of skin cancer based on criterion number of independent variables. An independent variable is variation of excitation light sources (LED lamp), filters, and sensors to measure autofluorescence intensity (IAF) of visible light to near infrared (VIS/NIR) ratio of paraffin embedded tissue biopsy from BCC, SCC, and Lipoma. From the result of discriminant analysis, it is known that the discriminant function is determined by 4 (four) independent variables i.e., blue LED-red filter, blue LED-yellow filter, UV LED-blue filter, and UV LED-yellow filter. The accuracy of discriminant in classifying the analysis of three skin cancer tissues is 100%

    Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Pengelolaan Pestisida di Rumah Tangga di Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi

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    The number and type of pesticides used by households continues to increase. As it is intended to control pests, almost all pesticides are toxic. The use and improper storage can increase the risk of exposure and may ultimately lead to health hazards. The study aims to find out about the management of pesticide use in households. This study was conducted in four cities/districts in West Java and Banten Provinces with crosssectional design. Number of samples in each location was 300 respondents determined by using the Estimation of the difference between twopopulation proportions formula. Data collection was performed by interviews using a questionnaire asked to the head of household or one adult member in the household. Data processing and analysis was performed by using SPSS software, while the results were presented descriptively. The proportion of respondents who have heard of the term pesticide was the highest in Bogor District (84.6%) From these proportions, more than 86.6% of it know how to use pesticides/insecticides and more than 88.4% know how to save it.The proportion of respondents who know management regulations, labeling and the prohibition of certain pesticides in the four locations were 14.6%, 49.0%, and 60.3% respectively. In practice, the highest proportion of respondents who used to read the rules of how to use pesticides/insecticides was in Bogor (77.8%) and who used to wash their hands after applying it was in Bekasi (92.0%). The proportion of respondents who used to using safety device when applying pesticides/insecticides in four location were low relatively (not more than 22.6%). The most safety device type used was the mask, and the highest proportion of respondents who use it was in Depok. There is discrepancy between the knowledge and the behavior of respondents on pesticide management (usage and storage).Keywords : pesticide, communitys knowledge and behavior, householdAbstrak Penggunaan pestisida di rumah tangga dari waktu ke waktu terus mengalami peningkatan baik dari segi jumlah maupun jenisnya. Sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaannya yaitu mengendalikan hama, maka hampir seluruh jenis pestisida bersifat toksik. Penggunaan dan penyimpanan yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan dapat meningkatkan risiko paparan dan pada akhirnya dapat menimbulkan bahaya terhadap kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan, dan perilaku tentang pengelolaan (penyimpanan dan penggunaan) pestisida di rumah tangga Penelitian ini dilakukan di 4 kota/kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Banten dengan desain potong lintang (cross sectional). Jumlah sampel per lokasi sebanyak 300, yang dihitung menggunakan rumus estimasi beda dua proporsi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terhadap kepala rumah tangga atau salah satu anggota rumah tangga yang telah dewasa dan paling mengetahui kondisi rumah tangga. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Proporsi responden yang pernah mendengar istilah pestisida paling tinggi di Kabupaten Bogor (84,6%). Dari proporsi tersebut, lebih dari 86,6%nya mengetahui cara penggunaan pestisida/insektisida dan lebih dari 88,4% mengetahui cara penyimpanannya. Proporsi responden yang mengetahui adanya peraturan pengelolaan, pelabelan maupun adanya pelarangan pestisida tertentu di keempat lokasi masingmasing adalah 14,6%, 49,0%, dan 60,3%. Dalam prakteknya, proporsi tertinggi yang biasa membaca aturan penggunaannya adalah kelompok responden di Kabupaten Bogor (77,8%); mencuci tangan setelah mengaplikasikan, proporsi tertinggi adalah Bekasi (92,0%). Proporsi responden yang menggunakan APD di keempat lokasi penelitian relatif rendah (tidak lebih dari 22,6%). Jenis APD yang paling banyak digunakan adalah masker, dan proporsi tertinggi yang menggunakannya adalah responden di Depok. Terdapat ketidak sesuaian antara pengetahuan dan perilaku responden dalam pengelolaan pestisida.Kata kunci : Pestisida, Pengetahuan dan Perilaku, Rumah tangg

    Prevalensi Cendawan Entomopatogenik, Neozygites Fumosa (Speare) Remaudie're & Keller (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) Pada Populasi Kutu Putih, Paracoccus Marginatus Williams & Granara De Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Di Wilayah Bogor

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    The prevalence of entomopathogenic fungus, Neozygites fumosa (Zygomycetes: Entomo-phthorales) on the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), was studied in Bogor in two districts: Bubulak and Rancabungur in 2011. Thirty plants of either papaya or cassavas were sampled 8 times, once a week for insect population and biweekly for the fungus infection sampling. The results showed that the cassava mealybug was not found on both plants and all locations. The populations of papaya mealybug in Bubulak were higher than in Rancabungur. The populations of papaya mealybug on papaya were higher than those of cassava. However, N. fumosa infection levels on both plants and both locations were not significantly different

    Efektifitas Mekanisme Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Inovasi Ti Dan Kinerja Ti

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    Information technology supports the achievement of business objectives in the organization. Higher education institutions is a business organization engaged in the field of education, research and devotion to the society in the Know Tridharma College.  Effective IT governance ensures the alignment between IT and the business objectives. The study seeks to examin empirically IT governance mechanisms affecting the overall effectiveness of IT governance. In addition, this study examines effective IT governance relationships and IT performance in higher education organizations. The sampling techniques in this study are multi-stage purposeful random sampling. In order, the researchers will incorporate the surveys online. Analyzed by Quantitative Data and method of a Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) equation using Smart PLS 3.0. The results obtained from this research show significant positive relationships between effectiveness IT governance and the following mechanisms: IT steering Committee, senior management involvement in IT, and organizational communication systems and relationships between the effectiveness of ITG with IT innovation and IT performance. And insignificant negative relationship between organizational Performance management system and effectiness IT Governance also IT Innovation and IT Performance
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