30 research outputs found

    MENERIMA PERNIKAHAN SESAMA JENIS DALAM ISLAM: Telaah Pemikiran Jahangir dan Abdullatif

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    This article explains about Jahangir and Abdullatif’s view on same-sex marriage. T They argued that the Qur’an itself keeps silent on the status of same-sex union. The prohibition of same-sex union commonly adopted by Muslims is a product of the limitation of ijma (Muslim consensus) and Qiyas (deductive reasoning) as the main method of the formulation of Islamic law, and the bias of Muslim orthodoxy. Therefore, they proposed an idea that same-sex unions in Islam can be carried out by considering the broad principle of dignity and based on human affection.Artikel ini membahas tentang pendapat Jahangir dan Abdullatif tentang pernikahan sesama jenis. Kedua pemikir ini berpendapat bahwa al-Qur’an sejatinya tidak memberikan pendapat tentang status pernikahan sesama jenis. Menurut keduanya, larangan menikah sesama jenis yang menjadi pendapat umum umat Islam merupakan hasil dari keterbatasan ijma’ dan qiyas, sebagai metode utama dalam formulasi hukum Islam, ditambah dengan adanya bias ortodoksi. Oleh karena itu, keduanya mengusulkan pemikiran tentang perlunya mempertimbangkan prinsip umum tentang martabat manusia dan kasih sayang. Dengan cara seperti itu, pernikahan sesama jenis dapat diakomodir

    How Professionals Became Natives: Geography and Trans-Frontier Exploration in Colonial India

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    This dissertation examines a group of native explorers employed by the British from the second half of the eighteenth to the late nineteenth century to survey and explore regions beyond their territorial possessions in India. These explorers, from the outset of their employment by the British, were trained and constituted themselves as professionals in the art of exploration and in the production of the geography that emerged from it. By examining this process of training and professionalization, this dissertation argues that along with the development of geography as a discipline in the nineteenth century, there was a corresponding process whereby, even as they came to be recognized by the state as “native explorers,” the contribution of these professional explorers was largely effaced. This dissertation elaborates on three processes. Firstly, although there were rich precolonial traditions of geography and map-making in South Asia that many native explorers were well versed in, they nonetheless constituted themselves as a new body of experts on a European paradigm of exploration and the geography it privileged. Secondly, the geography made available by exploration was inextricably linked with the political context of its production. By examining the gatekeeping of the colonial state as well as other scientific institutions like the Royal Geographical Society in relation to the geographical work of native explorers, we can understand how geography came to be stripped of its political context to develop as a seemingly empirical and matter-of-fact discipline by the end of the nineteenth century. Finally, these explorers navigated numerous roadblocks in their careers as they sought to meet the distinct but shifting professional norms put in place by the colonial state specifically for natives. Even as they skilled themselves as explorers, there was a parallel process through which their expertise was routinized and invisibilized by the state, giving us an insight into how collaboration between the British and Indians worked in the case of this new profession catering to the needs of the colonial state.PHDHistoryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145861/1/tapsim_1.pd

    Faith, hope and charity – a critical review of charity law's socio-legal reconciliation of the advancement of religion as a recognised head of charity

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    The object of my inquiry throughout the thesis was to reconcile the advancement of religion as a recognised charitable purpose, and this is undertaken through a critical socio-legal review, taking in to consideration, inter alia, historical and contemporary tensions that exist with regard to the legal recognition of religion within charity, and the fundamental need for charity in society, whereby the two principles may be critically bound, but often with competing interests and values, especially in a contemporary global climate. The research raises questions about current issues within charity law in a socio-political landscape, such as public benefit, and is significant because of the considerable and recent changes to charity law internationally, with many more likely. For instance, in the last 60 years alone, there have been nearly 30 reviews of the law relating to charity, in a variety of jurisdictions. This illustrates the magnitude of some of the legal issues associated with charity law that will inevitably impact on the charity sector and in turn, society generally. In addition, the research makes causal links between charity and a well-functioning society, not least because of the many and varied services that charities provide to numerous communities. Consequently, the research will assist policymakers, the judiciary, the charity sector and academics to understand trends in charity law, and assist in decision-making processes. Therefore, the overall benefit of this research will be with regard to policymaking in helping overcome challenges within charity law to benefit society generally

    Environmental Change and African Societies

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    Environmental Change and African Societies contributes to current debates on climate change from the perspectives of the social sciences and the humanities. It charts past and present environmental change in different African settings as well as scenarios for the future.; Readership: Historians, social anthropologists, political scientists, geographers and anyone else interested in environmental change in Africa

    Environmental Change and African Societies

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    Environmental Change and African Societies contributes to current debates on climate change from the perspectives of the social sciences and the humanities. It charts past and present environmental change in different African settings as well as scenarios for the future.; Readership: Historians, social anthropologists, political scientists, geographers and anyone else interested in environmental change in Africa

    Governance and Islam in East Africa: Muslims and the State in Kenya and Tanzania

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    Explores the relationship between Muslim communities and the State in East Africa in political, institutional and legal contexts Focuses on the relationship between Muslims and the State in Kenya and Tanzania Asks which factors, both within and outside the Muslim community, shape and affect this relationship in contemporary times Presents 13 case studies exploring governance issues within and across the categories of politics, institutions and law in Kenya and Tanzania Identifies cross-cutting issues of governance and Muslim communities which are relevant beyond East Africa Recent studies of Muslims in Kenya and Tanzania have tended either to examine governance of Muslims in relation to security issues, or to discuss the reforms attempted within communities and their implications for Muslim theology, rituals and general welfare. Both these approaches are covered in this book, and a third is added – the study of Muslims as citizens or residents of their respective countries, looking at their activities and attitudes in relation to the various challenges they face together with their fellow compatriots and citizens.https://ecommons.aku.edu/uk_ismc_series_emc/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Auf dem Weg ins Türkische Reich. Ein bildungshistorisches Lesebuch

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    „Lese-Buch – ein merkwürdiger Name; was soll er bedeuten?“, fragt der Elberfelder Seminarlehrer Hermann Wendt 1909 in den Deutschen Blättern für erziehenden Unterricht. „Ein Buch, darin man liest?“ Aber gelesen zu werden, sei doch die Bestimmung aller Bücher! Die Herausgeberinnen präsentieren Ausschnitte aus dem Quellenkorpus, mit dem sie der Frage nachgingen, wie sich das Wissen über Türken und die Türkei in früheren Epochen der deutschen Geschichte gestaltete und wandelte. Das Buch dokumentiert Ansichten über Türken und die Türkei bis in die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg – insbesondere auf Seiten von Pädagogik und Lehrerschaft. Es lädt dazu ein, sich mit einem Kapitel der spannungsreichen, aber bisher kaum bekannten Verflechtungen von deutscher Kolonial- und Bildungsgeschichte bekannt zu machen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Auf dem Weg ins Türkische Reich

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    "Lese-Buch - a strange name; what does it mean?" asks Elberfeld seminary teacher Hermann Wendt in 1909 in the "Deutsche Blätter für erziehenden Unterricht. ""A book in which one reads?" But to be read is the purpose of all books! The editors present excerpts from the corpus of sources they used to investigate how knowledge about Turks and Turkey shaped and changed in earlier periods of German history. The book documents views about Turks and Turkey up to the period after World War I - especially on the part of pedagogues and teachers. It invites readers to familiarize themselves with a chapter of the tense but hitherto little-known interweaving of German colonial and educational history.„Lese-Buch – ein merkwürdiger Name; was soll er bedeuten?“, fragt der Elberfelder Seminarlehrer Hermann Wendt 1909 in den Deutschen Blättern für erziehenden Unterricht. „Ein Buch, darin man liest?“ Aber gelesen zu werden, sei doch die Bestimmung aller Bücher! Die Herausgeberinnen präsentieren Ausschnitte aus dem Quellenkorpus, mit dem sie der Frage nachgingen, wie sich das Wissen über Türken und die Türkei in früheren Epochen der deutschen Geschichte gestaltete und wandelte. Das Buch dokumentiert Ansichten über Türken und die Türkei bis in die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg – insbesondere auf Seiten von Pädagogik und Lehrerschaft. Es lädt dazu ein, sich mit einem Kapitel der spannungsreichen, aber bisher kaum bekannten Verflechtungen von deutscher Kolonial- und Bildungsgeschichte bekannt zu machen

    Vaccinia virus protein A40 is an immunomodulator

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    Vaccinia virus (VACV) strain Western Reserve gene A40R encodes a type II membrane glycoprotein with a C-type lectin-like domain at the C terminus. The A40 protein is not incorporated into virions, is nonessential for virus replication in cell culture and does not affect virus virulence in a murine intranasal model of infection. However, A40 does affect the outcome of infection in an intradermal infection model in which the virus lacking gene A40R produced smaller lesions and alterations in the host immune response. A40 has amino acid similarity to C-type lectins, such as NKG2A and DC-SIGN. This observation together with its location on the infected cell surface and its ability to bind to the surface of cells of the immune system is consistent with A40 functioning as an immunomodulator. It is possible that A40 might function by mimicking native host lectins or by modulating recognition of VACV-infected cells by cells of the immune system. To investigate the mechanism by which A40 affects the outcome of infection in vivo, a cloning and experimental strategy was devised to search for its ligand(s) and try to determine its structure in collaboration with protein crystallographers. To achieve these goals, the recombinant A40 protein has been produced in E. coli, mammalian cells, and from insect cells infected with recombinant baculoviruses. Bacterially expressed recombinant A40 was used to generate an antibody specific to A40 and this was then purified, characterised and used to further the characterisation of A40. The potential for A40 to interact with a ligand on the surface of another cell was investigated by a cell binding assay using recombinant A40 protein. This protein was produced in a mammalian system and was found to bind to the surface of immune cells but not to epithelial cells. In cytotoxicity assays, the absence or over-expression of A40 was found to modulate the ability of NK cells to kill VACV infected cells