35 research outputs found

    To Study Analgesic, Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective Activity of Moringa olefera Leaf Extract in Albino Wistar Rats

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    Introduction: Moringa oleifera is widely found in Asian subcontinent and it has been used as an Analgesic, Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective in Indian folklore medicine. In this study we compared the Analgesic, Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective effects of Moringa oleifera ethanolic extracts with other standard drug in Albino Wistar Rats. Methods:  Male Wistar albino rats were divided into 5 groups and administered placebo (saline), diclofenac and 3 groups of Moringa Oleifera using 100mg/Kg, 200mg/Kg and 400mg/kg doses for Analgesic Activity.  On the other hand, 30 Albino Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of six each and administered placebo (saline), Liv-52 (standard) and 3 groups of Moringa Oleifera using 100mg/Kg, 200mg/Kg and 400mg/kg doses for hepatoprotective activity. In addition, the test leaf extracts preparations of Moringa oleifera [100, 200 and 400 mg], were administered for 21 days orally to the rats of respective groups by using oral feeding tube for Hypoglycemic activity. Results: The highest Tail flick latency period was observed in Group 2 and Group 5 at 120 min. At all-time of point, the tail-flick latency period differed significantly between the extract and Aspirin treated Groups being greater in the Group 2. Comparing different doses of the extract revealed that there is positive relationship between reaction time and increase dose of the extract in which, protection against heat application with 400 mg /kg was significant compared to all doses of the extract. Whereas, Rats treated with ethanolic Leaf extract of Moringa Oleifera (100/200/400 mg/kg, orally once daily) for 21days, the SGOT values (242.66 ± 11.63 IU/L, 242.66 ± 11.63 IU/L, 242.66 ± 11.63 IU/L) were significantly lower (P<0.05), (P<0.05), (P<0.01) when compared to SGOT levels in control rats (265 ± 4.75 IU/dl). Rats treated with ethanolic Leaf extract of Moringa Oleifera (100/200/400 mg/kg, orally once daily) for 21days, Conclusion: Ethanolic extracts of Moringa Oleifera leaves exhibits significant Analgesic, Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective activity in a dose dependent manner.  Keywords: Analgesic, Hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective, Moringa oleifer

    A Novel Diabetes Education Program to Improve Diabetes Knowledge, Awareness and Glycemic Control

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    Diabetes self-management education (DSME), an integral part of diabetes management is delivered by trained educators in well-developed countries. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of an organized, concise and easy-to-deliver diabetes education module in India. The relationship between diabetes self-care and glycemic control has been studied extensively. The present review discusses an innovative diabetes self-education training module that can be easily reciprocated by others to benefit the larger population

    Altered expression and editing of miRNA-100 regulates iTreg differentiation

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    RNA editing ofmiRNAs, especially in the seed region, adds another layer to miRNA mediated gene regulation which can modify its targets, altering cellular signaling involved in important processes such as differentiation. In this study, we have explored the role of miRNA editing in CD4+ T cell differentiation. CD4+ T cells are an integral component of the adaptive immune system. Na¨ıve CD4+ T cells, on encountering an antigen, get differentiated either into inflammatory subtypes like Th1, Th2 or Th17, or into immunosuppressive subtype Treg, depending on the cytokine milieu. We found C-to-U editing at fifth position of mature miR-100, specifically in Treg. The C-to-U editing of miR-100 is functionally associated with at least one biologically relevant target change, from MTOR to SMAD2. Treg cell polarization by TGFβ1 was reduced by both edited and unedited miR-100 mimics, but percentage of Treg in PBMCs was only reduced by edited miR-100 mimics, suggesting a model in which de-repression of MTOR due to loss of unedited mir-100, promotes tolerogenic signaling, while gain of edited miR-100 represses SMAD2, thereby limiting the Treg. Such delicately counterbalanced systems are a hallmark of immune plasticity and we propose that miR-100 editing is a novel mechanism toward this end

    To evaluate effect of Olmesartan versus Cilnidipine on urinary microalbumin level in patients of hypertension with type II diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction: Hypertension can lead to many complications of diabetes, including diabetic eye disease and kidney disease, or make them worse. Most people with diabetes will eventually have high blood pressure, along with other heart and circulation problems.Materials and Methods: This is prospective and observational study conducted in Department of pharmacology. Patients were enrolled into study after fulfilling the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were divided into 2 groups, Group A received Tab Olmesartan 20mg, Group B received Tab Cilnidipine 10mg. Patients were assessed at baseline and after 3 months for Urinary Microalbumin level and Blood sugar – fasting and post meal.Result: In our study, it is seen that after 3 months of therapy, by applying paired ‘t’ test, there is statistically highly significant reduction in microalbuminuria in the two groups. In group A, mean reduction was 22.71 mg, in group B mean reduction in microalbuminuria was 16.69 mg. Whereas by applying Unpaired ‘t’ test for microalbuminuria after 3 months therapy in group A and B, statistically highly significant difference has been observed in both the groups in reducing microalbuminuria (p <0.0001). Conclusion: Cilnidipine is equally effective as Olmesartan in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients with type 2 DM. However, cilnidipine is more effective in the prevention of albuminuria and better tolerated by patients as compared with Olmesartan

    Role of high sensitive C-reactive protein as a marker in assessing severity of asthma

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    Increased serum high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in asthma and its association with disease severity has been investigated in many studies. This study aimed to determine serum hs-CRP status in asthma versus healthy controls and to examine its ability in predicting asthma control. This is a comparative-descriptive and observational study was carried out in the TB & Respiratory Medicine, N.C Medical College and Hospital over a period of 6 months. Total 70 patients (both old and newly diagnosed cases) were selected for the study for case group patients were on maintenance treatment including inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators according to the guideline treatment of asthma. In our present study, a total of 70 patients were included out of which 38 (57.4%) were males. In our study, most of the patients were 51-70 years i.e., 38 out of 70 (54.2%), followed by 31-50. The mean hs CRP of Case group patients are 4.31±1.46 and in control group patients 0.83±0.07. Pulmonary function test using Spirometer was s done in all the patients (case and control). The FEV1 values are compared against hsCRP values. Statistical significance is assessed using Spearman’s correlation. Case group patients showing highly significant negative correlation of hsCRP with FEV1

    Contemporary issues in precocious puberty

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    Precocious puberty poses significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the physician. Recent advances in the understanding of pathophysiology of precocious puberty have resulted in improved management. Timely intervention is mandatory to achieve successful outcome. The identification of critical role of KISS-1-kisspeptin-GPR54 system has gone a long way to provide an insight into pubertal physiology. It is likely that the system would become an important diagnostic and therapeutic target in children with precocious puberty. Epidemiological studies point toward earlier thelarche. This is, however, associated with slower progression as the age of menarche is static. These changes have led to suggestions of lowering the age cutoffs for precocious puberty in girls. New developments in assessment of precocious puberty including gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist test have made characterization of precocious puberty easier. Longstanding GnRH analogs have become the mainstay of treatment of gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty, while aromatase inhibitors and inhibitors of sex hormone action are increasingly being used in gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty

    Mindfulness Meditation as Adjunctive Therapy to Improve the Glycemic Care and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Background: Mindfulness Meditation (MM) is known to improve glycemic control and enhance the quality of life (QoL) in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. Unfortunately, the role of meditation in type 1 diabetes (T1D) has not been studied extensively. Therefore, we conducted this study to determine the effect of MM on the glycemic control and QoL in people living with T1D. Methodology: Thirty-two adults living with T1D were equally randomized into intervention (meditation) and control groups. The glycemic control and QoL were assessed at the baseline and after six months of intervention. Results: A total of thirty-two adults (15 males, 46.9%; mean age 23.8 ± 6.6 years) with type 1 diabetes (mean diabetes duration 12.7 ± 6.2 years) participated in the study. At the end of six months, a statistically significant improvement was seen in the mean blood glucose level in the control group (222.4 ± 77.8 versus 182.6 ± 52.0; p = 0.007) and the intervention group (215.3 ± 50.1 versus 193.2 ± 31.8; p = 0.008). Additionally, there was a significant reduction in the total diabetes distress score in the intervention group (1.6 ± 0.3 versus 1.3 ± 0.3; p = 0.003), while no change was observed in the control group (1.6 ± 0.7 versus 1.7 ± 0.4; p = 0.762). A statistically significant improvement was noticed in the health and functioning domain in the intervention group (p = 0.023). Conclusions: An improvement in the glycemic control and quality of life of the patients was observed in our study. MM certainly plays an important role in attaining peace of mind and helps patients to channel their energy in a positive direction

    Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of Withania somnifera and Rubia cordifolia against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats

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    Liver is one of the largest gland of the body and the main site for intense metabolism and  excretion. Liver is concerned with metabolism of endogenous as well as exogenous substances. “Withania somnifera” and “Rubia cordifolia” claim to have hepatoprotective action. Till now, no scientific study has been performed to evaluate such claims. This was an experiment study conducted on wistar rats, in Department of Pharmacology, Index Medical College.  Healthy Albino wistar rats  of either gender, weighing 150- 200g were obtained from CPCSEA approved Central Animal House. The selected rats were housed in polpropylene cages under controlled conditions of temperature (25 0C) and alternating periods of light and darkness of 12 hours each. The rats had free access to standard rat pellet diet and tap water ad libitum. After one week of acclimatization, the animals were rendered suitable for study. Pregnant female rats were not included in the study. ALT level in normal saline treated group was 29.5±3.35 IU/L. It was found to be significantly increased (p<0.001) with administration of CCl4 to 433.5±48.67 IU/L

    Role of High Sensitive C-reactive Protein as A Marker in Assessing Severity of Asthma

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    Increased serum high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in asthma and its association with disease severity has been investigated in many studies. This study aimed to determine serum hs-CRP status in asthma versus healthy controls and to examine its ability in predicting asthma control. This is a comparative-descriptive and observational study was carried out in the TB & Respiratory Medicine, N.C Medical College and Hospital over a period of 6 months. Total 70 patients (both old and newly diagnosed cases) were selected for the study for case group patients were on maintenance treatment including inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators according to the guideline treatment of asthma. In our present study, a total of 70 patients were included out of which 38 (57.4%) were males. In our study, most of the patients were 51-70 years i.e., 38 out of 70 (54.2%), followed by 31-50. The mean hs CRP of Case group patients are 4.31±1.46 and in control group patients 0.83±0.07. Pulmonary function test using Spirometer was s done in all the patients (case and control). The FEV1 values are compared against hsCRP values. Statistical significance is assessed using Spearman's correlation. Case group patients showing highly significant negative correlation of hsCRP with FEV1