To evaluate effect of Olmesartan versus Cilnidipine on urinary microalbumin level in patients of hypertension with type II diabetes mellitus


Introduction: Hypertension can lead to many complications of diabetes, including diabetic eye disease and kidney disease, or make them worse. Most people with diabetes will eventually have high blood pressure, along with other heart and circulation problems.Materials and Methods: This is prospective and observational study conducted in Department of pharmacology. Patients were enrolled into study after fulfilling the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were divided into 2 groups, Group A received Tab Olmesartan 20mg, Group B received Tab Cilnidipine 10mg. Patients were assessed at baseline and after 3 months for Urinary Microalbumin level and Blood sugar – fasting and post meal.Result: In our study, it is seen that after 3 months of therapy, by applying paired ‘t’ test, there is statistically highly significant reduction in microalbuminuria in the two groups. In group A, mean reduction was 22.71 mg, in group B mean reduction in microalbuminuria was 16.69 mg. Whereas by applying Unpaired ‘t’ test for microalbuminuria after 3 months therapy in group A and B, statistically highly significant difference has been observed in both the groups in reducing microalbuminuria (p <0.0001). Conclusion: Cilnidipine is equally effective as Olmesartan in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients with type 2 DM. However, cilnidipine is more effective in the prevention of albuminuria and better tolerated by patients as compared with Olmesartan

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