700 research outputs found

    Methods for Gas Sensing with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Methods for gas sensing with single-walled carbon nanotubes are described. The methods comprise biasing at least one carbon nanotube and exposing to a gas environment to detect variation in temperature as an electrical response

    Carbon nanotube vacuum gauges with wide-dynamic range and processes thereof

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    A miniature thermal conductivity gauge employs a carbon single-walled-nanotube. The gauge operates on the principle of thermal exchange between the voltage-biased nanotube and the surrounding gas at low levels of power and low temperatures to measure vacuum across a wide dynamic range. The gauge includes two terminals, a source of constant voltage to the terminals, a single-walled carbon nanotube between the terminals, a calibration of measured conductance of the nanotube to magnitudes of surrounding vacuum and a current meter in electrical communication with the source of constant voltage. Employment of the nanotube for measuring vacuum includes calibrating the electrical conductance of the nanotube to magnitudes of vacuum, exposing the nanotube to a vacuum, applying a constant voltage across the nanotube, measuring the electrical conductance of the nanotube in the vacuum with the constant voltage applied and converting the measured electrical conductance to the corresponding calibrated magnitude of vacuum using the calibration. The nanotube may be suspended to minimize heat dissipation through the substrate, increasing sensitivity at even tower pressures

    In situ characterization of vertically oriented carbon nanofibers for three-dimensional nano-electro-mechanical device applications

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    We have performed mechanical and electrical characterization of individual as-grown, vertically oriented carbon nanofibers (CNFs) using in situ techniques, where such high-aspect-ratio, nanoscale structures are of interest for three-dimensional (3D) electronics, in particular 3D nano-electro-mechanical-systems (NEMS). Nanoindentation and uniaxial compression tests conducted in an in situ nanomechanical instrument, SEMentor, suggest that the CNFs undergo severe bending prior to fracture, which always occurs close to the bottom rather than at the substrate–tube interface, suggesting that the CNFs are well adhered to the substrate. This is also consistent with bending tests on individual tubes which indicated that bending angles as large as ~70° could be accommodated elastically. In situ electrical transport measurements revealed that the CNFs grown on refractory metallic nitride buffer layers were conducting via the sidewalls, whereas those synthesized directly on Si were electrically unsuitable for low-voltage dc NEMS applications. Electrostatic actuation was also demonstrated with a nanoprobe in close proximity to a single CNF and suggests that such structures are attractive for nonvolatile memory applications. Since the magnitude of the actuation voltage is intimately dictated by the physical characteristics of the CNFs, such as diameter and length, we also addressed the ability to tune these parameters, to some extent, by adjusting the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition growth parameters with this bottom-up synthesis approach

    Decision -Table Based Testing

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    Software testing is a method of assessing the correctness of functions implemented in software program. There are mainly two approaches to identify test cases in software testing. They are structural testing(white-box testing) and functional testing(black box testing). In this paper Decision Table-Based Testing is carried out as a functional test design technique to determine the test cases for complex logic in software. It is ideal testing because it generates few number of effective test cases. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15038

    A possible solution to the Hubble tension from quantum gravity

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    We investigate the relevance of quantum gravity during inflation to address the Hubble tension that arises from Planck 2018 and SH0ES data sets. We show that the effect of quantum gravity during inflation can increase the rate of change of H0H_0, thereby accounting for a wide range of observed H0H_0. Further, we show that due to the quantum gravity effect on inflation, the temperature at the onset of reheating can be lower than the standard case, causing delays in the reheating process. The role of quantum gravity is inevitable in settling the Hubble tension. The results of the present study may find use in resolving the Hubble tension, in validating inflationary model and quantum gravity.Comment: A new paragraph is added in the introduction part and fig. 7 is replaced with a new one. 19 pages, 10 figure

    Successful laparoscopic assisted myomectomy of a gigantic 9.4 kg uterine parasitic myoma: a case report and review of literature

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    Uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign tumours of the female pelvis affecting around 25-30% women of reproductive age. A case of successful laparoscopic assisted myomectomy in a giant uterine parasitic myoma is presented. A 42-year nulliparous morbidly obese lady presented with an Ultrasound diagnosis of a large uterine mass, detected during routine health check-up. MRI revealed a giant uterine pedunculated myoma of size 35 × 28 × 18 cm arising from the fundus and a 6 × 7 cm posterior wall myoma. After counselling the patient regarding surgical and anaesthesia risk, need of hysterectomy and laparotomy, laparoscopic myomectomy was planned. Laparoscopic findings revealed an exceptionally large parasitic fundal myoma filling the whole abdominal cavity and another 7 × 6 cm subserous myoma. main technical challenge was to tackle the big feeding vessels from the omentum providing massive blood supply to the gigantic tumor. Laparoscopic myomectomy was completed successfully using harmonic ace for coagulating the giant feeding vessels from the omentum. As the size of myoma was too big to put in the morcellation bag, so specimen retrieval was done through small incision and manual morcellation. The weight of the specimen was 9.4 Kg. This case emphasizes that size does not pose a limit to removing these gigantic myomas laparoscopically when surgical expertise and good anaesthesia facility is available. This is the case of largest myoma managed laparoscopically

    Thermally Resilient, Broadband Optical Absorber from UV to IR Derived from Carbon Nanostructures

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    Optical absorber coatings have been developed from carbon-based paints, metal blacks, or glassy carbon. However, such materials are not truly black and have poor absorption characteristics at longer wavelengths. The blackness of such coatings is important to increase the accuracy of calibration targets used in radiometric imaging spectrometers since blackbody cavities are prohibitively large in size. Such coatings are also useful potentially for thermal detectors, where a broadband absorber is desired. Au-black has been a commonly used broadband optical absorber, but it is very fragile and can easily be damaged by heat and mechanical vibration. An optically efficient, thermally rugged absorber could also be beneficial for thermal solar cell applications for energy harnessing, particularly in the 350-2,500 nm spectral window. It has been demonstrated that arrays of vertically oriented carbon nanotubes (CNTs), specifically multi-walled-carbon- nanotubes (MWCNTs), are an exceptional optical absorber over a broad range of wavelengths well into the infrared (IR). The reflectance of such arrays is 100x lower compared to conventional black materials, such as Au black in the spectral window of 350-2,500 nm. Total hemispherical measurements revealed a reflectance of approximately equal to 1.7% at lambda approximately equal to 1 micrometer, and at longer wavelengths into the infrared (IR), the specular reflectance was approximately equal to 2.4% at lambda approximately equal to 7 micrometers. The previously synthesized CNTs for optical absorber applications were formed using water-assisted thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD), which yields CNT lengths in excess of 100's of microns. Vertical alignment, deemed to be a critical feature in enabling the high optical absorption from CNT arrays, occurs primarily via the crowding effect with thermal CVD synthesized CNTs, which is generally not effective in aligning CNTs with lengths less than 10 m. Here it has been shown that the electric field inherent in a plasma yields vertically aligned CNTs at small length scales (less than 10 m), which still exhibit broadband, and high-efficiency optical absorption characteristics from the ultraviolet (UV) to IR. A thin and yet highly absorbing coating is extremely valuable for detector applications for radiometry in order to enhance sensitivity. A plasma-based process also increases the potential of forming the optical absorbers at lower synthesis temperatures in the future, increasing the prospects of integrating the absorbers with flexible substrates for low-cost solar cell applications, for example
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