166 research outputs found

    Framework for the Dynamic Establishing of Command and Control (C2) Nodes in an Enterprise Environment

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    11th Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS), June 20-22, 2006, San Diego, C

    Climate-smart agriculture appreciation event for the members of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists

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    The appreciation event was organized to provide the members of the media with the basic concepts about the effects of climate change to agriculture, and of the contribution of agriculture to climate change; to facilitate collection stories on field-based experiences through interactions with farmers who have adopted practices that helped them adapt to climate risks; and to showcase climate smart agriculture approaches in demo farms, school garden, and farmers field. Through this activity, they can also help IIRR extend its reach and scale-out learnings from various CSA initiatives. Once available, these media products will be collated

    Vibrational State Resolved Lifetimes of the Na2 21Σ+u Double Well State

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    Lifetimes of individual Na2 ro-vibrational levels of the 21Σ + u double well-state have been measured using a delayed photoionization technique. Ground state Na2 produced in a molecular beam is excited resonantly by the doubled output of a pulsed dye laser in the range 333 – 357 nm and then ionized by a 532 nm photon from a time-delayed Nd:YAG laser. By appropriate excitation laser tuning and systematic variation of the probe laser delay, ro-vibrational level resolved lifetimes are obtained for v=25- 49. The double well state lifetime values are found to decrease from about 50 ns at v=25 to about 40 ns near the barrier at around v=33 and then to increase back to about 50 ns at the highest observed level of v= 49. We have also performed lifetime calculations using the Leve8 and Bcont programs by Leroy1 , the latter in a version modified by Brett McGeehan. We find that including only bound-bound transitions, the theoretical lifetime values are too large by a factor of up to 2. Inclusion of pertinent bound-free transitions improves the agreement noticeably. 1 R. J. Le Roy, LEVEL 8.0: A Computer Program for Solving the Radial Schr¨odinger Equation for Bound and Quasibound Levels, University of Waterloo Chemical Physics Research Report CP-663 (2007); see http://leroy.uwaterloo.ca/programs/.

    Inpatient Glycemic Management: Glucose Control Relationship with Hospital Variables, Discharge Planning and Education

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    This dissertation study examined the relationship of glucose control with clinical outcomes, costs, discharge planning and education. Extant studies showed that hyperglycemia, in the presence or absence of a diabetes diagnosis, is prevalent in hospitalized patients. Hyperglycemia is found in one-third of all hospital admissions and is linked to poor clinical outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Furthermore, clinical evidence suggests that lack of discharge coordination associated with medical errors and readmission. This entire body of work contains three distinct sections: Two manuscripts and a grant proposal. The two manuscripts in this study were based on more current retrospective data at the time of the study. The first manuscript Inpatient glycemic management: relationship among glucose control, clinical outcomes and costs discussed the results on glucose control, clinical outcomes and costs by provider groups. The second manuscript Inpatient glycemic management: team approach in diabetes education and discharge planning discussed the outcomes of improved discharge planning and coordination with the intervention of the glycemic management team. The grant proposal Inpatient glycemic management: clinical and economic impact of changing from sliding scale insulin to basal-bolus was awarded $105,000 funding by a private pharmaceutical company. The study associated with the grant funding was a completely separate study done in collaboration with the grantor

    Effectiveness of Plant Species for Removing Atmospheric Ammonia

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    Six plant species of Yaupon, Eastern red cedar, American holly, Arizona cypress, Arborvitae and Roughleaf dogwood were utilized to determine their effectiveness in the removal of atmospheric ammonia. All species were exposed to three ammonia levels (1, 5 and 10 ppm) in an environmental chamber. Foliar ammonia content was quantified using an enzymatic technique. The effects of exposure to ammonia on the physiological responses (e.g. photosynthetic activity, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate) of plants in ambient condition were also determined using an open design photosynthetic gas exchange system. Foliar ammonia content was significantly different among the six plant species (p\u3c0.0001) with Eastern red cedar exhibiting the highest content. The physiological responses differed significantly depending on the plant species and the ammonia treatment level. The photosynthetic response of plants to the presence of ammonia was mixed. At low exposure level, all species except Arborvitae had decreased photosynthetic activity, reducing by as much as 44.5% for Yaupon. At the highest concentration, however, Yaupon’s photosynthetic activity improved by about 10%. Exposure to ammonia caused increased stomatal conductance and transpiration rate on American holly and Arizona cypress, making them more susceptible to water loss

    Aritmética En Margarita Philosophica: Uma proposta didática por meio do uso da História da Matemática Vinculada à Leitura de Imagens

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar aos professores(as) dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, uma proposta didática desenvolvida a partir da leitura de uma imagem histórica: Aritmética En Margarita Philosophica. E tem por finalidade, possibilitar o desenvolvimento de conceitos e habilidades matemáticas acerca dos números. Dito isso, apresentamos um breve estudo histórico dos números, cujo desenvolvimento se deu a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema. Além disso, no que tange a leitura da imagem já mencionada e sua inserção na prática pedagógica, utilizamos como referencial teórico a leitura de imagens históricas para trabalhar a História da Matemática no ensino. Acreditamos que é possível desenvolver o ensino de matemática e estabelecer relações entre os conceitos matemáticos e a história de seu desenvolvimento, e reconhecer a importância tanto dos conceitos quanto da sua história. Neste artigo, propusemos uma abordagem que visa o ensino do conceito de números, suas características e história

    Annex 2 : status of BIG adoption in Cavite

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    This Annex charts the number of schools participating in the larger project: Improving food and nutrition security in the Philippines through school interventions. It describes percentage adoption of Bio-Intensive Gardening (BIG) practices outlined and promoted in the school gardens initiative, activities such as: design of gardens, botanical insecticides, crop rotation, use of organic matter and fertilizer, composting, use of rain barrels, etc

    Aritmética En Margarita Philosophica: Uma proposta didática por meio do uso da História da Matemática Vinculada à Leitura de Imagens

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar aos professores(as) dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, uma proposta didática desenvolvida a partir da leitura de uma imagem histórica: Aritmética En Margarita Philosophica. E tem por finalidade, possibilitar o desenvolvimento de conceitos e habilidades matemáticas acerca dos números. Dito isso, apresentamos um breve estudo histórico dos números, cujo desenvolvimento se deu a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema. Além disso, no que tange a leitura da imagem já mencionada e sua inserção na prática pedagógica, utilizamos como referencial teórico a leitura de imagens históricas para trabalhar a História da Matemática no ensino. Acreditamos que é possível desenvolver o ensino de matemática e estabelecer relações entre os conceitos matemáticos e a história de seu desenvolvimento, e reconhecer a importância tanto dos conceitos quanto da sua história. Neste artigo, propusemos uma abordagem que visa o ensino do conceito de números, suas características e história

    Annex 9 : primers (crop museum primer)

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    This detailed brochure produced by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines, outlines practices for successful design and implementation of school gardens, applying the Integrated School Nutrition Model. DepEd promotes food security and economic stability through implementation of the school garden “Gulayan sa Paaralan Program” (GPP) to support poverty alleviation and hunger mitigation initiatives of the government. The GPP covers establishment of vegetable gardens, vegetable and tree nurseries, tree planting, propagation of medicinal plants, composting, school landscape aesthetic, vegetable development, crop museum, and related livelihood activities