143 research outputs found

    A strategy for the innovative low-carbon growth of the Sverdlovsk region, Russia

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    The objective for this project was to work out the practical recommendations for the curb of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission at a regional level. This work was carried out in the following steps: a survey on GHG emission, the identification of the overall historical and current GHG emission rates as well as a breakdown into economical sectors, the forecast for future GHG emissions (up to 2020), identification of the technological opportunities for GHG emission reduction and an assessment of their potential reduction, identification of the main barriers for low-carbon development and the drafting of proposals and the instruments for GHG reduction. A draft for the low-carbon strategy was discussed with stakeholders and delivered to the government of Sverdlovsk Oblast. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Towards environmental sustainability in Russia: evidence from green universities

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    Environmental analysis; Environmental economics; Environmental management; Environmental pollution; Education; Sustainability; Environment; Universities; GM ranking; Fixed-effects, Random-effects; Russia © 2020Universities all over the world are increasingly recognizing the need for the attainment of environmental sustainability on campuses resulting in the adoption of several environmental sustainable initiatives by university management. This article, therefore, seeks to investigate the impact of campus-base management practices on environmental quality among Russian Universities. The study also explores the strengths and weaknesses against the best practices for campus sustainability as defined by the UI greenMetric world university ranking as well as the awareness of students about pro-environmental behaviours on campuses. Secondary data from the 2015 to 2019 world university ranking was sourced for the impact assessment as well as the strengths and weaknesses. The study also sourced primary data with the help of a structured questionnaire from student respondents to assess their awareness of pro-environmental behaviours. Fixed-effects, and random-effects models were used to assess the management impact on environmental quality. The result from the empirical models indicate that education and research, transportation and waste influence environmental quality on university campuses. The strengths and weaknesses of universities were assessed based on six (6) categories (setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transport, and education and research). The study also assessed the perception of students on pro-environmental activities. While the results show an increasing trend of awareness among Russian universities (Management) in campus sustainability initiatives, most students appear to be unaware of environmental initiatives undertaken by their universities. The study, therefore, made some recommendations that can help improve campus sustainability levels while at the same time increase student participation. © 202

    Design of water-drip cooling facilities for heat treatment of mill rollers

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    Water-drip cooling devices based on centrifugal jet atomizers are studied experimentally. Their main operating characteristics such as the irrigation density, the uniformity of the distribution of irrigation over the cooled surface, the dependence of the heat transfer factor on the surface temperature, etc. are determined. The effect of the design and production parameters of the quenching facilities on their operating characteristics and mode of cooling of large steel articles is considered for mill rollers as an example. The results of the tests are used to design cooling facilities and heat treatment processes for mill rollers with the use of water-drip quenching. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    UI Greenmetric and Campus Sustainability: a Review of the Role of African Universities

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    The desire to combat the negative externalities of climate change and its variability has gained a lot of ground over the last few decades. This has resulted in the development of several approaches among which is the UI GreenMetric university ranking developed in 2010. In light of this, this article seeks to examine the performance of African higher education institutions on the ranking table and the impact they have had on their respective countries. To achieve this, this article compared performance scored between participating universities, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission trends, and renewable energy consumption trends. The findings paint a picture of poor performance across each of the categories measured under the UI GreenMetric ranking. However, there was some marginal decline in CO2 emissions as well as an increase in renewable energy consumption for some participating countries. The findings reveal that participation of African universities in the ranking has been very low. Institutionalizing green campus initiatives by African governments to make it a must for a higher education institution to adopt such strategies was recommended. The study also recommends an increase in support for research in the area of green technologies, methods, and procedures in Africa so as to create enough awareness and education on the topic

    Climate Change Mitigation Measures for Ghana: the Case of South Africa and Brazil

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    В этом исследовании представлен всеобъемлющий обзор воздействия политики в Гане на изменение климата и сопоставление ее с политикой, благоприятствующей изменению климата в других развивающихся странах. В исследовании также обсуждались тенденции выбросов в Гане в свете некоторых мер политики в области изменения климата, которые были введены правительством. Исходя из этого, результаты исследования указывают на то, что политика страны в области изменения климата не достигла желаемых результатов, поскольку это очевидно в тенденциях выбросов в стране. Кроме того, эффективность политики, благоприятствующей климату, в некоторых развивающихся странах, таких как Южная Африка и Бразилия, доказала свою эффективность в обеспечении зеленой экономики за счет сокращения выбросов парниковых газов в последние годы. В заключение в исследовании были сделаны некоторые политические рекомендации, которые могут помочь Гане в достижении низкоуглеродной экономики.This study presents a comprehensive review of the impact policies in Ghana has had with regards to climate change and contrast them with climate-friendly policies in other developing countries. The study further discussed the emission trends in Ghana in light of some climate change policies that have been introduced by the Government. On this basis, the findings from the study indicate that the country’s climate change policies have not achieved the desired results as this isevident in the emission trends in the country. Furthermore, the effectiveness of climate-friendly policies in some developing countries like South Africa and Brazil have proven to be effective in ensuring a green economy through the reduction of GHG gases in recent years. The study, in conclusion, made some policy recommendations that could help Ghana achieve a low carbon economy

    Green economy implementation in Ghana as a road map for a sustainable development drive: A review

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    Green economy development strategies and the transition from conventional economic development models to green economy has become necessary due to the negative impact of conventional economic development models on the local and global environment. Despite Ghana's effort to transition to green economy that is made evident by the implementation of a number of green economy related policies and strategies, the country is yet to record any significant achievement in that regard. This study therefore used the SWOT analytical tool to access the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of Ghana's green economy transformation efforts. The results revealed that the country's geographical location, environmental policies, potential for green energy mix, a young and dynamic population, the country's effort to reduce poverty levels and illiteracy rates are the main strengths. However, factors such as weak institutions, inadequate funding for green technologies innovations, inadequate long term policies for green strategies and inadequate political will are some key weaknesses. The study further found commercial interests in driving the development and transfer of green technology, cross-border collaborations and global attention to climate change, local and international support for green economy, awareness and understanding of environmental protection as some of the major opportunities. Inadequate commitment to support technology development and transfer, cost of green technologies, increasing threat of climate change and corruption were identified as threats to Ghana's effort to green its economy. In conclusion, it is imperative that policy makers develop strategies that can help take advantage of the strengths and opportunities while serving as solutions to the weakness and threats. Among other things, it is important for policy makers to prioritize science and technology education to support green economy development. © 202

    Ecological Green Currency (Kw/h)as a Modern Way to Environmentalization, Sustainable Development and Souverainety African Economy (ECOCAS Zone)

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    Мировая экономика и окружающая среда серьезно пострадали. Итак, что же нам следует делать и каковы эффективные решения для разрешения этой ситуации? От международного форума по изменению климата до конференции ООН по изменению климата (Киотский протокол и Парижское Соглашение об изменении климата и снижении содержание CO2 в атмосфере, нацеленные на минимальное использование ископаемых видов топлива, несмотря на зависимость мировой экономики от них. Русский ученый С. А. Подолинский (1850-1881) предложил энергетический рубль - кВтч. В 2021 году Ануфриев В.П. с соавторами (1) представили переводную таблицу («энергетический кристалл»), которая позволяет преобразовать любую единицу энергии в кВтч. Так как во времена С. А. Подолинского основным видом топлива служил уголь. На сегодня существует большой спектр ТЭР (топливно-энергетических ресурсов) от нефти и газа, их производных и ВИЭ (возобновляемые источники энергии) и пр. Для этого и была разработана переводная таблица. Экологизация экономики, ее безопасность и устойчивое развитие могут быть достигнуты путем создания и гарантирования экологической валюты. Цитирую: "экологическая валюта для экологизирующейся экономики".The global economy and environment have taken a cold beating. So, what should we do and what are the efficient solutions to solve this situation? From international climate change forum to UN climate change conference (Paris climate change treaty, Kyoto protocol) reducing CO2 in atmosphere, to minimizing use of fossil fuels in spite of world economy dependent on them. Russian scientist S.A. Podolinski (1850-1881) proposed the energy rouble - kWh, and presented a table (energy crystal) which allows to convert any energy unit into kWh. Greening of the economy, its security and sustainable development can be achieved by creating and guaranteeing ecological currency. To quote "ecological currency, for a greening economy"

    Thermography of flame during diesel fuel combustion with steam gasification

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    The paper represents a study concerning the combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuel in a perspective burner device with the controlled forced supply of overheated steam into the combustion zone, using diesel fuel. The thermal imaging measurements are conducted for the outer flame of the burner device in the wide range of regime parameters (flow rate and temperature of steam). A thermal imaging camera (FLIR, JADE J530SB) is used in the experiments. The effective emissivity coefficient of flame is obtained versus the flow rate of steam supplied. The steam parameters are found to influence on the temperature in the outer flame of the burner device