6 research outputs found

    Genome-wide association meta-analysis of cocaine dependence: shared genetics with comorbid conditions

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    Cocaine dependence is a complex psychiatric disorder that is highly comorbid with other psychiatric traits. Twin and adoption studies suggest that genetic variants contribute substantially to cocaine dependence susceptibility, which has an estimated heritability of 65-79%. Here we performed a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of cocaine dependence using four datasets from the dbGaP repository (2085 cases and 4293 controls, all of them selected by their European ancestry). Although no genome-wide significant hits were found in the SNP-based analysis, the gene-based analysis identified HIST1H2BD as associated with cocaine-dependence (10% FDR). This gene is located in a region on chromosome 6 enriched in histone-related genes, previously associated with schizophrenia (SCZ). Furthermore, we performed LD Score regression analysis with comorbid conditions and found significant genetic correlations between cocaine dependence and SCZ, ADHD, major depressive disorder (MDD) and risk taking. We also found, through polygenic risk score analysis, that all tested phenotypes are significantly associated with cocaine dependence status: SCZ (R2 = 2.28%; P = 1.21e-26), ADHD (R2 = 1.39%; P = 4.5e-17), risk taking (R2 = 0.60%; P = 2.7e-08), MDD (R2 = 1.21%; P = 4.35e-15), children's aggressive behavior (R2 = 0.3%; P = 8.8e-05) and antisocial behavior (R2 = 1.33%; P = 2.2e-16). To our knowledge, this is the largest reported cocaine dependence GWAS meta-analysis in European-ancestry individuals. We identified suggestive associations in regions that may be related to cocaine dependence and found evidence for shared genetic risk factors between cocaine dependence and several comorbid psychiatric traits. However, the sample size is limited and further studies are needed to confirm these results

    Genetics and epigenetics of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid conditions

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    [eng] The broad objectives of this work are the identification of genes that contribute to the susceptibility to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cocaine dependence, two disorders that co-occur in patients. In this Thesis, we describe (i) the contribution to ADHD of allele-specific methylation (ASM), an epigenetic mechanism that involves single single- nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) correlating with differential levels of DNA methylation at CpG sites, (ii) the role of microRNA (miRNA) genes in ADHD, and (iii) a genome-wide association meta-analysis of cocaine dependence. We also explore the common genetic basis that explains the comorbidity between these disorders. The main results from the three studies include: (i) Common genetic risk variants for ADHD identified in a previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) that included 20,000 cases and 35,000 controls are enriched in SNPs that correlate with levels of DNA methylation. Eight ASM SNPs were found significantly associated with ADHD and correlated with differential methylation at six CpG sites in cis in different brain areas. These six CpG sites are located at possible promoter regions of six genes expressed in brain: ARTN, C2orf82, NEUROD6, PIDD1, RPLP2 and GAL. Based on the bioinformatic functional analyses of these genes, our study highlights the candidacy of ARTN, C2orf82 and PIDD1 genes as potential contributors to ADHD susceptibility. (ii) We conducted a case-control association study to investigate the contribution to ADHD of common genetic variation in 1,761 autosomal miRNAs using pre-existing GWAS data from 20,000 cases and 35,000 controls. We identified significant associations of SNPs with ADHD that highlight 12 miRNA genes, all located within protein-coding genes. The associated variants are located in the putative regulatory regions of the miRNA genes or in the promoter region of the host protein-coding gene. We inspected the target genes, brain expression, homologs for the miRNAs and we propose miR-7-1 and miR-3666 as promising candidates since both are brain expressed, have validated brain-expressed targets, and homologs in model species. Pathway analysis of ADHD-associated miRNAs revealed miRNA-mediated regulation of serotonin receptor genes, well-known contributors to neurological functions and diseases. (iii) We performed the largest cocaine dependence GWAS meta-analysis in individuals of European ancestry, including 2,100 cases and 4,300 controls. Although SNP-based analysis revealed no genome-wide significant associations with cocaine dependence, probably due to limited sample size, gene-based analysis identified the HIST1H2BD gene, previously associated with schizophrenia. The estimated SNP-based heritability of cocaine dependence was estimated as 30%. A significant genetic correlation was found between cocaine dependence and ADHD, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and risk-taking behaviour, suggesting a shared genetic basis across pathologies and traits. Polygenic risk score (PRS) analysis shows that all the comorbid features analysed (ADHD, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, aggressiveness, antisocial personality or risk-taking behaviour) can predict cocaine dependence. Overall, we identified common genetic and epigenetic risk factors that underlie the susceptibility to ADHD and to cocaine dependence. The results reinforce the idea that epigenetic mechanisms dictate the differential expression of genes that may be causal to ADHD. Cocaine dependence, which has been widely believed to occur under environmental and epigenetic influences, is also in part genetically determined. Finally, ADHD and cocaine dependence are comorbid disorders, and the observed genetic correlation between these conditions can reflect biological pleiotropy.[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu principal la identificació de gens que contribueixen a la susceptibilitat al trastorn per dèficit d’atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH) i a la dependència de cocaïna, dos trastorns que es presenten amb freqüència conjuntament en pacients. En aquesta Tesi es descriu (i) la contribució al TDAH de la metilació específica de l’al·lel (ASM), un mecanisme epigenètic pel qual variants polimòrfiques presenten correlació amb nivells diferencials de metilació de l’ADN en llocs CpG, (ii) el paper dels gens de microRNAs (miRNAs) en el TDAH, i (iii) una meta-anàlisi d’estudis d’associació a escala genòmica de la dependència de cocaïna. També explorem la base genètica comuna que explica la comorbiditat entre aquests dos trastorns. Els principals resultats dels tres estudis són: (i) Les variants genètiques comunes de risc al TDAH identificades en un estudi previ d’associació a escala genòmica (GWAS) amb 20.000 casos i 35.000 controls estan enriquides en variants de canvi d’un sol nucleòtid (SNPs) que tenen influència sobre la metilació de l’ADN. Vuit SNPs de tipus ASM estan associats significativament amb el TDAH i presenten correlació amb la metilació diferencial de sis dinucleòtids CpG en cis en diferents àrees cerebrals. Aquests sis llocs CpG estan en possibles regions promotores de sis gens que s’expressen al cervell: ARTN, C2orf82, NEUROD6, PIDD1, RPLP2 i GAL. En base a anàlisis bioinformàtiques d’aquests gens a nivell funcional, el nostre estudi prioritza els gens ARTN, C2orf82 i PIDD1 com a possibles contribuents a la susceptibilitat al TDAH. (ii) Hem dut a terme un estudi d'associació cas-control per investigar la contribució al TDAH de la variació genètica comuna en 1.761 miRNA autosòmic s utilitzant dades GWAS preexistents de 20.000 casos i 35.000 controls. Hem identificat associacions significatives de SNPs amb el TDAH que assenyalen 12 gens de miRNAs, tots situats dins de gens que codifiquen proteïnes. Les variants associades estan situades en suposades regions reguladores dels gens de miRNA o a la regió promotora del gen hoste. Hem inspeccionat els gens diana dels miRNAs, la seva expressió en cervell i els gens homòlegs en altres espècies, i proposem els gens miR-7-1 i miR-3666 com a candidats prometedors, ja que tots dos són s’expressen al sistema nerviós central, tenen dianes validades que s’expressen també en cervell i tenen homòlegs en espècies model. L’anàlisi de vies a partir dels miRNAs associats al TDAH ha assenyalat gens de receptors de serotonina regulats pels nostres miRNAs, la relació dels quals amb funcions i malalties neurològiques és ben coneguda. (iii) Hem realitzat la metaanàlisi més gran fins ara de dades GWAS de dependència de cocaïna en individus d'ascendència europea, amb 2.100 casos i 4.300 controls. Tot i que l’anàlisi basada en SNPs no ha revelat cap associació significativa amb la dependència de cocaïna, probablement a causa de la mida mostral limitada, l’anàlisi basada en gens ha permès identificar el gen HIST1H2BD, anteriorment associat a l’esquizofrènia. Hem calculat també l'heretabilitat basada en SNPs de la dependència de cocaïna, que seria d’un 30%. Hem detectat una correlació genètica significativa entre la dependència de cocaïna i el TDAH, l’esquizofrènia, el trastorn depressiu major i els comportaments de risc, tot suggerint que hi ha una base genètica compartida entre patologies i trets. L’anàlisi de la puntuació de risc poligènic (PRS) mostra que totes les característiques comòrbides analitzades (TDAH, esquizofrènia, trastorn depressiu major, agressivitat, personalitat antisocial o comportament s de risc) prediuen la dependència de la cocaïna. En resum, hem identificat factors de risc genètics i epigenètics freqüents a la població que contribueixen a la susceptibilitat al TDAH i a la dependència de cocaïna. Els resultats reforcen la idea que els mecanismes epigenètics estan relacionats amb l'expressió diferencial de gens que poden contribuir al TDAH. La dependència de cocaïna, que fins ara s’havia relacionat amb factors de risc ambientals i epigenètics, també estaria determinada, en part, per factors genètics. Finalment, el TDAH i la dependència de la cocaïna són trastorns comòrbids i la correlació genètica observada entre aquestes afeccions pot reflectir pleiotropia biològica

    Mouse protein coding diversity: What's left to discover?

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    For over a century, mice have been used to model human disease, leading to many fundamental discoveries about mammalian biology and the development of new therapies. Mouse genetics research has been further catalysed by a plethora of genomic resources developed in the last 20 years, including the genome sequence of C57BL/6J and more recently the first draft reference genomes for 16 additional laboratory strains. Collectively, the comparison of these genomes highlights the extreme diversity that exists at loci associated with the immune system, pathogen response, and key sensory functions, which form the foundation for dissecting phenotypic traits in vivo. We review the current status of the mouse genome across the diversity of the mouse lineage and discuss the value of mice to understanding human disease

    Exploring genetic variation that influences brain methylation in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Epigenetics is crucial to lasting changes in gene expression in the brain. Recent studies suggest a role for DNA methylation in ADHD. We explored the contribution to ADHD of allele-specific methylation (ASM), an epigenetic mechanism that involves SNPs correlating with differential levels of DNA methylation at CpG sites. We selected 3896 tagSNPs reported to influence methylation in human brain regions and performed a case-control association study using the summary statistics from the largest GWAS meta-analysis of ADHD, comprising 20,183 cases and 35,191 controls. We observed that genetic risk variants for ADHD are enriched in ASM SNPs and identified associations with eight tagSNPs that were significant at a 5% false discovery rate (FDR). These SNPs correlated with methylation of CpG sites lying in the promoter regions of six genes. Since methylation may affect gene expression, we inspected these ASM SNPs together with 52 ASM SNPs in high LD with them for eQTLs in brain tissues and observed that the expression of three of those genes was affected by them. ADHD risk alleles correlated with increased expression (and decreased methylation) of ARTN and PIDD1 and with a decreased expression (and increased methylation) of C2orf82. Furthermore, these three genes were predicted to have altered expression in ADHD, and genetic variants in C2orf82 correlated with brain volumes. In summary, we followed a systematic approach to identify risk variants for ADHD that correlated with differential cis-methylation, identifying three novel genes contributing to the disorder