6 research outputs found

    Reliable resolution of ambiguous hepatitis C virus genotype 1 results with the Abbott HCV Genotype Plus RUO assay

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    Accurate subtyping of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (HCV-1) remains clinically and epidemiologically relevant. The Abbott HCV Genotype Plus RUO (GT Plus) assay, targeting the core region, was evaluated as a reflex test to resolve ambiguous HCV-1 results in a challenging sample collection. 198 HCV-1 specimens were analysed with GT Plus (38 specimens with and 160 without subtype assigned by the Abbott RealTime Genotype II (GT II) assay targeting the 5'NC and NS5B regions). Sanger sequencing of the core and/or NS5B regions were performed in 127 specimens without subtype assignment by GT II, with "not detected" results by GT Plus, or with mixed genotypes/subtypes. The remaining GT Plus results were compared to LiPA 2.0 (n = 45) or just to GT II results if concordant (n = 26). GT Plus successfully assigned the subtype in 142/160 (88.8%) samples. "Not detected" results indicated other HCV-1 subtypes/genotypes or mismatches in the core region in subtype 1b. The subtyping concordance between GT Plus and either sequencing or LiPA was 98.6% (140/142). Therefore, combined use of GT II and GT Plus assays represents a reliable and simple approach which considerably reduced the number of ambiguous HCV-1 results and enabled a successful subtyping of 98.9% of all HCV-1 samples

    Disseminated tuberculosis and diagnosis delay during the COVID-19 era in a Western European country : a case series analysis

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    Disseminated tuberculosis is frequently associated with delayed diagnosis and a poorer prognosis. To describe case series of disseminated TB and diagnosis delay in a low TB burden country during the COVID-19 period. We consecutively included all patients with of disseminated TB reported from 2019 to 2021 in the reference hospital of the Northern Crown of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. We collected socio-demographic information, clinical, laboratory and radiological findings. We included all 30 patients reported during the study period-5, 9, and 16 in 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively-20 (66.7%) of whom were male and whose mean age was 41 years. Twenty-five (83.3%) were of non-EU origin. The most frequent system involvement was central nervous system (N = 8; 26.7%) followed by visceral (N = 7; 23.3%), gastro-intestinal (N = 6, 20.0%), musculoskeletal (N = 5; 16.7%), and pulmonary (N = 4; 13.3%). Hypoalbuminemia and anemia were highly prevalent (72 and 77%). The median of diagnostic delay was 6.5 months (IQR 1.8-30), which was higher among women (36.0 vs. 3.5 months; p = 0.002). Central nervous system involvement and pulmonary involvement were associated with diagnostic delay among women. We recorded 24 cured patients, two deaths, three patients with post-treatment sequelae, and one lost-to-follow up. We observed a clustering effect of patients in low-income neighborhoods (p < 0.001). There was a substantial delay in the diagnosis of disseminated TB in our study region, which might impacted the prognosis with women affected more negatively. Our results suggest that an increase in the occurrence of disseminated TB set in motion by diagnosis delay may have been a secondary effect of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Corrigendum : Disseminated tuberculosis and diagnosis delay during the COVID-19 era in a Western European country: a case series analysis

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    Disseminated tuberculosis is frequently associated with delayed diagnosis and a poorer prognosis. To describe case series of disseminated TB and diagnosis delay in a low TB burden country during the COVID-19 period. We consecutively included all patients with of disseminated TB reported from 2019 to 2021 in the reference hospital of the Northern Crown of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. We collected socio-demographic information, clinical, laboratory and radiological findings. We included all 30 patients reported during the study period-5, 9, and 16 in 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively-20 (66.7%) of whom were male and whose mean age was 41 years. Twenty-five (83.3%) were of non-EU origin. The most frequent system involvement was central nervous system (N = 8; 26.7%) followed by visceral (N = 7; 23.3%), gastro-intestinal (N = 6, 20.0%), musculoskeletal (N = 5; 16.7%), and pulmonary (N = 4; 13.3%). Hypoalbuminemia and anemia were highly prevalent (72 and 77%). The median of diagnostic delay was 6.5 months (IQR 1.8-30), which was higher among women (36.0 vs. 3.5 months; p = 0.002). Central nervous system involvement and pulmonary involvement were associated with diagnostic delay among women. We recorded 24 cured patients, two deaths, three patients with post-treatment sequelae, and one lost-to-follow up. We observed a clustering effect of patients in low-income neighborhoods (p < 0.001). There was a substantial delay in the diagnosis of disseminated TB in our study region, which might impacted the prognosis with women affected more negatively. Our results suggest that an increase in the occurrence of disseminated TB set in motion by diagnosis delay may have been a secondary effect of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Mejora del diagnostico y caracterizaci贸n molecular de la infecci贸n vir茅mica de la hepatitis c en personas que se inyectan drogas

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    L'hepatitis C 茅s una de les principals causes de cirrosi i carcinoma hepatocel路lular a nivell mundial. El 2015, l'Organitzaci贸 Mundial de la Salut (OMS) va elaborar un pla estrat猫gic per a l'eliminaci贸 de les hepatitis v铆riques com a problema de salut p煤blica el 2030. Per tal d'aconseguir-ho, 茅s necessari dissenyar estrat猫gies de prevenci贸, diagn貌stic i tractament innovadores. Malgrat ser un dels principals focus d'hepatitis C, les taxes de diagn貌stic i tractament en persones que s'injecten drogues (PQID) s贸n molt baixes. L'estudi HepCdetect II es va centrar en la millora del diagn貌stic i caracteritzaci贸 de l'epid猫mia pel virus de l'hepatitis C (VHC) en PQID. El projecte es va dur a terme en 410 PQID en actiu i que acudien a serveis de reducci贸 de danys a Catalunya, on els usuaris poden obtenir material d'injecci贸. Es va avaluar la detecci贸 de la infecci贸 vir猫mica (RNA-VHC) en mostres de sang seca obtinguda per punci贸 dactilar (dried blood spots, DBS) com a estrat猫gia de cribratge i confirmaci贸 del VHC alternativa a l'algoritme cl脿ssic, que es basa en la detecci贸 dels anticossos i, si positius, la detecci贸 del RNA-VHC en plasma ven贸s. Els DBS permetrien descentralitzar el diagn貌stic i evitar la venopunci贸, entre d'altres avantatges. La t猫cnica basada en DBS va resultar molt sensible i especifica (97,2% i 100%, respectivament), i no es van observar diferencies significatives en el nombre d'individus amb infecci贸 vir猫mica identificats en comparaci贸 amb l'algoritme cl脿ssic en dos passos. Tamb茅 es va estudiar la diversitat gen猫tica del virus tant inter- com intra-hoste (el VHC circula dins l'individu en forma de m煤ltiples variants estretament relacionades entre s铆) mitjan莽ant seq眉enciaci贸 massiva. Aix貌 va permetre diferenciar els individus amb una infecci贸 aguda (dins els sis primers mesos de la infecci贸) de les infeccions cr貌niques amb una sensibilitat del 93,3% i una especificitat del 95,0%. El 13,5% dels participants amb hepatitis C varen ser identificats com infeccions agudes, el que va permetre determinar el perfil d'aquests participants. A la vegada, es va poder estimar la incid猫ncia del VHC, que oscil路lava entre 31 i 59/100 persones/any. Paral路lelament, es va dur a terme un an脿lisi filogen猫tic a partir de les dades de seq眉enciaci贸, que va permetre identificar aquells individus involucrats en events de transmissi贸 recents (el 46,8% de les PQID amb infecci贸 vir猫mica), i descriure el seu perfil, el que permetr脿 dissenyar estrat猫gies de prevenci贸 i tractament m茅s dirigides. Per 煤ltim, es va avaluar un assaig en el punt d'atenci贸 (Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) que utilitza sang capil路lar fresca per a la detecci贸 i quantificaci贸 del RNA-VHC en una hora en PQID en un dels centres de reducci贸 de danys. Aquest assaig va mostrar una sensibilitat del 98,4% i una especificitat del 100% en comparaci贸 amb el mateix assaig en mostres aparellades de plasma ven贸s. Les dues t猫cniques avaluades (DBS i Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) s贸n ben acceptades per la poblaci贸 de PQID i faciliten la descentralitzaci贸 i simplificaci贸 del diagn貌stic en una poblaci贸 amb baixa vinculaci贸 al sistema sanitari, amb el potencial d'ajudar a assolir els objectius d'eliminaci贸 establerts per la OMS.La hepatitis C es una de las principales causas de cirrosis y carcinoma hepatocelular a nivel mundial. En 2015, la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) elabor贸 un plan estrat茅gico para la eliminaci贸n de las hepatitis v铆ricas como problema de salud p煤blica en 2030. Para conseguirlo, es necesario dise帽ar estrategias de prevenci贸n, diagn贸stico y tratamiento innovadoras. Pese a ser uno de los principales focos de hepatitis C, las tasas de diagn贸stico y tratamiento en personas que se inyectan drogas (PQID) son muy bajas. El estudio HepCdetect II se centr贸 en la mejora del diagn贸stico y caracterizaci贸n de la epidemia por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) en PQID. El proyecto se llev贸 a cabo en 410 PQID en activo y que acud铆an a servicios de reducci贸n de da帽os en Catalu帽a, donde los usuarios pueden obtener material de inyecci贸n. Se evalu贸 la detecci贸n de la infecci贸n vir茅mica (RNA-VHC) en muestras de sangre seca obtenida por punci贸n dactilar (dried blood spots, DBS) como estrategia de cribado y confirmaci贸n del VHC alternativa al algoritmo cl谩sico, que se basa en la detecci贸n de los anticuerpos y, si positivos, la detecci贸n del RNA-VHC en plasma venoso. Los DBS permitir铆an descentralizar el diagn贸stico y evitar la venopunci贸n, entre otras ventajas. La t茅cnica basada en DBS result贸 muy sensible y especifica (97,2% y 100%, respectivamente), no observ谩ndose diferencias significativas en el n煤mero de individuos con infecci贸n vir茅mica identificados en comparaci贸n con el algoritmo cl谩sico en dos pasos. Tambi茅n se estudi贸 la diversidad gen茅tica del virus tanto inter- como intra-hu茅sped (el VHC circula dentro del individuo en forma de m煤ltiples variantes estrechamente relacionadas entre s铆) mediante secuenciaci贸n masiva. Esto permiti贸 diferenciar a los individuos con una infecci贸n aguda (dentro de los seis primeros meses de la infecci贸n) de las infecciones cr贸nicas con una sensibilidad del 93,3% y una especificidad del 95,0%. El 13,5% de los participantes con hepatitis C fueron identificados como infecciones agudas, lo que permiti贸 determinar el perfil de estos participantes. A su vez, se pudo estimar la incidencia del VHC, que oscilaba entre 31 y 59/100 personas/a帽o. Paralelamente, se llev贸 a cabo un an谩lisis filogen茅tico a partir de los datos de secuenciaci贸n, que permiti贸 identificar a aquellos individuos involucrados en eventos de transmisi贸n recientes (el 46,8% de las PQID con infecci贸n vir茅mica), as铆 como describir su perfil, lo que permitir谩 dise帽ar estrategias de prevenci贸n y tratamiento m谩s dirigidas. Por 煤ltimo, se evalu贸 un ensayo en el punto de atenci贸n (Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) que utiliza sangre capilar fresca para la detecci贸n del RNA-VHC en una hora en PQID en uno de los centros de reducci贸n de da帽os. Este ensayo mostr贸 una sensibilidad del 98,4% y una especificidad del 100% en comparaci贸n con el mismo ensayo en muestras pareadas de plasma venoso. Las dos t茅cnicas evaluadas (DBS y Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) son bien aceptadas por la poblaci贸n de PQID y facilitan la descentralizaci贸n y simplificaci贸n del diagn贸stico en una poblaci贸n con baja vinculaci贸n al sistema sanitario, con el potencial de ayudar a alcanzar los objetivos de eliminaci贸n establecidos por la OMS.Hepatitis C is a leading cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a strategic plan for the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health problem by 2030. To achieve this, innovative prevention, diagnosis and treatment strategies need to be designed. Despite being a major hotspot for hepatitis C, diagnosis and treatment rates in people who inject drugs (PWID) are very low. The HepCdetect II study focused on improving the diagnosis and characterization of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) epidemic in PWID. The project was carried out in 410 active PWID attending harm reduction services in Catalonia, where users can obtain injection material. The detection of active infection (HCV-RNA) in dried blood spot (DBS) samples was evaluated as an alternative HCV screening and confirmation strategy to the classical algorithm, which is based on antibody detection and, if positive, RNA-HCV detection in plasma. DBS would allow for decentralization of diagnosis and avoidance of venipuncture, among other advantages. The DBS-based technique was very sensitive and specific (97.2% and 100%, respectively), with no significant differences in the number of individuals with active infection identified compared to the classical two-step algorithm. The genetic diversity of the virus was also studied both at inter- and intra-host level (HCV circulates within the individual as multiple closely related variants) by next-generation sequencing. This allowed us to differentiate individuals with acute infection (within the first six months of infection) from chronic infections with a sensitivity of 93.3% and a specificity of 95.0%. Among those participants with active hepatitis C infection, 13.5% were identified as acute infections, which made it possible to determine their profile. We also estimated the incidence of HCV, which ranged from 31 to 59/100 person-years. In parallel, a phylogenetic analysis was carried out from sequencing data, which made it possible to identify those individuals involved in recent transmission events (46.8% of those PWID with viremic infection), as well as their profile, which will allow to design targeted prevention and treatment strategies. Finally, a point-of-care assay (Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) using capillary blood was evaluated for 1-hour HCV-RNA detection in PWID at one of the harm reduction centers. This assay showed 98.4% sensitivity and 100% specificity in comparison with the same assay in paired venous plasma samples. The two assays evaluated (DBS and Xpert庐 HCV VL Fingerstick) are well accepted by the study population and facilitate the decentralization and simplification of diagnosis in a population with low linkage to the healthcare system, with the potential to help achieve the elimination targets set by the WHO.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Microbiologi

    Impact of the MALDI-TOF as a tool for bacterial identification in the frequency of isolation of Aerococcus spp and Actinotignum schaalii in urinary tract infection

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    Background: Actinotignum schaalii and the genus Aerococcus are considered emerging pathogens, since their isolation has been rising the last years thanks to the improvement of diagnosis techniques, such as the implementation of MALDI-TOF in microbiology laboratories for routine. Their patogenicity is nowadays well described in urinary tract infections affecting susceptible individuals, although both have been isolated from other biological samples. The aim of our study is to evaluate the impact of using mass spectrometry technology on the frequency of isolation of Aerococcus spp and A. schaalii in our hospital. Methods: From January 2014 and December 2015 44.654 urines were collected in our laboratory from patients that were expected to have an UTI. Samples were processed using a flow cytometer and cultured if applicable. After 48聽h, microbial growth was assessed. Due to the suspicion of an Aerococcus spp or A. schaalii infection identification test was performed using Vitek2 until 2014 and MALDI-TOF from 2015. Results: Between the period of study, a total of 35 Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii isolates were collected from 34 patients. Six isolates were identified by Vitek2 and the other 29 were identified by MALDI-TOF. Out of 34 patients, 33 had at least one risk factor including age >65 years, immunosuppression or cancer, abnormality of the genitourinary tract, recurrent UTI, diabetes or a catheterization. Conclusions: Since the implementation of the MALDI-TOF in the laboratory the isolation of Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii has increased almost five times. The most frequent patient corresponds to an elderly patient with recurrent UTI and cancer. Resumen: Introducci贸n: Actinotignum schaalii y el g茅nero Aerococcus son considerados pat贸genos emergentes debido al aumento en los 煤ltimos a帽os de su aislamiento gracias a la mejora de las t茅cnicas diagn贸sticas, como la implementaci贸n del MALDI-TOF en la rutina de los laboratorios de microbiolog铆a. Su patogenicidad est谩 bien descrita en las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) en individuos susceptibles, aunque los dos g茅neros se han aislado tambi茅n en otras muestras biol贸gicas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es evaluar el impacto del uso de la espectrometr铆a de masas en la frecuencia de aislamiento de Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii en nuestro hospital. M茅todos: Desde enero 2014 a diciembre 2015 se recibieron 44.654 orinas en nuestro hospital procedentes de pacientes con sospecha de ITU. Las muestras fueron procesadas por citometr铆a de flujo y sembradas seg煤n criterios establecidos. Pasadas 48聽h, se evalu贸 el crecimiento. Ante la sospecha de infecci贸n por Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii, se realiz贸 un test de identificaci贸n con Vitek2庐 hasta 2014 y con MALDI-TOF desde 2015. Resultados: Durante el periodo de estudio se registraron 35 aislamientos de Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii correspondientes a 34 pacientes. Seis aislados se identificaron por Vitek2庐 y 29 por MALDI-TOF. De los 34 pacientes, 33 ten铆an como m铆nimo un factor de riesgo (>65 a帽os, inmunosupresi贸n o c谩ncer, anormalidades del tracto urinario, ITU recurrente, diabetes o cateterismo). Conclusiones: Desde la implementaci贸n del MALDI-TOF en el laboratorio, el aislamiento de Aerococcus spp/A. schaalii ha aumentado 5 veces. El perfil m谩s afectado es el de un individuo de edad avanzada con ITU recurrentes y c谩ncer. Keywords: Urinary tract infection, Aerococcus spp, Actinotignum schaalii, MALDI-TOF, Palabras clave: Infecci贸n del tracto urinario, Aerococcus spp, Actinotignum schaalii, MALDI-TO

    Reliable resolution of ambiguous hepatitis C virus genotype 1 results with the Abbott HCV Genotype Plus RUO assay

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    Accurate subtyping of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (HCV-1) remains clinically and epidemiologically relevant. The Abbott HCV Genotype Plus RUO (GT Plus) assay, targeting the core region, was evaluated as a reflex test to resolve ambiguous HCV-1 results in a challenging sample collection. 198 HCV-1 specimens were analysed with GT Plus (38 specimens with and 160 without subtype assigned by the Abbott RealTime Genotype II (GT II) assay targeting the 5'NC and NS5B regions). Sanger sequencing of the core and/or NS5B regions were performed in 127 specimens without subtype assignment by GT II, with "not detected" results by GT Plus, or with mixed genotypes/subtypes. The remaining GT Plus results were compared to LiPA 2.0 (n = 45) or just to GT II results if concordant (n = 26). GT Plus successfully assigned the subtype in 142/160 (88.8%) samples. "Not detected" results indicated other HCV-1 subtypes/genotypes or mismatches in the core region in subtype 1b. The subtyping concordance between GT Plus and either sequencing or LiPA was 98.6% (140/142). Therefore, combined use of GT II and GT Plus assays represents a reliable and simple approach which considerably reduced the number of ambiguous HCV-1 results and enabled a successful subtyping of 98.9% of all HCV-1 samples