257 research outputs found

    Traženje teškog Higgsovog bozona u kanalu H → ZZ → 4l ± pomoću CMS detektora

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    We investigate possibilities of search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the H → ZZ → 4l ± channel in the upper mass reach in the Compact Muon Solenoid detector (CMS). By using appropriate cuts on the data, it was found that CMS can detect Higgs boson up to the mass of about 750 GeV at ≥ 5σ significance level with the designed integrated luminosity of 105 pb−1 . The mass reach extends to about 850 GeV at 3 · 105 pb−1 .Ispitujemo mogućnosti za traženje Higgsovog bozona prema Standardnom modelu u kanalu H → ZZ → 4l ± u području osjetljivosti za velike mase Kompaktnog mionskog solenoidnog (CMS) detektora. Primjenom pogodnih rezova našli smo da se pomoću CMS detektorskog sustava mogu opaziti Higgsovi bozoni do mase oko 750 GeV na razini pouzdanosti ≥ 5σ, uz pretpostavku integralnog luminoziteta od 105 pb−1 . Za 3 · 105 pb−1 mogli bi se opaziti bozoni do mase 850 GeV

    Eksperiment CMS na LHC-u

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    We discuss the current status of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine, the progress on the construction of the CMS detector and some expectations for physics studies and searches at the LHC.Opisujemo sadašnje stanje gradnje ubrzivača LHC, napredak u gradnji detektora CMS i neka očekivanja fizičkih istraživanja i traganja na LHC-

    Surface chemistry, thermal stability and structural properties of graphene oxide/12-tungstophosphoric acid nanocomposite

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    In recent years the nanocomposites of graphene oxide (GO) and different inorganic and organic compounds have shown great potential for charge storage applications. In present work we have investigated the influence of 12-tungstophosphoric acid (WPA) on surface chemistry of graphene oxide and thermal stability of nanocomposite. For this purpose nanocomposites with different mass ratios of GO and WPA were prepared. The thermal stability of nanocomposites was investigated by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA) while changes in surface chemistry of GO and structural properties of WPA were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) method. The TGA-DTA measurements of composites have shown that the major mass loss, due to carbon combustion, is shifted to higher temperatures (~500 °C vs. 380 °C of pure GO). Furthermore, when the amount of WPA is higher than 25 mass percent the nanocomposites start to act like individual components, which was also confirmed by FTIR analysis. The amount of surface oxygen groups, monitored by both TPD and FTIR methods, showed ˝V˝ shaped dependence from the quantity of WPA with minimum at about 12 mass percent of WPA. At the same time, the FTIR spectra revealed the structural changes of WPA, displayed as shifting and splitting of characteristic bands of Keggin anion structure

    Study of the interaction between graphene oxide and 12-tungstophosphoric acid in their nanocomposite

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    The rich surface chemistry and large surface area of graphene oxide (GO) provide a platform for various functional materials that synergistically enhance charge storage properties of the composite. In present work we have investigated interaction between GO and 12- thungstophosphoric acid (WPA) in their nanocomposites as a function of different mass ratio of constituents. For this purpose, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), temperature programmed desorption method (TPD) and thermogravimetric/differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA) methods were used. FTIR spectra have shown shifts and splitting of characteristic bands of WPA as a result of interactions with GO. Both XPS and TPD methods have shown an initial decrease of the total amount of surface oxygen groups of GO, with a minimum at around 10 wt.% of WPA, above which a restoration of the amount of surface oxygen groups was noticed. TGA-DTA analysis revealed an improved thermal stability of the material up to 25 wt.% of WPA; at higher loading of WPA the thermal properties of nanocomposite became alike to the ones of individual components. The obtained results suggest optimal conditions for preparation of GO-WPA nanocomposites for electrochemical charge storage applications

    Regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj o dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca

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    The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of veterinary students in Croatia based on their home region towards the level of cognitive abilities and welfare in farm and companion animals. The survey encompassed 505 (91%) students of all six years of the integrated undergraduate and graduate study programme at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Student attitudes were examined through 17 statements using fivepoint Likert scale. The survey was focused on cattle, pigs, poultry, dogs and cats. The results obtained revealed that students from Zagreb and central Croatia expressed significantly higher attitudes (P<0.05) towards the level of thought process in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats, and the level of welfare in pigs than students from eastern Croatia and Dalmatia. Foreign students expressed the highest level of concern about the welfare of laying hens, and the lowest about the welfare of dogs and cats. Students from Lika and Gorski Kotar expressed the highest level of concern about the welfare of dogs and cats. No regional differences were determined in student attitudes towards the level of emotions in the observed species. The study results confirmed the existence of regional differences in the attitudes of Croatian veterinary students towards the welfare of farm and companion animals. The findings suggest that these differences may not only be the result of cultural differences among Croatian regions, but veterinary students may also increasingly encounter welfare issues in certain regions, especially in the case of companion animals.Cilj je ovoga rada bio ustvrditi razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj s obzirom na regiju iz koje dolaze o razini kognitivnih sposobnosti i narušenosti dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 505 (91 %) studenata svih šest godina integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska. Stavovi studenata ustvrđeni su na temelju 17 izjava prema Likertovoj mjernoj ljestvici od pet stupnjeva. Izjave su se odnosile na goveda, svinje, perad, pse i mačke. Prema dobivenim rezultatima studenti iz Zagreba i središnje Hrvatske značajno više smatraju (P<0,05) da goveda, svinje, psi i mačke mogu misliti te da svinje imaju narušenu dobrobit, u odnosu na studente iz istočne Hrvatske i Dalmacije. Studenti koji su većinu života proveli u drugim državama iskazali su najveću zabrinutost za dobrobit kokoši nesilica, a najmanju za dobrobit pasa i mačaka. Studenti iz Like i Gorskog Kotara najviše su zabrinuti za dobrobit pasa i mačaka. Nisu ustvrđene regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata o osjećajima niti u jedne istraživane vrste životinja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da o dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca postoje regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da ustvrđene razlike nisu rezultat samo kulturoloških razlika između regija Hrvatske, nego i da se studenti u pojedinim regijama sve više susreću s problemima dobrobiti životinja, osobito kućnih ljubimaca


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    Black Slavonian pig is an autochtonuous Croatian breed derived by crossing Mangulitza, Berkshire and Polandchina at the end of 19th century. It belongs to the group of endangered breeds. Because of its pronounced resistance, pigmented skin and ability of consuming high amounts of roughage (pasture), it is very convenient for keeping it outdoors, especially for organic production within low-input traditional technology. The investigation was conducted on 10 Black Slavonian pigs and 10 crossbreds between Black Slavonian pig (BS) and Swedish Landrace boars (SL). The pigs were fed until weighed approx. 135 kg. They were slaughtered at 12 months age and Black Slavonian pigs at 18 months. The pigs were kept outdoors in a natural low-lying pasture. The pasture area per animal was 0.05 ha. A traditional low- input technology was applied. Apart from pasture. the pigs consumed food found on stubbles after cereals had been harvested (wheat, barley, corn) and were given small amount of corn (0.15 kg/head/day). Dissection of cooled (+4oC ) right pig carcasses was done by the modified method (Weniger et.al., 1963). The meat quality was investigated on a sample of long back muscle (Muscullus longissimus dorsi – MLD) taken between 13th and 14th rib. Outdoor keeping system and low inputs technology resulted in trunks of very significantly (P0.05) were determined between analyzed pig genotypes. Crossbreds meat, compared to Black Slavonian pig meat, was known for very significantly (P0,05) između analiziranih genotipova svinja. Meso križanaca, u odnosu na meso crne slavonske svinje, imalo je statistički vrlo značajno (P<0,01) veći udjel vode (71,99% : 71,65%), a manji udjel masti (5,30% : 5,90%)

    Redni broj prasenja, duljina tijela, promjene položaja krmača i prignječenje prasadi.

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    In the present study the association between sow parity, body length, frequency of posture changes and the rate of piglet crushing was investigated. The study was conducted at a pig farm farrowing unit and included 76 Seghers hybrid sows divided into three groups: parity 1 (n = 25), parity 3 (n = 27) and parity 5 (n = 24). Study sows were accommodated individually in farrowing crates of the same dimensions, in commercial conditions. The sow body length was measured upon accommodation in the farrowing crate. The frequency of sow posture change was observed within a 4 - hour period on lactation days 1, 10 and 20. Piglet death due to crushing was diagnosed by postmortem analysis. The sow body length increased with parity (P<0.001) and a high positive correlation between the sow parity and body length was recorded (P<0.05). The rate of sow posture change decreased with parity and increased with the time of lactation. On all days of lactation observed a high negative correlation was determined between the number of sow posture changes and parity, whereas between the number of sow posture changes and body length there was a significant to high negative correlation (P<0.05 all). Between the number of crushed piglets and other investigated parameters no significant correlation was found. Accordingly, the increasing body length in multiparous sows resulted in lower frequency of postural changes, while exerting no impact on the rate of piglet crushing.U radu je istraživana povezanost između rednog broja prasenja, duljine tijela, učestalosti promjena položaja krmača i broja prignječene prasadi. Istraživanje je provedeno u prasilištu svinjogojske farme i uključilo je 76 krmača Seghers hibrida, podijeljenih u tri skupine, prvopraskinje (n = 25), trećepraskinje (n = 27) i petopraskinje (n = 24). Svaka od krmača bila je smještena u komercijalnim uvjetima, prasilišnom odjeljku istih dimenzija. Duljina tijela krmača određivana je nakon smještaja u prasilišni odjeljak. Učestalost promjena položaja krmača praćena je unutar 4-satnog razdoblja 1., 10. i 20. dana laktacije. Dijagnoza uginuća prasadi uslijed prignječenja postavljena je na osnovi postmortalne analize. Duljina tijela krmača povećavala se s rednim brojem prasenja (P<0,001) i između rednog broja prasenja i duljine tijela krmača utvrđena je visoka pozitivna povezanost (P<0,05). Broj promjena položaja krmača opadao je s rednim brojem prasenja, a povećavao s vremenom laktacije. Tijekom svih promatranih dana laktacije između broja promjena položaja i rednog broja prasenja krmača utvrđena je visoka negativna povezanost, a između broja promjena položaja i duljine tijela krmača značajna do visoka negativna povezanost (P<0,05 sve). Između broja prignječene prasadi i drugih istraživanih pokazatelja nije utvrđena značajna povezanost. Može se zaključiti da porast duljine tijela u višepraskinja dovodi do manje učestalosti promjene položaja, a ne utječe na broj prignječene prasadi