3,272 research outputs found

    A eficiencia da auriculoterapia no tratamento de estresse/ Efficiency of auriculotherapy in stress treatment

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    Introdução: O estresse é caracterizado como uma reação natural do organismo que ocorre quando o indivíduo vivencia situações de perigo ou ameaça, onde são acionados mecanismos de alerta ou alarme, provocando alterações físicas e emocionais.  O resultante são sintomas como medo, mal-estar; desgaste físico; hipertensão arterial; gastrite dentre outros. Quando crônico pode desencadear outras doenças mais graves. Devido à proporção desse malefício nos dias atuais, questionam-se a eficácia da auriculoterapia para tratamento de estresse. Objetivos: Verificar a eficácia da terapia da auriculoterapia para tratamento de estresse. Métodos: O estudo foi embasado em pesquisa bibliográfica, de caráter exploratório e qualitativo. A obtenção de dados foi realizada em banco de teses e dissertações acadêmicas e científicos, como PudMed e Lilacs entre outros, assim como e Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, SCielo e publicações similares, tendo seu texto preferencialmente em português e inglês. Resultados: Foram selecionados inicialmente 20 artigos que tratam especificamente do escopo do estudo, destes, oito foram desconsiderados pelos critérios de exclusão. foram dados prioridade aos estudos com metodologia de revisão integrativa (bibliográfica) e ensaios clínicos, visto que uma proporciona rever conceitos consagrados pela literatura e a outra fornece dados obtidos em estudos aplicados. Neste sentido, foram examinados estudos que englobam de duas vertentes metodológicas: revisão bibliográfica e ensaios clínicos. Assim, obtemos para análise os dados de 806 participantes submetido a auriculoterapia e 4 revisões literárias. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos, em especial nos artigos de ensaios clínicos, a auriculoterapia demonstrou alto nível de eficiência em todos os estudos realizados.

    Atividade antitumoral in vitro de lactonas sesquiterpenicas de Lychnophora.

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    As lactonas sesquiterp?nicas licnofolida e eremantolida C foram isoladas de Lychnophora trichocarpha Spreng. (Asteraceae), esp?cie vegetal nativa do cerrado brasileiro e popularmente conhecida por arnica brasileira. As lactonas sesquiterp?nicas s?o conhecidas por apresentarem variadas atividades biol?gicas, incluindo atividade antitumoral. O presente artigo relata a avalia??o da atividade antitumoral in vitro de licnofolida e eremantolida C frente a um painel de 52 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais, provenientes de tumores humanos referentes a nove principais tipos de c?ncer. Os testes foram conduzidos no National Cancer Institute, USA (NCI, USA). Licnofolida apresentou atividade significativa frente a 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais referentes a sete tipos de c?ncer, com valores de CI100 (concentra??o que inibe 100% do crescimento celular) entre 0,41 ?M e 2,82 ?M. Eremantolida C mostrou atividade significativa frente a 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais referentes a oito tipos de c?ncer, com valores de CI100 entre 21,40 ?M e 53,70 ?M. Licnofolida apresentou valores de concentra??o letal 50 % (CL50) para 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais humanas entre 0,72 e 10,00 ?M, enquanto eremantolida C mostrou valores de CL50 para 21 linhagens entre 52,50 e 91,20 ?M. Licnofolida apresentou um interessante perfil de atividade antitumoral. A presen?a na estrutura qu?mica da licnofolida de uma ?-metileno-?-lactona, al?m de dois grupos ?steres ?,?-insaturados, podem ser respons?veis pela melhor atividade e maior citotoxicidade desta subst?ncia em rela??o ? eremantolida C.The sesquiterpene lactones lychnopholide and eremantholide C were isolated from Lychnophora trichocarpha Spreng. (Asteraceae), which is a plant species native to the Brazilian Savannah or Cerrado and popularly known as arnica. Sesquiterpene lactones are known to present a variety of biological activities including antitumor activity. The present paper reports on the evaluation of the in vitro antitumor activity of lychnopholide and eremantholide C, in the National Cancer Institute, USA (NCI, USA), against a panel of 52 human tumor cell lines of major human tumors derived from nine cancer types. Lychnopholide disclosed significant activity against 30 cell lines of seven cancer types with IC100 (total growth concentration inhibition) values between 0.41 ?M and 2.82 ?M. Eremantholide C showed significant activity against 30 cell lines of eight cancer types with IC100 values between 21.40 ?M and 53.70 ?M. Lychnopholide showed values of lethal concentration 50 % (LC50) for 30 human tumor cell lines between 0.72 and 10.00 ?M, whereas eremantholide C presented values of LC50 for 21 human tumor cell lines between 52.50 and 91.20 ?M. Lychnopholide showed an interesting profile of antitumor activity. The ?-methylene-?-lactone present in the structure of lychnopholide, besides two ?,?- unsaturated carbonyl groups, might be responsible for the better activity and higher cytotoxicity of this compound in relation to eremantholide C

    Mitoxantrone pleurodesis to palliate malignant pleural effusion secondary to ovarian cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Advanced ovarian cancer is the leading non-breast gynaecologic cause of malignant pleural effusion. Aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of mitoxantrone sclerotherapy as a palliative treatment of malignant pleural effusions due to ovarian cancer. METHODS: Sixty women with known ovarian cancer and malignant recurrent symptomatic pleural effusion were treated with chest tube drainage followed by intrapleural mitoxantrone sclerotherapy. Survival, complications and response to pleurodesis were recorded. The data are expressed as the mean ± SEM and the median. RESULTS: The mean age of the entire group was 64 ± 11,24 years. The mean interval between diagnosis of ovarian cancer and presentation of the effusion was 10 ± 2,1 months. Eighteen patients (30%) had pleural effusion as the first evidence of recurrence. The mean volume of effusion drained was 1050 ± 105 ml and chest tube was removed within 4 days in 75% of patients. There were no deaths related to the procedure. Side effects of chemical pleurodesis included fever (37–38,5°C) chest pain, nausea and vomiting. At 30 days among 60 treated effusions, there was an 88% overall response rate, including 41 complete responses and 12 partial responses. At 60 days the overall response was 80% (38 complete responses and 10 partial responses). The mean survival of the entire population was 7,5 ± 1,2 months. CONCLUSIONS: Mitoxantrone is effective in the treatment of malignant pleural effusion secondary to ovarian cancer without causing significant local or systemic toxicity

    Effects of the aqueous extract from Tabebuia roseoalba and phenolic acids on hyperuricemia and inflammation.

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    Tabebuia species (Bignoniaceae) have long been used in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antimicrobial, and antitumor. The aim of this study was to investigate if aqueous extract from the leaves (AEL) of Tabebuia roseoalba (Ridl.) Sandwith, Bignoniaceae, and its constituents could be useful to decrease serum uric acid levels and restrain the gout inflammatory process. HPLC analysis identified caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in AEL. Antihyperuricemic effects and inhibition of liver XOD (xanthine oxidoreductase) by AEL and identified compounds were evaluated in hyperuricemic mice. Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated on MSU (monosodium urate) crystal-induced paw edema. In addition, AEL antioxidant activity in vitro was evaluated. AEL, caffeic, and chlorogenic acids were able to reduce serum uric acid levels in hyperuricemic mice probably through inhibition of liver xanthine oxidase activity and significantly decreased the paw edema induced by MSU crystals. AEL showed significant antioxidant activity in all evaluated assays. The results show that the AEL of Tabebuia roseoalba can be a promising agent for treatment for gout and inflammatory diseases. We suggest that caffeic and chlorogenic acids may be responsible for the activities demonstrated by the species

    The influence of seasonality on the content of goyazensolide and on anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperuricemic effects of the ethanolic extract of Lychnophora passerina (Brazilian arnica).

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Lychnophora passerina (Mart ex DC) Gardn (Asteraceae), popularly known as Brazilian arnica, is used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat pain, rheumatism, bruises, inflammatory diseases and insect bites. Aim of the study: Investigate the influence of the seasons on the anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperuricemic activities of ethanolic extract of L. passerina and the ratio of the goyazensolide content, main chemical constituent of the ethanolic extract, with these activities. Materials and methods: Ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of L. passerina were obtained from seasons: summer (ES), autumn (EA), winter (EW) and spring (EP). The sesquiterpene lactone goyazensolide, major metabolite, was quantified in ES, EA, EW and EP by a developed and validated HPLC-DAD method. The in vivo antihyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory effects of the ethanolic extracts from L. passerina and goyazensolide were assayed on experimental model of oxonate-induced hyperuricemia in mice, liver xanthine oxidase (XOD) inhibition and on carrageenan-induced paw edema in mice. Results: HPLC method using aqueous solution of acetic acid 0.01% (v/v) and acetonitrile with acetic acid 0.01% (v/v) as a mobile phase in a gradient system, with coumarin as an internal standard and DAD detection at 270 nm was developed. The validation parameters showed linearity in a range within 10.0?150.0 ?g/ml, with intraday and interday precisions a range of 0.61?3.82. The accuracy values of intraday and interday analysis within 87.58? 100.95%. EA showed the highest goyazensolide content. From the third to the sixth hour after injection of carrageenan, treatments with all extracts at the dose of 125 mg/kg were able to reduce edema. Goyazensolide (10 mg/kg) showed significant reduction of paw swelling from the second hour assay. This sesquiterpene lactone was more active than extracts and presented similar effect to indomethacin. Treatments with ES, EA and EP (125 mg/kg) and goyazensolide (10 mg/kg) reduced serum urate levels compared to hyperuricemic control group and were able to inhibit liver XOD activity. One of the mechanisms by which ES, EA, EP and goyazensolide exercise their anti-hyperuricemic effect is by the inhibition of liver XOD activity. Goyazensolide was identified as the main compound present in ES, EA, EW and EP and it is shown to be one of the chemical constituents responsible for the anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperuricemic effects of the ethanolic extracts. Conclusion: The anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperuricemic activities of the ethanolic extracts from L. passerina were not proportionally influenced by the variation of goyazensolide content throughout the seasons. The involvement of goyazensolide on in vivo anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperuricemic activities of L. passerina extracts was confirmed, as well as the possibility of participation of other constituents on these effects. This study demonstrated that the aerial parts of L. passerina may be collected in any season for use as anti-inflammatory agent. For use in hyperuricemia, the best seasons for the collection are summer, autumn and spring. The ethanolic extract of L. passerina and goyazensolide can be considered promising agents in the therapeutic of inflammation, hyperuricemia and gout