133 research outputs found

    Control of Chosen System based on IQRF Technology

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá možností regulace soustav s využitím bezdrátové technologie pro přenos hodnot signálových veličin. Zároveň je zde rozebrán a implementován princip regulace pomocí událostmi řízeného regulátoru. Realizovaná práce využívá technologii IQRF pro bezdrátový přenos, jako řídicí systém je použit REX Controls, jehož jádro běží na platformě Raspberry Pi 3. Vizualizace systému je provozována přes internetové rozhraní využívající technologie HTML5 a JavaScript. V bakalářské práci jsou teoreticky popsány využité technologie, v praktické části je rozebrán postup návrhu a realizace elektroniky, komunikace, postup identifikace regulované soustavy, návrh regulátoru a tvorba vizualizace. Realizovaný systém je umístěn na prezentačním panelu a slouží jako demonstrační ukázka propojení bezdrátové komunikace a regulační techniky. Dále bude stojan sloužit jako výukový prostředek na Katedře kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrství.This bachelor's thesis deals with possibilities of process control with the use of wireless technology for the transmission of signal values. The thesis also analyzes the control principle by Event Based Controller. Realization uses IQRF Technology for wireless transmission, as a control system is used RexControls, which core is running on Raspberry Pi 3 platform. Visualization of the whole system is running via web interface with the use of HTML5 and JavaScript technology. Theoretical part of bachelor's thesis describes used technologies, practical part analyzes the design process and implementation of hardware components, communication settings, identification process, design of the PID controller and creation of visualization. Realized system was mounted on a presentation stand and it serves as a demonstration of interconnection two different specializations, specifically, wireless technologies and control systems. Hereafter the stand will serve as an educational resource on Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Control Software for Pressure Measuring Equipment

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá realizací softwarové části pro měřicí systém tlaku. Měřicí systém je složen ze sady bezdrátových měřicích kolíků, sítě přijímačů, brány a řídicí jednotky. V teoretické části diplomové práce je popsána navržená struktura měřicího systému, hardwarová koncepce řešení, použité technologie pro komunikaci mezi zařízeními a základní teorie o softwarovém inženýrství. V praktické části je rozebrán návrh komunikačních protokolů, návrh a implementace firmwarů pro mikrokontrolery, realizace řídicí aplikace pro řídicí jednotku s operačním systémem linuxové distribuce, a nakonec také testování celého systému.The diploma thesis deals with the implementation of the software part for the pressure measurement system. The measurement system consists of a set of wireless measuring pins, a network of receivers, a gateway and a control unit. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the structure of the measurement system, hardware concept of the solution, technology for communication between devices and their standards. The practical part describes the process of designing and implementing firmware for microcontrollers, implementing a control application for a control unit with a Linux distribution operating system, and finally testing the entire system.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    The combination of intravitreal triamcinolone and phacoemulsification surgery in patients with diabeticfoveal oedema and cataract

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    BACKGROUND: The management of diabetic patients with refractory macular oedema or patients with no adequate pre-operative view to administer laser treatment provide a challenge to the ophthalmologist. We wished to assess the use, safety and effect of intravitreal triamcinolone injection at the time of cataract surgery in patients with diabetic foveal oedema and sight limiting lens opacities. METHOD: This was a longitudinal non-randomised prospective pilot study in 18 eyes (12 patients). All patients had visually significant lens opacities and either persistent diabetic foveal oedema unresponsive to laser treatment-group A, or foveal oedema with no adequate pre-operative view for laser treatment- group B. The cataract surgery was carried out under full aseptic technique using a self-sealing temporal incision and a foldable acrylic lens. Intravitreal triamcinolone was given infratemporally pars plana at the completion of the cataract surgery. The patients were reviewed at day 5, 2 weeks, 2 months and then every 3 months as required. The Wilcoxin matched-pairs test was used to assess the significance of the improvement in visual acuity at 2 months. RESULTS: Twelve patients with a total of 18 eyes were included in the study. There were 10 patients (15 eyes) in group A and 3 patients (3 eyes) in group B. Preoperatively 16 of the 18 eyes had a visual acuity of 6/24 or worse. Postoperatively 83% of patients had completely dry foveae at 2 weeks. Best-corrected visual acuities at two months review ranged from 6/6 to CF with 9 eyes (50%) achieving 6/12 or better (7 eyes (47%) in group A and 2 eyes (67%) in group B). Three eyes had no recorded improvement in visual acuity, but no eyes had deterioration in acuity. The improvement in visual acuity was significant at p = 0.001. There were no significant sight threatening complications. CONCLUSION: Intravitreal triamcinolone has been shown to lead to an improvement in macular oedema and visual improvement in diabetic patients not undergoing cataract surgery but has not, to our knowledge, been previously used in a study like this one. We suggest that intravitreal injection at the time of cataract surgery could be carried out safely with encouraging visual outcomes in patients with diabetic foveal oedema and cataract

    Randomized Phase IIb Study of Brimonidine Drug Delivery System Generation 2 for Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of repeat injections of Brimonidine Drug Delivery System (Brimo DDS) Generation 2 (Gen 2) containing 400-μg brimonidine in patients with geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Design: A phase IIb, randomized, multicenter, double-masked, sham-controlled, 30-month study (BEACON). Participants: Patients diagnosed with GA secondary to AMD and multifocal lesions with total area of > 1.25 mm2 and ≤ 18 mm2 in the study eye. Methods: Enrolled patients were randomized to treatment with intravitreal injections of 400-μg Brimo DDS (n = 154) or sham procedure (n = 156) in the study eye every 3 months from day 1 to month 21. Main Outcome Measures: The primary efficacy endpoint was GA lesion area change from baseline in the study eye, assessed with fundus autofluorescence imaging, at month 24. Results: The study was terminated early, at the time of the planned interim analysis, because of a slow GA progression rate (∼ 1.6 mm2/year) in the enrolled population. Least squares mean (standard error) GA area change from baseline at month 24 (primary endpoint) was 3.24 (0.13) mm2 with Brimo DDS (n = 84) versus 3.48 (0.13) mm2 with sham (n = 91), a reduction of 0.25 mm2 (7%) with Brimo DDS compared with sham (P = 0.150). At month 30, GA area change from baseline was 4.09 (0.15) mm2 with Brimo DDS (n = 49) versus 4.52 (0.15) mm2 with sham (n = 46), a reduction of 0.43 mm2 (10%) with Brimo DDS compared with sham (P = 0.033). Exploratory analysis showed numerically smaller loss over time in retinal sensitivity assessed with scotopic microperimetry with Brimo DDS than with sham (P = 0.053 at month 24). Treatment-related adverse events were usually related to the injection procedure. No implant accumulation was observed. Conclusions: Multiple intravitreal administrations of Brimo DDS (Gen 2) were well tolerated. The primary efficacy endpoint at 24 months was not met, but there was a numeric trend for reduction in GA progression at 24 months compared with sham treatment. The study was terminated early because of the lower-than-expected GA progression rate in the sham/control group. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosures may be found after the references

    Dexamethasone intravitreal implant in previously treated patients with diabetic macular edema : Subgroup analysis of the MEAD study

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    Background: Dexamethasone intravitreal implant 0.7 mg (DEX 0.7) was approved for treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME) after demonstration of its efficacy and safety in the MEAD registration trials. We performed subgroup analysis of MEAD study results to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DEX 0.7 treatment in patients with previously treated DME. Methods: Three-year, randomized, sham-controlled phase 3 study in patients with DME, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 34.68 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters (20/200.20/50 Snellen equivalent), and central retinal thickness (CRT) 65300 \u3bcm measured by time-domain optical coherence tomography. Patients were randomized to 1 of 2 doses of DEX (0.7 mg or 0.35 mg), or to sham procedure, with retreatment no more than every 6 months. The primary endpoint was 6515-letter gain in BCVA at study end. Average change in BCVA and CRT from baseline during the study (area-under-the-curve approach) and adverse events were also evaluated. The present subgroup analysis evaluated outcomes in patients randomized to DEX 0.7 (marketed dose) or sham based on prior treatment for DME at study entry. Results: Baseline characteristics of previously treated DEX 0.7 (n = 247) and sham (n=261) patients were similar. In the previously treated subgroup, mean number of treatments over 3 years was 4.1 for DEX 0.7 and 3.2 for sham, 21.5 % of DEX 0.7 patients versus 11.1 % of sham had 6515-letter BCVA gain from baseline at study end (P = 0.002), mean average BCVA change from baseline was +3.2 letters with DEX 0.7 versus +1.5 letters with sham (P = 0.024), and mean average CRT change from baseline was -126.1 \u3bcm with DEX 0.7 versus -39.0 \u3bcm with sham(P < 0.001). Cataract-related adverse events were reported in 70.3 % of baseline phakic patients in the previously treated DEX 0.7 subgroup; vision gains were restored following cataract surgery. Conclusions: DEX 0.7 significantly improved visual and anatomic outcomes in patients with DME previously treated with laser, intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide, or a combination of these therapies. The safety profile of DEX 0.7 in previously treated patients was similar to its safety profile in the total study population

    Plan of Development Work of the 39th Seam in the Zero Block at the ČSM Mine

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    Import 29/09/2010Cílem předkládané diplomové práce je navrhnout optimální otvírku a přípravu sloje 39a v 0. kře Dolu ČSM. Navrhované řešení je v souladu s programem společnosti OKD s cílem optimalizace produkce černého uhlí (program optimalizace produkce - POP 2010). Stěžejním nástrojem uvedeného programu je nasazení nejmodernějších technologií k provádění razících a dobývacích prací. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do čtyř hlavních celků. Pro uvedení do problematiky je v prvních kapitolách uvedena základní charakteristika Dolu ČSM a širšího okolí, geologicko-úložní poměry předmětné oblasti. Stěžejní kapitola se věnuje samotnému návrhu otvírky a přípravy sloje 39a. Jsou zde diskutovány principy koncepce přípravy a návrh technologie ražení. Další kapitoly jsou věnovány bezpečnostní hlediskům při provádění přípravných prací, jako je protiotřesová problematika, systém větrání, stabilita horninového masívu atp. V závěrečné kapitole je provedeno technické zhodnocení a přínos řešení.This thesis deals with proposal of optimum opening and preparation of the seam No. 39a in the block No. 0 of CSM Mine. Suggested solution is in accord with OKD´s programme to aim optimization of black coal production (production optimization programme – POP 2010). Setting of up-to-date technologies in the drivings and longwall faces is the pivotal instrument of mentioned programme. The thesis is divided into four main parts. Basic characteristic of CSM Mine, mode of deposit and geological conditions of the area are mentioned in the first chapters to initiate the problem. Key chapter is devoted to the proposal of opening and preparation of the seam No. 39a. Conception of preparation and proposal of driving technology are discussed in this part. Other chapters are devoted to the safety during preparation work, such as bumpproof prevention, mine ventilation, stability of rock massif etc. The conclusion consists of technical evaluation and profitability.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Concept of disposal of the upcast air shaft Doubrava III and recultivation

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    Import 02/11/2016V diplomové práci je zpracováno téma likvidace hlavního důlního díla. Cílem této práce bylo navrhnout postup likvidace výdušné jámy Doubrava III a její následnou rekultivaci. V úvodní části práce jsou popsány postupy a možné způsoby likvidace jam včetně srovnání již realizovaných vybraných způsobů likvidace hlavních důlních děl v OKD, a.s. Diplomová práce dále obsahuje technické údaje výdušné jámy Doubrava III a její hydrogeologické podmínky v souvislosti s havárií jámy Doubrava IV. Následně je popsán návrh řešení likvidace výdušné jámy Doubrava III. V další části jsou řešeny možnosti následné rekultivace oblasti výdušné jámy Doubrava III. V diplomové práci je uvedeno stručné ekonomické zhodnocení likvidace.The theme of disposal of main mining works is elaborated in the thesis. The aim of this study was to propose a method of the disposal of Doubrava III upcast shafts and its subsequent reclamation. The procedures and possible methods of the pits liquidation, including a comparison of some already completed but only selected methods of the liquidation of main mine workings in OKD, Inc., are described in the introductory section. The thesis also contains technical data of Doubrava III upcast shafts and its hydrogeological conditions in relation to the accident of Doubrava IV pit. Subsequently, the proposed solution of the disposal of Doubrava III upcast shafts is described. The next section deals with the possibilities of any subsequent reclamation of the area comprising Doubrava III upcast shafts. There is also a brief economic assessment of the destruction in the thesis.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    A mining plan for the face no. 331 206 in the ČSM mine

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    Import 12/01/2009Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostiNeuveden

    Proposal of opening and preparation of 39th seam, 22nd mining block in Doubrava, OKD, a.s., at Mine Karviná by working face No. 223952, following realized opening

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce řeší návrh otvírky a přípravy 39. sloje ve 22. kře dobývacího prostoru Doubrava a zahrnuje historii bývalého dolu Doubrava, stručnou charakteristiku geologických poměrů předmětné oblasti, návrh technologie ražení včetně zajištění dlouhých důlních děl a návrh způsobu separátního větrání včetně jeho výpočtu.The bachelor’s paper solves a design of opening & preparation of the 39th seam in the 22nd block of the mining area Doubrava and include history of former coal mine Doubrava, brief characteristics of the geological conditions in the subject area, a design of tunneling, including securing of the long underground workings and a design including a separate ventilation calculation.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn