36 research outputs found

    The activity of propolis against pathogenic fungi isolated from human infections

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    Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by bees from the buds or other parts of plants. It is known for having various biological properties, including antifungal activity. Among the substances present in propolis, flavonoids and phenolic acids and their esters are responsible for its antifungal properties. This means that propolis is ideal for use as an antifungal agent in alternative medicine to treat a number of both topical and systemic infections caused by Candida species and other yeast-like fungi, dermatophyte and nondermatophyte moulds, without the serious side effects typical of synthetic treatment. It is also active against strains of fungi that are resistant to polyenes and azoles, the classes of drugs most commonly used to treat fungal infections. In this article, we review current knowledge about the activity of propolis from different parts of the world and its components in vitro and in vivo against pathogenic fungi isolated from human infections. The article also indicates the possible mechanism of antifungal activity of propolis and its components

    Folic acid - importance for human health and its role in COVID-19 therapy

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    Folic acid (folacin, B9) is a vitamin that performs many very important functions in the human body, and its inadequate level - deficiency as well as excess, may contribute to an increased risk of developing many disease processes. The aim of this study was to analyze the available scientific literature on folic acid and its impact on human health. A systematic review of the studies, published until November 2022, was made on the basis of searching bibliographic databases such as: PubMed, Elsevier and Google Scholar. The following keywords and combinations were used: folic acid, folate, folic acid supplementation, folate deficiency. Folic acid, thanks to its high biological activity, has a direct and indirect effect on the metabolism of the human body cells. It plays a very important role, among others in the prevention of neural tube defects and megaloblastic anemia, the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as reducing the risk of developing certain cancers. Currently, the important role of folic acid in maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system is also emphasized, which is of particular importance both in the prevention and in the situation of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection. The effects of deficiency and excess of vitamin B9 may turn out to be dangerous to health and even life. There is a need for nutritional and health education of the society regarding the importance of folic acid for human health, due to the presence of large deficiencies in the population, which is particularly important for some social groups, such as, for example, women of procreation age, pregnant or breastfeeding, people with a nutrient malabsorption, and people who smoke or abuse alcohol


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    The performed experiments allowed determining to what extent meat electrical conductivity measured at two time intervals (EC90’ and EC24h) may affect significantly the selected pork meat quality parameters. The experimental material comprised 75 carcasses, of which 32 were carcasses derived from hogs of line 990 and 43 were carcasses of Danish hybrid hogs [(L x Y) x Du]. The following parameters were investigated: electrical conductivity (EC90’ and EC24h), thermal drip and water holding capacity content as well as meat texture (tenderness and juiciness). After the assessment of meat electrical conductivity, the obtained results were divided into three groups taking into consideration differences in their values: EC90’: up to 3.50 mS/cm; from 3.51 – 5.00 mS/cm; > 5.00 mS/cm, and EC24h measurement: up to 4.99 mS/cm; from 5.00 – 8.00 mS/cm; > 8.00 mS/cm. It is clear from the performed investigations that measurements of meat electrical conductivity carried out 24 h after the slaughter of animals, in comparison with the measurements taken 90’ after slaughter, was correlated with the examined meat parameters higher degree

    Molecular dynamics and physical stability of ibuprofen in binary mixtures with an acetylated derivative of maltose

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    In this paper, we explore the strategy increasingly used toimprove the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble crystalline drugs byformulating their amorphous solid dispersions. We focus on the potentialapplication of a low molecular weight excipient octaacetyl-maltose (acMAL) toprepare physically stable amorphous solid dispersions with ibuprofen (IBU)aimed at enhancing water solubility of the drug compared to that of itscrystalline counterpart. We thoroughly investigate global and local moleculardynamics, thermal properties, and physical stability of the IBU+acMAL binarysystems by using broadband dielectric spectroscopy and differential scanningcalorimetry as well as test their water solubility and dissolution rate. Theobtained results are extensively discussed by analyzing several factorsconsidered to affect the physical stability of amorphous systems, includingthose related to the global mobility, such as plasticization/antiplasticization effects, the activation energy, fragility parameter, and thenumber of dynamically correlated molecules as well as specific intermolecular interactions like hydrogen bonds, supporting the latterby density functional theory calculations. The observations made for the IBU+acMAL binary systems and drawn recommendationsgive a better insight into our understanding of molecular mechanisms governing the physical stability of amorphous solid dispersions


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    The performed experiments allowed determining to what extent meat electrical conductivity measured at two time intervals (EC90’ and EC24h) may affect significantly the selected pork meat quality parameters. The experimental material comprised 75 carcasses, of which 32 were carcasses derived from hogs of line 990 and 43 were carcasses of Danish hybrid hogs [(L x Y) x Du]. The following parameters were investigated: electrical conductivity (EC90’ and EC24h), thermal drip and water holding capacity content as well as meat texture (tenderness and juiciness). After the assessment of meat electrical conductivity, the obtained results were divided into three groups taking into consideration differences in their values: EC90’: up to 3.50 mS/cm; from 3.51 – 5.00 mS/cm; > 5.00 mS/cm, and EC24h measurement: up to 4.99 mS/cm; from 5.00 – 8.00 mS/cm; > 8.00 mS/cm. It is clear from the performed investigations that measurements of meat electrical conductivity carried out 24 h after the slaughter of animals, in comparison with the measurements taken 90’ after slaughter, was correlated with the examined meat parameters higher degree.W pracy oceniano, w jakim stopniu przewodność elektryczna mięsa, mierzona w dwóch przedziałach czasowych (EC90’ i EC24h), ma istotny wpływ na wybrane wyróżniki jakości mięsa wieprzowego. Materiał doświadczalny stanowiło 75 tusz, w tym: 32 tusze wieprzków świń linii 990 i 43 tusze wieprzków mieszańców świń duńskich [L x Y) x Du]. Ocenie poddano następujące parametry: przewodność elektryczną (EC90’ i EC24h), wyciek termiczny i wodochłonność (WHC) oraz teksturę mięsa (kruchość i soczystość). Następnie uzyskane wyniki podzielono umownie na 3 grupy, w zależności od wartości przewodności elektrycznej (EC90’: do 3,50 mS/cm; 3,51 – 5,00 mS/cm; > 5,00 mS/cm i EC24h: do 4,99 mS/cm; 5,00 – 8,00 mS/cm; > 8,00 mS/cm). Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że pomiar przewodności elektrycznej mięsa wykonywany w 24h, w porównaniu do jej pomiarów w 90’ po uboju tuczników, był w wyższym stopniu skorelowany z ocenianymi parametrami mięsa

    The nutritional value of traditional food

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    Celem pracy jest omówienie wartości odżywczej żywności tradycyjnej, na podstawie dostępnej literatury krajowej i zagranicznej. Żywność ma tradycyjny charakter, jeśli jest wyprodukowana z użyciem tradycyjnych surowców lub charakteryzuje się tradycyjnym składem, albo charakteryzuje się sposobem produkcji lub przetwórstwa, odzwierciedlającym tradycyjną metodę. Wiele naturalnych produktów żywnościowych charakteryzuje się korzystnymi żywieniowo właściwościami, aczkolwiek pełne określenie wartości odżywczej żywności tradycyjnej jest bardzo trudne. Produkty tradycyjne, pochodzące z gospodarstw rolnych, słusznie są postrzegane przez konsumentów jako wyższej jakości, bowiem wytwarzane są najczęściej metodami pracochłonnymi, z naturalnych surowców bez dodatku konserwantów i ulepszaczy, mające niepowtarzalne cechy sensoryczne. Dla przykładu, produkty pochodzące od owiec i kóz takie jak mleko, mięso oraz ich przetwory mają wysoką wartość odżywczą i dietetyczną i spełniają kryteria stawiane żywności funkcjonalnej. Produkowane w sposób tradycyjny zdrowe pieczywo w diecie człowieka jest przede wszystkim produkowane z ciasta na zakwasie, pozbawione rożnych dodatków chemicznych, polepszaczy czy spulchniaczy. Tradycyjne zsiadłe mleko również posiada wiele właściwości prozdrowotnych. Zwiększenie spożycia żywności naturalnej, nisko przetworzonej i o wysokiej wartości żywieniowej, niewątpliwie zmniejszy ryzyko powstawania wielu chorób, między innymi układu krążenia czy nowotworów. Należy zatem prowadzić badania w celu określenia wartości odżywczej produktów tradycyjnych z różnych grup żywności oraz wyjaśnienia wpływu tych produktów na zdrowie człowieka.The aim of this work was to discuss the nutritional value of traditional food, based on the available domestic and foreign literature. Food is traditional if it is produced using traditional raw materials or has a traditional composition or has a mode of production or processing with the traditional method. Many natural foods have a beneficial nutritional properties, although fully determine the nutritional value of the traditional food is very difficult. Traditional products coming from farms, are rightly perceived by consumers as higher quality, because the products are the most labor-intensive methods, from natural materials without the addition of enhancers having unique sensory properties. For example, products from sheep and goats, such as milk, meat and their products have a high nutritional value and diet and meet the criteria set of functional foods. Traditionally made bread in a healthy human diet is primarily made of a dough leavened, deprived of various chemical additives, enhancers or fillers. Increasing the consumption of natural foods, low-processed and high-value nutritional undoubtedly reduce the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular and cancer. It is necessary to conduct research to determine the nutritional value of traditional products from different food groups and explain the influence of these products on human health

    The activity of propolis against pathogenic fungi isolated from human infections

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    Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by bees from the buds or other parts of plants. It is known for having various biological properties, including antifungal activity. Among the substances present in propolis, flavonoids and phenolic acids and their esters are responsible for its antifungal properties. This means that propolis is ideal for use as an antifungal agent in alternative medicine to treat a number of both topical and systemic infections caused by Candida species and other yeast-like fungi, dermatophyte and nondermatophyte moulds, without the serious side effects typical of synthetic treatment. It is also active against strains of fungi that are resistant to polyenes and azoles, the classes of drugs most commonly used to treat fungal infections. In this article, we review current knowledge about the activity of propolis from different parts of the world and its components in vitro and in vivo against pathogenic fungi isolated from human infections. The article also indicates the possible mechanism of antifungal activity of propolis and its components

    Influence of cellulose fibers on physicochemical properties of biodegradable films based on polysaccharide derivatives

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    The article presents a method of obtaining films based on carboxymethyl polysaccharide derivatives cross-linked with citric acid and reinforced with cellulose fibers (CFs). The addition of CFs to a film improves the mechanical properties of the composite. With the increase of filler content, the water solubility drops from 64 to 61%, respectively, for a system without a filler and that containing 7 wt% CFs, whereas Young’s modulus increases from 4.8 to 24.8 MPa for a film containing 5 wt% filler

    Beetroot Juice - Legal Doping for Athletes?

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a physiologically important signaling molecule that promotes the expansion of blood vessels and thus facilitates the transport of oxygen (O2) and energy substrates to the muscles. Research shows that nitric oxide (NO) also improves the effectiveness of mitochondrial respiration, which is manifested by reduced oxygen consumption during exercise. Until recently, it was thought that nitric oxide (NO) could only be formed as a result of the endogenous pathway of oxidative transformations L-arginine. Recent research results indicate, however, that an alternative to the endogenous pathway of nitric oxide (NO) formation may be the exogenous supply of inorganic nitrates (NO3-) with food. The aim of the study was to review the current literature on the properties of beetroot juice as an important source of nitrates (NO3-) and its effectiveness in improving the exercise capacity of physically active people. A systematic review of the research, published from 2005 to January 31, 2021, was made on the basis of searching bibliographic databases such as: PubMed, Elsevier and Web of Science. The following keywords were used: “beetroot”, “beetroot juice”, “nitrates”, “nitrites”, “nitric oxide”, “supplementation”, “ergogenic substances”, “sports nutrition”. Although there are conflicting data, it appears that beetroot juice supply may be a cheap, natural, and promising nutritional strategy for improving sports performance in both endurance and intermittent high intensity (start-stop) exercise. More detailed studies are analyzing the effect of dietary nitrate (NO3-) supply in anaerobic exercise - especially in high-volume resistance training - are needed. It is also emphasized that further research is needed to elucidate the effects of specific factors on the variability of ergogenic effects after beetroot juice consumption, which may be of the greatest importance in terms of the effectiveness of this nutritional intervention

    Application of Measurement Sensors and Navigation Devices in Experimental Research of the Computer System for the Control of an Unmanned Ship Model

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    Unmanned autonomous transport vessels (MASS) are the future of maritime transport. The most important task in the design and construction of unmanned ships is to develop algorithms and a computer program for autonomous control. In order for such a computer program to properly control the ship (realizing various functions), the ship must be equipped with a computer system as well as measurement sensors and navigation devices, from which the recorded parameters are processed and used for autonomous control of the ship. Within the framework of conducted research on autonomous ships, an experimental model of an unmanned ship was built. This model was equipped with a propulsion system not commonly used on transport vessels (two azimuth stern thrusters and two bow tunnel thrusters), but providing excellent propulsion and steering characteristics. A complete computer system with the necessary measuring sensors and navigation devices has also been installed in the model of the ship, which enables it to perform all functions during autonomous control. The objective of the current research was to design and build a prototype computer system with the necessary measurement sensors and navigation devices with which to autonomously control the unmanned ship model. The designed computer system is expected to be optimal for planned tasks during control software tests. Tests carried out on open waters confirmed the correctness of the operation of the computer system and the entire measurement and navigation equipment of the built model of the unmanned transport vessel