836 research outputs found

    The Rights and Obligations of the State in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage: a Review on International Law and the Practice of Indonesia

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    This article will focus on Indonesia's effort based on International law to restore its cultural heritage. The problem about cultural heritage retention in International law is always related to two conflicting interests. On one hand, there are many developed states that try to keep abundant cultural heritages from all over the world. On the other hand, there are developing states that try to protect and even restore their cultural heritage during post-independence period. Indonesia is one of developing states that possess abundant cultural heritage. Unfortunately, Indonesia has not been able to fully maximize its right of restoration that is recognized in International law

    Thermal mechanical analysis of sprag clutches

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    Work done at Case Western Reserve University on the Thermal Mechanical analysis of sprag helicopter clutches is reported. The report is presented in two parts. The first part is a description of a test rig for the measurement of the heat generated by high speed sprag clutch assemblies during cyclic torsional loading. The second part describes a finite element modeling procedure for sliding contact. The test rig provides a cyclic torsional load of 756 inch-pounds at 5000 rpm using a four-square arrangement. The sprag clutch test unit was placed between the high speed pinions of the circulating power loop. The test unit was designed to have replaceable inner ad outer races, which contain the instrumentation to monitor the sprag clutch. The torque loading device was chosen to be a water cooled magnetic clutch, which is controlled either manually or through a computer. In the second part, a Generalized Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation for non-linear dynamic problems is developed for solid materials. This formulation is derived from the basic laws and axioms of continuum mechanics. The novel aspect of this method is that we are able to investigate the physics in the spatial region of interest as material flows through it without having to follow material points. A finite element approximation to the governing equations is developed. Iterative Methods for the solution of the discrete finite element equations are explored. A FORTRAN program to implement this formulation is developed and a number of solutions to problems of sliding contact are presented

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Penggajian pada PT XYZ

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    The purpose of this study was to identify problems and weaknesses in the payroll information system, providing recommendations to reduce the risk of existing problems and produce audit reports for companies. Research method used is through literature study, interviews and observation. Audit method used is the method of auditing around the computer. Analysis was performed by analyzing the findings of problems, risks, and recommendations on the findings of the problem. After doing research, we conclude that there are still some weaknesses in management control and application control. But companies should be more focus on the weaknesses inherent limitations in controlling the application and control the output. Based on these findings, suggested that the company to rectify existing weaknesses and enhance control over payroll information system

    Efek Suplementasi Tepung Biji Pinang (Arecha catechu L.) terhadap Konsumsi dan Kandungan Nutrien Daging Kambing Boerka

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    Biji pinang merupakan bahan alam yang dapat dijadikan sumber antioksidan sebagai penangkal aktivitas radikal bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi tepung biji pinang dalam pakan terhadap konsumsi, kecernaan dan kandungan nutrisi daging kambing Boerka. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 18 ekor kambing Boerka jantan umur 1 tahun dengan rataan bobot badan 22,04Β±2,18 kg. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 perlakuan pakan dan 6 kali ulangan: Rumput Stenotaphrum secundatum + konsentrat tanpa suplementasi (R1), Rumput Stenothaprum secundatum + konsentrat suplementasi tepung pinang (2000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) (R2), Rumput Stenothaprum secundatum + konsentrat + catechin (1000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) + tepung pinang (1000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) (R3). Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) satu arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kisaran konsumsi bahan kering766,88-793,09 g, konsumsi bahan organik 613,56-624,08 g, kadar air daging 75,85-77,03%, kadar abu daging 1,14-1,17%, kadar lemak daging 0,43-0,80% dan kadar protein daging 18,02-19,52%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi tepung pinang dengan dosis 2000 mg/Kg BK pakan memberikan pengaruh nyata (p0,05) terhadap parameter lainnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi tepung biji pinang dalam pakan meningkatkan kadar air daging kambing Boerka

    Pengaruh Residu Pestisida Terhadap Pola Populasi Bakteri Dan Fungi Tanah Di Rumahkaca

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    Pesticide Residue was Affect Bacterial and Fungal Population in the Greenhouse Soil Condition. Bacterial and fungal inhabitants were examined through agriculture soil samples. Survival of microorganism in soil was important to evaluate the mineralize process. In the greenhouse experiment, bacterial and fungal population noticed as essential assessment in soil healing with long lasting pesticide (A-soil) after the soil treated with powdered rice straw as organic matter amendment, toxic degrading bacterial as inoculants, and the both of those mixed treatments. That residue implication also assessed to B-soil (as free pesticide soil) then revised with pesticides, and also treated as followed for A-soil. Potential degradation of indigenous microorganism examined all through as setting of control (B-soil) to recognize of its original population.Those of treatments evaluated through microbial survival along 12 weeks incubation in green house environment. Bacterial and fungal populations was affect to become fluctuated along with incubation period as due to the treatments. Bacterial inhabitant was considerably higher compared to fungal population. Correlations were significantly difference with bacterial (p = 0.6654) as well as fungal (p = 0.9029) population in A-soil evaluated to B-soil habitats since the mixed treatments present to both of the soil (p0.005 = 0.6310). Organic matter alteration and certain microbe input was needed in soil contain pesticide, because at the same time the survival of microbes possibly mineralized organic matter, as well as the pesticide residue

    Peran Identifikasi Tokoh Wayang dalam Pembentukan Identitas Diri

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    One of the tasks of human development is to discover its identity. There are many ways a person can find that identity. One of them is through the identification of the idol figure. This study aims to understand the process of identity formation through the identification of shadow puppet figures in the context of Javanese culture. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used to understand the process retrospectively. Three main participants were involved in the study. The process of collecting data was done through in-depth interview methods to both the main participants and their significant others. FGD (focused group discussion) is also conducted to explore participants\u27 understanding of their process of identity formation. Data analysis was done by phenomenological method. This study found three main themes, namely interested in shadow puppet figures, matching self-image with puppet characters, and the use of feeling as a bridge between self and the puppet. This study concluded that shadow puppets can be used as a means to find identity among their fans

    Empirical models to quantify the nutritive characteristics of annual pastures in south-west Western Australia

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    The objective of this paper is to quantify the magnitude of the major sources of variation, which affect in vitro digestibility (DMD) and concentrations of neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), and crude protein (CP) of annual pastures in Mediterranean-type climate zones. Four experiments were conducted in the south-west of Western Australia in 2006–07 and 2007–08, where the supply of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, or sulfur and pasture types were varied. Effects of seasonality, fertiliser application, pasture type, and site were analysed with an auto-regression maximum likelihood procedure. Temperature sum was used to explain the seasonal differences in DMD, CP, NDF, and ADF. Seasonality explained 82, 79, 79, and 62% of the total variation in DMD, NDF, ADF, and CP, respectively, with only an additional 5, 5, 6, and 24% being explained by the combined effects of site/management, fertiliser application, and pasture type.The differences in DMD, NDF, ADF, and CP, between sites, were 2.3–6.0%, 4.6–18.7%, 5.8–8.6%, and 1.5–17.4%, respectively. Pasture types differed by 6.6–9.5%, 9.0–11.4%, 3.1–6.1%, and 5.1–5.2% for DMD, NDF, ADF, and CP, respectively. The differences between sites and pasture types were markedly larger for CP, NDF, and ADF than for DMD. Fertiliser application did not affect nutritive characteristics, with the exception of N application rates on CP. It was concluded that the seasonality model captured nearly all of the temporal variation in DMD, NDF, and ADF but not in CP. The spatial variation in DMD was mostly determined by pasture type. By comparison, NDF and ADF were most strongly affected by grazing management, and CP by the availability of N
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