21 research outputs found

    Phenolic Compounds in Legumes: Composition, Processing and Gut Health

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    Gut health is fundamental for human well-being and prevents chronic degenerative diseases and is influenced by the interaction between gut microbiota and food components. In recent years, interest in phenolic compounds has increased due to their health benefits such as antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, cardio- and neuro-protective properties. Legumes are an essential source of phytochemicals, particularly flavonoids and phenolic acids, distributed mainly in the seed coat, and have been reported to exhibit multiple biological effects. Flavonoids present in legumes have been shown to regulate metabolic stability and membrane transport in the intestine, thus improving bioavailability. Seed processing such as cooking allows the release of phenolic compounds, improving polyphenols digestion and absorption at the intestinal level, maintaining their protective capacity in the oxidative process at the cellular level, and modulating the gut microbiota. All these actions improve gut health, avoiding diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, diabetes, colitis, and colorectal cancer. The effect of the consumption of legumes such as chickpea, pea, and bean, as well as the contribution of phenolic compounds to gut health, will be reviewed in this study

    Caracterización morfométrica de estructuras florales de Tagetes erecta L. y Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae) utilizando análisis digital de imágenes y dimensión fractal

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    Tagetes erecta L. and Tagetes patula L. flowers have ornamental uses in Mexico, but also some industries used in the coloringof meat. The genus Tagetes presents species and varieties with different colors and shades in their flowers. Therefore a rapid andobjective form of distinction of these varieties would be useful for the industry. In this research was developed a method to distinguishand characterize the diversity in two varieties of the T. erecta and T. patula through the characterization of the floral structures,using techniques of digital image analysis and fractal analysis. Images of ligules and flower heads were captured and binarizedto produce images of separate objects (ligules and flower heads). The analysis of these images was performed by determiningdifferent morphometric parameters such as perimeter, projected area, maximum length, shape factor and compactness. Additionally,the boundary fractal dimension, perimeter fractal dimension and area fractal dimension were determined. The results showed that thefractal dimension and form factor were the parameters in petals and flower head with higher sensitivity to detect differences betweenand among varieties and so are proposed as suitable parameter to characterize floral structures.Las flores Tagetes erecta L. y Tagetes patula L. tienen usos ornamentales en México, y también algunas industrias las utilizan en lacoloración de carne. El género Tagetes presenta especies y variedades con diferentes colores y tonalidades en sus flores. Por lo que,una forma de distinción rápida y objetiva de estas variedades sería útil para la industria. En este trabajo se desarrolló un método paradistinguir y caracterizar la diversidad en dos variedades de T. erecta y T. patula a través de la caracterización de las estructuras florales,utilizando técnicas de análisis digital de imágenes y análisis fractal. Para esto, se capturaron imágenes de lígulas y capítulos florales, queposteriormente fueron binarizadas para obtener imágenes de objetos separados (lígulas y capítulos florales). El análisis de estas imágenesse realizó determinando diferentes parámetros morfométricos, tales como perímetro, área proyectada, longitud máxima, factor de formay compacidad. Adicionalmente, se determinó la dimensión fractal de contorno, de perímetro y de área. Los resultados mostraron quela dimensión fractal y el factor de forma son los parámetros que detectan con mayor sensibilidad las diferencias entre lígulas y entrecapítulos florales, por lo que se proponen como parámetro adecuados para caracterizar estructuras florales

    Morphostructural Characterization of Rice Grain (Oryza sativa L.) Variety Morelos A-98 during Filling Stages

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    The morphostructure of grain rice Morelos A-98 was characterized in five stages of physiological maturation, in order to generate morphometric information during the filling process. Micrographic images from optical and scanning electron microscopy coupled to a digital capture system were used. Images were digitally processed to measure different descriptors such as shape, fractal dimension, and surface texture. Results showed that, two weeks after anthesis, an accelerated grain filling was observed, particularly on those grains positioned in the distal panicle zone, compared to those located in the base of this one. As deposition of assimilates in the grain increased, the area and perimeter of the transversal cut of the grains also increased (P ≤ 0.05); meanwhile, the rounded shape factor tended to increase as well (P ≤ 0.05), while the elliptic shape factor decreased. As the dehydrated endosperm passed from “milky” to “doughy” stages, values of fractal dimension area and endosperm perimeter as well as surface texture values showed that grain borders tended to become smoother and that there was a greater structured endosperm area (P ≤ 0.05)

    Determinación de condiciones ácido-térmicas para la eliminación de oxalato de calcio en fibras de bagazo de agave con destino a la industria alimentaria

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    En la actualidad la fibra de bagazo de Agave tiene escasas aplicaciones, sin embargo, debido a su composición química puede ser utilizado para la elaboración de nuevos productos con valor agregado; previo a ello la fibra debe pasar por un proceso para reducir la concentración de oxalato de calcio. En el presente trabajo el bagazo de agave Tequila Weber se sometió a un proceso ácido-térmico usando distintas concentraciones (V/V) 0%, 0.0125%, 0.025%, 0.0375%, 0.05%, 0.0625%, 0.075%, 0.0875% y 0.1% de H₂SO₄ a temperaturas de 24 ⁰C y 60 ⁰C. La materia prima fue sometida a este proceso durante un tiempo de contacto de 2 h y 1 h más cuando se agregaba el quelante a diferentes condiciones iniciales: fibra sin procesar, fibra en presencia de FeSO₄ como quelante, fibra después de Organosolv y fibra después de organosolv en presencia de FeSO₄. Se cuantificó el porcentaje de oxalato de calcio extraído de la fibra a través del método permanganométrico y se realizó caracterización microestructural.Today bagasse fiber Agave has few applications, however due to its chemical composition can be used for developing new value-added products; prior to that the fiber must go through a process to reduce the concentration of calcium oxalate. In this paper the Tequila Weber agave bagasse subjected to an acidthermal process using different concentrations (V / V) 0% 0.0125%, 0.025%, 0.0375%, 0.05%, 0.0625%, 0.075% and 0.0875% 0.1% H₂SO₄ at temperatures of 24 ⁰C and 60 ⁰C. The raw material was subjected to this process for a contact time of 2 hours and one more h when chelating is added to different initial conditions: fiber unprocessed fiber in presence of FeSO₄ chelating after Organosolv fiber and fiber after organosolv in presence of FeSO₄. The calcium oxalate percentage extracted from the fiber through the permanganometric method and quantified microstructural characterization was performed


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    A morphological study of plantlets of Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb.f. cultured in vitro wascarried out. Histologic preparations weremade to observe different stages from seedgermination until ex vitro acclimatizationof plantlets. Photomicrographs showedvarious transitional stages. Seven relativestages of development were identifiedand described: seed, non-photosyntheticprotocorm, photosynthetic protocorm,differentiated protocorm, plantlets withleafs, plantlets with leaves and roots, andplantlets with leaves and two roots, aswell as two transitory phases: somaticembryogenic mass (SEM) and protocormlike bodies (PLBs) obtained by indirectsomatic embryogenesis. Stomatal leafdensity doubled under ex vitro conditions.This study contributes to the knowledgeof morphological development of L.eyermaniana during in vitro culture and exvitro acclimatization.En este trabajo se hizo un seguimientomorfológico de plantas de Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb. f. obtenidas in vitro.Se realizaron preparaciones histológicaspara observar diferentes etapas, desde lagerminación hasta la aclimatación ex vitro.Las fotomicrografías de las preparacionesmostraron varios estadios transitorios. Seidentificaron y describieron siete estadiosrelativos de desarrollo: semilla, protocormono fotosintético, protocormo fotosintético,protocormo en diferenciación, plántula conhojas, plántulas con hojas y raíz, plántulacon hojas y dos raíces. Así como también,dos fases transitorias: masa embrionariasomática (MES) y cuerpos parecidos aprotocormos (PLBs) por sus siglas en inglés,obtenidos por embriogénesis somáticaindirecta. La densidad estomática en lashojas se duplicó bajo condiciones ex vitro.Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento deldesarrollo morfológico de L. eyermanianadurante su cultivo in vitro y aclimataciónex vitro

    Análisis de la deslignificación de bagazo de agave por organosol

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    En la industria de producción de tequila, se generan anualmente miles de toneladas anuales de bagazo de agave, en su mayoría de la especie Agave tequilana Weber, el cual es rico en moléculas lignocelulósicas. El presente trabajo describe los resultados obtenidos a partir de la extracción de las fracciones lignocelulósicas utilizando dos disolventes: etanol y ácido acético, al 40% (v/v), durante un tiempo de reacción de 5 h, empleando HCl al 0.1 % como catalizador a una temperatura de ebullición. Después de la cocción se separaron tres fracciones lignocelulósicas (fibra, pulpa y licor), con rendimientos de extracción del 60.77%, celulosa del 29.37% y lignina total en la pulpa del 60.02%, del proceso etanosolv, los grupos funcionales fueron determinados espectroscopía de infrarojo por transformada de Fourier. Por lo que a partir de los desechos de la industria tequilera se puede obtener productos de valor agregado, con posibles aplicaciones en la industria farmacéutica y de alimentos, entre otras.In tequila production industry, are generated annually thousands of tons of agave bagasse, most of the species tequilana Weber Agave, which is rich in lignocellulosic molecules. This work describes the results obtained from the extraction of lignocellulosic fractions using two solvents: ethanol and acetic acid 40% (v:v), for a reaction time of 5 h, using HCl as a catalyst 0.1% to a boiling temperature. After this stage were obtained three lignocellulosic fractions (fiber, pulp and liquor), with extraction yields of 60.77%, 29.37% cellulose and lignin total 60.02% pulp by the process etanosolv, functional groups were determined spectroscopy separated Fourier transform infrared. As far as waste from the tequila industry can obtain value-added products, with potential applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries, among others


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    Background: The systemic administration of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a pharmacological model to evaluate different processes associated with neurodegeneration; it is capable of causing an increase in the oxidative state in the brain and increasing the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (ACh-E), involved in the degradation of acetylcholine (ACh). This cholinergic transmission system participates in memory processes, a crucial symptom in neurodegenerative disorders, and its modulation with scopolamine turns out to be an essential tool in the evaluation of plants. Species of the genus Agave are considered a natural resource of economic and cultural importance in Mexico. They possess compounds with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-neuroinflammatory activities. Methods: Extracts of A. tequilana (At-A), A. angustifolia (Aan-A), A. americana (Aam-A) at 125 mg/kg were administered to male ICR mice with LPS to evaluate the ACh-E inhibition, the concentration of the antioxidant enzyme Gluthatione Reductase (GR) and the prooxidant enzyme NADPH Oxidase (NOX). Also, the nootropic effect of these extracts on scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment was evaluated. Results: The three Agave species studied decreased the ACh-E enzyme activity, Vmax value, and KM. These products increased the GR concentration from 0.173±0.003 (vehicle) to 0.642±0.002 µMol/mg in At-A, which was the highest one. Regarding NOX, only the A. tequilana extract decreased it (0.513±0.002µMol/mg)compared with Vehicle (0.621±0.008µMol/mg). A. tequilana and A. americana species significantly improved the retention latency parameter (260 seconds) during the passive avoidance test. Conclusion: Agave species showed promising results in developing novel drugs for neurodegenerative disease therapy.                         Peer Review History: Received: 17 June 2023; Revised: 22 July; Accepted: 27 August, Available online: 15 September 2023 Academic Editor: Dr. Asia Selman Abdullah, Pharmacy institute, University of Basrah, Iraq, [email protected] Received file:                             Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewers: Dr. Sangeetha Arullappan, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia, [email protected] Prof. Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf, Sana'a university, Yemen, [email protected]

    Morphometric characterization of floral structures Tagetes erecta L. and Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae) using digital image analysis and fractal dimension

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    8 páginasLas flores Tagetes erecta L. y Tagetes patula L. tienen usos ornamentales en México, y también algunas industrias las utilizan en la coloración de carne. El género Tagetes presenta especies y variedades con diferentes colores y tonalidades en sus flores. Por lo que, una forma de distinción rápida y objetiva de estas variedades sería útil para la industria. En este trabajo se desarrolló un método para distinguir y caracterizar la diversidad en dos variedades de T. erecta y T. patula a través de la caracterización de las estructuras florales, utilizando técnicas de análisis digital de imágenes y análisis fractal. Para esto, se capturaron imágenes de lígulas y capítulos florales, que posteriormente fueron binarizadas para obtener imágenes de objetos separados (lígulas y capítulos florales). El análisis de estas imágenes se realizó determinando diferentes parámetros morfométricos, tales como perímetro, área proyectada, longitud máxima, factor de forma y compacidad. Adicionalmente, se determinó la dimensión fractal de contorno, de perímetro y de área. Los resultados mostraron que la dimensión fractal y el factor de forma son los parámetros que detectan con mayor sensibilidad las diferencias entre lígulas y entre capítulos florales, por lo que se proponen como parámetro adecuados para caracterizar estructuras florales

    Potential Use of <i>Agave</i> Genus in Neuroinflammation Management

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    Agavaceae contains about 480 species, commonly used in the production of alcoholic beverages such as tequila and mezcal, making it a resource of economic and cultural importance. Uses of this plant rely mainly on the stem; other components such as the leaves are discarded, generating agro-industrial waste, despite being a source of bioactive and nutraceutical products. Reports show anti-inflammatory and anti-neuroinflammatory effects of these species, with flavonoids and saponins being mainly responsible. Neuroinflammation is a brain process that plays a key role in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders and its effects contribute greatly to mortality and morbidity worldwide. This can be triggered by mechanisms such as glial reactions that lead to the release of inflammatory and oxidative molecules, causing damage to the CNS. Treatments do not cure chronic disease associated with inflammation; they only slow its progression, producing side effects that affect quality of life. Plant-based therapy is promising for treating these diseases. Pharmacological activities have been described for the Agavaceae family; however, their role in neuroinflammation has not been fully investigated, and represents an important target for study. This review synthesizes the existing literature on the biologically active compounds of Agave species that are related in some way to inflammation, which will allow us to propose a line of research with this genus on the forefront to orient experimental designs for treating neuroinflammation and associated diseases