103 research outputs found

    Burgers Turbulence in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Chain

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    We prove analytically and show numerically that the dynamics of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain is characterized by a transient Burgers turbulence regime on a wide range of time and energy scales. This regime is present at long wavelengths and energy per particle small enough that equipartition is not reached on a fast timescale. In this range, we prove that the driving mechanism to thermalization is the formation of a shock that can be predicted using a pair of generalized Burgers equations. We perform a perturbative calculation at small energy per particle, proving that the energy spectrum of the chain Ek decays as a power law, Ek & SIM; k-zeta ot thorn , on an extensive range of wave numbers k. We predict that zeta ot thorn takes first the value 8=3 at the Burgers shock time, and then reaches a value close to 2 within two shock times. The value of the exponent zeta 1/4 2 persists for several shock times before the system eventually relaxes to equipartition. During this wide time window, an exponential cutoff in the spectrum is observed at large k, in agreement with previous results. Such a scenario turns out to be universal, i.e., independent of the parameters characterizing the system and of the initial condition, once time is measured in units of the shock time

    Some considerations about reviewing and open-access in scientific publishing

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    Scientific research changed profoundly over the last 30 years, in all its aspects. Scientific publishing has changed as well, mainly because of the strong increased number of submitted papers and because of the appearance of Open Access journals and publishers. We propose some reflections on these issues.Comment: One new contribution has been added, now 22 page

    Veterinarski obilazak mliječnih farmi s povećanim brojem somatskih stanica i bakterija iznad zakonom dozvoljenih vrijednosti

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    The EU Directives 92/46 and 92/47 (D.P.R. 54/97 under national legislation) fix the agreed levels of somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts allowed in milk. Over a one year period, a total of 165farms which did not comply with one or more such legal requirements were visited and monitored. This was in order to check and, where necessary, correct the hygienic and sanitary management of the farm. A comparison of the bulk tank milk somatic cell count (BTMSCC) before and after the veterinary visit, shows improvements in all the farms which were tested. In a relatively short time, visited dairy farms with a somatic cell content between 401.000 and 500.000 cells/ml managed to comply with the parameters set down by law, achieving a mean of 304.000 cells/ml. However, those farms with a somatic cell counts between 501.000 and 800.000 cells/ml required further technical action. In fact, despite considerable improvements (mean somatic cell count decreasing from 638.000 cells/ml to 403.000 cells/ml), it was not possible to meet the required levels so rapidly. On these farms, a second veterinary visit was needed as well as more specific milk sampling for bacteriological assay and therapeutic guidelines in order to meet the specified requirements.Smjernicama 92/46. i 92/47. (D.P.R. 54/97). Europska unija je utvrdila maksimalno dozvoljene vrijednosti ukupnog broja bakterija i somatskih stanica u mlijeku. Unutar godine dana posjećeno je 165 farmi koje nisu zadovoljavale svim uvjetima. Posjet je obavljen s ciljem da se snimi postojeća situacija, i, ukoliko je neophodno, da se provedu adekvatne korekcije u higijenskom i sanitarnom vođenju farmi. Usporedbom broja somatskih stanica (BTMSCC) u dobavnim tankovima za mlijeko, prije i poslije veterinarske posjete, uočena su poboljšanja na svim ispitanim farmama. Ispitane mliječne farme s brojem somatskih stanica između 401000 i 500.000 stanica/mL u relativno kratkom vremenu uspjele su smanjiti taj broj na prosječnih 304.000 stanica/mL, što udovoljava propisanim vrijednostima. Međutim, na farmama s brojem somatskih stanica između 501.000 i 800.000 Stanica/mL potrebno je provesti dodatne tehničke mjere. Usprkos značajnom poboljšanju (prosječni broj somatskih stanica smanjene je sa 638.000 stanica/mL na 403.000 stanica/mL), nisu dobivene vrijednosti unutar zakonski propisanih. Ovim farmama bio je potreban dodatni veterinarski posjet kao i specifično bakteriološko ispitivanje te terapeutski naputci s ciljem da se postigne usuglašenost sa specifičnim zahtjevima

    Unraveling the Electrochemical Mechanism in Tin Oxide/MXene Nanocomposites as Highly Reversible Negative Electrodes for Lithium‐Ion Batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries are constantly developing as the demands for power and energy storage increase. One promising approach to designing high-performance lithium-ion batteries is using conversion/alloying materials, such as SnO2. This class of materials does, in fact, present excellent performance and ease of preparation; however, it suffers from mechanical instabilities during cycling that impair its use. One way to overcome these problems is to prepare composites with bi-dimensional materials that stabilize them. Thus, over the past 10 years, two-dimensional materials with excellent transport properties (graphene, MXenes) have been developed that can be used synergistically with conversion materials to exploit both advantages. In this work, a 50/50 (by mass) SnO2/Ti3C2Tz nanocomposite is prepared and optimized as a negative electrode for lithium-ion batteries. The nanocomposite delivers over 500 mAh g−1 for 700 cycles at 0.1 A g−1 and demonstrates excellent rate capability, with 340 mAh g−1 at 8 A g−1 . These results are due to the synergistic behavior of the two components of the nanocomposite, as demonstrated by ex situ chemical, structural, and morphological analyses. This knowledge allows, for the first time, to formulate a reaction mechanism with lithium-ions that provides partial reversibility of the conversion reaction with the formation of SnO

    Use of penile shear wave elastosonography for the diagnosis of Peyronie's Disease: a prospective case-control study

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    Background: To evaluate the stiffness of the tunica albuginea (TA), we used a new noninvasive diagnostic technique called shear wave elastography (SWE). We determined whether SWE values are correlated with the degree of penile curvature, the time of disease onset, and pain severity experienced by patients during erection. This study analyzed the elasticity of the TA of patients with Peyronie's disease compared to that of the control group. We also analyzed any correlations between the stiffness of the cavernous bodies and the degree of curvature, time from diagnosis to curvature onset, and erectile pain severity. This was a prospective case-control study involving 100 men enrolled from September 2020 to August 2021. Participants were divided into group A (case group, n = 50), which included men with PD, with or without pain, and with penile curvature, or group B (control group, n = 50), which included healthy patients older than 18 years who visited the urology clinic for reasons other than PD. The medical history was collected for all patients who also underwent objective examination, B-mode ultrasound evaluation, and SWE. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) visual analog scale (VAS) questionnaire was administered to all participants. Results: There were no significant between-group differences regarding age, weight, and height (p > 0.05); however, there was a significant difference in the stiffness values (p < 0.05). An inverse correlation was observed between stiffness and the VAS score (p < 0.0001). A positive correlation was observed between the degree of curvature (p < 0.0001) and the time of curvature onset (p < 0.0001). The IIEF-15 scores were poorer in group A than in group B (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: SWE is an inexpensive, noninvasive method that can be used to measure the stiffness of PD patients

    Unraveling the Electrochemical Mechanism in Tin Oxide/MXene Nanocomposites as Highly Reversible Negative Electrodes for Lithium‐Ion Batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries are constantly developing as the demands for power and energy storage increase. One promising approach to designing high-performance lithium-ion batteries is using conversion/alloying materials, such as SnO2_{2}. This class of materials does, in fact, present excellent performance and ease of preparation; however, it suffers from mechanical instabilities during cycling that impair its use. One way to overcome these problems is to prepare composites with bi-dimensional materials that stabilize them. Thus, over the past 10 years, two-dimensional materials with excellent transport properties (graphene, MXenes) have been developed that can be used synergistically with conversion materials to exploit both advantages. In this work, a 50/50 (by mass) SnO2_{2}/Ti3_{3}C2_{2}Tz_{z} nanocomposite is prepared and optimized as a negative electrode for lithium-ion batteries. The nanocomposite delivers over 500 mAh g1^{–1} for 700 cycles at 0.1 A g1^{–1} and demonstrates excellent rate capability, with 340 mAh g1^{–1} at 8 A g1^{–1}. These results are due to the synergistic behavior of the two components of the nanocomposite, as demonstrated by ex situ chemical, structural, and morphological analyses. This knowledge allows, for the first time, to formulate a reaction mechanism with lithium-ions that provides partial reversibility of the conversion reaction with the formation of SnO

    Liver disease in chelated transfusion-dependent thalassemics: the role of iron overload and chronic hepatitis C.

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    Abstract Iron overload and hepatitis virus C infection cause liver fibrosis in thalassemics. In a monocentric retrospective analysis of liver disease in a cohort of 191 transfusion-dependent thalassemics, in 126 patients who had undergone liver biopsy (mean age 17.2 years; 58 hepatitis virus C-RNA positive and 68 hepatitis virus C-RNA negative) the liver iron concentration (median 2.4 mg/gr dry liver weight) was closely related to serum ferritin levels (R = 0.58; p<0.0001). Male gender (OR 4.12) and serum hepatitis virus C-RNA positivity (OR 11.04) were independent risk factors for advanced liver fibrosis. The majority of hepatitis virus C-RNA negative patients with low iron load did not develop liver fibrosis, while hepatitis virus C-RNA positive patients infected with genotype 1 or 4 and iron overload more frequently developed advanced fibrosis. Hepatitis virus C infection is the main risk factor for liver fibrosis in transfusion-dependent thalassemics. Adequate chelation therapy usually prevents the development of liver fibrosis in thalassemics free of hepatitis virus C-infection and reduces the risk of developing severe fibrosis in thalassemics with chronic hepatitis C