45 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the genotype (family) on the rooting potentiality of Pinus taeda L. mini-cuttings collected from apical coppicing of seedling with 90 days of age.  The cuttings were distributed in a randomized blocks in a 2 x 10 factorial design. Two types of medium (Plantmax® and Vermiculite®) were used in combination with ten different families. The 114 mini-cuttings plots were distributed into four blocks. Rootings were evaluated after 70 days. Based on the results, it was possible to verify that the young coppicing present high capacity of rooting (an average of 84.55%) and no statistically significant differences were observed among the ten open pollination families in relation to the percentage of rooting  Rooting using Plantmax® medium (92.7%)  was higher than rooting using Vermiculite® (64.3%) medium.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do genótipo e do substrato no enraizamento de miniestacas provenientes de brotação apical de mudas de P. taeda com 90 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 10: os substratos Plantmax® e Vermiculite® e dez diferentes genótipos, em quatro repetições cada, e parcelas de 114 miniestacas. A avaliação do percentual de enraizamento ocorreu aos 70 dias após o estaqueamento. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que as brotações juvenis apresentaram alta capacidade de enraizar (84,55%). A média de enraizamento de miniestacas no substrato Plantmax® foi superior à de Vermiculite®, sendo de 92,7% e 64,3%, respectivamente. Não se observou diferença na porcentagem de enraizamento nas dez famílias de polinização aberta utilizadas no experimento, nas condições deste estudo

    Determination of thinning optimum age and intensity in a Eucalyptus dunnii stand

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    Embora o uso tradicional para a madeira do gênero Eucalyptus no Brasil seja a obtenção de papel e energia, diversas espécies desse gênero são consideradas de grande potencial para a produção de painéis, compensados, lâminas e móveis. Para permitir um uso mais nobre da madeira desse gênero, o manejo tradicional precisa ser substituído por rotações maiores, com aplicação de desbastes e podas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de três diferentes intensidades de desbaste no crescimento em diâmetro, área basal e volume em um povoamento de Eucalyptus dunnii. Os tratamentos foram aplicados mantendo 16, 14 e 12 m² remanescentes por hectare, além da testemunha, realizados em dois diferentes momentos, 3° e 4° ano. A análise do povoamento ocorreu quando ele estava com sete anos de idade, decorridos quatro e três anos da realização do primeiro desbaste. Concluiu-se que o diâmetro médio é maior, quanto menor a área basal remanescente após o desbaste, e que a diferença entre os tratamentos tende a aumentar com o tempo. A redução da área basal para, pelo menos, 14 m²/ha, quando o povoamento possuir 20 m²/ha, é recuperada em termos de estoque volumétrico passados três anos da realização do desbaste.Eucalypts wood has been traditionally used for paper and energy production in Brazil. Recently several species of this genus have been serving other purposes, such as the production of panels, plywood, veneers and furniture. These more value-added wood products require different silvicultural systems, with longer rotation periods and the introduction of pruning and thinning treatments. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of three different thinning intensities on basal area and volume growth of Eucalyptus dunnii stands at two different ages. The thinning treatments were applied either at the third and or the fourth year. The experimental plots had average basal area of 20 m²/ha and 25 m²/ha at the age of 3 and 4, respectively. These forest stands were thinned to 16, 14 and 12 m²/ha of basal area. Volume and basal area growth were analysed at the age of 7 years. The results indicated that the experimental plots undergoing thinning treatments of 14 m²/ha at age 3 were able to equal their growing stock to those of the control treatments after three years

    Grassland ecosystem susceptibility for invasive of the black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

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    This paper aimed to evaluate the frequency, the intensity and the pattern of black wattle invasion on field environment, and to propose methodologies for its monitoring and control. Seven environments located less than 30 m from young (1 year) and mature (5 years) plantations were evaluated. Black wattle invasions depended on the degree of soil disturbance. A Permanent Preservation Area (APP) in a recuperation phase, the most disturbed environment studied, presented 152 plants/0.1 ha, the highest number of invasive plants observed. Less than 11 plants/ha were observed on environments with low disturbance rates, such as native grassland, swamp areas and undisturbed APP’s. Environments near young black wattle plantations were more susceptible to invasions (50 plants/0.1 ha) than environments near mature plantations (10 plants/0.1 ha), suggesting that the disturbance was caused by machineries used in harvesting and reforestation operations. New invasions during the following growth cycle were not significant ( 4.0 of height, respectively, showing that the populations of invasive plants were significantly reduced during the following years. Thus, black wattle invasion to neighbouring plantations was conditioned to soil disturbance rates, and as such, it was concluded that the black wattle is a causal invasive species in a field environment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a freqüência, a intensidade e o padrão de invasão da acácia-negra em ambientes campestres e propor medidas de monitoramento e controle. Foram avaliados sete ambientes localizados em áreas a menos de 30 m de povoamentos jovens (1 ano) e adultos (5 anos). A invasão da acácia-negra esteve relacionada ao grau de perturbação do solo. A Área de Preservação Permanente (APP) em recuperação, o ambiente mais perturbado, apresentou também o maior número de invasoras, sendo encontradas 152 plantas/0,1 ha. Em ambientes pouco perturbados, como o banhado, campo nativo e APP sem uso recente, verificou-se menos de 11 plantas/0,1 ha. Foi verificado um maior número de invasoras nas áreas mais próximas de povoamentos jovens (50 plantas/0,1 ha) que de plantios adultos (10 plantas/0,1 ha), indicando que perturbações que resultaram em invasão foram as causadas principalmente por máquinas durante a colheita e estabelecimento da nova rotação. A ocorrência de novas invasões durante o ciclo de crescimento do cultivo foi insignificante (4,0 m de altura, reduzindo significativamente a população de invasoras nos anos seguintes à invasão. A invasão da acácia-negra está condicionada a perturbações no solo, por isso deve ser considerada uma invasora causal de ambientes campestres


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    The aim of this study is to select progenies of Pinus taeda through multi-environmental trial to establish clonal seed orchards and advance breeding–program generations. Progeny test was carried out with 53 open-pollinated families planted in four different locations. The study followed a randomized block statistical design, with seven replications in linear plots planted with six plants each. DBH variable was measured in individuals at the age of nine years. All estimates were carried out in Selegen REML/BLUP® software. Genotype x environment interaction was detected; therefore, it required the definition of two breeding zones to minimize its effects. The genetic basis of the assessed population is restricted. Families were distributed into nine different groups, based on genetic divergence analysis, and grouping through the Tocher method, by using Mahalanobis distances. Based on the results, and by taking into consideration the balance between variability maintenance and genetic gains, it is recommended to establish a clonal seed orchard with 50 selected individuals in the experiment, based on a limited number of individuals per family. Intraspecific crossing between divergent families can also be used to increase heterosis and genetic variability in the assessed population

    A proposal for the existing germplasm of Cryptomeria japonica (L.F.) Don. at the Experimental Station of Rio Negro, PR, aiming at the production of genetic improved seeds

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    Cryptomeria japonica é originária da região temperada do Japão, onde é amplamente plantada em função da alta durabilidade e trabalhabilidade da madeira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de procedências japonesas de C. japonica, implantadas em 1980 na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal do Paraná, município de Rio Negro, Paraná. Realizou-se levantamento dendrométrico em setembro de 2011, o qual serviu de base para as análises estatísticas e genéticas. A produtividade observada aos 31 anos variou de 9,3 m³.ha-1.ano-1 na testemunha (Camanducaia), até 22,2 m³.ha-1.ano-1 na procedência Miyagi. A partir dos resultados, foram propostas estratégias de melhoramento genético para a criação de uma Área de Produção de Sementes (APS) e um Pomar Clonal de Sementes (PCS), bem como a seleção de indivíduos superiores para reprodução assexuada. Para tal, considerou-se uma intensidade de seleção que mantivesse ao máximo a variabilidade genética entre procedências, mas explorasse a variação dentro de cada procedência. As sementes produzidas terão um ganho no crescimento diamétrico estimado em 9,2% para a APS (curto prazo) e de 14% para o PCS (médio prazo). AbstractA proposal for the existing germplasm of Cryptomeria japonica (L.F.) Don. at the Experimental Station of Rio Negro, PR, aiming at the production of genetic improved seeds. Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan where it is widely planted, due to its wood quality, high durability and workability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese provenances of C. japonica, established in 1980 at Experimental Station of Parana Federal University, municipality of Rio Negro, Parana State. Dendrometric measurements were carried out in September 2011, which was the basis for statistical and genetic analysis. The productivity at age 31 years ranged from 9.3 m³.ha-1.year-1 (control), up to 22.2 m³.ha-1.year-1 (Miyagi). A breeding strategy was proposed based on a seed production area (SPA) and on a clonal seed orchard (CSO). Moreover superior individuals for vegetative reproduction were also selected. The selection intensity was suggested considering the maintenance of expressive genetic variability among provenances, but exploring the variation within each provenance. The estimated genetic gain for diameter growth was 9.2% for the SPA (short term) and 14% for the CSO (medium term).Keywords: Forest breeding; seed production area; clonal seed orchard.Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan where it is widely planted, due to its wood quality, high durability and workability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese provenances of C. japonica, established in 1980 at Experimental Station of Parana Federal University, municipality of Rio Negro, Parana State. Dendrometric measurements were carried out in September 2011, which was the basis for statistical and genetic analysis. The productivity at age 31 years ranged from 9.3 m³.ha-1.year-1 (control), up to 22.2 m³.ha-1.year-1 (Miyagi). A breeding strategy was proposed based on a seed production area (SPA) and on a clonal seed orchard (CSO). Moreover superior individuals for vegetative reproduction were also selected. The selection intensity was suggested considering the maintenance of expressive genetic variability among provenances, but exploring the variation within each provenance. The estimated genetic gain for diameter growth was 9.2% for the SPA (short term) and 14% for the CSO (medium term)

    Dendroecologia de um povoamento de Cryptomeria japonica (L. F.) Don. com 25 anos de idade no sul do Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814579Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan, where it is known as ‘sugi’. In Brazil, the plantation of this species is recommended for the highlands and cold regions in the southern, where it is well adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between meteorological variables and growth of a 25 years old Cryptomeria japonica stand. Cross-sectional discs from 30 different trees were collected, within all diametric classes. After dried and sanded, annual rings were measured and correlated with meteorological data by dendrochronological analysis tools. The growth series showed an intercorrelation of 0.668. The radial growth of the species was positively influenced by the minimum temperature of September and by the medium temperature of May. There was no correlation between growth and precipitation, although peaks of growth were observed in years with high precipitation.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814579Cryptomeria japonica é originária da região temperada do Japão onde é conhecida como ‘sugi’. No Brasil, o plantio da espécie é recomendado em regiões altas e frias do sul do país, onde possui boa adaptação às condições edafoclimáticas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as correlações entre variáveis meteorológicas e o crescimento de um povoamento de Cryptomeria japonica com 25 anos de idade. Para tal, foram coletados discos transversais de 30 diferentes árvores, compreendendo toda a amplitude de variação diamétrica. Após secos e lixados, os discos tiveram seus anéis anuais de crescimento medidos e correlacionados com dados meteorológicos, utilizando ferramentas de análise dendrocronológica. As séries de crescimento apresentaram uma intercorrelação de 0,668. O crescimento radial da espécie foi influenciado positivamente pela temperatura mínima do mês de setembro e pela temperatura média do mês de maio. Não houve correlação significativa do crescimento com a precipitação, embora tenham sido verificados picos de crescimento em anos mais chuvosos


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    Cryptomeria japonica \ue9 origin\ue1ria da regi\ue3o temperada do Jap\ue3o onde \ue9 conhecida como \u2018sugi\u2019. No Brasil, o plantio da esp\ue9cie \ue9 recomendado em regi\uf5es altas e frias do sul do pa\ueds, onde possui boa adapta\ue7\ue3o \ue0s condi\ue7\uf5es edafoclim\ue1ticas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as correla\ue7\uf5es entre vari\ue1veis meteorol\uf3gicas e o crescimento de um povoamento de Cryptomeria japonica com 25 anos de idade. Para tal, foram coletados discos transversais de 30 diferentes \ue1rvores, compreendendo toda a amplitude de varia\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica. Ap\uf3s secos e lixados, os discos tiveram seus an\ue9is anuais de crescimento medidos e correlacionados com dados meteorol\uf3gicos, utilizando ferramentas de an\ue1lise dendrocronol\uf3gica. As s\ue9ries de crescimento apresentaram uma intercorrela\ue7\ue3o de 0,668. O crescimento radial da esp\ue9cie foi influenciado positivamente pela temperatura m\uednima do m\ueas de setembro e pela temperatura m\ue9dia do m\ueas de maio. N\ue3o houve correla\ue7\ue3o significativa do crescimento com a precipita\ue7\ue3o, embora tenham sido verificados picos de crescimento em anos mais chuvosos.Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan, where it is known as \u2018sugi\u2019. In Brazil, the plantation of this species is recommended for the highlands and cold regions in the southern, where it is well adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between meteorological variables and growth of a 25 years old Cryptomeria japonica stand. Cross-sectional discs from 30 different trees were collected, within all diametric classes. After dried and sanded, annual rings were measured and correlated with meteorological data by dendrochronological analysis tools. The growth series showed an intercorrelation of 0.668. The radial growth of the species was positively influenced by the minimum temperature of September and by the medium temperature of May. There was no correlation between growth and precipitation, although peaks of growth were observed in years with high precipitation


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    The aim of this study was to verify the influence of mini polytunnels on the quality of shoots produced in a black wattle clone garden. The treatments used were: T1 – clone garden with mini polytunnels inside the greenhouse; T2 – clone garden with no mini polytunnels inside the greenhouse; T3 – clone garden with mini polytunnels outside the greenhouse; and T4 – clone garden with no mini polytunnels outside thegreenhouse. These four treatments formed a 4 x 3 factorial along with three seasons of the year: winter/2015, summer/2015-2016, and autumn/2016. A randomized block design was used with six blocks and ten cuttings per plot. Survival rate, number of shoots per cutting, and mean shoot length were evaluated. Shoots were collected from the cuttings and a rooting experiment with the same design was installed. Rooting rate, rate of shoots with calluses, number of roots per shoot, and mean shoot length per cutting were evaluated. There was interaction between the environment in the clone garden and the season of the year. In the winter, the treatment with mini polytunnels outside the greenhouse (T3) showed the best results, mainly in what concerns to the rooting of shoots. Shoots survived in the four clone garden environments, and the lowest survival rates were observed in the autumn/2016 season. The best responses were observed in the summer season.The aim of this study was to verify the influence of mini polytunnels on the quality of shoots produced in a black wattle clone garden. The treatments used were: T1 – clone garden with mini polytunnels inside the greenhouse; T2 – clone garden with no mini polytunnels inside the greenhouse; T3 – clone garden with mini polytunnels outside the greenhouse; and T4 – clone garden with no mini polytunnels outside the greenhouse. These four treatments formed a 4 x 3 factorial along with three seasons of the year: winter/2015, summer/2015-2016, and autumn/2016. A randomized block design was used with six blocks and ten cuttings per plot. Survival rate, number of shoots per cutting, and mean shoot length were evaluated. Shoots were collected from the cuttings and a rooting experiment with the same design was installed. Rooting rate, rate of shoots with calluses, number of roots per shoot, and mean shoot length per cutting were evaluated. There was interaction between the environment in the clone garden and the season of the year. In the winter, the treatment with mini polytunnels outside the greenhouse (T3) showed the best results, mainly in what concerns to the rooting of shoots. Shoots survived in the four clone garden environments, and the lowest survival rates were observed in the autumn/2016 season. The best responses were observed in the summer season


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    Forest species breeding programs require a long period-of-time for plants to reach the proper age to enable selecting superior genotypes, which is a critical factor in selection processes. Thus, the aims of the current study are to estimate genetic parameters in juvenile and adult plants (6, 10 and 20 years) in order to investigate genetic correlations between variables at different ages and at certain ages; as well as to determine whether it is possible performing efficient early selection in juvenile plants. The test was implemented in 1997; it comprised 120 progenies and followed a randomized block design, with five repetitions - linear plots comprised 5 plants at 2.5 m x 2.5 m spacing. DBH (cm), H (m) and VOL (m³) of all tested subjects were measured at the age of 6, 10 and 20 years. Variance components, genetic parameters, as well as genetic correlations between variables and between ages were estimated in Selegen REML/BLUP® software. Genetic parameter estimates have shown superiority at 10 years, in comparison to that estimated at 6 and 20 years. Variable ‘DBH’ has shown high genetic correlation to height (H) and volume (VOL), whereas DBH x VOL have shown high genetic correlation (0.98) in 10-year-old plants. With respect to genetic correlation between ages, 10-year-old plants have shown moderate correlation to 6- and 20-year-old plants. Early selection is indicated for 10-year-old plants, in 20-year cycles, since plants at this age have shown higher selection efficiency to predict gains in comparison to adult plants


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    A silvicultura de Cunninghamia lanceolata em sua região de origem é amplamente difundida, em função do bom desenvolvimento e da qualidade da madeira para usos industriais diversificados. No Brasil, a espécie é considerada de grande potencial. O presente estudo teve como objetivo levantar aspectos dendrométricos e silviculturais de um povoamento puro de C. lanceolata, com 21 anos de idade e o ajuste de modelos hipsométricos, de volume individual e de afilamento. Confirmou-se o potencial silvicultural de C. lanceolata para a região de planalto do Sul do Brasil. A espécie apresenta crescimento inicial lento, demorando cerca de quatro anos para o seu pleno estabelecimento. Entretanto, o incremento médio anual em volume é satisfatório (28,1 m³ ha-1 ano-1), mesmo em condições de elevada competição (65,3 m² ha-1). Mediante os testes realizados, os melhores ajustes foram obtidos para as equações de Trorey, Schumacher-Hall e Hradetzky, para estimar a altura total, volume individual e afilamento, respectivamente