110 research outputs found

    Notes on the M. P. Vos estis Lux mundi

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    Con el motu proprio “Vos estis lux mundi”, el Papa da respuesta a dos peticiones del Encuentro sobre la protección de menores de febrero de 2019: 1) la creación de mecanismos para la recepción de las denuncias y 2) un procedi- miento para la investigación preliminar de los obispos. El objeto de las denuncias y de la investigación de los obispos se amplía a cualquier tipo de abuso sexual. Se establecen algunas responsabilidades a las Conferencias Episcopales.With the motu proprio “Vos estis lux mundi”, the Pope responds to two requests of the meeting about the protection of minors in February 2019: 1) the creation of tools so as to receive complaints of sexual abuse, and 2) a procedure for the preliminary investigation of the bishops. The object of these reports and the investigation of the bishops cover any type of sexual abuse. Some responsibilities are established to the Episcopal Conferences.Derecho canónic

    Sexual abuse in the church. Conceptualization and canonical treatment.

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    Después del motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi se ha puesto de relieve en la Iglesia la importancia de los procedimientos y procesos relacionados con la materia penal. Al mismo tiempo ha puesto en el escenario la reflexión sobre las conductas de abuso sexual, y se ha invitado a los canonistas a profundizar sobre la legislación penal. Se expone en este artículo la doctrina canónica penal y cómo ha de procederse en los casos que se presente una denuncia de abuso sexual cometido por un clérigo.After the motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi, the importance of procedures and processes related to criminal matters has been highlighted in the Church. At the same time, he has put on the stage the reflection on behaviors of sexual abuse, inviting canonlawyer to deepen on criminal legislation. In this article the criminal canonical doctrine and how to proceed in cases where a complaint of sexual abuse by a cleric is filed is set out.Derecho canónic

    Automated Transformation of Semi-Structured Text Elements

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    Interconnected systems, such as electronic health records (EHR), considerably improved the handling and processing of health information while keeping the costs at a controlled level. Since the EHR virtually stores all data in digitized form, personal medical documents are easily and swiftly available when needed. However, multiple formats and differences in the health documents managed by various health care providers severely reduce the efficiency of the data sharing process. This paper presents a rule-based transformation system that converts semi-structured (annotated) text into standardized formats, such as HL7 CDA. It identifies relevant information in the input document by analyzing its structure as well as its content and inserts the required elements into corresponding reusable CDA templates, where the templates are selected according to the CDA document type-specific requirements


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    Franco Rella é um dos maiores filósofos italianos contemporâneos, professor titular de Estética do Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), colaborou com instituições como Galleria di Arte Moderna em Roma e Musée d’Orsay em Paris. Nascido em 1944, em Rovereto, onde mora, Rella se formou em Milão com Gillo Dorfles, professor de Estética e um dos fundadores do Movimento Arte Concreta. Organizou algumas edições italianas de obras de Baudelaire, Rilke, Hölderlin, Flaubert e Bataille. A relação entre filosofia e literatura é central para o pensamento de Franco Rella. Para ele a segunda é vista como um desvio dos caminhos do logos habitual ou comum, pressupõe certa fuga do mundo dos discursos. A literatura é uma resposta ao princípio de não contradição que predomina no pensamento lógico, por ela – assim como as outras artes – se debruçar, justamente, sobre o que é invisível aos trilhos do pensamento lógico. Não cabe à literatura resolver os enigmas, mas ela tem a possibilidade de jogar uma luz sobre eles. É, então, nesse sentido que se pode pensar sua relação com os textos de Franz Kafka, autor que acompanha suas reflexões de Franco Rella e que retorna na entrevista abaixo, por meio de um personagem que é, ao mesmo tempo, desvio, confim, limite, a saber, Odradek. Antonio Gnoli, jornalista de Repubblica e autor de Sanguinetti’s song. Conversazioni immorali [A canção de Sanguinetti. Conversas imorais], publicado pela Feltrinelli em 2006, e organizador de Il silenzio della tirannide di Alexandre Kojève [O silêncio da tirania de Alexandre Kojève], publicado pela Adelphi em 2004. A obra de Franco Rella está traduzida em diversas línguas (inglês, alemão, francês, espanhol), mas no Brasil só há um livro seu traduzido, Georges Bataille, filósofo (EDUFSC, 2020) e é preciso preencher essa lacuna

    Magneto-Optical properties of noble-metal nanostructures: functional nanomaterials for bio sensing

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    Metallic nanostructures supporting Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances (LSPR) are characterized by their unique ability to control and manipulate light at the nanoscale. Noble metal nanostructures, such as gold nanostructures, are demonstrating to exhibit magneto-optic activity in the presence of modulated magnetic field of low intensity in transversal configuration (T-MOKE). Validation of experimental findings was achieved by numerical simulations based on Finite Element Method (FEM) techniques. The developed numerical models allowed studying the combination of the T-MOKE effect with the localized surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles. Numerical optical and magneto-optical spectra provided a deep insight on the physical aspects behind the magneto-optical activity of metal nanostructures strictly related to direction of oscillations electrical dipoles generated in resonance conditions. Additionally the MO signal was characterized as a transducing signal for refractive index sensing in liquid conditions. The outcome is an increase in the limit of detection of magneto optical transducer with respect to traditional plasmonic sensors. A new strategy for magneto-plasmonic sensing based on the use of glass supported -Au nanostructures based on their MO properties has put forward.The authors want to acknowledge G. Montagna and E. Melissano for technical support and the financial support from Italian MIUR through FIRB project RBFR10OAI0 Nanoplasmag. A. G.-M. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Contract No.MAT2014-58860-P), and the Comunidad de Madrid (Contract No. S2013/MIT-2740).Peer reviewe

    Enhanced gas sensing performance of TiO2 functionalized magneto-optical SPR sensors

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    9 páginas, 7 figurasPorous TiO2 thin films deposited by glancing angle deposition are used as sensing layers to monitor their sensing capabilities towards Volatile Organic Compounds both in a standard Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensor and in Magneto-Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance (MO-SPR) configuration in order to compare their sensing performances. Here our results on the enhanced sensing capability of these TiO2 functionalized MO-SPR sensors with Au/Co/Au transducers with respect to traditional SPR gas sensors are presented.This work has been funded by the European Commission (NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma), the Spanish MICINN (CSD 2008-00023, MAT 2008-06765-C02-01/NAN, MAT2010-21228), CSIC (JAE fellowship for E. F.-V.) and Comunidad de Madrid (S2009 / MAT – 1726, S2009/TIC – 1476).Peer reviewe

    Epigenetics: an Opportunity to Shape Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses

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    Epigenetics connects genetic and environmental factors: it includes DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications and the regulation of chromatin accessibility by non-coding RNAs, all of which control constitutive or inducible gene transcription. This plays a key role in harnessing the transcriptional programs of both innate and adaptive immune cells due to its plasticity and environmental-driven nature, piloting myeloid and lymphoid cell fate decision with no change in their genomic sequence. In particular, epigenetic marks at the site of lineage specific transcription factors and maintenance of cell type-specific epigenetic modifications, referred to as "epigenetic memory", dictate cell differentiation, cytokine production and functional capacity following repeated antigenic exposure in memory T cells. Moreover, metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming occurring during a primary innate immune response leads to enhanced responses to secondary challenges, a phenomenon known as "trained immunity". Here we discuss how stable and dynamic epigenetic states control immune cell identity and plasticity in physiological and pathological conditions. Dissecting the regulatory circuits of cell fate determination and maintenance is of paramount importance for understanding the delicate balance between immune cell activation and tolerance, in healthy conditions and in autoimmune diseases. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved