296 research outputs found

    Skills traits and enterpreneurial competences: an applied study

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    Teniendo en cuenta que "el empresario no nace, sino se hace", la educación empresarial es de gran importancia para el desarrollo y la formación de los empresarios. Sin embargo, no se puede ignorar que ciertas características, más que otras, parecen afectar a la voluntad de iniciar un negocio. En particular, estas variables son el locus de control, el compromiso, la auto-eficacia y la empleabilidad. De hecho, el interés que la psicología muestra hacia el empresario está conectado con el desarrollo personal del individuo que "se compromete". La investigación se llevó a cabo en Roma en una muestra de un centenar de empresarios y empresarios potenciales. Se demostró que significativamente estas variables están presentes entre las personas que trabajan en la compañía romana que se ha analizado concretamente.Given that “entrepreneurs are not born but made”, entrepreneurship education is of great importance for the development and training of entrepreneurs. However, one cannot ignore that certain characteristics, more than others, seem to affect the will to start a business. In particular, these variables are locus of control, engagement, self-efficacy, and employability. In fact, the interest that psychology turns to entrepreneurship is connected to the personal development of the individual that “undertakes”. The research took place in Rome on a sample of one hundred entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. It showed that these variables are significantly present among the people employed in the Roman company that has been specifically analyzed.peerReviewe

    A Quantitative Morphological Analysis of Some Hypericum Species

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    Hypericum perforatum L. (Hypericaceae) is a medicinal plant of considerable interest for the therapeutic potentialities of its biologically active compounds. Due to the presence of hybrids and frequent adulterants from other species of Hypericum, the identification of the drug obtained of this species is difficult. Therefore, a quantitative morphological analysis of the leaf epidermises of H. hircinum L. and H. perfoliatum L. compared with H. perforatum L., carried out by means of scanning electron microscopy and image analysis, was performed to identify phytognostic markers useful for the characterization of these different Hypericum species. Size and shape parameters of the leaf surface cells have permitted a comparative study of the cogeneric species examined, providing a key factor in their recognition and/or selection. Unlike the methods employed so far, the results obtained by means of this innovative kind of analysis supply a valid criterion, not only for the morphological differentiation of the Italian Hypericum species studied, but also for an accurate and reproducible quality control of the commercial samples, often made up of drugs obtained from different species, subspecies and varieties

    Uno studio sulla percezione della riforma universitaria: il caso di Scienze della Comunicazione alla Sapienza

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    El objetivo de este estudio se refiere a los sentimientos generados en la Universidad italiana a partir del Proceso de Bolonia. Después de las principales medidas y publicaciones de investigación y análisis de este proceso, el trabajo se coloca en el lugar de la configuración diseñada por el decreto ministerial 509/1999, promulgado con la participación de los estudiantes del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad de Roma. La parte empírica ha estructurado el análisis en dos momentos: con el primer dato cuantitativo se procedió a la reelaboración de los datos la investigación de la facultad "Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media", realizado en el año 2007, a través de la extrapolación de los estudiantes, obtenida por la encuesta de la red nacional. El siguiente paso ha completado el análisis de datos con la entrevista cualitativa, dirigida a las listas de profesores y estudiantes. Las dos partes interesadas en la historia podrían profundizar en las razones surgidas de la primera parte del trabajo, debido a la evolución narrativa de las motivaciones de los aspectos considerados. El análisis cualitativo ha permitido actualmente tomar las impresiones conectadas por la orden ministerial 270/2004, que se inició en la facultad en el curso 2008/2009.The object of the study concerns with the Italian university reform feels, beginning by the Bologna Process. After the principal steps and research publications analysis of this process, the work purpose is placed in the setting designed by the ministerial decree 509/1999 with the students’ involvement of the university of Rome Communication Department. The empiric part has been structured in two analysis moments: in the first quantitative one it is proceeded to the data reprocessing of the faculty research “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”,conducted in 2007, through the students’ sample extrapolation, obtained by the national web-survey. The following step has complemented the data analysis with the qualitative interview, aimed to a departmente professors’ and students’ shortlist. The two stakeholders’ story could deepen the reasons surfaced in the first part of the work, because of the evolutions narrative motivations of the considered phenomenal aspects. The qualitative analysis moment has allowed to catch the impressions connected to the ministerial decree 270/2004 enforcement too, which started at faculty in the 2008/2009 academic year.L’oggetto di studio affrontato riguarda la percezione della riforma universitaria italiana, a partire dal Processo di Bologna. Prese in esame le principali tappe di questo processo e i più significativi documenti e rapporti di ricerca pubblicati, l’obiettivo del lavoro si inserisce all’interno del D.M. 509/1999, coinvolgendo gli studenti della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione della Sapienza Università di Roma. La parte empirica è stata articolata in due momenti di analisi: nella prima fase quantitativa si è proceduto alla rielaborazione dei dati della ricerca di Facoltà “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”, condotta nel 2007, attraverso l’estrapolazione di un sub-campione di studenti ottenuto dalla web-survey condotta in ambito nazionale. La fase successiva ha integrato l’analisi dei dati con l’intervista qualitativa, indirizzata a una rosa di docenti e studenti della Facoltà. La testimonianza dei due stakeholder ha permesso di approfondire le cause emerse attraverso la prima parte della ricerca, tramite la motivazione narrativa delle modalità di declinazione degli aspetti studiati. Il momento di analisi qualitativa ha consentito, inoltre, di cogliere le impressioni relative all’applicazione del D.M. 270/2004, il cui avvio presso la Facoltà è iniziato nell’anno accademico 2008/2009.peerReviewe

    General methods for measuring and comparing medical interventions in childbirth: a framework

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    Abstract Background: The continue increase of interventions during labour in low risk population is a controversial issue of the current obstetric literature, given the lack of evidence demonstrating the benefits of unnecessary interventions for women or infants’ health. This makes it important to have approaches to assess the burden of all medical interventions performed. Methods: Exploiting the nature of childbirth intervention as a staged process, we proposed graphic representations allowing to generate alternative formulas for the simplest measures of the intervention intensity namely, the overall and type-specific treatment ratios. We applied the approach to quantify the change in interventions following a protocol termed Comprehensive Management (CM), using data from Robson classification, collected in a prospective longitudinal cohort study carried out at the Obstetric Unit of the Cà Granda Niguarda Hospital in Milan, Italy. Results: Following CM a substantial reduction was observed in the Overall Treatment Ratio, as well as in the ratios for augmentation (amniotomy and synthetic oxytocin use) and for caesarean section ratio, without any increase in neonatal and maternal adverse outcomes. The key component of this reduction was the dramatic decline in the proportion of women progressing to augmentation, which resulted not only the most practiced intervention, but also the main door towards further treatments. Conclusions: The proposed framework, once combined with Robson Classification, provides useful tools to make medical interventions performed during childbirth quantitatively measurable and comparable. The framework allowed to identifying the key components of interventions reduction following CM. In its turn, CM proved useful to reduce the number of medical interventions carried out during childbirth, without worsening neonatal and maternal outcomes

    Beneficial Oxidative Stress-Related trans-Resveratrol Effects in the Treatment and Prevention of Breast Cancer

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    Resveratrol is one of the most investigated polyphenols for its multiple biological activities and many beneficial effects. These are mainly related to its ability to scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Resveratrol has also been shown to have the ability to stimulate the production of antioxidant enzymes, which interact with numerous signaling pathways involved in tumor development, and to possess side effects associated with the use of chemotherapy drugs. In this review article we summarized the main discoveries about the impact resveratrol can have in helping to prevent, as well as adjuvant treating, breast cancer. A brief overview of the primary sources of resveratrol as well as some approaches for improving its bioavailability have been also discussed

    Poly(l-lactide-co-caprolactone-co-glycolide)-based nanoparticles as delivery platform: effect of the surfactants on characteristics and delivery efficiency

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    Polymeric nanoparticles made of the copolymer Poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone-co-glycolide) were prepared using the solvent evaporation method. Two different surfactants, polyvinyl alcohol and dextran, and a mixture of the two were employed. The three types of nanoparticles were used as hosting carriers of two chemotherapeutic drugs, the hydrophilic doxorubicin and the hydrophobic SN-38. The morphostructural characterization showed similar features for the three types of nanoparticles, while the drug encapsulation efficiency indicated that the dextran-based systems are the most effective with both drugs. Cellular studies with breast cancer cells were performed to compare the delivery capability and the cytotoxicity profile of the three nanosystems. The results show that the unloaded nanoparticles are highly biocompatible at the administered concentrations and confirmed that dextran-coated nanoparticles are the most efficient vectors to release the two drugs, exerting cytotoxic activity. PVA, on the other hand, shows limited drug release in vitro, probably due to strong interactions with both drugs. Data also show the release is more efficient for doxorubicin than for SN-38; indeed, the doxorubicin IC50 value for the dextran-coated nanoparticles was about 35% lower than the free drug. This indicates that these nanocarriers are suitable candidates to deliver hydrophilic drugs while needing further modification to host hydrophobic molecules.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Intra-Group Baryons in the LEO I Pair From the VST Early-Type GAlaxy Survey

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    In this paper we present the deep, wide-field and multi-band imaging of the LEO I pair NGC 3379-NGC 3384, from the VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey (VEGAS). The main goal of this study is to map the intra-group baryons in the pair, in the form of diffuse light and globular clusters (GCs). Taking advantage from the large covered area, which extends for ∼ 3.9 square degrees around the pair, and the long integration time, we can map the light distribution out to ∼ 63 kpc and down to ∼ 30 mag/arcsec2 in the g band and ∼ 29 mag/arcsec2 in the r band, deeper than previous data available for this target. The map of the intra-group light (IGL) presents two very faint (μg ∼ 28-29 mag/arcsec2) streams protruding from the brightest group member NGC 3379 and elongated toward North-West and South. We estimate that the fraction of the stellar halo around NGC 3379 plus the intra-group light is (Formula presented.) in both g and r bands, with an average color g-r = 0.75 ± 0.04 mag. The color distribution of the GCs appears multi-modal, with two dominant peaks at (u-r) = 1.8 mag and (u-r) = 2.1 mag, respectively. The GC population stretches from North-East to South-West and from North-West to South of the pair, in the last case overlapping with the streams of IGL, as well as the PNe distribution found by Hartke et al. (Hartke et al., A&amp;A, 2020, 642, A46) and Hartke et al. (Hartke et al., 2022). Since these structures are elongated in the direction of the two nearby galaxies M96 and NGC 3338, they could be the remnant of a past gravitational interactions with the pair.</p

    Ferric carboxymaltose versus ferric gluconate in hemodialysis patients. Reduction of erythropoietin dose in 4 years of follow-up

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    Background: Ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) is a parenteral, dextran-free iron formulation designed to overcome the limitations of existing iron preparations. The main aim of this study was to retrospectively examine results obtained from a long period of FCM therapy in hemodialysis patients who have been previously treated with ferric gluconate (FX). Markers of iron metabolism, erythropoietin (EPO) doses, and effects on anemic status have been analysed. Methods: The study was performed with a follow up period of 4 years, when patients were treated before with FX and then switched to FCM. A total of 25 patients were included in the study. Results: FCM increased transferrin saturation (TSAT) levels by 11.9% (P &lt; 0.001) with respect to FX. Events of TSAT less than 20% were reduced during FCM. The monthly dose of EPO was reduced in the FCM period (-6,404.1 international unit [IU]; 95% confidence interval, -10,643.5 IU; -2,164.6 IU; P = 0.003), as well as the erythropoietin resistance index (P = 0.004). During the period with FCM, ferritin levels were higher than during FX (P &lt; 0.001), while transferrin was reduced (P = 0.001). Conclusion: During FCM treatment, minor doses of EPO were administered if compared to those delivered during FX therapy. Stable and on target levels of hemoglobin were maintained with better control of anemia through high levels of ferritin and TSA

    Uno studio sulla percezione della riforma universitaria: il caso di Scienze della Comunicazione alla Sapienza

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    El objetivo de este estudio se refiere a los sentimientos generados en la Universidad italiana a partir del Proceso de Bolonia. Después de las principales medidas y publicaciones de investigación y análisis de este proceso, el trabajo se coloca en el lugar de la configuración diseñada por el decreto ministerial 509/1999, promulgado con la participación de los estudiantes del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad de Roma. La parte empírica ha estructurado el análisis en dos momentos: con el primer dato cuantitativo se procedió a la reelaboración de los datos la investigación de la facultad "Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media", realizado en el año 2007, a través de la extrapolación de los estudiantes, obtenida por la encuesta de la red nacional. El siguiente paso ha completado el análisis de datos con la entrevista cualitativa, dirigida a las listas de profesores y estudiantes. Las dos partes interesadas en la historia podrían profundizar en las razones surgidas de la primera parte del trabajo, debido a la evolución narrativa de las motivaciones de los aspectos considerados. El análisis cualitativo ha permitido actualmente tomar las impresiones conectadas por la orden ministerial 270/2004, que se inició en la facultad en el curso 2008/2009.The object of the study concerns with the Italian university reform feels, beginning by the Bologna Process. After the principal steps and research publications analysis of this process, the work purpose is placed in the setting designed by the ministerial decree 509/1999 with the students’ involvement of the university of Rome Communication Department. The empiric part has been structured in two analysis moments: in the first quantitative one it is proceeded to the data reprocessing of the faculty research “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”,conducted in 2007, through the students’ sample extrapolation, obtained by the national web-survey. The following step has complemented the data analysis with the qualitative interview, aimed to a departmente professors’ and students’ shortlist. The two stakeholders’ story could deepen the reasons surfaced in the first part of the work, because of the evolutions narrative motivations of the considered phenomenal aspects. The qualitative analysis moment has allowed to catch the impressions connected to the ministerial decree 270/2004 enforcement too, which started at faculty in the 2008/2009 academic year.L’oggetto di studio affrontato riguarda la percezione della riforma universitaria italiana, a partire dal Processo di Bologna. Prese in esame le principali tappe di questo processo e i più significativi documenti e rapporti di ricerca pubblicati, l’obiettivo del lavoro si inserisce all’interno del D.M. 509/1999, coinvolgendo gli studenti della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione della Sapienza Università di Roma. La parte empirica è stata articolata in due momenti di analisi: nella prima fase quantitativa si è proceduto alla rielaborazione dei dati della ricerca di Facoltà “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”, condotta nel 2007, attraverso l’estrapolazione di un sub-campione di studenti ottenuto dalla web-survey condotta in ambito nazionale. La fase successiva ha integrato l’analisi dei dati con l’intervista qualitativa, indirizzata a una rosa di docenti e studenti della Facoltà. La testimonianza dei due stakeholder ha permesso di approfondire le cause emerse attraverso la prima parte della ricerca, tramite la motivazione narrativa delle modalità di declinazione degli aspetti studiati. Il momento di analisi qualitativa ha consentito, inoltre, di cogliere le impressioni relative all’applicazione del D.M. 270/2004, il cui avvio presso la Facoltà è iniziato nell’anno accademico 2008/2009.peerReviewe

    Corneal dystrophy in a cocker spaniel dog: a case report

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    A 1-year-old female Cocker Spaniel dog was examined at the ophthalmology service of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital - University of Messina (Italy) for evaluation of symmetrical white spots in both corneas and “red eyes”. Dog was clinically healthy, haematological and biochemical examination were unremarkable, Leishmania PCR was negative. After a complete ophthalmic examination, the clinical diagnosis was corneal stromal dystrophy with uveitis-induced. In dogs, corneal stromal dystrophy is a primary, inherited, bilateral opacity of the corneanot associated with ocular inflammation or systemic disease. Detailed description of corneal dystrophy are available only for few breeds. This lesion is not progressive and treatment is not usually recommended unless vision is impaired or the deposits become irritating