295 research outputs found

    Resoconto annuale dei Vertebrati terrestri della Sardegna: 1987

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    Sightings of 111 bird species in 1987 are briefly reported

    Three-dimension-printed custom-made prosthetic reconstructions: from revision surgery to oncologic reconstructions

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    Background The use of custom-made 3D-printed prostheses for reconstruction of severe bone defects in selected cases is increasing. The aims of this study were to evaluate (1) the feasibility of surgical reconstruction with these prostheses in oncologic and non-oncologic settings and (2) the functional results, complications, and outcomes at short-term follow-up. Methods We analyzed 13 prospectively collected patients treated between June 2016 and January 2018. Diagnoses were primary bone tumour (7 patients), metastasis (3 patients), and revision of total hip arthroplasty (3 patients). Pelvis was the most frequent site of reconstruction (7 cases). Functional results were assessed with MSTS score and complications according to Henderson et al. Statistical analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier and log-rank test curves. Results At a mean follow-up of 13.7 months (range, 6 \u2013 26 months), all patients except one were alive. Oncologic outcomes show seven patients NED (no evidence of disease), one NED after treatment of metastasis, one patient died of disease, and another one was alive with disease. Overall survival was 100% and 80% at one and two years, respectively. Seven complications occurred in five patients (38.5%). Survival to all complications was 62% at two years of follow-up. Functional outcome was good or excellent in all cases with a mean score of 80.3%. Conclusion 3D-printed custom-made prostheses represent a promising reconstructive technique in musculoskeletal oncology and challenging revision surgery. Preliminary results were satisfactory. Further studies are needed to evaluate prosthetic design, fixation methods, and stability of the implants at long-ter

    Studio idrogeologico delle acque minerali dell'area di Zinnigas(Siliqua, Sardegna SW)

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    In the area of Zinnigas (near Siliqua, Sardegna SW) a limited extension drainage basin is present with numerous springs. The area is center of activity for catchment and bottling of the mineral waters. We think that the dimension of the ground water basin is greater than hydrologic basin. The aim of the study is to improve the knowledges on the basin and particularly:to settle the formalities of circulation of the underground waters; to reconstruct the acquifer geometry;to draw the main hydrologic parameters

    Studio idrogeologico del bacino del rio di Santa Caterina di Pittinuri(Cuglieri, Sardegna Centro-Occidentale)

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    The catchment area of the river Santa Caterina is located in western part of Montiferru, one of most important volcanic complex of Sardinia. In order to determine the water balance of the basin, the base flow rates of streams and springs were measured for the purpose of assessing groundwater reservoirs and dynamic storage by means of depletion law of hydrogeologic system. Because of the prevalence of volcanics rocks a study of lava flow and fracture systems was required to determine the main directions of growndwater flow. It was found that hydrogeologic and hydrographic watershed do not coincide. In fact a fair amount of water out flow through bedding planes various lava flows

    Confronto tra cultivar di mandorlo in diverse condizioni colturali: risultati al settimo anno di attività

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    The behaviour of six almond varieties («Arrubia», «Cossu», «Filippo Ceo», «Tuono», «Nonpareil», «Texas») grown for seven years on bitter almond and peach rootstocks in three different areas of Sardinia was studies, together with the effect of dry-farming and irrigation. Observations on plant growth and yield were made during the experiments. All the varieties grew and yielded better under irrigation and on peach, with difference highly significative between the thesis for the cultivar «Filippo Ceo» and not significative for the cultivar «Arrubia» and «Nonpareil». The cultivar «Texas», «Arrubia», and «Tuono» proved to have the best vigour on both the rootstoocks tested and on both irrigated and dry-farming plots. while the cultivar «Texas» and «Filippo Ceo» and «Tuono» yielded better. Some difference on growth and yield due to environmental conditions were also found

    Studio idrogeologico degli acquiferi profondi del Sinis(Sardegna Centro-Occidentale)

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    Sinis area is located in the north western sector of Campidano plain, to the North of the Gulf of Oristano. In that sector of Sardinia underground waters constitute the most important water resource for agriculture. In Sinis area two deep aquifers have been placed. The first, placed in the western part, is constituted by sands and gravels and it is overhung by a very thick clayey marl’s layer. The water yeld of the confined aquifer has been determined by pumping tests from which it results that the pumping rate varies between 6 and 13.5 l/sec. The average Transmissivity is 1.7 x 10-3 m2/s. The other aquifer system, already known and studied for a long time, belongs to the alluvial multilayered aquifer of Campidano. It is constituted by very permeable layers of sands and gravels alternated to impervious or semi confining silty clay layers. The Transmissivity of this aquifer results superior to 10-3 m2/sec. Pumping rates are at least 6-7 l/sec. Chemical analysis showed that some samples of water taken in the southern part of Sinis present some anomalous values and they show thermal waters typical characters. This fact is confirmed by the average temperatures around 23°C. It could be a ground water recharge by deep thermal waters, with which waters coming from Montiferru would be mixed

    Seedling Nutrient Loading to Improve Planting Success: A Mediterranean Perspective

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    Conferencia Internacional Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests, Noviembre de 201

    An exponential fertilization dose–response model to promote restoration of the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex

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    Nursery nitrogen (N) fertilization influences seedling N reserves, morphology, photosynthesis rate and stress tolerance and frequently enhances outplanting performance. Although mineral nutrition is a critical aspect of seedling quality, fertility targets of Mediterranean sclerophylous species have not been thoroughly quantified. We sought to define those fertility targets for seedlings of Quercus ilex, a key species in Mediterranean areas. Nine fertility treatments, ranging from 0 to 200 mg N seedling-1 applied under an exponential regime were tested in a greenhouse dose response trial in which phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were increased in the same proportion as N (15N:5P:15K). Height and diameter growth were measured weekly, and biomass and nutritional status were analyzed at the end of culture (24 week). Plant growth and nutritional response to increased fertilization followed a curvilinear pattern depicting phases that ranged from deficiency to luxury consumption. Seedling dry mass production was maximized at 125 mg N seedling-1 (sufficiency level). N content and concentration increased with fertilization, reaching a maximum at 200 mg N seedling-1 (luxury consumption). P and K concentrations peaked at 75 and 25 mg N, respectively, suggesting a dilution effect of these nutrients. Root volume increased linearly up to 100 mg N and declined thereafter. The sufficiency level for Q. ilex (125 mg of applied N seedling-1) is notably higher than for other Quercus species from other biomes but intermediate to other Mediterranean Quercus species. No toxicity was observed at the highest treatment rate (200 mg N) suggesting that increased exponential N rates along with greater P and K proportions than those used in our experiment may further maximize nutrient storage

    Caratteristiche merceologiche e conservabilità di alcune cultivar di melo del germoplasma locale

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    Although in Sardina apple is not cultivated at an industrial scale, a rilevant number of local cultivar with excellent characteristics are present. At the experimental station of Oristano are held in collection some 30 accessions from the local germplasm. In this trial the authors studied the main commercial aspects of some cultivars and their attitude to cold storage. Amoung the early ripening cultivars, which in general showed to be not very suitable for storage, must be cited for the flavour and the aspect of the fruits "Appio di Sassari", "Mela Rosa", "Miali", "De Ferru" and "Mela di Bonarcado" apples, whilst very suitable for long term storage were "Bianca di Aritzo", "Appio Rosseggiante" and "Laconi B" apples. "Appio di Sassari" and "Miali" are well known and appreciated all over Sardinia, especially in Sassari province, while the others are known only at local scale. Furthers studies related to bio-agronomic traits, in order to promote a large scale diffusion of the best cultivars of the local germplasm, or at least, a first introduction in specialised orchard for the less known ones. Sebbene in Sardegna la coltivazione del melo non sia molto diffusa, sono presenti nell'Isola un numero considerevole di vecchie varietà locali con caratteristiche qualitative di pregio. Parte di esse e mantenuta in collezione presso l'azienda sperimentale dell'Istituto, sita ad Oristano. Nella presente nota vengono riportati gli attributi qualitativi di maggior interesse commerciale e la risposta alla frigoconservazione di alcune di esse. In particolare, tra le cultivar precoci meritano una citazione per la bontà dei frutti e per le peculiari caratteristiche organolettiche la mela "Appio di Sassari", la "Mela "Rosa", la "Miali", la "De Ferru" e la "Mela di Bonarcado", mentre, tra le tardive sono interessanti per la buona serbevolezza la "Bianca di Aritzo", la "Appio Rosseggiante", e la "Laconi B". Alcunee varietà, come la "Miali" e la "Appio di Sassari", sono da tempo apprezzate a livello locale e godono di una certa fama tra i consumatori, altre, invece, sono conosciute solo in areali molto ristretti. Ulteriori osservazioni sul comportamento bio-agronomiche saranno utili per i vivaisti e gli agricoltori nell'ottica di una lora diffusione oltre i confini locali (Miali ed Appio di Sassari) o di una loro prima introduzione in coltura specializzata

    The Multifaceted Origin of Taurine Cattle Reflected by the Mitochondrial Genome

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    A Neolithic domestication of taurine cattle in the Fertile Crescent from local aurochsen (Bos primigenius) is generally accepted, but a genetic contribution from European aurochsen has been proposed. Here we performed a survey of a large number of taurine cattle mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions from numerous European breeds confirming the overall clustering within haplogroups (T1, T2 and T3) of Near Eastern ancestry, but also identifying eight mtDNAs (1.3%) that did not fit in haplogroup T. Sequencing of the entire mitochondrial genome showed that four mtDNAs formed a novel branch (haplogroup R) which, after the deep bifurcation that gave rise to the taurine and zebuine lineages, constitutes the earliest known split in the mtDNA phylogeny of B. primigenius. The remaining four mtDNAs were members of the recently discovered haplogroup Q. Phylogeographic data indicate that R mtDNAs were derived from female European aurochsen, possibly in the Italian Peninsula, and sporadically included in domestic herds. In contrast, the available data suggest that Q mtDNAs and T subclades were involved in the same Neolithic event of domestication in the Near East. Thus, the existence of novel (and rare) taurine haplogroups highlights a multifaceted genetic legacy from distinct B. primigenius populations. Taking into account that the maternally transmitted mtDNA tends to underestimate the extent of gene flow from European aurochsen, the detection of the R mtDNAs in autochthonous breeds, some of which are endangered, identifies an unexpected reservoir of genetic variation that should be carefully preserved