99 research outputs found

    WIPI1, BAG1 and PEX3 autophagy-related genes are relevant melanoma markers

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    ROS and oxidative stress may promote autophagy; on the other hand, autophagy may help reduce oxidative damages. According to the known interplay of ROS, autophagy, and melanoma onset, we hypothesized that autophagy-related genes (ARGs) may represent useful melanoma biomarkers. We therefore analyzed the gene and protein expression of 222 ARGs in human melanoma samples, from 5 independent expression databases (overall 572 patients). Gene expression was first evaluated in the GEO database. Forty-two genes showed extremely high ability to discriminate melanoma from nevi (63 samples) according to ROC (AUC ≥ 0.85) and Mann-Whitney (p < 0.0001) analyses. The 9 genes never related to melanoma before were then in silico validated in the IST online database. BAG1, CHMP2B, PEX3, and WIPI1 confirmed a strong differential gene expression, in 355 samples. A second-round validation performed on the Human Protein Atlas database showed strong differential protein expression for BAG1, PEX3, and WIPI1 in melanoma vs control samples, according to the image analysis of 80 human histological sections. WIPI1 gene expression also showed a significant prognostic value (p < 0.0001) according to 102 melanoma patients' survival data. We finally addressed in Oncomine database whether WIPI1 overexpression is melanoma-specific. Within more than 20 cancer types, the most relevant WIPI1 expression change (p = 0.00002; fold change = 3.1) was observed in melanoma. Molecular/functional relationships of the investigated molecules with melanoma and their molecular/functional network were analyzed via Chilibot software, STRING analysis, and gene ontology enrichment analysis. We conclude that WIPI1 (AUC = 0.99), BAG1 (AUC = 1), and PEX3 (AUC = 0.93) are relevant novel melanoma markers at both gene and protein levels

    Perceived Technological Regimes: An Empirical Analysis of the Apulian Wine Industry

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    Technological regimes define the technological environment in which innovative and learning activities take place within each sector of the economy. However, in our view technological regimes must be interpreted and elaborated by each organisation operating in a specific sector in order to be rationally implemented, thus turning into perceived technological regimes. We test this argument on a sample of wine companies in the Apulia region (Italy). We find empirical evidence that the perceived technological regimes exist and that firms’ perceptions tend to vary uniformly across different wine technologies. In addition, we find evidence that different firms’ characteristics have a strong impact on firms’ perceptions both at the aggregate level and when distinct perception groups are identified

    Cool roofs with high solar reflectance for the welfare of dairy farming animals

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    Ensuring livestock welfare in dairy farming promotes the production capacity of the animals in terms of both quantity and quality. In welfare conditions, the animals can produce at their full potential. For the dairy cattle the most debilitating period of the year is summer, when the stress arising from overheating induces physiological alterations that compromise the animals’ productivity. In this study, the summer discomfort of dairy animals is primarily quantified and the production loss is quantified versus the Temperature Humidity Index (THI), which correlates the values of temperature and relative humidity to the thermal stress. In order to reduce or eliminate such thermal stress, it is then proposed to coat the roof of the stables with a paint having high solar reflectance and thermal emittance, that is a cool roof product. This type of roofing solution can considerably limit the overheating of stables caused by solar radiation, thus providing a positive impact on the animals’ welfare and improving significantly their productivity in summer

    New Technologies and Sustainability in The Italian Wine Industry

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    Abstract The new shape of competition is pushing wine firms to invest into new technologies. Given the growing interests in this area, we provide evidence on the determinants of the adoption of the new technologies industry. On the basis of a survey on Italian companies, the main investments in innovations and their key drivers are investigated. We tested whether firm characteristics impact the adoption as well as absorptive capacity, networking and shared knowledge among firms and research institutions and demand factors. Drivers are explored throughout an econometric model. Results lead to policy implications that could be useful to develop supportive actions to innovation

    Drivers of Eco-Innovation in the Italian Wine Industry

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    The importance of eco-innovations for industry has been rising exponentially in recent years. However, even if recent trends show that firms are increasingly committed to eco-innovations, there is little knowledge on why and how companies integrate environmental sustainability into new product development. In this paper we offer a comprehensive analysis of the drivers of eco-innovation in the Italian wine industry on the basis of a large survey on Italian wine producers. We analyse the impact of firms’ characteristics and their technological and organizational capabilities on the introduction of eco-innovations. The relevance of the drivers in influencing the probability of introducing eco-innovations is measured with a latent class econometric model. Our evidence shows that business characteristics and firms’ scientific search processes and their general innovative behaviour are key drivers of eco-innovation. Therefore, according to our results, firms’ commitment to eco-innovate does not differ substantially from other types of innovation activities

    Airspace effects on the yield and quality of ewe milk.

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    Abstract Three groups of 12 midlactating Comisana ewes were housed in separate rooms of the same building and assigned to treatments of low (LV, 4.1m 3 ), medium (MV, 5.6m 3 ), or high (HV, 7.3m 3 ) airspace/animal. The concentrations of airborne microorganisms in the experimental rooms were measured twice weekly at 0930 and 1630. Ewe milk yield was recorded daily. Individual milk samples were analyzed weekly for milk composition, coagulating properties, somatic cell concentration (SCC), and polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte count (PMNLC), and fortnightly for bacteriological characteristics; samples with more than 10 6 somatic cells/ml were cultured for mastitis-related pathogens. The LV and MV treatments resulted in higher relative humidity and air concentrations of staphylococci than the HV treatment. Greater amounts of air mesophilic bacteria were also found in the LV than in the HV room. Ewes in the HV group gave greater yields of milk than those in the LV and MV groups. LV milk also had a lower casein content than HV milk. Significant interactions of treatment x time were found for milk protein and fat content as well as for clotting time and clot firmness, with LV milk having the poorest composition and deteriorated renneting ability during the last 3 wk of the trial. The HV ewes had lower SCC and PMNLC and psychrotroph counts in their milk than LV and MV ewes and smaller amounts of mesophilic bacteria and fecal coliforms than LV animals. Subclinical mastitis occurred in two ewes of the LV and one of the MV groups, while no cases were recorded in the HV group. Results suggest that airspace is a critical factor in dairy sheep housing and indicate that a volume allocation of less than 7m 3 /animal may adversely affect the performance and health of the lactating ewe

    Robotic implementation of the slide method for measurement of the thermal emissivity of building elements

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    A significant interest exists in measuring the thermal emissivity of building surfaces since high values combined with high solar reflectance allow rejecting solar energy absorbed by irradiated surfaces, whereas intermediate or low values permit to limit condensation of humidity, heat loss to the sky, or heat transfer through airspaces. The most used measurement method is probably that described by the ASTM C1371 Standard, which correlates the thermal emissivity to the radiative heat flux exchanged in the infrared between the sample surface, kept at ambient temperature, and the bottom surface of a hot emissometer head. With samples showing a low thermal conductivity, the 'slide method' modification is generally used: the hot head is allowed to slide above the sample in order to prevent this from warming up. The slide movement, however, is carried out by hand and time is needed to achieve a stabilized output, therefore the measurement may be time-consuming and also affected by the operator. In order to solve both problems, an automated approach is proposed here, in which the head is moved by the arm of a robot. This manages either the slide movement or the calibration with reference samples, interacting with a computerized data acquisition system that monitors the emissometer output

    Quality of donkey bresaola

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    Nutritional and organoleptic properties were evaluated in bresaola of cow and don- key meat and, moreover, was made a comparison between these two products. The cured products were made from semitendinosus muscle taken from 8 female donkeys and 8 cows. Donkey bresaola showed lower SFA percentage (P<0.05) and higher PUFA content (P<0.01) with higher fatty acids ω 3 (P<0.01) than beef bresaola. Donkey bresaola showed higher content of protein (P<0.01) and essential amminoacids (P<0.05) than beef bresaola. No differences were found for sensorial properties. Our in- vestigation demonstrates the possibility of trasforming donkey meat into a product similar to that of beef with a high nutritional value

    Stress-induced changes in immune response of dairy ewes

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    two groups of 16 Comisana ewes were selected from a group of 30, and divided, according to their cortisol secretion after isolation in a novel environment, into HC ewes, having a cortisol secretion >90 ng/mL, and LC ewes having a cortisol secretion <80 ng/mL. Blood samples were collected immediately before and immediately after isolation, and 60, 120, 300min and then 24h and 48h after isolation, to evaluate the percentage of lymphocyte T-helper (CD4+) and lymphocyte T-cytotoxic (CD8+) by flow cytometry analysis, and IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations by ELISA. The day before the isolation test, the ewes were milked in the afternoon at 1500h (-19h from isolation), and then milked for the three days starting from the day of the isolation test (at 0, 5, 24, 29, 48 and 53h from isolation) to evaluate milk cortisol secretion, and IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations. Results suggest that the levels of cortisol secretions can influence the immune competence of dairy ewes and cytokines concentrations. Milk cytokine concentrations, and not milk cortisol concentrations, can be considered indicators of the magnitude of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation

    Rennet paste from lambs fed a milk substitute supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus: effects on lipolysis in ovine cheese.

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    The present work was undertaken to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus supplementation of a milk substitute on the features of lamb rennet paste used for cheese making. Lipolysis in cheese manufactured with rennet paste from lambs receiving supplemented milk was also evaluated. Lambs were subjected to 3 different feeding regimens (mother suckling, MS; artificial rearing, AR; and artificial rearing with 7 log10 cfu/mL of Lb. acidophilus supplementation of the milk substitute, ARLb) and slaughtered at 20 and 40 d of age for each feeding treatment. Abomasa of the lambs were processed to rennet paste. Microbial loads, enzymatic activities (chymosin, pepsin, and lipases), and renneting characteristics of the lamb rennet paste were determined. Free fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids were detected in cheese at 60 d of ripening. Addition of 7 log10 cfu/mL of Lb. acidophilus to the milk substitute was carried out successfully. Total recovery of viable cells was recorded in milk supplied daily to the lambs in the ARLb group. The ARLb rennet had greater amounts of lactobacilli than did the MS or AR rennet, irrespective of the slaughter age of the lambs, and the ARLb rennet had higher concentrations of lactococci when lambs were slaughtered at 40 d of age. Chymosin and lipase activities were also higher in ARLb rennet than in MS or AR rennet from lambs slaughtered at an older age. Milk supplementation of ARLb lambs resulted in improved coagulating ability of the rennet and enhanced cheese lipolysis after 60 d of ripening. A reduction of all free fatty acids was observed in all cheeses when passing from 20 to 40 d of slaughter of the lambs. Conjugated linoleic acids were more abundant in ARLb cheeses at both 20 and 40 d. Therefore, supplementation of the milk substitute with Lb. acidophilus improved the enzymatic features of rennet and the healthful and nutritional characteristics of it the ovine cheese. Moreover, the addition of lactobacilli to the milk substitute made it possible to increase the slaughter age of lambs without detrimental effects on rennet characteristics
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