2,544 research outputs found

    Technological Imitation and Innovation in New European Union Markets

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    We analyze the role of imitation and innovation in promoting technological progress in new members of European Union: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The two modes of technological development—innovation and imitation—are distinguished from one another by identifying the dominant orientation of innovation efforts at the industry level. Specific industry features and the origin, structure and size of foreign direct investments in these countries are utilized for this purpose. The empirical relationship between intra-industrial bilateral trade flows, which proxy the level of technological progress, and innovation expenditures is analyzed using a gravity model. During the estimation stage, we use appropriate instruments to account for the potential endogeneity of innovation to trade. The results reveal the important role of foreign direct investment and multinationals in the technological progress of the region. Specifically, technological progress that is due to innovation is driven mainly by affiliates of foreign firms and multinationals.foreign direct investment, innovation, imitation, international trade, European Union

    Conception, development, and validation of the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS)

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    Considering the lack of an organizational commitment measure able to integrate the attitudinal and behavioral perspectives, this study aimed to develop and validate the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS). BIOCS intends to evaluate the relationship between attitudes and behaviors by studying the behavioral intentions. To better understand the psychometric properties of BIOCS, we selected 1,693 workers in the north, northeast and southern Brazil. Validation procedures adopted by using techniques of both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory show BIOCS has a unidimensional structure. From 22 initial items, 20 items met the validation criteria. By presenting suitable psychometric parameters, BIOCS is the first measure of organizational commitment developed and validated to assess behavioral intentions

    Intention to stay: a component or an outcome of organizational commitment?

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    The desire to remain in the organization has been considered either as a component of organizational commitment or its outcome. This research aimed to test the influence of both traditional attitudinal variables (affective and continuance basis) and the behavioral intentions to organizational commitment variable on the intention to stay. To test the relationships between these variables, we selected 1,869 workers in the north, northeast and southern Brazil, who filled out a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using multiple regression procedures and structural equation modeling. The results showed that: a) None of the variables constituting the continuance basis predict significantly the measure of intentions to stay, b) Affective basis is the strongest variable predicting the intentions to stay, and c) Behavioral intentions to remain in the organization is not an organizational commitment component

    Sociological, anthropological and psychological bases for organizational commitment

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    Organizational commitment is a complex and polysemic construct, and there is no consensus about which definition best describes it. As it is often mistaken for other constructs such as job satisfaction, identification and involvement, few studies have investigated the sociological, anthropological and psychological influences of organizational commitment. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present some social exchange theories, as well as symbol sharing and the relationship between cognitive and social processes, which can provide a better understanding of the individual-organization bonds. A detailed study of some social theories that precede the conception of commitment as an object of study in the field of organizational behavior is substantial to the conceptual clarity of the phenomenon, and indispensable for future studies in discriminant validity as compared to other types of social bonds

    Attitudinal organizational commitment: an empirical research study into the construct dimensionality

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    The lack of precision surrounding the dimensionality of organizational commitment helps to make it a complex and multifaceted construct. In order to identify the best factor structure for organizational commitment, this study tested the inter-relationship between two attitudinal measures (affective and instrumental) and also the relationship of these variables with a measurement of behavioral intentions. We selected 1,869 workers from the Northern, Northeastern and Southern regions of Brazil. The results of the regression analysis and both the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed the bidimensionality of the instrumental dimension (lack of alternatives and high sacrifices); on the other hand, they demonstrated that this dimension is not part of the factor structure of attitudinal organizational commitment, which in turn is a one dimensional construct, comprising only the affective dimension

    Generic and Specific Competencies of the Supervisor in Pedagogical Context

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    For the success of the learning of students of higher education it is necessary that the teacher plays the supervisory action that aims to ensure a learning adapted to the biopsycho social context of the learners. Objective: To evaluate the perspective of the students on the competences of the mentor teacher. The study descriptive with favorable opinion of the Ethics Committee was carried out on a sample by 306 students, from a Polytechnique Institute of Portugal (81.7% women), with a mean of 21.15 years. Data collection wascarried out via the online application of Cunha et al.'S (2017) Generic and Specific Supervisor Competency Scale. The results support the importance of the assignment of a mentor teacher in College (87.5%), with follow-up from 1st to 4th year (60.4%). They also suggest the preference of daily sessions (51.6%) in the training place (52.4%), lasting lessthan one hour (49.7%). The character is tics most valued by the students are generic competences and the most valued item was the demon strate empathy, patience, understanding and readiness to dialogue. The results suggest that one should consider the evaluation of the competences obtained by the teachers when evaluating their pedagogical performance in the scope of supervision. Even though higher education students value the existence of a mentor teacher with competences for the supervision of learning, their attribution assumes relevance in the strategic management of innovative pedagogical practices in the fight against failure and school abandonment.IPV / CGDinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conception and validation of the Behavioral Intentions Scale of Organizational Citizenship (BISOC)

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    This study aimed to construct and validate the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Citizenship Scale (BISOC). Organizational citizenship consists of measures of voluntary behaviors, which are beneficial to organizations and are not explicit in employment contracts. To investigate the psychometric properties of BISOC, we selected 767 employees in different cities from the states of Bahia and Pernambuco (Brazil). The validation procedures adopted, which used techniques from both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory, showed that the BISOC has a unidimensional structure. From the initial set of 42 items, 35 items met the validation criteria. By presenting suitable psychometric parameters, BISOC is the first measure of organizational citizenship behaviors developed and validated to assess behavioral intentions

    A centralidade da luta simbólica para o MST: expansão da ocupação do ciberespaço na busca por reconhecimento.

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    O processo de reinvenção do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) está em curso. Bandeiras clássicas, como o próprio modelo de reforma agrária reivindicado, são resignificadas. O MST também tenta aumentar e fortalecer suas alianças com movimentos sociais urbanos e convencer a sociedade da importância de uma produção agrícola pautada pela agroecologia. Ela embasa a proposta de ―Reforma Agrária Popular‖ elaborada pelo movimento em contraponto ao sistema de produção rural representado pelo agronegócio. Este conflito, que estrutura as interações entre os diversos agentes sociais com interesse nessa temática, ocorre simultaneamente nos campos simbólico e material. Porém, aos olhos do senso comum e de parte dos militantes do MST, apenas a luta concreta ganha destaque. A partir do referencial teórico baseado em autores como Fraser (2007) e Honneth (2003), foram problematizadas as demandas do MST por redistribuição e reconhecimento. Com o estudo da expansão da política de comunicação da organização pelo ciberespaço, viabilizado por meio da etnografia das ações do movimento na internet, foi detectado o alargamento da relação de interdependência entre os campos simbólico e material da luta desenvolvida pelo grupo. Para chegar a essa constatação, foi necessário realizar o mapeamento dos usos e apropriações de ferramentas on-line efetuadas pelo MST, em um novo espaço público intrincado pelas relações de poder que conformam as lógicas de atuação dos atores que constituem, segundo a segundo, o ―universo virtual‖, cuja equivocada percepção de separação com o mundo real foi superada gradativamente. Os resultados obtidos no trabalho permitem propor uma nova perspectiva na compreensão do MST, onde a luta no campo simbólico, por reconhecimento, não pode ser vista como secundária. Ela deve ser compreendida como central para o grupo, assim como sempre foi entendida a luta utilitária, pela conquista da terra. Ambas são equivalentes e mutuamente dependentes, pois compõem dimensões distintas de uma mesma realidade.The process of reinvention of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) is ongoing. Classic flags, as the claimed land reform model, are resignified. The MST also attempts to increase and strengthen its alliances with urban social movements and convince society of the importance of agricultural production guided by agroecology. It underlies the proposed "Land Reform People" prepared by moving counterpoint to the rural production system represented by agribusiness. This clash, which marks the relations between social agents working in these regions, simultaneously occurs in symbolic fields and material. However, in the eyes of common sense and part of the MST militants, only material struggle is highlighted. From the theoretical framework based on authors such as Fraser (2007) and Honneth (2003), have been problematized the demands of the MST for redistribution and recognition. To study the expansion of the cyberspace organization's communication policy, made possible through the ethnography of the actions of the movement developed on the Internet, was detected enlargement of the interdependent relationship between the symbolic fields and material struggle developed by the group. To reach this conclusion, it was necessary to perform the mapping of uses and appropriations of the new on-line tools made by the movement, a new public space intricate by the power relations that constitute the logic of action of the actors who are every second the " virtual universe ", whose separation from the real world was gradually broken. The obtained results allow us to propose a new perspective in understanding the MST, where fighting in the symbolic field, recognition, can not be seen as secondary. It should be understood as central to the group, as it was always understood utilitarian struggle for land. Both are equivalent and mutually dependent, as comprise different dimensions of the same reality

    ChatGPT: limitações, desafios e aplicações potenciais

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    This article introduces ChatGPT, a language model based on text generation developed by OpenAI. Built on top of the GPT-3.5 architecture, ChatGPT is capable of engaging in interactive conversations with users, answering questions, providing information, and even simulating natural conversations. The model is trained on large amounts of text data and uses an attention mechanism to learn language structure and generate coherent and relevant responses. The purpose of this article is to analyze and discuss the training process, main characteristics, challenges and applications of ChatGPT. ChatGPT represents an important step towards more sophisticated and interactive dialog systems, driving the advancement of artificial intelligence in the field of conversation.Este artículo presenta ChatGPT, un modelo de lenguaje basado en la generación de texto desarrollado por OpenAI. Construido sobre la arquitectura GPT-3.5, ChatGPT es capaz de entablar conversaciones interactivas con los usuarios, responder preguntas, proporcionar información e incluso simular conversaciones naturales. El modelo está entrenado en grandes cantidades de datos de texto y utiliza un mecanismo de atención para aprender la estructura del lenguaje y generar respuestas coherentes y relevantes. El propósito de este artículo es analizar y discutir el proceso de formación, principales características, desafíos y aplicaciones de ChatGPT. ChatGPT representa un paso importante hacia sistemas de diálogo más sofisticados e interactivos, impulsando el avance de la inteligencia artificial en el campo de la conversación.Este artigo apresenta o ChatGPT, um modelo de linguagem baseado na geração de texto desenvolvido pela OpenAI. Construído sobre a arquitetura GPT-3.5, o ChatGPT é capaz de se envolver em conversas interativas com os usuários, respondendo a perguntas, fornecendo informações e até simulando conversas naturais. O modelo é treinado em grandes quantidades de dados de texto e usa um mecanismo de atenção para aprender a estrutura da linguagem e gerar respostas coerentes e relevantes. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e discutir o processo de treinamento, principais características, desafios e aplicações do ChatGPT. O ChatGPT representa um passo importante para sistemas de diálogo mais sofisticados e interativos, impulsionando o avanço da inteligência artificial no campo da conversação