1,934 research outputs found

    The Intermediate Band Solar Cell: Progress Toward the Realization of an Attractive Concept

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    The intermediate band (IB) solar cell has been proposed to increase the current of solar cells while at the same time preserving the output voltage in order to produce an efficiency that ideally is above the limit established by Shockley and Queisser in 1961. The concept is described and the present realizations and acquired understanding are explained. Quantum dots are used to make the cells but the efficiencies that have been achieved so far are not yet satisfactory. Possible ways to overcome the issues involved are depicted. Alternatively, and against early predictions, IB alloys have been prepared and cells that undoubtedly display the IB behavior have been fabricated, although their efficiency is still low. Full development of this concept is not trivial but it is expected that once the development of IB solar cells is fully mastered, IB solar cells should be able to operate in tandem in concentrators with very high efficiencies or as thin cells at low cost with efficiencies above the present ones

    Can Impurities be Beneficial to Photovoltaics?

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    The state of the art of the intermediate band solar cells is presented with emphasis on the use of impurities or alloys to form bulk intermediate band materials. Quantum dot intermediate band solar cells start to present already attractive efficiencies but many difficulties jeopardize the immediate achievement of record efficiency cells. To complement this research it is worthwhile examining bulk materials presenting an IB. Four or perhaps more materials have already proven to have it and several paths for the research of more are today open but no solar cell has yet been published based on them. This topic has already attracted many researches and abundant funds for their development worldwide

    Experimental advances in the next generation of solar cells

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    We consider next generation solar cells concepts those that have the potential to exceed the limiting efficiency calculated by Shockley and Queisser for single gap solar cells (40.7 %) and still have not been commercialized. Among these concepts, this paper deals with the multiple exciton generation (or impact ionization or multiple carrier generation) solar cell, the intermediate band solar cell and the hot carrier solar cell. These concepts were proposed theoretically more than ten years ago. In the last years, the number of experiments supporting the theories behind and paving the way towards their practical implementation has leaped forward. This work reviews these experimental advance

    Light trapping properties of cylindrical well diffraction gratings in solar cells: Computational calculations

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    Light trapping using diffraction gratings is a promising approach to increasing absorption in solar cells. In this paper, the computationally calculated absorption enhancement expected from a diffraction grating consisting of a triangular array of cylindrical wells is presented. Angle-extended polychromatic illumination is considered, and special attention is paid to absorption of sub-bandgap photons in an intermediate band solar cell. Results are compared to the absorption enhancement expected from an ideal Lambertian (randomizing) scatterer, which is considered as a baseline. It is found that for cells which absorb very weakly, the diffraction grating provides absorption enhancement above that of the ideal Lambertian scatterer over a wide wavelength range. For cells which absorb more strongly, the grating underperforms the ideal Lambertian scatterer over almost all wavelengths. Finally, the grating period, well height and well radius are optimised. Keywords: Light Trapping, Diffraction Grating, Intermediate Band Solar Cel

    On the Partial Filling of the Intermediate Band in IB Solar Cells

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    Based on a generalized model of the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) statistics published elsewhere, the effect of the partial filling of the intermediate band (IB) in IB solar cells and the ways of producing it are analyzed, as is its influence on the electron-hole pair generation by subband-gap photons. The differences between cells with the conduction band and the IB thermally coupled and uncoupled are stressed. This paper is oriented toward the explanation of the operation of quantum-dot solar cells, where the IB is formed from electron-confined states but can also be applicable to other IB systems

    Electron-phonon energy transfer in hot-carrier solar cells

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    Hot-carrier solar cells may yield very high efficiency if the heat transfer from electrons to phonons is low enough. In this paper we calculate this heat transfer for the two inelastic mechanisms known to limit the electric conductivity: the multi-valley scattering in non-polar semiconductors and the coupling of electrons to longitudinal optical phonons in polar semiconductors. Heat transfer is ruled by matrix elements deduced from electric conductivity measurements. The cell power extracted from hot-carrier solar cells affected by this mechanism, but otherwise ideal, is deduced. It is found that Si and Ge solar cells, mainly under concentrated sun light, might lead to better efficiencies than conventional cells