68 research outputs found

    Programa de formación en el acompañamiento de navegación de pacientes para la detección temprana y tratamiento del cáncer cérvico uterino dirigido a profesionales de salud y voluntariado de la Asociación Nacional contra el Cáncer (ANCEC) de la Provincia de Veraguas, República de Panamá

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    El cervicouterino es el segundo cáncer más frecuente en el mundo y en la provincia de Veraguas es la segunda causa de muerte en mujeres. Esto, debido a la debilidad del sistema de salud por no ofrecer una atención oportuna y eficaz. A pesar del apoyo de la Asociación Nacional contra el Cáncer (ANCEC), con las giras de patología cervical en la provincia de Veraguas, las pacientes siguen llegando al Instituto Oncológico Nacional en etapas avanzadas. Por esto nació el interés de diseñar un programa de navegación de pacientes para tratar de aminorar el tiempo de 22 meses que dura el proceso de atención del cáncer de cérvix hasta llegar al tratamiento. Para definir el perfil de las navegadoras, se desarrolló una investigación mixta donde se estudiaron tres grupos: personal de salud, voluntariado de ANCEC(navegadoras) y personal de ANCEC. Los resultados demuestran que las navegadoras deben tener conocimientos generales sobre estilos de vida saludables, cáncer, cuidados paliativos y voluntariado y deben demostrar habilidades blandas y actitudes de compromiso con el voluntariado, capacidad de escucha y trato al paciente. Estos resultados se aplicaron en el diseño de la propuesta de la formación de navegadoras para el acompañamiento de pacientes, con un enfoque curricular por competencia

    Ultrasonic vs Drill Implant Site Preparation: Post-Operative Pain Measurement Through VAS, Swelling and Crestal Bone Remodeling: A Randomized Clinical Study.

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    Background: Piezosurgery is a surgical procedure that is able to perform osteotomies by a micrometric and selective cut of the bone tissue. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate two different techniques; an ultrasonic device, and a drill approach for implant site preparation. Methods: A total of fifty patients were recruited for the randomized clinical trial to receive dental implants for fixed prosthetic restoration in the posterior mandible and were allotted to two groups. In Group A the implant site was prepared following a drilling technique, while in Group B the implant site was prepared using an ultrasonic device; moreover, the operative duration was recorded. Postoperative pain and swelling were evaluated at 1, 2, 4, and 6 days. The crestal bone resorption was measured at 3 months from implant placement by a three-dimensional tomography evaluation. Results: The findings suggest that osteotomies performed by an ultrasonic device cause less pain and swelling. On the other hand, the piezoelectric preparation was characterized by a significative increase in the operative time. No statistical differences in crestal bone resorption were evident in the two different approaches. Conclusions: According to the outcome of the study, ultrasonic implant bed preparation can be used with success in implantology and could be considered a suitable alternative to traditional drilling techniques for dental fixture placement

    Disasters and emergency management in chemical and industrial plants: Drones simulation for education and training

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    The use of simulation for training is proven to be extremely effective both in term of costs and in term of its flexibility for different uses and applications, such as building situation awareness and creating scenarios for training scopes. The aim of the project proposed is to demonstrate the powerful rule of simulation in UAV pilots\u2019 cooperative training; the project presented makes use of a 3D simulation environment in order to build a realistic condition of an emergency situation in a chemical plant for the first responders. The model proposed makes use of HLA (High Level Architecture) standards in order to be potentially federated with other existing simulators. In the solution proposed, the pilot of the drone must accomplish the mission in a given time piloting a UAV; the scenario is based inside a chemical plant where a disaster is newly occurred. Then ability of the pilot is measured by the system and several constraints are reproduced to provide a realistic training scenario (such as small spaces and barriers to overcome, battery durations, risks of damages due to high temperatures zones, etc.); the system records and tracks all the actions of the pilot and gives a feedback to the user at the end of the simulation time

    Electrochemotherapy as palliative treatment in patients with advanced head and neck tumours: Outcome analysis in 93 patients treated in a single institution.

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    Abstract Purpose To describe outcomes of Electrochemotherapy as palliative treatment in patients with advanced head and neck (H&N) tumours. Methods Ninety-three patients (120 treatment sessions) with H&N recurrent and/or metastatic neoplasm were treated. Treatment response was assessed 4 weeks after ECT with clinical examination and two months after the first evaluation with a CT scan of the H&N for deep lesions evaluation. The grade of bleeding and pain before, at the end of treatment and one week after ECT were evaluated. Results Five percent of complete responses, 40% of partial responses were registered. Disease progression was seen in 20% of patients after the first ECT procedure, the remaining 34% of patients experienced stable disease. A good control of pain and bleeding was obtained, especially in patients with moderate symptoms before the treatment. No toxicities related to ECT were seen. Conclusions ECT is an interesting antitumoral therapy in advanced chemo and radio-refractory H&N neoplasms. ECT is able to reduce frequent symptoms, such as pain and bleeding, improving quality of life without damage to healthy tissue and with limited side effects. Moreover, ECT reduces hospitalization time and may contribute to an overall reduction in healthcare costs associated with advanced H&N cancers care

    MIS-C: A COVID-19-associated condition between hypoimmunity and hyperimmunity

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    : Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare, severe complication of COVID-19. A better knowledge of immunological, cellular, and genetic characteristics of MIS-C could help better understand the pathogenesis of the disease and contribute to identifying specific diagnostic biomarkers and develop targeted therapies. We studied 37 MIS-C children at hospital admission and 24 healthy controls analyzing serum cytokines (IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, IL-12p70 and TNF), lymphocyte populations by flow cytometry and 386 genes related to autoimmune diseases, autoinflammation and primary immunodeficiencies by NGS. MIS-C patients showed a significant increase of serum IFNγ (despite a significant reduction of activated Th1) and ILs, even if with a great heterogeneity among patients, revealing different pathways involved in MIS-C pathogenesis and suggesting that serum cytokines at admission may help to select the inflammatory pathways to target in each patient. Flow cytometry demonstrated a relevant reduction of T populations while the percentage of B cell was increased in agreement with an autoimmune pathogenesis of MIS-C. Genetic analysis identified variants in 34 genes and 83.3% of patients had at least one gene variant. Among these, 9 were mutated in more patients. Most genes are related to autoimmune diseases like ATM, NCF1, MCM4, FCN3, and DOCK8 or to autoinflammatory diseases associated to the release of IFNγ like PRF1, NOD2, and MEF. Thus, an incomplete clearance of the Sars-CoV2 during the acute phase may induce tissue damage and self-antigen exposure and genetic variants can predispose to hyper-reactive immune dysregulation events of MIS-C-syndrome. Type II IFN activation and cytokine responses (mainly IL-6 and IL-10) may cause a cytokine storm in some patients with a more severe acute phase of the disease, lymphopenia and multisystemic organ involvement. The timely identification of such patients with an immunocytometric panel might be critical for targeted therapeutic management

    Different Perception of Musical Stimuli in Patients with Monolateral and Bilateral Cochlear Implants

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    The aim of the present study is to measure the perceived pleasantness during the observation of a musical video clip in a group of cochlear implanted adult patients when compared to a group of normal hearing subjects. This comparison was performed by using the imbalance of the EEG power spectra in alpha band over frontal areas as a metric for the perceived pleasantness. Subjects were asked to watch a musical video clip in three different experimental conditions: with the original audio included (Norm), with a distorted version of the audio (Dist), and without the audio (Mute). The frontal EEG imbalance between the estimated power spectra for the left and right prefrontal areas has been calculated to investigate the differences among the two populations. Results suggested that the perceived pleasantness of the musical video clip in the normal hearing population and in the bilateral cochlear implanted populations has similar range of variation across the different stimulations (Norm, Dist, and Mute), when compared to the range of variation of video clip’s pleasantness for the monolateral cochlear implanted population. A similarity exists in the trends of the perceived pleasantness across the different experimental conditions in the mono- and bilaterally cochlear implanted patients

    Long term dual antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction: retrospective analysis in an outpatient population

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    Long term treatment with ticagrelor 60 mg and low-dose aspirin are indicated after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We retrospectively reviewed aggregate data of 187 patients (155 M and 38 F) (mean age 63.8±9 years) in follow up after ACS with at least one high risk condition (Multivessel disease, diabetes, GFR65 years) treated with ticagrelor 60 mg twice daily (after 90 mg twice daily for 12 months). The results were compared with findings (characteristics of the patients at baseline, outcomes, bleeding) of PEGASUS-TIMI 54 trial and Eu Label. The highrisk groups were represented as follows: multivessel disease 105 pts (82%), diabetes 63 pts (33%), GFR65 year aged 85 pts (45%). Treatment was withdrawn in 7 patients: 3 cases showed atrial fibrillation and were placed on oral anticoagulant drugs, one developed intracranial bleeding, in three patients a temporary withdrawal was due to surgery (1 colon polyposis and 2 cases of bladder papilloma). Chest pain without myocardial infarction occurred in 16 patients (revascularization was required in 9 patients). Dyspnea was present in 15 patients, but was not a cause for discontinuation of therapy. Long term treatment with ticagrelor 60 mg twice daily plus aspirin 100 mg/day showed a favourable benefit/risk profile after ACS. In this study all patients had been given ticagrelor 90 mg twice daily for 12 months and the 60 mg twice daily dosage was started immediately thereafter, unlike PEGASUS-TIMI 54 trial in which it was prescribed within a period ranging from 1 day to 1 year after discontinuation of the 90 mg dose. This makes our results more consistent with current clinical practice. However, a careful outpatient follow-up and constant counseling are mandatory to check out compliance to therapy and adverse side effects

    Early interventricular septum rupture after systemic thrombolysis in a patient with STEMI

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    Intraventricular septal rupture (ISR) is one of the most dreadful complications during AMI, requiring early diagnosis and urgent surgery. However, medical (90%) and surgical (50%) mortality remain elevated. We report a case of a 59 years old patient with inferoposterior AMI complicated by ISR after thrombolysis. Despite early recognition of this complication by trans-thoracic echocardiography at bedside and prompt surgical intervention the patient died on the second post-surgical day