228 research outputs found


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    Este artigo discute as contradições inerentes a presença marcante da pequena e grande produção agrícola. Trata-se de uma reflexão sobre as teorias que subjugaram a agricultura familiar como um modo de produção fadado ao desaparecimento. As transformações ocorridas na forma de acumulação e centralização do capital nas últimas décadas não permitem mais tratar a pequena produção como algo isolado, mas como objeto fundamental de uma nova proposta de desenvolvimento. A primeira parte desse trabalho trata dos aspectos relacionados aos conceitos e teorias que desvendam a identidade e as peculiaridades da agricultura familiar frente ao sistema capitalista. A segunda parte faz uma análise do sistema capitalista e a forma como ele vem se apropriando do capital sob a ótica do neoliberalismo. Dessa forma, repensar a sua lógica de produção é reconhecê-la como uma estratégia para a superação de vários estrangulamentos econômicos e sociais nos quais a sociedade contemporânea está inserida.--------------------------------------------------------This article discuss the inherent contradictions between small and big agricultural production. It is a reflection about the theories that have subjugated familiar agriculture as a way of production bound to disappear. The transformations occurred in the form of capital accumulation and centralization in the late decades does not allow the treat of small production as something isolated anymore, but as a prime object of a new development proposal. The first part of the essay talks about aspects linked to concepts and theories the show up an identity and the peculiarities of familiar agriculture before the capitalist system. The second part is about a capitalist system analysis and the way how it has been appropriating the capital under the neoliberalism view. So, thinking again its production logic brings knowledge to overcome many economic and social problems which the actual society is living.agricultura familiar, capitalismo, neoliberalismo, familiar agriculture, capitalism, neoliberalism, Industrial Organization,

    Desigualdades de Bell: influencia de la decoherencia y experimentos de prueba de concepto

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    Este trabajo analiza en profundidad las desigualdades de Bell y su comprobación experimental en un ordenador cuántico real. Las desigualdades de Bell han desempeñado un papel crucial en nuestra comprensión de los principios fundamentales de la mecánica cuántica, en particular en relación con el concepto de entrelazamiento y la violación del realismo local. Realizando experimentos en hardware cuántico real, hemos podido observar el comportamiento de los qubits entrelazados y la manifestación de correlaciones cuánticas. Sin embargo, la presencia de ruido cuántico puede afectar significativamente a la precisión y fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos en los experimentos de computación cuántica. Por eso, hemos analizado los efectos del ruido cuántico en la violación de las desigualdades de Bell y hemos discutido posibles estrategias para mitigar estos efectos. Además, hemos examinado varias vías de escape que pueden surgir en la implementación experimental de las desigualdades de Bell en un ordenador cuántico y hemos discutido estrategias para minimizar su impacto en los resultados. En general, este trabajo pone de manifiesto la necesidad de seguir investigando y desarrollando en el campo de la computación cuántica para poder aprovechar plenamente sus posibles aplicaciones en diversos campos.This project provides an in-depth exploration of Bell’s inequalities and their experimental realization on a real quantum computer. Bell’s inequalities have played a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, particularly in relation to the concept of entanglement and the violation of local realism. By conducting experiments on actual quantum hardware, we have been able to observe the behavior of entangled qubits and the manifestation of quantum correlations. However, the presence of quantum noise can significantly impact the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained from quantum computing experiments. Hence, we have analyzed the effects of quantum noise on the violation of Bell’s inequalities and have discussed potential strategies for mitigating these effects. Additionally, we have examined various loopholes that may arise in the experimental implementation of Bell’s inequalities on a quantum computer and have discussed strategies for minimizing their impact on the results. Overall, this work highlights the need for continued research and development in the field of quantum computing in order to fully realize its potential applications in various fields.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDepartamento de Física teórica, atómica y ópticaGrado en Físic

    Upgrade of the MAGIC Telescope with a Multiplexed Fiber-Optic 2 GSamples/s FADC Data Acquisition system

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    In February 2007 the MAGIC Air Cherenkov Telescope for gamma ray astronomy was fully upgraded with a fast 2 GSamples/s digitization system. The upgraded readout system uses a novel fiber-optic multiplexing technique. It consists of 10-bit 2 GSamples/s FADCs to digitize 16 channels consecutively and optical fibers to delay the analog signals. A distributed data acquisition system using GBit Ethernet and FiberChannel technology allows to read out the 100 kByte events with a continuous rate of up to 1 kHz.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, July 200

    Dolphin Morbillivirus in Eurasian Otters, Italy

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    We report biomolecular evidence of dolphin morbillivirus in 4 wild Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) from southern Italy; 2 animals showed simultaneous immunohistochemical reactivity against morbilliviral antigen. These cases add further concern and support to the progressively expanding host range of dolphin morbillivirus in the western Mediterranean Sea


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     Esse artigo aborda o pensamento econômico das escolas fisiocrática e clássica tangentes à agricultura, e os reflexos dessas idéias na modulação dos instrumentos de política agrícola praticados na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, evoca o desaf io, pelo método descritivo, de permitir-se uma análise hermenêutica dos excertos cujo bojo ainda se mantém como fundamento teórico e justificador das medidas adotadas na atualidade. Resgatam-se os escritos de François Quesnay , Adam Smith, Thomas Robert Malthus e David Ricardo. Pelo método histórico tem-se a reconstrução sinóptica dos principais eventos cuja combinação ensejou a conjuntura contemporânea que, por sua vez, exigiu ou indicou a adoção das ferramentas de ingerência do custeio agrícola por parte do Estado. De posse desse conhecimento, discute-se os delineamentos promovidos por essa ideologia na evolução do Sistema Nacional de Crédito Rural (SNCR) , acompanhados , óbv io, pelo contexto histórico-econômico vigente

    Identification of Universally Applicable and Species-Specific Marker Peptides for Bacillus anthracis

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    Anthrax is a zoonotic infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis (BA). Specific identification of this pathogen often relies on targeting genes located on two extrachromosomal plasmids, which represent the major pathogenicity factors of BA. However, more recent findings show that these plasmids have also been found in other closely related Bacillus species. In this study, we investigated the possibility of identifying species-specific and universally applicable marker peptides for BA. For this purpose, we applied a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based approach for 42 BA isolates. Along with the genomic sequencing data and by developing a bioinformatics data evaluation pipeline, which uses a database containing most of the publicly available protein sequences worldwide (UniParc), we were able to identify eleven universal marker peptides unique to BA. These markers are located on the chromosome and therefore, might overcome known problems, such as observable loss of plasmids in environmental species, plasmid loss during cultivation in the lab, and the fact that the virulence plasmids are not necessarily a unique feature of BA. The identified chromosomally encoded markers in this study could extend the small panel of already existing chromosomal targets and along with targets for the virulence plasmids, may pave the way to an even more reliable identification of BA using genomics- as well as proteomics-based techniques