17 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic Stress and Drug Consumption: Unemployment as an Adverse Health Factor in Croatia

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    Aim: To explore to what degree unemployment was related to health problems expressed in terms of consumption of prescription drugs in Croatian citizens. Methods: Based on the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance data for 2003, the number of prescriptions per insured individual (NPI) was calculated for employed and unemployed persons, as well as for different subsets according to the region (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek), age, gender, and prescribed drug category. Results: During 2003, a total of 1 003 547 drugs were prescribed to 949 746 health-insured persons aged 18-69 years. NPI was 32% higher for unemployed than for employed citizens; it averaged 0.995 among the employed, and 1.317 among the unemployed. Differences in NPI (∆NPI) between the employed and the unemployed varied within the subsets; the largest difference was observed in the Zagreb region (ΔNPI = 0.522), in the 30-39 age group (ΔNPI = 0.563), in men (ΔNPI = 0.565), and for anxiolytic/antidepressant drugs (ΔNPI = 0.184). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that unemployed Croatian citizens used more drugs, which calls for the implementation of health care measures to reduce or prevent their medical problems, particularly those affecting mental health. Medical problems associated with unemployment present a specific burden for family medicine and the health care system

    Leisure time and values of secondary school leavers in Zadar (Croatia)

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    Rad prikazuje rezultate anketnog istraživanja provedenog godine 2009. među 254 učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola u Zadru. Strukture slobodnog vremena i vrijednosnog sustava sudionika istraživanja uglavnom su slične onima koje su u prethodnim istraživanjima nađene kod mladih iz različitih regija Hrvatske, te su znatno obilježene modernošću i usmjerenošću na odnose s bliskim osobama. Očekivano, modernost i sličnost s drugim uspoređenim uzorcima mladih pokazuju se više izraženima u području slobodnog vremena negoli u vrijednostima. Od ispitivanih vrijednosti, sudionicima istraživanja najvažnije su: zdravlje, prijateljstvo, dobri odnosi u obitelji, poštenje i ljubav. Rezultati ukazuju da vrijednosti konvencionalne moralne orijentacije kod njih čine glavnu poveznicu s težnjom ka samoostvarivanju. Važnosti koje pridaju tim vrijednostima, kao i neovisnosti o tuđim utjecajima, ujedno su i moguća osnova za njihovo kreativnije ispunjavanje vremena, primjerice većim uključivanjem u izvannastavne edukativno-kulturne programe i oblike organiziranog pomaganja zajednici.This paper presents the results of survey carried out in 2009 among 254 secondary school leavers in Zadar. The structures of participants’ leisure time and value system are very similar to those found by earlier surveys among youth in different regions of Croatia, and are considerably marked by modernity and by orientation toward relationships with close others. Expectedly, modernity and similarity with other compared youth samples appear more expressed in the field of free time than in values. Out of examined values, the participants’ most important ones are health, friendship, good family relations, fairness, and love. The results indicate that values of conventionally moral orientation make the main connection with their striving toward selfrealization. The importance they give to those values, and to independence of others’ influences as well, represent also the possible basis for their more creative free time using, for instance, through their greater inclusion in extracurricular educativecultural programs and in organized community-helping activities

    Der Bezug zwischen religiöser Ausrichtung, Sexualität und Prosozialität

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    Na uzorku od 223 studenta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 105 muških i 118 ženskih ispitanika, raspona dobi od 19 do 34 godine, ispitana je povezanost religioznosti (opća, intrinzična, ekstrinzična, ekstrinzično-socijalna i ekstrinzično-personalna religioznost), seksualnosti (seksualni stilovi \u27uloga\u27, \u27trans\u27 i \u27ljubav\u27, dob stupanja u spolne odnose i broj dosadašnjih seksualnih partnera) te prosocijalnosti (emocionalna empatija i altruizam). Intrinzična i ekstrinzično-socijalna religioznost koreliraju pozitivno sa stilom \u27ljubav\u27, a negativno s brojem partnera. Opća, intrinzična, ekstrinzično-socijalna i ekstrinzično-personalna religioznost pozitivno koreliraju s emocionalnom empatijom; opća i ekstrinzično-personalna religioznost pozitivno koreliraju i s altruizmom. \u27Ljubav\u27 i \u27trans\u27 pozitivno koreliraju s emocionalnom empatijom, a broj partnera negativno korelira s njom. Pokazale su se i neke spolne razlike u povezanosti triju područja. Također, pokazalo se da seksualno neiskusni studenti imaju značajno veću intrinzičnu, ekstrinzično-socijalnu i ekstrinzično-personalnu religioznost od iskusnih. Rezultati su komentirani s aspekta teorija konzistencije i mogućih alternativnih objašnjenja.Among 223 college students from the University of Zagreb, 105 male and 118 female students, aged 19-34 years, examined the association among religiosity (general, intrinsic, extrinsic-social and extrinsic-personal religiosity), sexuality (three sexual styles/scripts; "role enactment", "sexual trance" and "partner engagement"; age for onset of sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners) and prosociality (emotional empathy and altruism). Intrinsic and extrinsic- -social religiosity were positively correlated with preferences for partner engagement, and negatively correlated with number of sexual partners. General, intrinsic, extrinsic-social and extrinsic-personal religiosity were positively correlated with emotional empathy; general and extrinsic-personal religiosity were also positively correlated with altruism. Partner engagement and sexual trance were positively correlated with emotional empathy, and number of sexual partners was negatively correlated with emotional empathy. There were some gender differences in the relationships among three examined fields. Furthermore, sexually unexperienced students had significantly higher results in intrinsic, extrinsic- -social and extrinsic-personal religiosity than sexually experienced students had. The results are discussed regarding the theories of consistency and possible alternative explanations.Unter 223 Studenten der Universität Zagreb (118 Studentinnen und 105 Studenten) im Alter von 19 bis 34 Jahren wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt, um den Bezug zwischen Religiosität, Sexualität und prosozialem Verhalten zu untersuchen. Die Religiosität wurde verstanden als allgemeine, intrinsische, extrinsische, extrinsisch-soziale und extrinsisch-persönliche Religiosität; bei Sexualität diffenzierte man verschiedene Verhaltensstile (fantasiereiches \u27Rollenspiel\u27, genussorientierte \u27Trance\u27 und romantischhingebungsvolle \u27Liebe\u27), das Alter des ersten Geschlechtsverkehrs und die Zahl der bisherigen Sexualpartner; prosoziales Verhalten bzw. Prosozialität wurde aufgeteilt in emotionale Empathie und Altruismus. Intrinsische und extrinsisch-soziale Religiosität korrelieren positiv mit dem sexuellen Verhaltensstil \u27Liebe\u27, negativ jedoch mit der Zahl der Sexualpartner. Allgemeine, intrinsische, extrinsisch-soziale und extrinsisch-persönliche Religiosität korrelieren positiv mit emotionaler Empathie; allgemeine und extrinsisch-persönliche Religiosität korrelieren mit Altruismus. Die sexuellen Verhaltensstile \u27Liebe\u27 und \u27Trance\u27 korrelieren positiv mit emotionaler Empathie, diese korreliert jedoch negativ mit der Zahl der Sexualpartner. Es ergaben sich auch einige Unterschiede im Verhältnis der drei genannten Faktoren zueinander, die durch die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit bedingt sind. Es zeigte sich ebenfalls, dass sexuell unerfahrene Studenten eine wesentlich stärkere intrinsische, extrinsisch-soziale und extrinsischpersönliche Religiosität aufweisen als ihre erfahrenen Kollegen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse werden unter dem Blickwinkel der Konsistenz-Theorie und möglicher alternativer Erklärungen erläutert

    Socioeconomic Stress and Drug Consumption: Unemployment as an Adverse Health Factor in Croatia

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    Aim: To explore to what degree unemployment was related to health problems expressed in terms of consumption of prescription drugs in Croatian citizens. Methods: Based on the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance data for 2003, the number of prescriptions per insured individual (NPI) was calculated for employed and unemployed persons, as well as for different subsets according to the region (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek), age, gender, and prescribed drug category. Results: During 2003, a total of 1 003 547 drugs were prescribed to 949 746 health-insured persons aged 18-69 years. NPI was 32% higher for unemployed than for employed citizens; it averaged 0.995 among the employed, and 1.317 among the unemployed. Differences in NPI (∆NPI) between the employed and the unemployed varied within the subsets; the largest difference was observed in the Zagreb region (ΔNPI = 0.522), in the 30-39 age group (ΔNPI = 0.563), in men (ΔNPI = 0.565), and for anxiolytic/antidepressant drugs (ΔNPI = 0.184). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that unemployed Croatian citizens used more drugs, which calls for the implementation of health care measures to reduce or prevent their medical problems, particularly those affecting mental health. Medical problems associated with unemployment present a specific burden for family medicine and the health care system

    Leisure time and values of secondary school leavers in Zadar (Croatia)

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    Rad prikazuje rezultate anketnog istraživanja provedenog godine 2009. među 254 učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola u Zadru. Strukture slobodnog vremena i vrijednosnog sustava sudionika istraživanja uglavnom su slične onima koje su u prethodnim istraživanjima nađene kod mladih iz različitih regija Hrvatske, te su znatno obilježene modernošću i usmjerenošću na odnose s bliskim osobama. Očekivano, modernost i sličnost s drugim uspoređenim uzorcima mladih pokazuju se više izraženima u području slobodnog vremena negoli u vrijednostima. Od ispitivanih vrijednosti, sudionicima istraživanja najvažnije su: zdravlje, prijateljstvo, dobri odnosi u obitelji, poštenje i ljubav. Rezultati ukazuju da vrijednosti konvencionalne moralne orijentacije kod njih čine glavnu poveznicu s težnjom ka samoostvarivanju. Važnosti koje pridaju tim vrijednostima, kao i neovisnosti o tuđim utjecajima, ujedno su i moguća osnova za njihovo kreativnije ispunjavanje vremena, primjerice većim uključivanjem u izvannastavne edukativno-kulturne programe i oblike organiziranog pomaganja zajednici.This paper presents the results of survey carried out in 2009 among 254 secondary school leavers in Zadar. The structures of participants’ leisure time and value system are very similar to those found by earlier surveys among youth in different regions of Croatia, and are considerably marked by modernity and by orientation toward relationships with close others. Expectedly, modernity and similarity with other compared youth samples appear more expressed in the field of free time than in values. Out of examined values, the participants’ most important ones are health, friendship, good family relations, fairness, and love. The results indicate that values of conventionally moral orientation make the main connection with their striving toward selfrealization. The importance they give to those values, and to independence of others’ influences as well, represent also the possible basis for their more creative free time using, for instance, through their greater inclusion in extracurricular educativecultural programs and in organized community-helping activities

    Religiosity of Secondary School Leavers in Zadar (Croatia)

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    Rad prikazuje anketne rezultate o religioznosti dobivene među 254 učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola u Zadru. Rezultati su uspoređeni s nekim prošlim iskustvenim nalazima kod mladih i starijih u Hrvatskoj, uzimajući u obzir mogući utjecaj pojedinih metodoloških razlika između istraživanja. S obzirom na čestinu pohađanja mise, vidljiva je podjela ispitanika na liniji redovitost-prigodnost, gdje je redovitost tek nešto više zastupljena. U usporedbi s učenicima dobi 14-19 godina iz drugih područja Hrvatske, anketiranima prije pet do dvanaest godina, maturanti u Zadru iskazuju snažniju religijsku samo-identifikaciju uz, istodobno, slabiju ortodoksiju i ortopraksiju. Ova promjena ukazuje na moguću preobrazbu tradicionalne religioznosti u pravcu moderne odnosno ‘difuzne’ religioznosti. S druge strane, njihova religioznost općenito nadilazi stupanj religioznosti u punoljetnoj populaciji, što je u skladu s poznatim dobnim i regionalnim razlikama. Nalazi ovog istraživanja prate očekivani opći obrazac po kojemu je socio-kulturni identitet 18-godišnjaka u Zadru obilježen mješavinom (kasnog) moderniteta i tradicije pri čemu blagu prednost u nekim sastavnicama vjerojatno preuzima modernost. Može se pretpostaviti kako je dominacija modernosti najizraženija u njihovom ispunjavanju slobodnog vremena, a potom u sustavu vrijednosti i neprihvaćanju cjelovitog nauka vjere. Nasuprot tome, utjecaj tradicije ostaje dominantan u području samo-identifikacije – one nacionalne, konfesionalne i religijske.This paper presents the survey results on religiosity obtained by 254 secondary school leavers in Zadar (Croatia). The results are compared with some previous empirical findings on the adolescents and adults in Croatia, with regard to the possible impact of certain methodological differences in the surveys. Concerning the frequency of mass attendance, their differentiation on the line regularity-occasionality is noticeable, where the regularity is slightly more represented. In comparison with pupils aged 14–19 from other parts of Croatia who participated in surveys five to twelve years earlier, participants in Zadar exhibit stronger religious self-identification, along with weaker orthodoxy and orthopraxy. This change indicates a possible transformation of traditional religiousness in the direction of modern or ‘diffuse’ religious form. On the other hand, their religiosity generally exceeds the religiosity of adult population, which is in accordance with the well-known age and regional differences. The findings of this research follow the expected general pattern in which the socio-cultural identity of 18-year-olds in Zadar is marked by a mixture of (late) modernity and tradition with a slight advantage in some components in favour of modernity. It could be assumed that the dominance of modernity is mostly expressed in how they use their free-time, their value system and non-acceptance of integral Church teaching. On the other hand, the influence of tradition remains dominant in the field of self-identification – the confessional, national and religious one

    Croats in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Relationship between Coexistence and Forgiveness, and Individual Religiosity and Social-political Attitudes

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    Rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja, provedenoga krajem 1999. godine na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1.002 odraslih ispitanika hrvatske nacionalnosti u Federaciji BiH. Na osnovu odgovora, prikupljenih Upitnikom, ispitano je kako njihov odnos prema pripadnicima drugih konstitutivnih naroda korelira s nekim individualnim značajkama i društveno-političkim stavovima. Pokazala se izrazito velika etnička udaljenost – nešto veća prema Bošnjacima nego Srbima. Kao što se očekivalo, prihvaćanje suživota negativno je povezano s etnocentričnošću ispitanika, njihovim nacionalnim identitetom, religioznošću i autoritarnim stavovima, dok je pozitivno povezano s procjenama važnosti daljnjeg ostvarivanja demokracije u zemlji, obrazovanjem ispitanika i veličinom mjesta prebivanja. Mjere etničkog odnosa slabo su povezane s individualnim ratnim iskustvom, ali iznenađuje da je više pozitivnih nego negativnih korelacija. Opraštanje “onima koji su zlostavljali i ubijali Hrvate” više podržavaju žene, religiozniji (slaba povezanost) i manje etnocentrični ispitanici, zadovoljniji općim stanjem u zemlji i koji se manje slažu s tim da su za napredak zemlje važni neki aspekti demokracije te da kršćani i muslimani vjeruju u istoga Boga. Odnos prema suživotu, kod ispitanika, nije u skladu sa stavom o oprostu.This article presents the results of the research, conducted by end of the year 1999, among Croats in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (mostly west areas of Federation). The representative sample consists of 1002 adults. On the basis of answers out of questionnaire, it is examined how their relation with members of other constitutive nations (Serbs and Bosnians), correlates with some individual characteristics, including social-political attitudes. The results show great ethnic distance toward two nations, but it is more expressed toward Bosnians than Serbs. As expected, acceptance of coexistence is negatively correlated with ethnocentricity, national identity, religiosity and authoritarian attitudes, while it is positively correlated with assessments of importance of democracy in the country, with personal education level, and the size of the resident place. Measures of ethnic relation are weakly associated to individual war experience, but unexpectedly, the number of positive correlations is higher than number of negative ones. Forgiveness to “those who were doing violence and killings to our compatriots” is more supported by women, by more religious (very weak correlation) and less ethnocentric participants, more satisfied by general situation in country, and by those who are less convicted that some democracy aspects are important for the development of the country and that Christians and Muslims believe in same God. Among participants, relation to coexistence is discordant to the attitude to forgiveness

    Students\u27 Academic Mobility: Attitudes of Students of Economic Faculty in Split

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    Autori naglašavaju potrebu intenzivnijeg istraživanja uključivanja mladih u programe akademske mobilnosti, što se inače ocjenjuje kao jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva Bolonjskog procesa. Time se neposredno ostvaruje veća mobilnost studenata i nastavnika, a s namjerom stvaranja jedinstvenoga europskog prostora za visoko obrazovanje. Unutar širega istraživačkog interesa željelo se ustvrditi studenska očekivanja, želje, motivaciju, odnosno, razloge za moguće uključenje studenata u programe akademske mobilnosti. U radu se iznosi onaj dio rezultata pilot istraživanja koji se odnosi na informiranost studenata o programima mobilnosti, prepreke za uključenje, te ciljeve za koje studenti više ili manje smatraju da bi uključenjem mogli realizirati. Istraživanje je izvršeno metodom ankete, pomoću konstruiranog upitnika na uzorku od 382 studenta Ekonomskog fakulteta u Splitu tijekom travnja i svibnja 2005. g. Pokazalo se kako prevladava pozitivan stav prema uključenju u programe akademske mobilnosti, no nužno je uložiti dodatni napor u vezi s informiranjem o programima i samoj Bolonjskoj deklaraciji. Rezultati pokazuju da je nedostatak informiranosti ujedno i glavna prepreka za uključenje. Od prikazanih ciljeva, koji bi se eventualno mogli realizirati uključenjem, ispitanici najvažnijima smatraju: učenje stranih jezika, lakše pronalaženje posla nakon povratka, stručno i znanstveno usavršavanje, te rad na osobnom razvitku.Authors emphasize the need of more intensive research of youth including into the programs of academic mobility, what is evaluated as one of the main goals of Bologna process. The programs directly accomplish the greater mobility of students and the teachers, with an intention of creation a common European high educational area. Within the wider research interests, our aim was to define the students\u27 expectations, aspirations, motivations and the reasons for possible involving in the programs of academic mobility. In this paper we bring the part of results of pilot investigation concerning students\u27 level of information about programs, the obstacles of involving, and the objectives that students consider that could be realized by involving in programs. The investigation was realized by the survey-method, by means of a designed questionnaire on a sample of 382 students of Economic faculty in Split during April and May 2005. The results show the positive attitude on inclusion in programs of academic mobility, but it is necessary to make an additional effort on informing about academic programs and Bologna declaration. The results also show how the lack of information is at the same time the main obstacles for the inclusion. According to the participants\u27 answers, the most important objectives, which could be realized by including in the programs, are: learning foreign languages, easier way for getting a job after returning, improvement, scientific and professional development and self-development

    Croats in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Relationship between Coexistence and Forgiveness, and Individual Religiosity and Social-political Attitudes

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    Rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja, provedenoga krajem 1999. godine na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1.002 odraslih ispitanika hrvatske nacionalnosti u Federaciji BiH. Na osnovu odgovora, prikupljenih Upitnikom, ispitano je kako njihov odnos prema pripadnicima drugih konstitutivnih naroda korelira s nekim individualnim značajkama i društveno-političkim stavovima. Pokazala se izrazito velika etnička udaljenost – nešto veća prema Bošnjacima nego Srbima. Kao što se očekivalo, prihvaćanje suživota negativno je povezano s etnocentričnošću ispitanika, njihovim nacionalnim identitetom, religioznošću i autoritarnim stavovima, dok je pozitivno povezano s procjenama važnosti daljnjeg ostvarivanja demokracije u zemlji, obrazovanjem ispitanika i veličinom mjesta prebivanja. Mjere etničkog odnosa slabo su povezane s individualnim ratnim iskustvom, ali iznenađuje da je više pozitivnih nego negativnih korelacija. Opraštanje “onima koji su zlostavljali i ubijali Hrvate” više podržavaju žene, religiozniji (slaba povezanost) i manje etnocentrični ispitanici, zadovoljniji općim stanjem u zemlji i koji se manje slažu s tim da su za napredak zemlje važni neki aspekti demokracije te da kršćani i muslimani vjeruju u istoga Boga. Odnos prema suživotu, kod ispitanika, nije u skladu sa stavom o oprostu.This article presents the results of the research, conducted by end of the year 1999, among Croats in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (mostly west areas of Federation). The representative sample consists of 1002 adults. On the basis of answers out of questionnaire, it is examined how their relation with members of other constitutive nations (Serbs and Bosnians), correlates with some individual characteristics, including social-political attitudes. The results show great ethnic distance toward two nations, but it is more expressed toward Bosnians than Serbs. As expected, acceptance of coexistence is negatively correlated with ethnocentricity, national identity, religiosity and authoritarian attitudes, while it is positively correlated with assessments of importance of democracy in the country, with personal education level, and the size of the resident place. Measures of ethnic relation are weakly associated to individual war experience, but unexpectedly, the number of positive correlations is higher than number of negative ones. Forgiveness to “those who were doing violence and killings to our compatriots” is more supported by women, by more religious (very weak correlation) and less ethnocentric participants, more satisfied by general situation in country, and by those who are less convicted that some democracy aspects are important for the development of the country and that Christians and Muslims believe in same God. Among participants, relation to coexistence is discordant to the attitude to forgiveness