1,903 research outputs found


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    En el año de 2011 se analizó el desempeño ambiental de la finca Coruputuba, en Pindamonhangaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La metodología utilizada fué el sistema APOIA-NovoRural, con 62 indicadores de sustentabilidad en el contexto para el análisis de la implementación de los sistemas agroforestales con Calophyllum braziliense y Acacia mangium. Antes de la implementación de los sistemas agroforestales, la finca estuvo plantada con arroz en lo valle y eucalipto en las terrazas. Con el proyecto se logró sustituir 10 ha en el valle y 4 ha de terraza con Calophyllum, especie que ofrece una madera fina. Otra especie que se introdujo en la terraza fue la acacia (50 ha), sustituta del eucalipto. La finca aporta un valor agregado a la gestión dirigida a procesos de recuperación de la viabilidad económica y ambiental mediante el rescate de la vocación agrícola. Se fue reintroducido la Manihot esculenta, Maranta arundinaceae, Colocasia esculenta, Euterpe edulis, Musa sp., Cajanus cajan, y especies forestales en asociación con Calophyllum: Inga sp., Schinnus terebinthifolius, Alchornea triplinervia, Sesbania sp., repartidas entre 159 ha productivas y 50 ha para hábitats naturales de conservación. Las variables como efecto de los sistemas agroforestales estuvieron repartidas en suelos, caracteristicas productivas, apropiación y mejoramiento de las condicones de los trabajadores, aspectos ambientales y socioeconónicos que en conjunto arrojaron indices de desempeño para el sistema APOIA-NovoRural. Se encontraron contribuciones de los sistemas agroforestales para la sustentabilidad, destacándose la calidad del agua con índice (0,94) comparado con (0,85) obtenido en los sedimentos que drenan del cultivo de arroz; valores económicos (0,85) y de ecología del paisaje (0,77). El índice integrado medio, llegó a 0,79 en una escala de 0 a 10, con referencia de 0,70. La Finca Coruputuba estuvo entre los cinco valores más altos de desempeño ambiental de un universo de 178 casos

    A (IN)SEGURANÇA SILENCIOSA NOS CÂMPUS UNIVERSITÁRIOS: estudo na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

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    A segurança pública é um dos principais problemas sociais do Brasil e incide em todas as esferas da sociedade, inclusive nas Universidades. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um diagnóstico da segurança institucional na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – UFTM com o intuito de desenvolver e implantar uma política de segurança na universidade. Trata-se de estudo de caso, com pesquisa bibliográfica, documental, entrevista e grupos focais. O diagnóstico evidenciou a insegurança silenciosa que a comunidade acadêmica da UFTM vive, com problemas estruturais e organizacionais.Os resultados mostraram a necessidade de desenvolver ações de intervenção relacionadas à segurança no entorno da universidade, implementação de câmeras de vigilância e de departamento de segurança institucional, termais vigilantes e melhorar o controle na entrada das unidades da universidade. Palavras-chave: Administração pública. Segurança universitária. Gestão de riscos. Segurança institucional.THE SILENT(IN) SECURITY IN UNIVERSITY CAMPS: study at Federal University of Triângulo MineiroAbstractPublic security is one of the main social problems in Brazil and affects all spheres of society, including universities. The objective of this research was to make a diagnosis of institutional security at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro -UFTM in order to develop and implement a security policy at the university. This is a case study, with bibliographic, documentary research, interview and focus groups. The diagnosis showed the silent insecurity that the UFTM academiccommunity lives with structural and organizational problems. The results showed the need to develop intervention actions related to security around the university, implementation of surveillance cameras and institutional security department, have more vigilantand improve control at the entrance of the university units.Keywords: Public administration. University security. Risk management. Institutional security

    The impact of mortality from external causes on human development in the Brazilian borderland

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    This article estimates the impact of mortality from external causes on the human development index (HDI) along the Brazilian borderland from 2000 to 2005. Data obtained from Brazilian government agencies were combined using the methodology defined by the United Nations Development Program, revealing the HDI according to actual conditions. Subsequently, deaths from external causes were excluded in order to estimate their impact on the index, recalculating life expectancy using the technique of competing causes. HDI showed a gradual increase from North to South, with the most developed regions concentrated in the South, consistent with studies using other sets of economic indicators. By excluding mortality from external causes, the highest gains appeared in regions where the HDI (under actual conditions) were lower, and the magnitude of gains declined towards the South

    HLA profile in patients with AIDS and tuberculosis

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    Studies carried out in various populations have reported an association between some HLA specificities and susceptibility to tuberculosis. We investigated the class I and class II HLA profile in Brazilian patients of various ethnic backgrounds who had AIDS and tuberculosis. Twenty-two adult patients with AIDS and tuberculosis (Group I), 103 patients with AIDS without tuberculosis (Group II) and 423 healthy individuals not infected with HIV (Group III) were evaluated. Diagnosis of HIV infection was made by ELISA, confirmed by a gelatin particle agglutination test. Diagnosis of tuberculosis was made based on clinical/radiological presentation and direct bacilloscopy or clinical specimen cultures. Class I antigens were typed by microlymphotoxicity. Class II alleles were characterized by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Differences in frequency of HLA specificities between groups were found in the following antigens/alleles: Group I x Group II: HLA-A31 - p=0.026; HLA-B41 - p= 0.037; HLA-DRB1*10 - p=0.037; HLA-DQB1*5 - p=0.009. Group I x Group III (control): HLA-A31 - p = 0.000008; odds ratio (OR)=31.75; HLA-B41 - p=0.003; HLA-DQB1*5 - p=0.02. HLA-A31 and HLA-B41 antigens and the HLA-DRB1*10 and HLA-DQB1*05 alleles were over-represented in patients with AIDS and tuberculosis (Group I), suggesting that these HLA molecules are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in Brazilian patients with AIDS

    A New Conceptual Model for Business Ecosystem Visualization and Analysis

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    This study has the objective of plotting the effects of network externalities and superstar software for the visualization and analysis of industry ecosystems. The output is made possible by gathering sales from a tracking website, associating each sale to a single consumer and by using a network visualization software. The result is a graph that shows strategic positioning of publishers and platforms, serving as a strategic tool for both academics and professionals. The approach is scalable to other industries and can be used to support analysis on mergers, acquisitions and alliances

    Anesthetic technique for inferior alveolar nerve block: a new approach

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    BACKGROUND: Effective pain control in Dentistry may be achieved by local anesthetic techniques. The success of the anesthetic technique in mandibular structures depends on the proximity of the needle tip to the mandibular foramen at the moment of anesthetic injection into the pterygomandibular region. Two techniques are available to reach the inferior alveolar nerve where it enters the mandibular canal, namely indirect and direct; these techniques differ in the number of movements required. Data demonstrate that the indirect technique is considered ineffective in 15% of cases and the direct technique in 13-29% of cases. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe an alternative technique for inferior alveolar nerve block using several anatomical points for reference, simplifying the procedure and enabling greater success and a more rapid learning curve. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 193 mandibles (146 with permanent dentition and 47 with primary dentition) from dry skulls were used to establish a relationship between the teeth and the mandibular foramen. By using two wires, the first passing through the mesiobuccal groove and middle point of the mesial slope of the distolingual cusp of the primary second molar or permanent first molar (right side), and the second following the oclusal plane (left side), a line can be achieved whose projection coincides with the left mandibular foramen. RESULTS: The obtained data showed correlation in 82.88% of cases using the permanent first molar, and in 93.62% of cases using the primary second molar. CONCLUSION: This method is potentially effective for inferior alveolar nerve block, especially in Pediatric Dentistry

    Tongue frenulum evaluation protocol in babies

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    OBJETIVO: apresentar uma proposta de protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês com escores. MÉTODO: inicialmente foi realizada uma revisão da literatura relacionada, consultando as bases de dados Web of Science, Pubmed, Embase, All Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews e Scielo, bem como livros textos das áreas de anatomia, odontopediatria e fonoaudiologia. Todos os aspectos julgados relevantes nos trabalhos encontrados foram incluídos na versão inicial, que foi submetida à avaliação de três fonoaudiólogas especialistas em motricidade orofacial, sendo obtida a versão consenso, que foi aplicada em 10 bebês nascidos a termo buscando verificar a exequibilidade do instrumento. RESULTADOS: com base na literatura consultada e no estudo piloto, foi elaborado o protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês. A primeira parte é composta por história clínica contendo questões gerais de identificação e questões específicas sobre antecedentes familiais e amamentação. A segunda parte é composta pelo exame clínico, constituído de avaliação anatomofuncional e avaliação das funções orofaciais. CONCLUSÕES: o protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês foi desenvolvido a partir de uma proposta teórica e depende de sua aplicabilidade para se configurar como um teste validado. Espera-se que o mesmo possa auxiliar os profissionais da saúde a avaliar e diagnosticar as variações anatômicas do frênulo e sua possível interferência na amamentação, norteando condutas eficazes e promovendo uma prática baseada em evidências. A segunda fase deste trabalho deve compreender a pesquisa experimental e a análise estatística dos dados