440 research outputs found

    Preferential expression of the transcription coactivator HTIF1alpha gene in acute myeloid leukemia and MDS-related AML

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    HTIF1α, a transcription coactivator which is able to mediate RARα activity and functionally interact with PML, is encoded by a gene on chromosome 7q32–34, which is a critical region in acute myeloid leukemias (AML). With the assumption that this gene may be related to AML, we investigated the HTIF1α DNA structure and RNA expression in leukemic cells from 36 M1–M5 AML patients (28 ‘de novo’ and eight ‘secondary’ to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)). Abnormal HTIF1α DNA fragments were never found, whereas loss of HTIF1α DNA was observed in the patients with chromosome 7q32 deletion and translocation, and in one case without detectable chromosome 7 abnormality. HTIF1α RNA was found in acute myelocytic leukemic blasts, and was almost undetectable in normal mononuclear cells. The expression varied among the patients: higher in M1 to M3 subtypes, with the highest values in M1; low levels were constantly observed in M4 and M5 AML. In addition, HTIF1α was significantly overexpressed in MDS-related AML (MDR-AML), but not in MDS. We also found that HTIF1α expression was high in myeloid cell lines. In myeloblastic HL60 and promyelocytic NB4 cells, induced to differentiate along the monocytic–macrophage pathway by TPA or vitamin D3, HTIF1α expression decreased, whereas it was maintained at high levels on induction to granulocytic differentiation by RA or DMSO. In K562 cells, HTIF1α RNA levels did not change after hemin-induced erythroid differentiation. These results suggest that HTIF1α could play a role in myeloid differentiation, being distinctly regulated in hematopoietic lineages

    CXCR4 pos circulating progenitor cells coexpressing monocytic and endothelial markers correlating with fibrotic clinical features are present in the peripheral blood of patients affected by systemic sclerosis

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    There is still controversy regarding the role of circulating endothelial and progenitor cells (CECs/CEPs) in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Using a sequential Boolean gating strategy based on a 4-color flow cytometric protocol, an increased number of CD31(pos)/CD184(pos)(CXCR4)/CD34(pos)/CD45(pos) and CD31(pos)/CD117(pos) (c-kit-R) /CD34(pos)/ CD45(pos) hematopoietic circulating progenitor cells (HCPCs) was detected in SSc patients compared with healthy subjects. In SSc, no circulating mature and progenitor endothelial cells were observed, while an enhanced generation of erythroid progenitor cells was found to be correlated with the presence of CD117+ HCPCs. The presence of freshly detected CXCR4posHCPC was correlated either to the in vitro cultured spindle-shaped endothelial like cells (SELC) with an endo/myelomonocytic profile or to SDF-1 and VEGF serum level. These data are related to more fibrotic clinical features of the disease, thus supporting a possible role of these cells in fibrosis

    The CD271 expression could be alone for establisher phenotypic marker in Bone Marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells.

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are of great interest for their potential use in cellular therapies. To define the population more precisely, diverse surface markers have been used. We propose here to use CD271 as the sole marker for MSCs in fresh bone marrow. We compared CD271+ populations to the presence or absence of five defined markers for MSCs: CD90+, CD105+, CD45-, CD34- and CD79. The correlations between markers were evaluated and analyzed with a Pearson's correlation test. We found that the average percentage of cells expressing the combination of markers CD90+, CD105+, CD45-, CD34- and CD79- was 0.54%, and that the average percentage average of CD271+ cells was 0.53%. The results were significant (

    plasma matrix metalloprotease 9 correlates with blood lymphocytosis leukemic cell invasiveness and prognosis in b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    The complex biology underlying chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell migration and tissue invasiveness is not yet completely understood and might provide novel predictive markers and therapeutic targets. A total of 36 patients out of treatment from at least 3 months were enrolled and followed up for a median period of 44.2 months (range: 4.4-99.2). Matrix metalloprotease 9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases 1 plasma levels and production/release from lymphoid cells were measured by zymography and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis. Malignant and normal lymphocyte mobility and matrix-degradation capability were studied using a Boyden chamber system, with and without autologous plasma. Free matrix metalloprotease 9 plasma levels were related with blood lymphocytosis, especially in more advanced stages (p = 0.003), and higher concentrations were associated with an increased disease progression risk (hazard ratio = 9.0, 95% confidence interval = 1.5-13.8). Leukemic cells expressed and secreted very little matrix metalloprotease 9. On the contrary, normal lymphocytes derived from the same leukemic patients showed matrix metalloprotease 9 intracellular levels that were lower in subjects with higher blood lymphocytosis (p = 0.024) and more advanced stages (p = 0.03); the released quantities were inversely associated with matrix metalloprotease 9 plasma concentrations (p = 0.035). Leukemic cells had a reduced spontaneous mobility and matrix-degradation capability that were stimulated by autologous plasma (p = 0.001) and normal lymphocytes (p = 0.005), respectively. Matrix metalloprotease 9 affected cell invasiveness depending on concentration and disease stage. In conclusion, chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells have a reduced mobility, matrix-degradation capability, and matrix metalloprotease 9 production compared to their own autologous normal lymphocytes. They are exposed to matrix metalloprotease 9 of prevalently systemic origin whose higher levels are associated with both leukemic and normal lymphocyte accumulation in the peripheral blood and have a negative prognostic value

    MicroRNAs involvement in fludarabine refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fludarabine, is one of the most active single agents in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Over time, however, virtually all CLL patients become fludarabine-refractory. To elucidate whether microRNAs are involved in the development of fludarabine resistance, we analyzed the expression of 723 human miRNAs before and 5-days after fludarabine mono-therapy in 17 CLL patients which were classified as responder or refractory to fludarabine treatment based on NCI criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By comparing the expression profiles of these two groups of patients, we identified a microRNA signature able to distinguish refractory from sensitive CLLs. The expression of some microRNAs was also able to predict fludarabine resistance of 12 independent CLL patients. Among the identified microRNAs, miR-148a, miR-222 and miR-21 exhibited a significantly higher expression in non-responder patients either before and after fludarabine treatment. After performing messenger RNA expression profile of the same patients, the activation of p53-responsive genes was detected in fludarabine responsive cases only, therefore suggesting a possible mechanism linked to microRNA deregulation in non-responder patients. Importantly, inhibition of miR-21 and miR-222 by anti-miRNA oligonucleotides induced a significant increase in caspase activity in fludarabine-treated p53-mutant MEG-01 cells, suggesting that miR-21 and miR-222 up-regulation may be involved in the establishment of fludarabine resistance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first report that reveals the existence of a microRNA profile that differentiate refractory and sensitive CLLs, either before and after fludarabine mono-therapy. A p53 dysfunctional pathway emerged in refractory CLLs and could contribute in explaining the observed miRNA profile. Moreover, this work indicates that specific microRNAs can be used to predict fludarabine resistance and may potentially be used as therapeutic targets, therefore establishing an important starting point for future studies.</p

    Misinterpretation of an inflammatory FDG uptake in a patient treated for Hodgkin lymphoma: a case report

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    Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) is a malignancy involving lymph nodes and lymphatic system. [18F]F-FDG PET/CT (FDG-PET) imaging is routinely used for staging, to assess early chemotherapy response (interim FDG-PET), at the end of treatment (EoT FDG-PET) and for the identification of disease recurrence.We present a case of a 39-year-old man treated for HL. FDG-PET scans performed after first line therapy (both Interim PET and at the end of therapy) demonstrated a persistent and significant mediastinal FDG uptake. The patient was treated with a second line therapy but the FDG-PET uptake did not change. After board discussion a new surgical, thoracoscopy-guided biopsy was performed. Histopathology demonstrated a dense fibrous tissue with occasional chronic inflammatory infiltrates.Persistent FDG-PET positivity may suggest refractory or relapsed disease. However, occasionally, non-malignant conditions are responsible for a persistent FDG uptake, not related to primary disease. An accurate evaluation of clinical history and previous imaging exams is mandatory for clinicians and others experts to avoid misinterpretations of FDG-PET results. Nevertheless, in some cases, only a more invasive procedure, such as a biopsy, may finally lead to a definitive diagnosis

    Employment of Oligodeoxynucleotide plus Interleukin-2 Improves Cytogenetic Analysis in Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma

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    To compare the efficiency of novel mitogenic agents and traditional mitosis inductors, 18 patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) were studied. Three cultures using oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) plus interleukin-2 (IL-2), or TPA, or LPS were setup in each patient. Seventeen/18 cases with ODN + IL2 had moderate/good proliferation (94, 4%) as compared with 10/18 cases with TPA and LPS (55%) (P = .015); 14/18 (77, 7%) cases with ODN + IL2 had sufficient good quality of banding as compared with 8/18 cases (44, 4%) with TPA and LPS. The karyotype could be defined from ODN + IL2-stimulated cultures in all 18 patients, 14 of whom (77, 7%) had a cytogenetic aberration, whereas clonal aberrations could be documented in 9 and in 3 cases by stimulation with LPS and TPA, respectively. Recurrent chromosome aberrations in our series were represented by aberrations of chromosome 14q in 5 patients, by trisomy 12 and 7q deletion in 4 cases each, and by abnormalities involving 11q and 13q in two cases each. These findings show that stimulation with ODN + IL2 offers more mitotic figures of better quality and results in an increased rate of clonal aberrations in SMZL, making this method ideal for prospective studies aiming at the definition of the prognostic impact of cytogenetic aberrations in this disorder

    The CD271 expression could be alone for establisher phenotypic marker in Bone Marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells.

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are of great interest for their potential use in cellular therapies. To define the population more precisely, diverse surface markers have been used. We propose here to use CD271 as the sole marker for MSCs in fresh bone marrow. We compared CD271+ populations to the presence or absence of five defined markers for MSCs: CD90+, CD105+, CD45-, CD34- and CD79. The correlations between markers were evaluated and analyzed with a Pearson's correlation test. We found that the average percentage of cells expressing the combination of markers CD90+, CD105+, CD45-, CD34- and CD79- was 0.54%, and that the average percentage average of CD271+ cells was 0.53%. The results were significant (p&lt;0.05). The exclusive use of CD271 as a marker for MSCs from fresh samples of bone marrow appears to be highly selective. Using CD271 as the sole identification marker for MSCs could reduce costs and accelerate the process of identifying MSCs for the field of cellular therapy. � Polish Histochemical et Cytochemical Society