2,314 research outputs found

    Field localization on a brane intersection in anti-de Sitter spacetime

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    We discuss the localization of scalar, fermion, and gauge field zero modes on a 3−3-brane that resides at the intersection of two 4−4-branes in six-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. This set-up has been introduced in the context of brane world models and, higher-dimensional versions of it, in string theory. In both six- and ten-dimensional cases, it has been shown that four-dimensional gravity can be reproduced at the intersection, due to the existence of a massless, localized graviton zero-mode. However, realistic scenarios require also the Standard Model to be localized on the 3−3-brane. In this paper, we discuss under which conditions a higher-dimensional field theory, propagating on the above geometry, can have a zero-mode sector localized at the intersection and find that zero modes can be localized only if masses and couplings to the background curvature satisfy certain relations. We also consider the case when other 4-branes cut the bulk at some distance from the intersection and argue that, in the probe brane approximation, there is no significant effect on the localization properties at the 3−3-brane. The case of bulk fermions is particularly interesting, since the properties of the geometry allow localization of chiral modes independently.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, the version to be published in PR

    Sum rules for free energy and frequency distribution of DNA dinucleotides

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    The large discrepancy between the values of the free energy for DNA dinucleotides (or dimers) measured by different teams has raised a debate, yet unsettled. Here the free energy is fitted by a three parameter empiric formula derived in the framework of the crystal basis model of genetic code. Approximate sum rules are derived and compared satisfactorily with the data. On the basis of theoretical and phenomenological arguments, a relation between the correlation functions of dimer distribution and the free energy is assumed. From consistency conditions, sum rules are derived. A check of these conditions with different samples of experimental data is performed, allowing us to argue on the self-consistency and the reliability of the different sets of experimental data

    Identification of two cracks with different severity in beams and rods from minimal frequency data

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    It has been known for a long time that the problem of identifying two small cracks in a simply supported beam from the first three natural frequencies can be analytically formulated and solved if the two cracks have equal severity. In this paper we extend this result to the case of cracks with different severity. Each crack is simulated by a rotational elastic spring and the inverse problem is solved in terms of the damage-induced changes in the first four natural frequencies. Closed-form expressions of the damage parameters in terms of the measured frequencies are obtained. The results can be extended to the identification of two cracks in a longitudinally vibrating beam based on a suitable set of natural frequency and antiresonant frequency data. Numerical simulations support the theory, and show that if accurate input data are available and the cracks are not too close, then damage identification leads to satisfactory results

    Experimental status of 7Be production and destruction at astrophysical relevant energies

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    The production and destruction of 7Be plays a significant role in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as well as in the framework of the solar neutrino. The 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction cross sections has been measured several times in the last decades, but the precision achieved on reaction rate determinations at the relevant astrophysical energies is not yet satisfactory. The experimental status of this reaction will be critically reviewed, and the theoretical descriptions available will be discussed

    New exactly solvable relativistic models with anomalous interaction

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    A special class of Dirac-Pauli equations with time-like vector potentials of external field is investigated. A new exactly solvable relativistic model describing anomalous interaction of a neutral Dirac fermion with a cylindrically symmetric external e.m. field is presented. The related external field is a superposition of the electric field generated by a charged infinite filament and the magnetic field generated by a straight line current. In non-relativistic approximation the considered model is reduced to the integrable Pron'ko-Stroganov model.Comment: 20 pages, discussion of the possibility to test the model experimentally id added as an Appendix, typos are correcte

    Theoretical study of scattering in graphene ribbons in the presence of structural and atomistic edge roughness

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    We investigate the diffusive electron-transport properties of charge-doped graphene ribbons and nanoribbons with imperfect edges. We consider different regimes of edge scattering, ranging from wide graphene ribbons with (partially) diffusive edge scattering to ribbons with large width variations and nanoribbons with atomistic edge roughness. For the latter, we introduce an approach based on pseudopotentials, allowing for an atomistic treatment of the band structure and the scattering potential, on the self-consistent solution of the Boltzmann transport equation within the relaxation-time approximation and taking into account the edge-roughness properties and statistics. The resulting resistivity depends strongly on the ribbon orientation, with zigzag (armchair) ribbons showing the smallest (largest) resistivity and intermediate ribbon orientations exhibiting intermediate resistivity values. The results also show clear resistivity peaks, corresponding to peaks in the density of states due to the confinement-induced subband quantization, except for armchair-edge ribbons that show a very strong width dependence because of their claromatic behavior. Furthermore, we identify a strong interplay between the relative position of the two valleys of graphene along the transport direction, the correlation profile of the atomistic edge roughness, and the chiral valley modes, leading to a peculiar strongly suppressed resistivity regime, most pronounced for the zigzag orientation.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Atrial Tachycardia: Classification, P-Wave Morphology, and Differential Diagnosis with Other Supraventricular Tachycardias

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    Atrial tachycardia is defined as a regular atrial activation from atrial areas with centrifugal spread, caused by enhanced automaticity, triggered activity or microreentry. New ECG classification differentiates between focal andmacroreentrant atrial tachycardia. Macroreentrant atrial tachycardias include typical atrial flutter and other well characterized macroreentrant circuits in right and left atrium. Typical atrial flutter has been described as counterclockwise reentry within right atrial and it presents a characteristic ECG “sawtooth” pattern on the inferior leads. The foci responsible for focal atrial tachycardia do not occur randomly throughout the atria but tend to cluster at characteristic anatomical locations. The surface ECG is a very helpful tool in directing mapping to particular areas of interest. Atrial tachycardia should be differentiated from other supraventricular tachycardias. We propose a diagnostic algorithm in order to help the physician to discriminate among those. Holter analysis could offer further details to differentiate between atrial tachycardia and another supraventricular tachycardia. However, if the diagnosis is uncertain, it is possible to utilize vagal maneuvers or adenosine administration. In conclusion, in spite of well–known limits, a good interpretation of ECG is very importan

    Unique determination of a single crack in a uniform simply supported beam in bending vibration

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    In this paper we consider one of the basic inverse problems in damage detection based on natural frequency data, namely the identification of a single open crack in a uniform simply supported beam from measurement of the first and the second natural frequency. It is commonly accepted in the literature that the knowledge of this set of spectral data allows for the unique determination of the severity and the position (up to symmetry) of the damage. However, in spite of the fact that many numerical evidences are in support of this property, the result is rigorously proved only when the severity of the crack is small. In this paper we definitely show, by means of an original constructive method, that the above result holds true for any level of crack severity. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Point mass identification in rectangular plates from minimal natural frequency data

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    The inverse problem of determining the location and size of a point mass attached on a simply supported, isotropic and homogeneous rectangular plate from minimal natural frequency data is considered in this paper. Under the assumption that the size of the mass is small compared to the total mass of the plate, we show that the problem can be formulated and solved in closed form in terms of point mass-induced changes on the first three natural frequencies. Numerical simulations indicate that the method allows for accurate identification, provided that measurement/modelling errors are smaller than eigenfrequency changes. \ua9 2016 Elsevier Ltd
