77 research outputs found

    Conducting bioinformatics analysis to predict sulforaphane-triggered adverse outcome pathways in healthy human cells

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    Sulforaphane (SFN) is a naturally occurring molecule present in plants from Brassica family. It becomes bioactive after hydrolytic reaction mediated by myrosinase or human gastrointestinal microbiota. Sulforaphane gained scientific popularity due to its antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. However, its toxicity profile and potential to cause adverse effects remain largely unidentified. Thus, this study aimed to generate SFN-triggered adverse outcome pathway (AOP) by looking at the relationship between SFN-chemical structure and its toxicity, as well as SFN-gene interactions. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis identified 2 toxophores (Derek Nexus software) that have the potential to cause chromosomal damage and skin sensitization in mammals or mutagenicity in bacteria. Data extracted from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) linked SFN with previously proposed outcomes via gene interactions. The total of 11 and 146 genes connected SFN with chromosomal damage and skin diseases, respectively. However, network analysis (NetworkAnalyst tool) revealed that these genes function in wider networks containing 490 and 1986 nodes, respectively. The over-representation analysis (ExpressAnalyst tool) pointed out crucial biological pathways regulated by SFN-interfering genes. These pathways are uploaded to AOP-helpFinder tool which found the 2321 connections between 19 enriched pathways and SFN which were further considered as key events. Two major, interconnected AOPs were generated: first starting from disruption of biological pathways involved in cell cycle and cell proliferation leading to increased apoptosis, and the second one connecting activated immune system signaling pathways to inflammation and apoptosis. In both cases, chromosomal damage and/or skin diseases such as dermatitis or psoriasis appear as adverse outcomes

    Nivoi kadmijuma u humanom tkivu dojke i nivoi estradiola u serumu: Postoji li veza?

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    Cadmium (Cd), one of the most abundant environmental pollutants, is considered to have endocrine disrupting properties. However, data on the dose-response relationship between Cd dose and levels of hormones have been insufficiently studied, especially in human data sets. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the possibility of analyzing data obtained from a case- control study in female patients with benign/malignant breast tumors, using the Benchmark dose (BMD) concept. The collected data on Cd levels in breast tissue and estrogen serum levels were processed in PROAST software using different variables. The dose-response relationship between the internal dose of Cd and estradiol levels in the serum was investigated and BMD intervals were calculated. The dose-response relationship between the Cd concentration in breast tissue and the estradiol serum level was shown, indicating lower estradiol serum levels as a consequence of higher Cd concentrations in breast tissue. As one of the few studies analyzing human data using the BMD approach, these findings could have a pivotal role in dose response analysis of data collected from human studies.Kadmijum (Cd), jedan od najzastupljenijih zagađivača životne sredine, dokazan je endokrini ometač. Međutim, podaci o postojanju odnosa između doze Cd i odgovora-nivoa hormona nisu dovoljno istraženi, posebno podaci sakupljeni iz studija na ljudima. Stoga je cilj ove studije bio da se utvrdi mogućnost analize podataka dobijenih iz studije slučaja-kontrole kod pacijentkinja sa benignim/malignim tumorom dojke, primenom koncepta Benčmark doze (BMD). Prikupljeni podaci o nivoima Cd u tkivu dojke i serumskim nivoima estrogena obrađeni su u PROAST softveru uz koriŔćenje različitih varijabli. Ispitivan je odnos doza-odgovor između unutraÅ”nje doze Cd (koncentracije u tkivu dojke) i estradiola u serumu i izračunati BMD intervali. Utvrđeno je postojanje odnosa između koncentracije Cd u tkivu dojke i nivoa estradiola u serumu koje ukazuje na niže nivoe estradiola u serumu kao posledica veće koncentracije Cd u tkivu dojke. Kao jedno od retkih istraživanja ovog tipa, dobijeni rezultati mogli bi predstavljati početak otkrivanja mogućnosti analize podataka prikupljenih u studijama na ljudima primenom BMD pristupa

    Potential genomic biomarkers of obesity and its comorbidities for phthalates and bisphenol A mixture: In silico toxicogenomic approach

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    This in silico toxicogenomic study aims to explore the relationship between phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) co-exposure and obesity, as well as its comorbid conditions, in order to construct a possible set of genomic biomarkers. The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD; http://ctd.mdibl.org) was used as the main data mining tool, along with GeneMania (https://genemania.org), ToppGene Suite (https://toppgene.cchmc.org) and DisGeNET (http://www. disgenet.org). Among the phthalates, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) were chosen as the most frequently curated phthalates in CTD, which also share similar mechanisms of toxicity. DEHP, DBP and BPA interacted with 84, 90 and 194 obesity-related genes/proteins, involved in 67, 65 and 116 pathways, respectively. Among these, 53 genes/proteins and 42 pathways were common to all three substances. 31 genes/proteins had matching interactions for all three investigated substances, while more than half of these genes/proteins (56.49%) were in co-expression. 7 of the common genes/proteins (6 relevant to humans: CCL2, IL6, LPL, PPARG, SERPINE1, and TNF) were identified in all the investigated obesity comorbidities, while PPARG and LPL were most closely linked to obesity. These genes/proteins could serve as a target for further in vitro and in vivo studies of molecular mechanisms of DEHP, DBP and BPA mixture obesogenic properties. Analysis reported here should be applicable to any mixture of environmental chemicals and any disease present in CTD

    Benchmark dose approach in investigating the relationship between blood metal levels and reproductive hormones: Data set from human study

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    The main objective of this research was to conduct a doseā€“response modeling between the internal dose of measured blood Cd, As, Hg, Ni, and Cr and hormonal response of serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The study included 207 male participants from subjects of 5 different cohorts (patients with prostate, testicular, and pancreatic cancer, patients suffering from various thyroid and metabolic disorders, as well as healthy volunteers), enrolled from January 2019 to May 2021 at the Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia. Benchmark doseā€“response modeling analysis was performed with the PROAST software version 70.1, showing the hormone levels as quantal data. The averaging technique was applied to compute the Benchmark dose (BMD) interval (BMDI), with benchmark response set at 10%. Dose-response relationships between metal/metalloid blood concentration and serum hormone levels were confirmed for all the investigated metals/metalloid and hormones. The narrowest BMDI was found for Cd-testosterone and Hg-LH pairs, indicative of high confidence in these estimates. Although further research is needed, the observed findings demonstrate that the BMD approach may prove to be significant in the doseā€“response modeling of human data

    Akutna trovanja lekovima za terapiju kardiovaskularnih bolesti u Republici Srbiji

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    Acute poisonings by drugs used for cardiovascular diseases treatment are less frequent than poisonings by other drugs, but often lead to serious disorders in various organ systems and are characterized by relatively high mortality. When it comes to polydrug poisoning by drugs with a depressant effect on the cardiovascular system, hospital care of the patients is necessary. This research aimed to present data on acute poisonings by drugs used in the cardiovascular diseases treatment in the Republic of Serbia in the period 2010- 2018 based on the published Annual reports of the National Poison Control Center of the Military Medical Academy (1). Number of patients examined on suspicion of poisoning by drugs for cardiovascular diseases treatment, in the period 2010-2018, ranged from 4-6% of all examined due to acute drug poisoning per year, while number of hospitalizations due to drug poisoning ranged from 7 to 11% of all hospitalized patients. Of the total number of deaths resulting from drug poisoning, 27% are patients who died due to the poisoning by drugs used for cardiovascular diseases treatment. The most common causes of poisoning in the examined patients were beta blockers (45%), followed by Ca 2+ channel blockers (25%) and ACE inhibitors (21%), and these three groups of drugs are the most common causes in hospitalized patients as well. Lethal outcomes are most often the result of acute poisoning by Ca 2+ channel blockers (50%) and beta blockers (40%), mainly in combination with drugs used in psychiatric illnesses treatment, such as benzodiazepines, antiepileptics and antipsychotics.Akutna trovanja lekovima za lečenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti su ređa u odnosu na trovanja drugim lekovima, ali često dovode do ozbiljnih poremećaja u funkcionisanju različitih sistema organa i karakteriÅ”u se relativno visokim mortalitetom. Kada su u pitanju polimedikamentozna trovanja lekovima koji imaju depresorno dejstvo na kardiovaskularni sistem, neophodno je bolničko zbrinjavanje pacijenata. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati analizu podataka o akutnim trovanjima lekovima koji se koriste u terapiji kardiovaskularnih oboljenja u Republici Srbiji u periodu od 2010 do 2018. godine na osnovu publikovanih GodiÅ”njaka Nacionalanog centra za kontrolu trovanja Vojnomedicinske akademije (1). Broj pacijenata koji su pregledani pod sumnjom na trovanje lekovima za lečenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti u periodu 2010-2018. godine kretao se od 4-6% svih pacijenata pregledanih usled akutnog trovanja lekovima godiÅ”nje, dok se broj pacijenata hospitalizovanih usled trovanja lekovima kretao 7-11% svih hospitalizovanih pacijenata. Od ukupnog broja letalnih ishoda koji su posledica trovanja lekovima, 27% čine pacijenti preminuli zbog trovanja lekovima za lečenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti. NajčeŔći uzročnici trovanja kod pregledanih pacijenata su beta blokatori (45%), zatim blokatori Ca 2+ kanala (25%) i ACE inhibitori (21%), a ove tri grupe lekova su najzastupljenije i kod hospitalizovanih pacijenata. Letalni ishodi su najčeŔće posledica akutnog trovanja blokatorima Ca 2+ kanala (50%) i beta blokatorima (40%), uglavnom u kombinaciji sa lekovima koji se koriste u terapiji psihijatrijskih oboljenja poput benzodiazepina, antiepileptika i antipsihotika.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Hepatotoksični potencijal smeŔe toluena, stirena i etanola: in silico toksikogenomička analiza

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    Organic solvents are still widely used in various industries and considered the most common chemicals associated with liver injury in workers. For research into the relationships between these chemicals and genes, interactions among chemicals, molecular pathways and biological processes, a significant place in toxicity testing has been taken by in silico methodologies. This study aims to provide evidence for the involvement of a selected mixture of organic solvents (toluene, styrene, ethanol) in liver disease development and show the potential of in silico toxicogenomic data-mining in determining possible mechanisms of mixture toxicity. The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), GeneMania and ToppGene Suite were used for data-mining. The results showed that there were 17 genes connected with liver injury common for all the tested solvents. Co-expression (61.73%) was the most prominent interaction between the genes, while physical interactions were present at 14.56%, co-localization at 12.54% and interactions predicted by the server at 6.62%. Gene ontology analysis revealed biological processes affected by the investigated mixture (reactive oxygen species metabolic and biosynthetic process, response to oxidative stress, and response to organic cyclic compound). Oxidative stress response, antioxidant and oxidoreductase activity, vitamin B12 metabolism were noted as the key molecular pathways contributing to liver disease development. Our results emphasize the role of oxidative stress as one of the mechanisms of organic solvents' mixture toxicity and provide new insights into molecular mechanisms involved in hepatotoxicity.Organski rastvarači se joÅ” uvek Å”iroko koriste u raznim industrijama i smatraju se najčeŔćim hemikalijama povezanim sa oÅ”tećenjem jetre kod radnika. Za istraživanje odnosa između ovih hemikalija i gena, interakcija među hemikalijama, molekularnih puteva i bioloÅ”kih procesa, značajno mjesto pripada i in silico metodologijama. Cilj ove studije je da pruži dokaze za povezanost odabrane smeÅ”e organskih rastvarača (toluen, stiren, etanol) u razvoju bolesti jetre, i da pokaže potencijal in silico toksikogenomičke analize podataka u određivanju mogućih mehanizama toksičnosti smjeÅ”e. Za prikupljanje podataka koriÅ”teni su Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), GeneMania i ToppGene Suite. Rezultati ove analize su pokazali da postoji 17 gena povezanih s oÅ”tećenjem jetre zajedničkih za sva tri navedena rastvarača. Koekspresija (61,73%) bila je najistaknutija interakcija između gena, dok su fizičke interakcije bile prisutne sa 14,56%, kolokalizacije sa 12,54%, a interakcije predviđene od strane servera sa 6,62%. Analiza ontologije gena izdvojila je bioloÅ”ke procese na koje utiče ispitivana smeÅ”a (metabolički i biosintetski proces reaktivnih kiseonikovih vrsta, odgovor na oksidativni stres i odgovor na organska ciklična jedinjenja). Odgovor na oksidativni stres, aktivnost antioksidanata i oksidoreduktaze, i metabolizam vitamina B12 su navedeni kao ključni molekularni putevi koji dobrinose razvoju bolesti jetre. Rezultati ovog rada naglaÅ”avaju ulogu oksidativnog stresa kao jednog od mehanizama toksičnosti smeÅ”e organskih rastvarača i daju novi uvid u molekularne mehanizme uključene u hepatotoksičnost.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Vremenski zavisna pojava lažno pozitivnih rezultata test traka na amfetamin nakon primene OTC preparata sa pseudoefedrinom

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    Amphetamine is a potent stimulant of central nervous system and one of the most often abused substances. Immunochromatographic test panels for preliminary urineanalysis are used to track its abuse. Immunochromatographic analysis is quick, simple and based on the principle of competitive binding. Its main disadvantage is cross reactivity - tendency of antibodies to bind structurally similar compounds, including pseudoephedrine. This study aimed to examine the effect of pseudoephedrine-based OTC preparations on the occurrence of false-positive results of preliminary amphetamine urineanalysis and determine the time period during which these results may occur. The study included two subjects. TylolHotĀ® was used for two days, while, on the first day, single dose was administered. On the second day, preparation was administered according to the dosing regimen recommended by the manufacturer (three times a day). Urine samples were collected for three consecutive days. Analysis was performed by immunochromatographic test strips "DIAQUICK" Multi-Drug Test Panels. TylolHotĀ® use led to false positive results for amphetamine 3.75 h after single administration, and lasted for 27 h with repeated administration. After the application of the tested preparation, false positive results on amphetamine were obtained in different time periods, which depended on the intra- and interindividual variations, as well as the dosing regimen. Although test strips are used for quick preliminary analysis, it is necessary to check the results via confirmation methods (gas or liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry). The obtained results are significant during routine testing of patients, employees, students, athletes and members of the army.Amfetamin je snažan stimulans centralnog nervnog sistema i jedna od supstanci koja se najčeŔće zloupotrebljavaju. Za praćenje njegove zloupotrebe koriste se imunohromatografske test trake za preliminarnu analizu urina. Imunohromatografska analiza je brza i jednostavna metoda koja se zasniva na principu kompetitivnog vezivanja. Njen glavni nedostatak je unakrsna reaktivnost ā€“ sklonost antitela da vezuju strukturno slična jedinjenja, između ostalih i pseudoefedrin. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati uticaj primene OTC preparata na bazi pseudoefedrina na pojavu lažno pozitivnih rezultata preliminarne analize amfetamina u urinu i utvrditi vremenski period pojave ovih rezultata od trenutka primene preparata. Ispitivanje je uključivalo dva ispitanika. Tokom dva dana koriŔćen je preparat TylolHotĀ® , pri čemu je prvi dan primenjena jedna doza, a drugi dan se preparat primenjivao prema režimu doziranja preporučenom od strane proizvođača (tri puta dnevno). Uzorci urina sakupljani su tokom tri uzastopna dana, a analiza je izvrÅ”ena imunohromatografskim test trakama "DIAQUICK" Multi-Drug Test Panels. Dobijeni su lažno pozitivni rezultati na amfetamin već u periodu od 3,75 h nakon jednokratne primene TylolHot Ā® preparata, i trajali su tokom 27 h pri viÅ”ekratnoj primeni. Utvrđeno je da se nakon primene TylolHotĀ® preparata u različitim vremenskim periodima mogu dobiti lažno pozitivni rezultati, Å”to zavisi od intra- i interindividualnih varijacija i režima doziranja. Iako se test trake koriste za brzu preliminarnu analizu, neophodno je potvrditi rezultate konfirmativnim metodama (gasna ili tečna hromatografija spregnuta sa masenom spektrometrijom). Dobijeni rezultati su značajni prilikom rutinskih testiranja pacijenata, zaposlenih, učenika, sportista i pripadnika vojske.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    In silico analiza utjecaja toksičnih metala na komplikacije bolesti COVID-19: molekularni uvidi

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    COVID-19 can cause a range of complications, including cardiovascular, renal, and/or respiratory insufficiencies, yet little is known of its potential effects in persons exposed to toxic metals. The aim of this study was to answer this question with in silico toxicogenomic methods that can provide molecular insights into COVID-19 complications owed to exposure to arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, and chromium. For this purpose we relied on the Comparative Toxicogenomic Database (CTD), GeneMANIA, and ToppGene Suite portal and identified a set of five common genes (IL1B, CXCL8, IL6, IL10, TNF) for the six metals and COVID-19, all of which code for pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The list was expanded with additional 20 related genes. Physical interactions are the most common between the genes affected by the six metals (77.64 %), while the dominant interaction between the genes affected by each metal separately is co-expression (As 56.35 %, Cd 64.07 %, Pb 71.5 %, Hg 81.91 %, Ni 64.28 %, Cr 88.51 %). Biological processes, molecular functions, and pathways in which these 25 genes participate are closely related to cytokines and cytokine storm implicated in the development of COVID-19 complications. In other words, our findings confirm that exposure to toxic metals, alone or in combinations, might escalate COVID-19 severity.COVID-19 može izazvati niz komplikacija, uključujući kardiovaskularnu, bubrežnu i/ili respiratornu insuficijenciju, ali se malo zna o njegovim potencijalnim učincima u osoba koje su izložene toksičnim metalima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odgovoriti na to pitanje pomoću in silico toksikogenomske metode, koja može pružiti molekularni uvid u komplikacije bolesti COVID-19 uslijed izloženosti arsenu, kadmiju, olovu, živi, niklu i kromu. U tu su svrhu koriÅ”teni Komparativna toksikogenomska baza podataka (CTD), GeneMANIA i ToppGene Suite portal te je identificirana skupina od pet zajedničkih gena (IL1B, CXCL8, IL6, IL10, TNF) za Å”est metala i COVID-19, koji svi kodiraju proinflamatorne i antiinflamatorne citokine. Lista je proÅ”irena s dodatnih 20 srodnih gena. Fizičke interakcije dominirale su između gena na koje utječe kombinacija ispitivanih metala (77,64 %), a koekspresija je dominantna interakcija između gena na koje djeluju pojedinačni metali (As 56,35 %, Cd 64,07 %, Pb 71,5 %, Hg 81,91 %, Ni 64,28 %, Cr 88,51 %). BioloÅ”ki procesi, molekulske funkcije i putovi u kojima sudjeluje tih 25 gena blisko su povezani s citokinima i citokinskom olujom, koja je uključena u razvoj komplikacija bolesti COVID-19. Drugim riječima, ovi rezultati potvrđuju da izloženost toksičnim metalima, bilo pojedinačno ili u kombinaciji, može dovesti do razvoja težih oblika bolesti COVID-19

    Put Ŕtetnog ishoda kao novi pristup u proceni toksičnosti u razvoju lekova

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    Adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) represent a tool in toxicology, introduced in 2010 by scientists from the US Environmental Protection Agency as a framework to support ecotoxicological research and risk assessment. In 2012, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development initiated an international AOPs development program. Since then, AOPs have been promoted as useful tool in health risk assessment, development of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment and for developing novel animal-free test methods (1,2). AOPs provide structured frameworks for collecting, organizing and evaluating existing toxicological knowledge on mechanistic pathways. AOPs describe biologically plausible chains of events, linking a molecular initiating event to key events at different levels of biological organization and, finally, to an adverse outcome. Not being stressor-specific, the ultimate utility of AOPs should be to predict adverse effects of any type of stressor, including chemicals, nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, etc. with unknown toxic effects for which the toxicological mechanisms are known or can be tested. AOPs have been suggested as structured basis for predicting drug-induced liver injury (steatosis, fibrosis, cholestasis) and for developing in silico and in vitro methods for screening, as well as targeted methods for pre-clinical testing to assess liver toxicity, common reason for withdrawing pharmaceuticals from the market. AOPs have also been proposed as useful framework for method development and integration of in vitro data in personalized cancer therapy. In conclusion, AOPs concept plays an important role in the 21 st century toxicology paradigm supporting predictive toxicology with alternative assays and reduction of the need for animal use.Put Å”tetnog ishoda (engl. adverse outcome pathway, AOP) predstavlja alatku u toksikologiji prvi put uvedenu 2010. godine od strane naučnika Američke agencije za zaÅ”titu životne sredine sa ciljem podrÅ”ke istraživanjima u ekotoksikologiji. Već 2012. godine Organizacija za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj pokrenula je međunarodni program razvoja AOP. Od tada, AOP je promovisan kao koristan pristup u proceni rizika po zdravlje ljudi, razvoju novih metoda i integrisanih pristupa testiranju i evaluaciji Å”tetnih efekata (1,2). AOP daje struktuirani okvir za prikupljanje, organizaciju i procenu postojećeg znanja o mehanističkim putevima u toksikologiji. AOP opisuje bioloÅ”ki verovatan lanac događaja povezujući inicijalni molekularni događaj, preko tzv. ključnih događaja na različitim nivoima bioloÅ”ke organizacije, sa Å”tetnim efektom. AOP nije specifičan i kao takav, treba da posluži za predviđanje Å”tetnih efekata različitih stresora, kao npr. hemikalija, nanomaterijala, lekova i drugih, sa nepoznatim Å”tetnim efektom, ali za koje su poznati ili se mogu ispitati mehanizmi toksičnosti. Opisani su AOP u cilju predviđanja lekovima indukovanih oÅ”tećenja jetre (steatoza, fibroza, holestaza), kao i u cilju razvoja in silico i in vitro metoda za skrining i pretkliničko ispitivanje ovih efekata, koji su jedan od čestih razloga povlačenja lekova sa tržiÅ”ta. AOP je predložen i kao koristan okvir za razvoj metoda i integraciju in vitro podataka u personalizovanu terapiju karcinoma. Konačno, AOP koncept igra važnu ulogu u toksikologiji 21. veka, koja podržava prediktivnu toksikologiju sa altentativnim metodama i smanjenjem potrebe za eksperimentalnim životinjama.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Uloga farmaceuta u smanjenju uticaja zagađenja vazduha na zdravlje ljudi

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    Polluted air is significant factor with a negative impact on human health. Solving the problem of polluted air requires involvement of the health system and health workers, among whom pharmacists in public pharmacies can stand out as the most accessible health workers with the highest knowledge in the field of toxicology. Considering the indisputable role of pharmacists in improving health and disease prevention, raising public awareness of air pollution health impact and advising patients on activities in case of air pollution, pharmacists would contribute to maintaining health, reducing the burden on the health system and its efficiency and sustainability. The pharmaceutical profession can make a significant contribution to combating the impact of air pollution on human health by increasing the availability of guidelines in the case of polluted air, increasing the availability of air quality monitoring tools, strengthening educational capacity models, participating in regulatory frameworks and improving funding for pharmaceutical services. In order for these responsibilities to be fully incorporated into pharmaceutical practice, it is necessary to: implement education in the field of toxicology, both at basic and higher levels of study in order to develop the necessary competencies; increase public awareness of the health consequences of air pollution, as well as the new roles of pharmacists; develop appropriate guidelines, regulatory and financial support as well as screening tools. With this in mind, the role of pharmacists in reducing the impact of air pollution on human health should be recognized and developed in order to protect human health.Zagađen vazduh predstavlja značajan faktor koji ima negativan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi. ReÅ”avanje problema zagađenog vazduha zahteva uključivanje zdravstvenog sistema i zdravstvenih radnika, među kojima se mogu istaći farmaceuti u javnim apotekama kao najdostupniji zdravstveni radnici, sa najviÅ”im znanjima iz oblasti toksikologije. Imajući u vidu neospornu ulogu farmaceuta u unapređenju zdravlja i prevenciji bolesti, podizanjem svesti javnosti o uticaju zagađenja vazduha na zdravlje ljudi i davanjem saveta pacijentima o aktivnostima u slučaju zagađenja vazduha, farmaceuti bi doprineli očuvanju zdravlja, smanjenju opterećenja zdravstvenog sistema i njegovoj efikasnosti i održivosti. Farmaceutska profesija može značajno doprineti suzbijanju uticaja zagađenja vazduha na zdravlje ljudi i to: povećanjem dostupnosti smernica u slučaju zagađenog vazduha, povećanjem dostupnosti alata za monitoring kvaliteta vazduha, jačanjem obrazovnih kapaciteta, učestvovanjem u donoÅ”enju regulatornih okvira i poboljÅ”anjem modela finansiranja farmaceutskih usluga kako bi se obezbedila održivost. Da bi navedene odgovornosti bile u potpunosti inkorporirane u farmaceutsku praksu, potrebno je: implementirati edukaciju iz oblasti toksikologije, kako na osnovnim tako i na viÅ”im nivoima studija kako bi se razvile neophodne kompetencije; povećati svest javnosti o zdravstvenim posledicama zagađenja vazduha, kao i o novim ulogama farmaceuta; razviti odgovarajuće smernice, regulatornu i finansijsku podrÅ”ku kao i alate za skrining. Imajući navedeno u vidu, uloga farmaceuta u smanjenju uticaja zagađenja vazduha na zdravlje ljudi treba biti prepoznata i razvijena sa ciljem očuvanja zdravlja.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra
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