85 research outputs found

    The Role of Online Shopping in the Republic of Serbia During COVIDā€19

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    This paper investigates the role of online shopping during severe COVID-19. The main aim is to see whether this virus and implemented measures of reducing the spread of contagion brought by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, resulted with changes in consumer behaviour. The data was collected from 408 respondents from the Republic of Serbia using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire lasted from 07th April until 04th May. Data were analysed using the Chi-Square test. Results of this study revealed that there is a significant association between purchasing online before and after the appearance of the COVID-19. Also, the authors conclude that there is no significant association between gender and the decision to purchase after the appearance of the COVID-19. The main three motives for online shopping in the period during COVID-19 were that too many stores are working only online, reducing health risk, and saving time. The most frequently online bought products by the respondents, were food (groceries), medicines and books (magazines, newspapers). The contribution of this paper, even though the analysed sample is not national representative, lays in the fact that there is almost none research of this topic in our country

    Conditions of labour migrants in the Republic of Serbia: Preliminary perspective

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    Problemi stranih radnih migranata ne zauzimaju značajno mesto u politici Vlade Republike Srbije. Politika Vlade je pre svega usmerena ka problemima dijaspore i srpskih radnih migranata u inostranstvu. Što se tiče nacionalne politike prema strancima, ona se s jedne strane bavi suzbijanjem ilegalnih imigranata, a s druge strane inkluzijom i readmisijom srpskih izbeglica. Međutim, u Srbiji je neophodan razvoj migratornih politika budući da one čine deo nacionalne strategije evrointegracija. Stoga smatramo da je izuzetno važno da se privuče pažnja i na ovaj aspekt problema migracija, odnosno na problem stranih radnih migranata u Srbiji. U ovom tekstu nastojale smo da damo osnovni pregled procedura, zakona i migratornih strategija koje postoje unutar nacionalne politike, ističući nedovoljnost i manjkavost u tretiranju pitanja stranih radnih migranata.Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian governmental policies. These policies are mainly focused towards Serbian Diaspora and Serbian labour migrants working abroad. Conversely, national policies on foreigners in Serbia are mostly concentrated on suppression of illegal immigrants and inclusion and readmission of Serbian refugees. The development of Serbian migratory policies represents part of national Euro-integration strategy. Therefore we find relevant to draw attentions to this topic. In this paper we outline basic national legislation procedures, laws and migratory strategies and give review of basic national and other bodies. Furthermore, we focus on gaps in processing problems of labour migrants in Serbia

    Transformacija bankarskog sistema Srbije: dvadeset godina kasnije

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    Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže promene koje su nastale u bankarskom sektoru Srbije nakon začetka njegove transformacije, a sa posebnim osvrtom na poslednju deceniju razvoja. Dvadeset godina nakon početka transformacije, osnovna obeležja sistema su konsolidacije banaka, dominantno strano vlasniÅ”tvo, povećanja svih bankarskih agregata merenim apsolutnim vrednostima, pre svega aktive, kapitala, depozita po svim vrstama, svih kredita. Takođe je zabeležen trend rasta profitabilnosti, likvidnosti i adekvatnosti kapitala sektora. Uporedo sa smanjenjem broja banaka, vlasnička struktura je promenjena ka dominantno stranom kapitalu, ali se stepen koncentracije nije drastično promenio. Međutim, učeŔće prvih 5 banaka u ukupnoj aktivi je bilo konstantno iznad 50%, Å”to ukazuje na činjenicu da je bankarski sektor Srbije izuzetno fragmentisan, jer postoji značajan broj banaka s tržiÅ”nim učeŔćem koje je ispod 2%

    E-učenje-stanje i perspektive u Republici Srbiji

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    Sa razvojem tehnologije doÅ”lo je do mnogobrojnih inovacija koje su dovele do toga da se transformiÅ”e sistem i prilagodi trenutnim potrebama. Ovaj rad baziran je na pregledu trenutnog stanja e-obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji. Podaci prikazani u radu su najvećim delom preuzeti iz zvaničnih dokumenata zemlje, kao i radova čija je osnova ova tematika. U narednom periodu istraživanja će biti usmerena ka testiranju određenih inovacija i njihovom uticaju na obrazovanje studenata

    Transformation of the Serbian banking system: Twenty years later

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    The aim of this paper is to present the changes that have occurred in the banking sector of Serbia after the beginning of its transformation, with special emphasis to the last decade of development. Twenty years after the beginning of the transformation, the fundamental features of the system are consolidation, foreign ownership, increases of all banking aggregates measured by absolute values, primarily assets, capital, deposits and loans. Also, a trend of growth in profitability, liquidity and capital adequacy of the sector was recorded. Along with the decrease in the number of banks, the ownership structure changed to predominantly foreign capital, but the degree of concentration did not change drastically. However, the share of the first 5 banks in total assets was constantly above 50%, which indicates the fact that the banking sector of Serbia is extremely fragmented, because there is a significant number of banks with a market share below 2%

    Doking studije nekih jedinjenja sa pirazolom u aktivnom mestu ciklooksigenaze-2

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    Whereas nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac, inhibit both cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxigenase-2 enzymes, selective inhibitors target cyclooxygenase-2, which is overexpressed in inflammation, but also in cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson`s disease. Potential cardiovascular and hepatic side effects of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors have limited their use. The development of selective and safe cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors remains a high priority in drug discovery. Based on the structure of previously investigated newly synthesized Ī²-hydroxy-Ī²-arylpropanoic acids, two groups of compounds were designed: analogs in which one of the benzene rings was replaced by a pyrazole, while the carboxyl group was retained, and amides of Ī²-hydroxy-Ī²-arylpropanoic acids with pyrazole. The compounds were docked into the 3D structure of the catalytic site of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 using AutoDock Vina 1.2.0. and the obtained interactions were compared with the interactions of celecoxib, a selective inhibitor. The amides had lower binding energies than the designed acids, which makes them attractive target compounds for synthesis and further examination.Neselektivni nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi poput aspirina, ibuprofena i diklofenaka inhibiraju enzime ciklooksigenazu-1 i ciklooksigenazu-2, a selektivni inhibitori ciljaju ciklooksigenazu-2 koja je prekomerno izražena u inflamaciji, ali takođe i kod kancera, ateroskleroze, Parkinsonove i Alchajmerove bolesti. Potencijalni kardiovaskularni i hepatički neželjeni efekti selektivnih inhibitora ciklooksigenaze-2 su ograničili njihovu primenu. Razvoj selektivnih i bezbednih inhibitora ciklooksigenaze-2 ostaje veoma prioritetna oblast u otkrivanju lekova. Na osnovu strukture prethodno istraživanih novosintetisanih Ī²-hidroksi-Ī²-arilpropanskih kiselina dizajnirane su dve grupe jedinjenja: analozi u kojima je jedan od benzenovih prstenova zamenjen pirazolom, uz zadržavanje karboksilne grupe, i amidi Ī²-hidroksi-Ī²-arilpropanskih kiselina sa pirazolom. Program AutoDock Vina 1.2.0 je koriŔćen za dokovanje dizajniranih jedinjenja u 3D strukturu katalitičkog mesta enzima ciklooksigenaze-2, a ostvarene interakcije su upoređene sa interakcijama koje ostvaruje selektivni inhibitor celekoksib. Amidi su imali nižu energiju vezivanja od kiselina, Å”to ih čini dobrim kandidatima za sintezu

    Evaluation of the Human Development Index (HDI) Using the Methods of Sample Theory

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    This paper aims to determine which of the two sample plans, i.e., a simple random sample without replacement, or a stratified sample, gives a more accurate estimate of the feature's mean. The feature that was the subject of this research is the human development index in 2018. The analysis included 189 countries globally, classified into specific categories according to the United Nations development classification. The research results showed that a more accurate estimate of the mean of the human development index was obtained by applying a stratified sampling since the mean of the human development index is close to the population mean. Also, the variance of the sample mean is lower than the value obtained by applying a simple random sampling without replacement. Therefore, it was justified to approach stratification, which indicates that in the case of conducting research, the use of a stratified sampling should be considered since it provides a more precise estimate of the mean

    Digital Competences Performance of Serbian Female Entrepreneurs

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    This paper aims to examine Serbian female entrepreneursā€™ performance related to digital competences based on real-life scenario questions. The research was conducted on a sample of 114 female entrepreneurs. The method used for collecting data was an online survey (Google form). The survey questions were based on Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) focusing on the first two areas, ā€œInformation and data literacyā€ and ā€œCommunication and collaborationā€. The results showed that the female entrepreneurs in Serbia achieved better performance (i.e., answered the questions correctly) in the area ā€œInformation and data literacyā€ especially in the segment ā€œBrowsing, searching, and filtering data, information and digital contentā€. On the other side, lower performance of Serbian female entrepreneurs was achieved in the area ā€œCommunication and collaborationā€, where nine questions from thirteen were not answered correctly. Segments ā€œEngaging in citizenship through digital technologiesā€, ā€œCollaborating through digital technologiesā€ and ā€œNetiquetteā€ were identified as the most problematic because there was no correct answer. The authors can conclude that skills incorporated in the segments of the second area need to be improved and boosted to be in line with market demands

    Innovation and New Roles of Employees in Operational Risk Management

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    Innovations have become an everyday part of modern business, which has not bypassed the financial sector. Survival on the market depends on the way banks adapt to new circumstances and trends, such as introduction of new products, services, processes or organizational forms. The report of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision for 2019 points out that financial technologies and innovations increase the complexity of providing financial services, as well as the level of operational risk, making it more difficult to manage and control it. Considering the above, the aim of this paper is to try to determine the impact of the introduction of innovations on the level of operational risk, especially focusing on the human factor and employment. The results for the period 2011-2019, including 26 banks, show that there was an increase in the capital requirements for operational risk and a downsize in the number of employees. However, we could not find strong evidence that this happened due to the introduction of innovative product and services in the banking sector of Serbia
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